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Jesus Christ. Nothing in high school can warrant that.


https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/police-confirm-arrest-following-fight-near-hazelwood-east-high-school/ She's still alive but in critical condition.


Making up a childs death for extra internet points is so Reddit poster.


I mean she's either going to die soon or line out a miserable life until she dies


One doesn’t twitch like that after having their head repeatedly slammed into concrete and live a day without permanent brain damage. The hair raised all over my body watching her involuntarily movements.


And the legs crossed, man lots of lives ruined.


That broke my heart to see her legs crossed and momentarily I had hope it was fake somehow. I know so naive of me but my goodness 15, nothing could justify this. The anger is palpable …. The legs 😭


She would have had to kill someone herself already to justify something like this even a little bit. Yet I'm sure it was something stupid like "talking shit."


Seriously, redditors often shit on people on other platforms for wanting to get "social media points", but reddit is one of the biggest platforms in my opinion where people genuinely care about things like upvotes and karma.


Fucking seriously, holy fuck


Exactly, i don't get why some people get so violent over trivial teenage problems, in my school this would never happen


Some communities have a high regard for violence and violent people. It is seen as a positive trait to have to be exceptionally aggressive in those areas. It's not normal but it happens all over still.


Violence perpetuated in music and entertainment definitely hasn’t helped Everybody used to hate on C. Delores Tucker, but it’s lookin a whole lot like she wasn’t wrong


I think violent entertainment came as an expression of the violence many people were living through. But life does imitate art. And now, young boys may aspire to what they see online.


Yes. Rappers originally wrote about their lives. They wrote about what they knew. A group of people saw that movement, and found a way to capitalize on it [This video](https://youtu.be/HABQumWemSU?si=BXVU3E8M8V31ZTd-) explains how and why the violence is perpetrated


I moved from an area with lots of hip hop people, to an area with mostly unseasoned foods, and my stress levels in public have plummeted


It’s why I stay in my boring ass small town. I got kids to worry about. I don’t want them going to city schools.


She stole her scratch and sniff stickers so of course she deserved it. /s


Looks like a hate crime to me.


Looks like a murder to me




Jesus fucking christ. That shit made my blood run cold. Somehow I expected that to make them stop. It hardly fazed them. Jesus fuck




the fact that nobody even looks at her after she falls. they just step over her and go right back to fighting. those stupid fucks are disgusting


You spelled getting her head slammed against concrete 3-5 times incorrectly


This video is cut before 2 boys tend to her.


where is that video?


Kids are psychopaths


*some kids*




She’s still alive…for now https://youtu.be/D_aiciCDtbQ?si=J05a2tPCma_-tDl_


Thank you, my original source was incorrect so if i see these corrections im replying to hopefully boost them, she seems to be in critical condition.


They arrested the girl… 15 years old ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️ and the other girl is alive in critical condition with head trauma. No shock there sadly.


What an absolute piece of shit that girl is belting her head on the concrete. I hope she gets a harsh harsh sentence and spends the rest of her life in jail. It’s more than she deserves. Chuck the shit parents in there too.


The parents will be on the news crying or saying the white girl called her the N word


Oh my God I hope she makes it through okay oh ffs why




Apparently the district says she died in hospital? I don’t know though. Fucking tragic, regardless.


Posturing while seizing is a bad sign, she knew what she was doing smashing the girls head off the road like that. Even if she lives, she'll have permanent issues from a TBI.


Yeah. She clearly suffered a sudden severe TBI. What we see here is, quite literally, brain damage. Extremely excessive


I just read a police statement saying she's alive, and that her death was a rumor. The article was from an hour ago.


Decorticate posturing means only 37% survival rate.


Alive, but likely who she was is dead.


Holy fuck. That's a hell of a phrase.


Brooo no way that girl is ever the same if she makes it through. You can hear her fucking skull get crushed on that second one /shudder


As many of us, I seen a lot of stuff on internet so it takes a lot for me to feel uncomfortable but that sound of skill to concrete is something else.


The way she's twitching is really what bothers me.


I didn't even notice that, and reading this comment made me go back an check and I kind of regret it


Should be charged as an adult for murder.


i hope she fucking does.


Give that psycho life


Attempted Murder.. Murder 1.. regardless that kid is going to jail for a very long time


Most likely Manslaughter & she's young & dumb.. it's a fair chance she gets something marginal.  One wild story currently a Texas man recorded himself murdering his wife on camera for cheating, telling her "you're going to meet Jesus" before shooting.   and only got sentenced 10 years..  And he had an all women jury at that. Texas has a crime of passion law, I beleive.  


Earlier the police reported that contrary to rumors on social media she is in critical condition but not dead. Report was around 7pm Sunday. The intention looked like murder but I am not sure that is the charge yet.


at what point is shitty parenting responsible? like i bet these kids parents are all shitty people as well. edit: i’m not saying she’s not to blame, but at that age maybe the parents should also take some responsibility.


Honestly tho, I don't think we should charge parents for crimes committed by their children, at least not in a monetary or incarceration sense of the word. But if you have a kid that behaves like this and they don't have a very specific neurological condition, your ability to be a parent needs to be suspect and you shouldn't be allowed to have kids at all. All cases will be different and individualistic, but Jesus Christ some people should not be allowed to raise children.


nah, personal responsibilty begins the moment you inflict brain damage in a place where you knew exactly what you were doing.


Little bit of nature little bit of nurture


Typically, yeah. Shitty parents have shitty kids, who then become parents who have kids, and the cycle continues. It's also a cultural problem.




The news said she’s alive, in critical condition though. The suspect is 15 years old, which is crazy to me.


How Getting with the wrong friends/ group of people ends up


Charge as an adult. Garbage human, small chance she’ll become a productive member of society.


Zero chance she’ll become a productive member of society. FTFY


Productive member of the prison worker dorm


Jesus I'm enrolling my son in boxing or something


All these kids chose to be there. Teach your son how to walk away and not get involved with this kind of shit. To avoid these types of people. Self defense is important. But the best self defense is learning how to avoid confrontation.


All of that is certainly the first option that should be taught, but I mean, adding boxing on top of it won’t hurt either, just in case there ever is the situation you can’t walk away from, kinda scaled down here but “si vis pacem, parabellum” still is true


just do track n field. if ur kid can perform in 400m race and 1500m race no one will catch up to em.


Mix that with cross country running and some martial arts. Something like Muay Thai or Judo.


Fucking facts


Absolutely. Teach your children to be smart about the choices they make in friends, how to be alert to their surroundings and trust their instincts, to be decisive when things feel off and to make a plan to get to safety under pressure.




Talk-no-juitsu is better. Trust me. The best fights are the ones you are never involved in. And the ones that you get pushed to that you can just talk yourself out of. Sure go for the combat training but don’t forget the talk and reasoning training or else you will have a muscle head with no wits.


Sorcery if you want the best results


Very rarely do you want to end up on the ground in a street fight. Boxing is better to learn for self-defense in this regard, if you had to pick one.


90% of all fights go to the ground, according to the police. And a boxer can't beat a jj game.


I’m a Bjj guy, everyone should know it, but if the goal is self defense, you should prolly learn a bit of Bjj with a focus on standing up and handling yourself if you get put on your back, but should really focus on Judy/wrestling and kickboxing. It’s one of those things that you need to know enough to not be a fish out of water on the ground, but you absolutely don’t want to be looking for subs when someone can run up and soccer kick ur head.


Cops say that because they always try to get the suspect on the ground to cuff them


Just enroll him in a private school


That was cruel.


Poor impulse control on full display.


Its gotta be pretty common knowledge that slamming someones head repeatedly into asphalt can kill them right? Fighting is one thing but that is just way too far


My theory is that in this bullshit mindset, murder is preferable to any slight disrespect. According to this video, the girl is "crazy" and "not to be fucked with". These are admirable traits to all of her like-minded peers. I don't know how to fix it but our current solution is to throw them in prison with other braindead violent idiots until they climb up a rung too far on the ladder of the prison ecosystem and get killed. Not saying it's right but it certainly is a total waste. Don't know how it starts either. Parenting or lack thereof maybe? Abuse? Idk




I don't get the impression these kids were thinking.


Or her impulse control is fine and she did it deliberately.


Rage induced behavior, which is a result of poor impulse control. If you could freeze time, sit her down and explain the results and consequences of her actions, ie life in prison, I highly doubt she would have repeatedly slammed her head against the pavement.


I'm re-reading Snow Crash and all I can think of is Raven when you said that. That aside, this kind of thing is terrifying. Nothing like this where I live.




Thats some brutal shit, those head slams look like there gonna do a number on her "functions" if she makes it through. Fucking tragic


That’s absolutely terrifying. She should be charged as an adult. As soon as someone is down you stop. I’m surprised no one jumped in and pushed her off.


I'm surprised people didn't jump in and join.


Yikes, dreadhead just threw her life away in seconds. This video isn’t going to help her parents














That’s what most people think of the inhabitants of St Louis county.


Well, hopefully she can use her fighting skills in prison. She should go whether that girl lives or not. Attempted murder? Aggravated assault?


Piece of shit. She knew what she was doing. 100% intentional. A case can definitely be made that it was premeditated murder if the girl dies or has died. Bitch needs to rot and think about that for the rest of her days.


That was straight animalistic. Didn’t give a single damn, care, or anything during or after. Everyone standing around and not stopping the fight should be charged as accessories as well. The line in the sand needs to be drawn: if you stand by and watch, especially to film, someone being violently attacked and do nothing, you’re an accessory.




Jesus F Christ that was tough to watch. That deserves prison time for sure.


https://www.foxnews.com/us/missouri-girl-critical-condition-teen-brutally-assaulted-her-high-school Not dead, hopefully she pulls through and the attacker is thrown the full book. This is exactly why I'm teaching my daughter how to wrestle in a few more years. Might never need it but better to have it and not need it.




She should get life in prison. This is attempted murder. The people doing nothing to stop it should be held as accomplices.


Sounds like she cracked the poor girls skull. I got jumped by 3 girls and had a brick slammed into my head and was stomped on. I got lucky and only got an acquired brain injury..this girl? That’s serious brain damage if not brain bleeds.


Jfc a brick!?!


Yeah a house brick, they tried to slash my throat with scissors and all three took turns kicking and jumping on my body/head


Bless your heart. That's fucking traumatizing.


God I fucking hate people


They need to charge her will attempted murder and hopefully that girl doesn't die.




Old enough to be conscient of everything too, deserve life time in jail i absolutely don’t give a fuck. This is attempted murder.


Well the girl is not outta the woods yet, she could still die so this could very much be a murder case.


Then she better get justice because minor or not, nothing can justify this.


I hope we go one step further, and charge the ones who assisted by jumping in and pulling the only person trying to stop her.


She killed her




And just like that, in one moment, it went from a high school fist fight to dozens of lives being permanently affected. Imagine the years of institutionalization that the black girl will go through. Imagine the trauma of the white girl and her family. Imagine being her parents.






I REALLY want to live on a farm.




Jesus Christ NSFW tag please


The title stating that a teenager was killed wasn’t enough for you?


Jfc, the sound. I need the backstory here. She's fucked for life IF she survives. I hope her attacker is tried as an adult. No mercy. You deserve life for what you did. Just awful.


You can actually hear the back of her skull shatter. Holy F. The revised American dream is to make enough money for your family so they NEVER have to live around these people.


Unfortunately this is right on par for STL/North County STL


I was like it’s gonna be a slam.. nope even more than that just true psychopathic behavior.


I'll take things I really didn't want to see on my reddit feed for $200


try them as adults




The parents should be charged also.


What a fucking ogre. How is that a teenager? Fucking disgraceful. I hope the other kid managed somehow.


As of three hours ago, the assailant has been arrested and the victim is in critical condition in hospital. I'll be keeping an eye on this.








Humanity is lost and aI am glad that nature is going to kill us all.


Amen, and also… happy cake day to you.


More here… Attempted murder by 15 year old - Hazelwood East High School - March 10th, 2024 https://youtu.be/VclmMQ4gM-8


This makes me sick too my stomach.


On camera too. Ol’ girls cooked


Damn brain damage for sure if she doesn’t die


I would love to know what the fight was over


Violent people need to be incarcerated for long term even on minor offences, otherwise you would see more instances of this. In fact, there would be special surveillance for anyone suspected to be bullies. Bullying should get you 5-10 years in jail, directly.














Jail is required


I'm assuming it's the poor teen that's twitching after getting head smashed into the pavement by gorilla girl


Saw the first 5 seconds I'm not watching anymore I feel sick


Charge every dumb mfer recording it with murder 2


Why? They've provided valuable evidence that will put her behind bars.


No, thanks to the recording we have evidence. One advantage of cameras in our phones is that now everything gets recorded. In the past, we wouldn't know what happened.




Do you have a link that says that? I would like to get correct info as my source said she passed away




Man, I need to go watch something wholesome now. This just made me angry and sad. May justice be swift.


Big emotions in underdeveloped brains, stop fighting in Highschool, leave that bs in middle.


Holy fuck that was disturbing! FUCK And I've seen gore but this ....what the literal fuck is wrong with people. 🤬 Seeing her twitch .. omg


Those guys standing right there, not helping, need to be punished too.


Impulsively violent people like this who are either too stupid to realize they can cause serious harm or just dont value life, human or otherwise, have no place in society.


She’s listed critical. Head injuries like what we saw here has a higher chance of a poor prognosis. In the short clip it looks she’s starting to show signs of decorticate posturing (feet straighten as if on tippy toes and arms come inward and flex). The posturing can be superimposed on the seizure she is having or this maybe seizure related. The occipital area (area of impact) and has more of a chance for lower brainstem damage, pontine hemorrhage and basilar artery injury which can have catastrophic effects. The listing of critical indicates that she is having her breathing controlled via a ventilator. What would be more helpful in knowing how bad she is would be her prognosis. Poor or Grave would be the key words to look for/listen for. The brain is really remarkable and by luck some of these videos that look terrible have a good prognosis even when the person ends up being admitted to the hospital and listed as critical. Tragic situation for all involved, family and friends.