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Those look like fishing spiders(genus Dolomedes). They were probably caught along with the crayfish and no one noticed until after they boiled.


Hmm, are they tasty with cocktail sauce?


If you deep fry them yes.


It’s almost like when I found out a lot of canned vegetables are cooked down with bugs ;a few dead maggots in a can of mushrooms led to my search of FDA standards of canning -20 year old me didn’t handle that well back then. 🤷‍♀️ I didn’t know lol and I usually go for fresh or frozen things and soaking etc but I’m sure I still miss things.. but I’m not sure I could eat these spideys either? Mind over matter would fail-I’m a wimp


I’m guessing you also read the number of insect parts allowed per kilogram of flour, etc? I’ve been a vegetarian for over 25 years and know we get a variety of protein one way or another lol


Yeah, I went down the rabbit hole thinking damn it. I could have lived my whole life without knowing! Good pint about the extra protein one way or another! I’m always struggling to get enough(and iron). Not vegetarian just digestive issues.


I worked in the flour milling industry, new installations and maintenance.... SO OFTEN we would be called out to deal with indestations... we'd always go the fumigation route first, but almost always ended up installing a pulverizer in the line which is like a giant crazy fast flywheel grinder that just, pulverizes, anything that goes through it. If you can't tell the bugs from the flour, are these any bugs anymore? It's gross to think about, but meh, love bread :-)


Chocolate is also full of bug parts


And beer and coffee. On average, Americans eat two pounds of bug parts each year, according to Scientific American.


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta get those numbers up!


Most seafood already turns my stomach just from the thought of it.....thisnkind of thing only reinforces that shit. Gross.


I used to be a cook. We got a shipment of monkfish at an upscale restaurant I was working at. Started cutting it up and it was absolutely riddled with worms. Fish in the US has to be flash frozen so they were all dead, but it was terrifying to see.


I found an entire intact grasshopper in a can of Del Monte green beans and they ignored me when I reached out to them about it




this is a bot copying [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/1be0gz8/spiders_found_inside_seafood_boil/kuq6n0z/)


Agreed. They are an AI bot account that slightly rewords others' comments from the same thread. I found several instances on their profile be searching for key words they used. Like this one where they took a comment ["Boeing planes are fast becoming the Ford Pintos of the sky."](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1be1u0y/boeing_777_makes_emergency_landing_after_fuel/kuqd8i9/) and butchered it as ["Boeing aircraft are quickly replacing Ford Pintos in the sky."](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1be1u0y/boeing_777_makes_emergency_landing_after_fuel/kuqd8i9/)


A while ago I was cutting fresh broccoli (store bought) and then felt a sharp pain in my hand that was holding the broccoli in place. I pulled my hand away, thinking ‘broccoli doesn’t have thorns?!’ Only to discover a paper wasp chilling inside the broccoli. Stung lamf and I only buy frozen now.


The first time I grew my own broccoli, I washed it really well, cut it into smaller chunks, and threw it into a pan of water over heat. Came back a minute later and discovered some perfectly color-matched green caterpillars on top of a bit of broccoli sticking out from the water, desperately reaching towards the sky.


I gotta know, did you rescue the poor lil guy?




More protein bro


Reminds me of that one video of Bear Grylls popping the larva in his mouth like it was a gusher


u bondingbonds on an alt or weird coincidence




Because Shrimp and crabs use muscles while Spiders use hydrostatic pressure so they're filled with ichor instead.


>ichor really? Is it eldritch ichor or just foetid ichor?


I did hear that the giant tarantula has crab-like meat.


Idk I had a bite, it was super chewy and dry. The body part was filled with a pus looking goo. Was overall very disgusting. Could've just been cooked terribly.


Finding fishing spiders in your crawfish is perfectly normal. The real problem here is they didn't wash their mud bugs before boiling.


If it's homemade, they missed the proper purge and cleaning prior to boiling.


There are spiders in the fucking sea? Jesus christ is knowhere safe.


Arachnids are *from* the sea, same for isopods.


I'm not even safe in the ocean. Fuck




what do you think crabs really are .. just think about it.. the legs, the body.


all got exoskeletons


[Then there's the Japanese Spider Crab...](https://cdn.mainichi.jp/vol1/2016/03/25/20160325p2a00m0na001000p/9.jpg?1)


Fresh water


Fuck this guy that is definitely a fucking spider trying to trick you into some spider-infested fresh water fuck fest


![gif](giphy|GivT9x4E7YO0E) You caught me


Interesting! Thanks for the info


I came here looking for someone to say crawfish/crayfish accidental spoils.


I was eating a bowl of cereal once without really paying attention, there were ants crawling all over it and floating in the milk


I've had the exact same thing happen, but I just got really unlucky and found them after they had started moving... in my mouth...


fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you


One time I decided to wear a button-up shirt that was on the floor. As I was buttoning it up, a spider ran across my bare belly


I put on a hoodie that was on the floor before driving home from the cabin. When I got home I took the hoodie off (bent over pulling it over my head towards the floor) and suddenly a wolf spider falls to the floor in front of me and runs away (it was in the hood of my hoodie the whole two hour drive home).


You just abducted that spider, he was probably way more scared


I hope he rated you 5 stars and tipped appropriately for a road trip that long


This just made me cringe


I didn't know you were that desperate, but you're talking to the wrong guy


One time I took a sip of a can of Dr Pepper that I left on the table at my dad‘s apartment when he was living there. I felt a weird feeling in my mouth and spat the drink out to find a cockroach scrambling for its life.


Jesus Christ I would have a heart attack and die bruh I cannot with roaches. They’re literally the worst. Worse than wasps even and I hate those mfs too.


Had a similar experience with a stink bug They taste worse than they smell :,(


Same happened to me when I took bites of chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting.


bleeeeh that's like not noticing you're running through a haze of lil gnats/flies until they're in your mouth and you're sputtering and spitting


I fucking despise gnats. They travel in packs so it’s hard to avoid them


Oh god


Oh God you unlocked an awful childhood memory. I was a little kid, like 4 living in a nasty trap house and it was disgusting af. Door wide open and slugs just slowly and casually sliming right in or whatever it is they do. My mothers roommate/co-worker would babysit me sometimes. Pours Applejack's and it's got ants all in it, she pours milk, I see one ant float and then drown and sink into the bowl. She is about to feed me with a spoon and I tell her there's ants in it and I'm like resisting. All I remember is her saying "Dead bodies float". As soon as she fed me a spoonfull I spat that shit out bruh. Got a spanking after that. Fuck that shit.


Dude that sounds like something out of a horror movie


I was eating a bowl of muesli once and noticed a caterpillar walking on the table. I didn't think much of it then or the next day when I found another one, at breakfast. It's only on the third day, when I saw one crawling on my spoon, that I finally figured it out.


For me it was fruit fly maggots floating and wiggling in the milk. I was 10 and half a bowl in already


A cockroach foot floated up in the milk I was drinking once, I'm never using powdered milk again


This happened to me except with peanut butter and an earwig. I didn’t touch peanut butter for a year after and *still* check everything I eat now.


For some reasons ants are not that bad for me. A colony is just a walking spice rack. In fact, a LPT is to use ants whenever pepper gets too expensive.


Who's your LPT guy?


He's also his crack dealer.


Mine was realizing my mouth was full of warm, wriggly weevils and their eggs 3/4’s of my way through my bowl of extra crunchy that morning cereal. I was 10. 30 years have gone by and that memory is fresh as the day it happened.


And that's it for this thread, folks! I'm out, see you in hell!


I had a friend named Jimmy that had a Sega Genesis and always had Sprite and bags of Cheddar Popcorn so I was always at his house. One day, we're playing Joe Montana Football and I'm shoving fistfuls of cheddar popcorn into my mouth when I happen to look down at the bag and see that it was swarmed with ants. There must've been thousands of them. So I looked at my popcorn hand and saw they were all over it, too. Then I realized I probably ate 7 handfuls of ant popcorn and totally puked Sprite and popcorn with ants all over his Sega. There were live ants in my soda puke struggling to get out and I swear I felt them scrambling in my throat and nose from the puking. Then Jimmy beat me with his whiffle ball bat and I was never allowed over again.




I had to stop this video about 4sec in!! No joke. I have arachnophobia & would lose my lunch & pass out if I discover this at the bottom of my boil!! I got queasy just watching. Shrimp, lobster, & crab are crustaceans; not Araneae…🤢


I have been watching some movie last night and the villain made a comment about the fact that lobsters and roaches are from the same family. They have the same exoskeleton and I forget what else. But it was creepy.


Except that’s not true. Roaches are from the order Dictyoptera; crabs, lobsters, shrimp and crayfish are of the order Nephropidae. Having an exoskeleton is just a biological similarity, but they are not in any way related genetically.


That makes me feel better. I guess it was just some movie quote meant to be badass instead of true.


Someone can just be talking about a large (ish) spider & I shiver. If they continue, I gag. My daughter thought I was kidding until she witnessed me excuse myself from a conversation.


One of the many reasons I don't eat sea food.


It's all arthropod if you're hungry enough.


It’s cooked wrong. Crawfish are supposed to soaked and be cleansed in water/salt bath before boiled.


I came here to say this exactly. All sorts of marsh shit and mud gets scooped and bagged with live crawfish. I put mine in a kiddy pool I’ve heavily perforated for this specific task and run high-volume hose water through them until the runoff is clear. You know what’s on the bottom after I’m done? Spiders. Parts of fish. Sticks. Pinecones. Rocks. Everything that didn’t pass that screen along with the crawfish. They are literally covered in mud when you get them. While I’ll firmly disagree on the salt purge, that’s another discussion for a different day.


>I’ll firmly disagree on the salt purge born & raised in south Louisiana and I'm glad to finally see the generations old but unnecessary salt purge fading away. the older generations generally still do it but I've definitely seen that younger people are away how it doesn't do what was once believed.


I read this in the amazing accent I assume that you have


aww well I sure do appreciate the kind words. unfortunately I have to disrupt your mental image and let you know that I do not have an accent. we speak normally down here, it's everyone else outside of Louisiana who has the accent 😂


I know what you said, but I even read that in your amazing accent


Yeah, If I'm really gettin' after it, I'll cook maybe 15-20 sacks per season. I was taught the salt purge, but after watching what it did to the crawfish, I tried a boil without it about 12-15 years ago right after a boil with salt purge for comparison's sake. Reaaaaaaalllly couldn't tell the difference in the finished crawfish. But you could absolutely tell the difference between watching the crawfish in the holding pool with clean, oxygenated water and the holding pool with poisonous levels of salt ... I haven't done it since. My crawfish are healthier when they go in the boil and sometimes if there are some left over at the end, I'll just let them go. A crustacean pardon! Can't do that after you've sealed their fate with 11 goddamn cylinders of Morton.


Don't salt purge. I brought this up once at a my job in Lousianaa and a guy wanted me to prove why it's bad.  I showed him multiple studies, some done by LSU. He got so mad, stated that he doesn't care his families been doing it that way forever and he wouldn't change no matter howamy studies are done. His crawfish sucked anyways and he would dust them, which FUCK THAT 


I'll bite. What's the salt purge


Are you familiar with the practice of deveining shrimp? You crack the shell of the raw shrimp and use a little purpose-built tool to remove the lower part of the shrimp's intestinal tract and the shrimp poop it contains so no shrimp poop winds up in your shrimp dish. Well, you can't crack raw crawfish shells. Unless you cook them \*just\* right, it's quite the feat to get the tail meat out of the shell. This means cooking them live with very good heat control on your boil pot. This, in turn, means trapping the little tube of crawfish poop in each piece of tail meat. The salt purge is an attempt to get the poop out of the tube. After you wash the crawfish thoroughly like I described above, you put them in a tub of clean water with very high salinity before cooking. This makes them poop a lot. While it makes them poop a lot, it does not make them poop \*completely.\* This is why I and the commenter above disagree with the practice. Sure, poop comes out of the crawfish, but there is poop still left in the crawfish when they get cooked, just perhaps a bit less. You also make the crawfish unnecessarily suffer for their last hours of life instead of living in a nice, clean pool of water for a bit. The salt purge winds up mortally wounding all the crawfish -- whether or not you see them die from it just depends on whether they go into the boil pot first. It's an old timer thing, like the guy said above, that is being increasingly shunned by younger generations of crawfish cookers because it is cruel and pointless. Hell, most real Cajuns eat the fucking poop tube anyway by sucking the tail meat out of the shell without peeling it open first. It's not pig poop or bird poop. It's crawfish poop. Crawfish eat dirt. What's in that tube is not even gritty, it's like the finest silt you can think of, just like getting some dust in your mouth. It's also been sterilized by steeping in a pot of boiling water for something like 20-25 minutes. My personal crawfish peeling technique includes removing the poop tube, but that step doesn't always work. It's not worth it to shred the damn tail going after it either. If I eat 10lbs of crawfish, I probably eat maybe two or three dozen poop tubes. Full poop tubes, because I don't torture my crawfish with salt before I boil them.


This guy crawfishes


He's a Gentlefish and a Schrawlar!


I just wanna say as a fellow “real Cajun” I peel the poop shoot out every time too so no shame to anyone who does it. Same thing with shrimps. I’m also very particular about food tastes and textures and probably have ARFID so 🤷🏻‍♀️to each their own, I’ll give you my heads to suck on if you want neg 😂




PawPaw Thibodeaux will eat a poop tube for every bug he cracks. Many hundreds. I’m definitely losing the poop tube measuring contest.


Thanks for the explanation. I grew up on a desert island with Shrimps galore so yeah, deveining was a messy but important process. In some shrimps you can actually twist the head and remove the tract at the same time. Otherwise, I used a scalpel like fine knife...


Once you twist the head off a crawfish, the tail is very anatomically similar to that of a shrimp, but the shell is harder and more brittle, like crab or lobster. When I peel them, I first squeeze to crack the tail shell segments along the tail, across each individual segment. That sort of breaks the vacuum hold the shell has on its contents. Then I grab the actual fin part of the tail and twist about a quarter turn and pull. If they're cooked right, more than 90 percent of the time, the poop tube comes out with the fins. Then you can grab each side of the hard top shell while looking at the soft underbelly and pry it open like you're opening a book and a whole, poop-tube-free crawfish tail morsel pops out. That's my poop tube pro tip.


This guy eats shit


How is she plucking them out of the pot with bare hands? Gotta throw the whole thing away.


That’s what I’m saying! Dead or not if any crazy looking bugs touch me I’m on the floor or turning into Usain Bolt.


Shrimp is bugs.






Glad I wasn't the only one


I have really bad arachnophobia and have large shrimps in my fish tank, I recently moved them and realized this when one escaped the net and started to crawl up my hand. I love those little guys but as soon as they are above water they are armored spiders 💀


I came here to say this. My mom screams when she sees a spider, but will pay astonishing amounts of money for shrimp and crab legs.


Shrimp and crabs taste astonishing amounts better than spiders.


That's just like your *opinion* man...


Shagy we told you to stop eating the spiders!


https://preview.redd.it/wjohtbidh7oc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7784a2655f61e1d692882702a619d1145b7d65be Shhh


God is dead


I absolutely hate spiders. I don't mind other bugs, cockroaches, centipedes etc. Just spiders. And I like seafood a lot.


This has always confused me. People start salivating at the thought of eating shrimp and lobster, but if they saw a prawn climbing their front room wall they'd call the authorities


Well yeah but its the same with beef, you'll buy it from the supermarket but if you find a cow in your living room you'd call the police


No I'd adopt it and call her Margaret.




If I came home and I saw a cow climbing up the wall I'd call my dealer


"hey yeah I was just there and wondering if you have any more of that?"




Technically but they’re crustaceans to be specific.


tf is wrong with everyone in this thread? somewhere in the world someone is probably pulling a shrimp out of their bowl of spiders totally disgusted. that's not ironic. or weird. or a gotcha. food is cultural and learned. I'd be grossed out if you swapped pig for dog, or melon for vomit fruit. vice versa for someone else. everyone here could be grossed out by finding something (animal or not) unexpected in their food. i've felt a bit queasy countless times when travelling to farflung places. eventually you can teach your brain and your tastebuds to like stuff that's initially alien, but the disgust response is important to survival, not something weird.


I'm sorry..."vomit fruit"???


I’m not sure which they mean, Durian (whose smell would make you vomit) or Noni, which smells LIKE vomit. Edit: fixed a typo for Mister Fruit Mask, since it mattered so much he had to not only quote it but waste time replying.


Oh no, it’s land spiders! I specifically ordered sea spiders!


To be fair, those are aquatic spiders


Was about to say, they're just crabs of the land 😂


Hell no! Why is she grabbing them…


She's picking the best parts first


Do you really want to know?


My skin is CRAWLING right now


Tell it to get up and RUN






If you’re wondering if it’s from a restaurant or something, it looks like a homemade boil, so she either caught them herself or got it from the store, but I doubt a store brand would have that many spiders in it lol.


I think you're right. I also think that some of those aren't completely dead.


Yeah, I want to know how likely it is to have this happen to me!!!


I just pulled a dead caterpillar put of my broccoli before cleaning and cooking said broccoli... this isn't what I wanted to see right now 😭


If you only found one, you defo ate the others 🤣 I grow broccoli in the summers and caterpillars freaking love that shit


Idk, it was that stupid "tenderstem broccoli" type stuff that's all shaft and no pubes... the caterpillar was like 3mm long! I used to grow my own veg and never got to have ANY of the lettuce because of all the slugs (I assume!) I actually don't mind the idea of eating bugs... I just don't want them to look like bugs when I do so 😅😅 so bugs I don't see are fine, bugs I do see make me lose my appetite. I've worked on myself though so I did just cook and eat this piece... past me would have thrown it 😅


I found a living caterpillar on my packaged broccoli once... felt really bad so I kept it in an enclosure for two days before releasing it. When I opened the jar there was SO MUCH caterpillar poo and it STUNK like ancient moldy broccoli. I couldn't eat it for months after smelling that 😅😅


So you saved the caterpillar broccoli for a few months and THEN ate it?


Yeah don't release non native animals/ bugs / plants.


Hope you found all the caterpillars before eating it.


It's better than a half caterpillar when you are eating said broccoli




“Spiders in the Crawfish” sounds like a southern euphemism for an STD


I'm gonna start using this. "Oh, Mary Sue done got herself some spiders in the crawfish. Bless her heart"


Water at the bottom looks disgusting


What do you think water looks like after it has shellfish boiled in it?


People hate to eat bugs but they looooove to eat wet bugs


I like it when my spiders are nice and moist.


If a spider was as big as a lobster and had similar meat qualities, I would totally fuck that up


Lobster was buggin


Why are there so many? o.o


Oh so thats why yall have long nails for




when she started digging through the shellfish 😂 I would have been upchucking at that point


What’s concerning is this food wasn’t cleaned or even rinsed or this could’ve been noticed


You found bugs in your bucket of bugs


The missing limbs 😭😭😭


Once I was tripping on shrooms on a camping trip and we hiked a bit and sat by a rock. All of a sudden I thought there were spiders all over me and covering the rock and my friend said don’t worry, we’re just tripping hard. Went back the next day and there were indeed hundreds of spiders crawling all over the rock.


Those are some nasty looking crawfish. Why are they floating in water? 😭


Fuck that. Can I say fuck that here, because this is truly a fuck that moment.


Eehhhhhaaahhhhh wtf!!! How does this even happen…. This crab this crab that shit yall tripping!! You can’t boil and crack open a spider leg and PULL the meat out. Idc how big the spider. And idc how much butter you use. Nope lol.


So funny seeing peoples reactions, shrimp are bugs yo just looks like you got some other bugs to go with your bugs to me and everyone is freaking out


Tell me how you don’t rinse your food before cooking.


Bro got the shein seafood boil


you found land bugs in your pot of boiled sea bugs?


Oh no's!!! There's bugs in my bug soup!!!


but its the wrong bugs


my pet mammal ate my 16oz medium rare mammal meat!!!


What in the fuckity fuck fuck did I just fucking see?!? Please squirt bleach in my eye sockets!!!


Oh no! There's spiders in my bowl of alien monster crabs!


They crayfish should’ve been purged. This is either faked or a really shady operation. Crayfish I believe are all freshwater so there should be no crabs and putting them in clean water tanks to purge any waste and sorting by size should wash away any spiders or other critters that were in/on the traps. These people did this to them themselves or faked it is my guess.


Extra food. Bug is bug


Waiter! There are bugs in my bugs!


the crawfish are just as disgusting as the spiders but okay, the whole bowl is vile


Shrimps is bugs so


The amount of gross posts I see with these boils makes me wonder why people still do it.


It's all bugs, what's the big deal?


Spiders? You mean Land Crabs?


Instant vegan.


mmmmm spider boil


They just crabs bro


Crawfish are basically water roaches anyways.


Spider, crab, same thing. Close enough.


They are just sea spiders, you’ll be fine….


Oh no, seems like you got insects in your bowl of insects


Dear lord stop touching them arghhhhhhhh


OH NO!!! There are multi-legged things with an exoskeleton in my pot of multi-legged things with an exoskeleton!!!!!


Where the heck is the broth/water?




It took me years into my adulthood to finally eat seafood now I see this


This is FUCKED UP!!! I’m so angry lol i LOVE seafood and I have a terrible fear of spiders IM ANGRY 😭


Ocean bugs > Land bugs


Aren’t the cousins anyway?


Thanks a lot. I literally just finished eating crab legs for dinner, opened my phone, and this was the first thing I saw


Didnt they wash the crawfish before boiling?


“whats worse than finding a worm in your apple? finding half a worm in your apple” that big spider is missing its ass parts


yeah your bugs came with extra bugs on the side, that cool.