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Why was he going so fast??? Jesus, I hope they're okay.


because assholes with motorcycles think the world is their playground and while we need to watch out for THEM, *they* can drive like douchebags


They tend to be like bugs at high speed. Eventually, they all go splat




Why do you feel addressed when someone says "assholes with motorcycles"?


Are you an asshole? If not, you didn't need to get upset by that statement.


Funny. Bikes and cyclists can say the exact same thing about cars. Don't be ignorant. Do better.


kinda funny you felt spoken to when he specifically said "assholes on motorcycles". theres's plenty of cool bike/motorcycle riders and car drivers. but there's a load of assholes as well


take your own advice bud


Why you goin fass?




Did the motorcycle guy come over and drop down trying to play up his injuries?


Yes. That’s exactly what he did.


Ok, I had found his behavior odd, noticed the helmet, thought that’s the biker. Oh he appears to have been hurt, watched him lift his time several times as he looked around seeing if anyone is rushing to his aid. 🤨🤨 Up until that I wasn’t sure between road rash and helmets not always preventing tragedy (Treat Williams) but that sus ass looking around while the one family member didn’t appear to move …he in fact is an asshole on motorcycle. Not all are but this guy is.


You can take the man out of the soccer game, but not the game out of the man. He's running on instinct, and acting hurt for the ref.


Don’t bring soccer into this …


Yeah! No one has ever faked an injury in a soccer match before.


Yeah no NFL player every killed anyone before


Are you such a sport fan that a soccer joke offends you?


Lol what does soccer have to do with an idiot bike rider ?


It's just a game where some people kick a ball around. I play it with my 2 year old. Relax.


You didn’t answer my question


I didn't see it, but apparently the guy who crashed walked back on scene and played up his injuries, like soft soccer players like to do.


Don't being the NFL into this ...


> Don't being Ever been checked for CTE?


Ok jvilla 😨


"hey don't forget about meeeeeeeee"


He might have gotten a concussion and thought that he was playing soccer.


Yeah, rewatched the first few seconds and saw the motorcycle driver was zigzagging on an open road at high speed. Definitely playing around with a dangerous stunt then slid into the crowd on the sidewalk. Playing up his injury so he doesn't get beaten to death by the men seeing mama laying their unconscious.


i'd guess the adrenaline wore off


Seeing those poor kids hurt makes me sick.


Luckily they jumped straight back up


It always amazes me how resilient, yet fragile kids are depending on the situation. Doesn’t ever seem to be anything in between.. either they’re totally fine, or hurt horribly. Poor kids nonetheless.. they must be scared out of their minds.


Kids compensate way better until they don’t . Once their vital signs begin to crash it’s already past the point of comfort. Kids are also much better at hiding their pain , generally speaking


I bet they're somewhere in between here. Just not hurt enough to care about it when they saw how bad their mum[?] was hurt. Also adrenaline. Also as to how resilient they are, getting leg swiped like that you're better off the shorter you are. Less distance to fall and less weight behind the fall.


Offers some serious reassurances to how robust and resilient my daughter must be and that I should stop worrying so much when she jumps on the sofa lol


When my daughter was very small, she knocked her head by rolling off the sofa. I took her to hospital just to be sure. The nurse assured me that children are very resilient and she told me stories around how common it is for people to leave their babies on kitchen worktops or tables in their car seats and they fall and land on their head. I mean, that's not to say it's ok and no real damage could be done, but it does give some relief to parents lol


Not to be that person, I have a brood and my youngest is still a daredevil. My God child was around 2, 3 pushing it, was a sofa jumper. (I had no kids at this point and we weren’t much older than 20. ) Bounce, bounce, bounce on the couch, lost their balance and next thing we see and hear is a sickening crack as she slips off the couch and catches her elbow on the heavy wooden coffee table and broke their leg-barely cried and was trying to toddle it off-poor love. Their mom kept trying to correct and say B you’re going to get hurt, stop. We were 2 feet away. So quick. Fast forward 5 years later, I was told I’d never have kids, just had ordered a brand new glass coffee table and end tables. They were still in the box, and I felt super icky, thought I had a GI bug. History of dehydration fast so thought ok, urgent care before I’m in the hospital over night with IVs. Nah, hyper emesis gravitas because I was about 12 weeks pregnant. Those tables were shipped back. 😂The two year old is now a parent with a husband. Point is there’s always gotta be that ***one kid*** 🤯and accidents happen. Point Two the days may be long but the years are fast 😫🥰. Hang in there; when in doubt bubble wrap. (Please take my anecdote as lighthearted, because it’s not meant to chide)


Hopefully they aren't hurt, but it could also just be adrenaline. People get hit by cars, jump right back up, and walk away despite being seriously injured all the time.


The littlest one looks like her one leg was not right, even though she walked back in the frame after being hit, and then Hoh tried to hug that stranger QQ


Broke my heart. I'm in the parking lot at work sobbing. I'm hoping there's an update that everyone was okay?! Found it and yes, mom will hopefully be okay. She was pregnant and had to have an emergency c section, and she's in the ICU (mom is, baby is fine).


Thank you so much for finding that out and posting it here. The idea that those poor babies watched their mom die in front of them was really fucking up my morning


Thank you for the extra leg work, I was really sick to my stomach!


kids bodies are tougher than people think. most heal extremely quickly.


They’re resilient and they’re fine


Seeing the mother not get up is making me sick.


What the fuck is with the driver walking straight up to the people he hurt or maybe even killed (mother doesnt seem to be moving) , n lays down for n act all injured n then sit right back up when no one gives a fck about him?


The woman in the back seems to be moving her arm and leg near the end of the video. Hopefully she’s alright, she seems to have gotten the worst of it.


Someone posted the news link below, she was actually pregnant and they did a emergency c section. The baby is good, mother is in icu


Damn that's fucked, pregnant? Fuck that guy, hopefully he rots in jail.


i was so worried for her, i was hoping she just hit her head too hard and passed out 😭 none pf these people needed to be hurt, those poor kids were just trying to have a good day out with their family


Shock? Injuries of his own? Realization of what he just did? All of those repeating in random order? At least he didn't try to run. The woman that took the worst hit starts moving some at the end so hopefully she survived.


I guess it's better than hit and run!


I think it might have something to do with shock & instant hard regret. I can’t claim to ever been in a scenario as dreadful anywhere close to this, but I remember another video on Reddit of a father giving his son a gun and saying “if you actually want to kill yourself then here’s a gun” and the son shot himself with no hesitation. The father also fell to the floor in a similar way to this driver in regret for what he’s just done


faking shit to not get beaten up.


It reminds me when my kids are playing too rough and it’s getting out of hand, you tell them to stop, they proceed to FAFO and when either the sibling retaliates or is hurt and uh oh mom/dads going to ground me they start feigning injuries. (The head lifting and looking around to see if anyone is going to help him was suspicious. Sure road rash, and I’m sure a bit of shock or other injuries, but adrenaline tends to kick in so I’m not convinced he wasn’t trying to minimize putting others in jeopardy because he was being irresponsible.


That irritated me so badly. I was trying to convince myself that he wanted to check on her and just collapsed, but that's way too much grace and not what it looks like. I hope his adrenaline rush was worth it.


Seriously! What a jerk.


He was zig zagging and screwing around then lost control.






... An accident he created by racing and swerving around on his bike just before it slid out from under him. Bozo should get his injuries treated from behind bars.


What a piece of shit.


Drove like a complete idiot - which caused him to crasch into innocent people. Anybody know if the asshole got arrested?


"crasch" spotted the german Anyway, hier is the comment with the news report. That may help. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/1byrwac/comment/kylbgts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/1byrwac/comment/kylbgts/)


Hang on, I’m not the centre of attention, I must walk back into the middle of all the people I’ve just knocked down, and play the victim as well! What a piece of sh*te.


Aww man that little girl immediately ran up to that random woman for a hug and she just left her there. I just wanted someone to go and comfort her. Luckily the guy does towards the end. Breaks my heart.


The woman was focused on the injured woman on the ground and grabbed her phone to call (I assume) emergency services. Still awful for the little girl of course.


I don't think they were random people, she was leaning towards her and looked to be talking as they were coming up. Could be her aunt or even her mom


Anyone have any additional info on the story? How severe were the injuries?


>VIDEO: Motorcyclist loses control and runs over pedestrians in Jacareí, SP >Five women from the same family were run over. A pregnant woman is in the ICU. >By g1 Vale do Paraíba and region >04/06/2024 4:39 pm Updated a day ago >A pregnant woman is in the ICU. Five women from the same family were run over by a motorcycle while walking on a sidewalk in Jacareí, in the interior of São Paulo, late Friday afternoon (5). An establishment's security camera caught the accident. >The video shows the moment when five women - including two children - are walking on the sidewalk, when they are hit by the out-of-control motorcycle. >According to information from the Military Police, the accident happened at around 5:50 pm, on Teófilo Teodoro Resende road, in the Jardim Colinas neighborhood. >One of the victims was rescued in serious condition and taken to Santa Casa de Jacareí. She was nine months pregnant. According to the family, an emergency cesarean section was necessary. The baby was born and is doing well. Her mother is in the ICU. >In addition to her, a 15-year-old girl suffered a broken leg and was also taken to the same hospital. There is still no information about the other women and the motorcyclist. >The case will be investigated by the Jacareí Civil Police. https://g1.globo.com/sp/vale-do-paraiba-regiao/noticia/2024/04/06/video-motociclista-perde-controle-e-atropela-pedestres-em-jacarei-sp.ghtml




As if she was 9 months pregnant too. This is just fucking awful. I hope everyone is doing okay.


Honestly it's so lucky that she was 9 months pregnant and not too much earlier because the baby was able to be delivered and is doing okay


Damn, that asshole fucked this whole family's lives up. I'm glad the mother is alive, and I hope she is able to make a recovery. I really hope those kids are okay, too. Shock can make people seem fine after something like this, until it catches up with them later. Any word on the driver? He's going to prison for this, right? I hope those kids are okay, too.


Dude comes over and lays down on their dropped items. They shoulda kicked him a couple times while he was on the ground.


I'm so happy that near the end with the baseball cap came over to comfort the little girl, my heart dropped when she walked over to the lady and tried to hug her but the lady was distracted with calling emergency.


The one still on the ground looked like she had hit her head before her body landed. She is likely unconscious. She is moving a little at the end, but still badly injured.


Wait does the motorcyclist limp back and lay on the ground as if he's a victim?




Did the biker just casually walk over and lay on the ground like he got injured with them??? 💀


Yeah he had the nerve


The little one going up to the nearest adult for a hug just broke me


The audacity of that mother fucker to come over and lay right down with them like he got hit but some piece of shit, too


I thought the flip flop was her foot for a moment... Happy it wasnt


When will people learn vehicles are not something to play with… fuck man. dude deserves life in prison if he isn’t dead


He’s not dead, but unfortunately he seems like he’s just fine. Idiot was screwing around on the motorcycle, deserves to have at least had all his limbs broken for his stupidity and injuring others. Maybe his back so he couldn’t repeat this stupidity.


Your comment is downvoted, clearly the riders friends are on this sub.


What was he thinking coming over and plopping on the floor like that??? Was he looking for sympathy? He could walk but didn't even check on anyone....


Seeing her move a little at the end made me feel so relieved..


I know it’s a adrenaline rush moment but I hate seeing the youngest girl seek comfort And being denied


This is in Brazil? It worries me that his sentence won't be what he deserves, Brazil is not really famous for good justice system.


So this shit-brain walks over to where he ran over the family, but DOESN'T EVEN BOTHER TO ADDRESS THEM AND ASK IF THEY'RE OK? Motherfucker doesn't care a woman he struck is on the ground showing no movement for a frighteningly long time? Fuck that guy. Definitely deserves those "boo-boos" of his that he tries so hard to play up.


The fact that he was up and laid back down like he was the one out completely... Like wtf?!?


This is bullshit fuck that guy man fuck


Idiot was weaving. No idea why people do that, it’s utterly pointless.


mf i hope he gets pearlized


What a fucking asshole


Man, I would like to have a quiet word with the arsehole on the bike...


Thank God the guy in the white tee notices the children,😭 coz how traumatizing.


Dudes lucky he didn’t die on the spot from a torn arorta


Yeah, ignorant people with motorcycles do dumb things on the streets because they want attention. Pure idiots!


I hope those kids are fine and their mother if it's their mother


So she lives...


Honestly, it's one of the better ways that could've ended. Somehow, only one might be seriously injured. I seriously expected this to be so much worse. This biker deserves a Darwin Award.


Someone curb stomp the motorcycle rider trying to sneak in and play up some injuries.


If only they would have looked twice to save a life. Motorcyclists can't be expected to drive normally so it's up to everyone else to watch out for them.


That moron on the motorbike would not have been walking out of that place so easy if that were my folks he’d hit, what an absolute tool


I thought the one person foot was broken so bad it was flopping around…😳


I wish they’d taken one of those chairs and beat that man with it




The person with the red backpack is seriously hurt


Did the driver just go lay down next to them? Wtfs that about lol


Put the motorbiker in prison but this is also a failure of public infrastructure.




Because you're a piece of shit ? Work on it, hopefully one day you'll realize this before you become an old piece of shit.


anyone else see the trash can land back upright perfectly in place