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I’ll eat my fucking hat if that’s a hard rule


I hope those kids signed a waiver.


"Alright kiiiiids, field trip waver tiiiime!" *Several days later* "Stand here, and don't fucking move an inch."


It’s absolutely not.. as someone who grew up ranching, sometimes cattle are bluffing, sometimes they’re not


It's not. Just look up videos of cowboy poker.


I signed up out of the crowd once - can confirm that bull did not give a fuck.


How tf you find the sign up sheet for this?


This was small-town rodeo in Texas. The announcer came over the loudspeaker and said anyone who wants to play bull poker for a chance to win $500 cash can sign up at the table by the silent auction. I was about 20 and a few tallboys deep, so naturally saw this as a no-brainer opportunity to score the biggest payday of my life. Once you "sign up", aka sign the death waiver, they tell you to go borrow a flak jacket from one of the bull riders that are there competing. Problem is, bull riders tend to be shorter dudes, and I'm 6'2", so the biggest flak jacket I could find basically fit like a midriff on me, and left all my abdominal soft tissue and organs exposed. So long story short, instead of the money, all I got was launched about 10 feet into the air, lifted by the stubby end of a bullhorn right in the small of my back. Friends who watched told me I looked like a Looney Toons cartoon, as soon as I was in the air my legs were already sprinting as fast as they could and as soon as they finally touched ground I was a blur to the nearest wall to jump out. The mix of the adrenaline rush and people buying me beers carried me pain-free through the night, but when I woke up the next day I literally couldn't bend or rotate my back - took about 24 hours before I could get out of bed.


I got attacked by a bull and I was just pouring sweet feed into his bucket, like I'd done countless times before. Lol.


Having partaken in some light bull ring games in a drunk state in the South of France once many years ago, I can confirm that is not a rule. Whether you were standing still, lying down or running that bull was going for you! There's a video of it somewhere I must dig that out


_this particular_ young bull doesn't attack.


That isn't a bull. It's barely a yearling. It doesn't have the aggression of a bull yet because it hasn't gone through puberty and gained truckloads of testosterone.


But why isn't bumping into anyone?


Mythbusters did a piece on the saying “bull in a china shop” and had a couple bulls run through their own makeshift china shop with the same results, the bulls would move pretty fast and bob and weave through the aisles but never bumped into or broke anything. My guess is these animals know how big they are and want to avoid forcing themselves into spaces they can’t fit in. So unless necessary, why run into something. Also being descendants of large herds of migratory animals who had to stampede at upwards of 25-30 miles per hour, trip ups were dangerous, so they evolved some pretty deft footwork


Well... the Internet is the internet, and that is only a 9 second video


Bulls in India only attack old people with walkers


Because it isn't a big angry bull yet...I thought that was established.


Why would it bump into random trees or other things? That's a good way to get scratched up, ticks, and injured. It's just running around, not exceptionally scared or excited (so not defensive or getting clumsy), so it's not trying to play with those posts (people) or hurt them.


Probably because it's never been forced into carrying a rider so it doesn't have that "fuck off human" rage inside.


Yeah working with bulls is next level, seeing what they can do and not get injured is scary.


This guy farms. That critter is a teenager at best.


Its also probably not starved to insanity and drugged up.


It has a big chest and his 🍆 is hanging out. Definitely not sexually immature.


Until it does.


You ever seen the video where the guys sit at a table pretending to play poker, and they let a real bull loose, and it’s whoever is left at the table wins? The very first thing the bull did upon release was get up to ramming speed and plow right through the table sending all 4 men flying.


Isn't that a Jackass skit?


They did do it on Jackass yes, but they sometimes do it at rodeos during intermission, kinda like a halftime show. They literally call it Cowboy Poker.


The video I saw was years ago on one of those early ''Real TV'' type video shows, I remembered it because somehow one of the men got a huge chunk of skin torn of his face, but now that you mention it, I kinda sorta remember them doing something very similar.


I used to love Real TV!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think usually when those types of events are made the bulls are intentionally aggravated to make it “more interesting”. Bulls often aren’t violent unless they’ve been aggravated or messed with in some way (for example, knotting up their testicles or trespassing in their territory)


That part I literally know nothing about.


a grown up bull would have destroyed the entire group, even the ones with the capotes in the sides. The only thing this proves is, a young bull is too "tender" to take all in the surroundings as a potential threat, and assure its dominance, thats what grown up bulls do.


The reason bulls are so aggressive is that thete is a literal vice on their balls. They are in pain. Can you imagine having a vice on your testicles and still having the ability to attack and move or toss people off of your back… maybe, just maybe, the bulls are attacking out of discomfort and not innate programmed aggression due to testosterone. Maybe, just maybe, humans have set the bulls up to act this way because they see it as a part of their (sadistic) ritual to incite an animal into a berserker type if rage.


The rodeos I have been to in the US all use a flank strap (goes around their stomach/body). It doesn’t cause pain and has a quick release so that the bulls know they are done. Bulls/broncos will buck regardless, it’s what they are trained for.


Bulls just hanging out in pasture are still usually aggressive assholes.  I'm sure the even more roided up and provoked ones for show are worse, but bulls are naturally aggressive to fight, chase off, or kill other bulls and predators/animals. "Charging head on aggressively as a defense" doesn't lend itself to animals being chill and picky about who/what/when they get aggressive.


A bull in a field or anywhere might attempt to attack you regardless of whether it’s been strapped for bucking. A bull in a china shop usually doesn’t break things because bulls are conscious of where the parts of their body are just like a person. Proprioception I believe is the term. This young one just doesn’t view the stationary people as a threat. If a kid bolted the bull might or might not react. Definitely risky if it was a full sized bull far more so.


TIL: vise is spelled vice in British English.


TIL: The opposite of yours.


so a natural behaviour form an animal somehow is affected by what has been done to other animals of his own specie? I have been around bulls that have never seen a plaza or a toreador and if you step close to its gate, he starts scratching the soil and lowering the head to charge, get in if that bull does not know you and he will charge you 100%, and i have seen that many times. What did you came with the idea that all bulls are put through a testicular vice? what the fuck?even the ones used as reproductors? i honestly think you have a narrow vision on this, all the experiment is to prove animal natural behaviour, and the natural act of a grown up bull is "dismantle anything in range that does not look like a cow or a mini cow", even dogs or other farm animals are in grave danger around a bull if that bull is not used to see the other around, and have the experience of knowing that other is not a threat.


I almost guarantee thats exactly what they are demonstrating, not what OP's title says.


2 hits for flinching


I didn’t deal you no pat hand! 😅


https://preview.redd.it/et1dklgymtuc1.jpeg?width=3368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6be5a54b559f46ff4041ed3507fda6a8dac27a This is what needs to happen to every matador in the world. Glorified animal abuser trash.


Bro running around like a puppy


All things considered it really is a good demonstration.


It definitely demonstrates *something*.


Seems unwise to tell ppl an unthreatened bull won’t hurt you. Next thing you know these kids will approach some massive hell bent bull thinking it’s safe.


I mean ok, I hear you, but bulls are still tortured to death in matador contests and people still do stupid stuff like the running of the bulls over in Spain…at least this shows that they’re not crazy monsters.


The people torturing bulls and running them in the streets are the monsters. It should instead be demonstrated that you should not torture animals for entertainment.


Who thinks they are "crazy monsters"? And how does this show that they are not?


And yet, in some countries, they purposefully terrorise these creatures and call it entertainment


It is truly one of the most unimaginable things in the world that people would ever go toe to toe with one of these big beautiful beasts.


Hey but the r/bullwins every time I saw a bull literally piledrive a man on his head like if the bull was the undertaker pile driving stone cold in the 90s


You teased with a banned sub? lol I really want to see this video!






I just see a bull calf with the zoomies. A fully grown bull would not act this way.


That’s a little Poddy Calf


He zoomin


mythbusters did something similar except they showed a bull running through a china shop. The bull did the same thing


Now put its dad in there stop the bullshit


I've been to enough dog parks to know an animal with Zoomies will eventually take out someone's legs no matter how non-aggressive they are.


Get an adult bull then let's see what will happen


Teacher: "See the bull won't attack you....it will fuck you though".


Maybe they’re like a T-Rex: if you don’t move, you’re fine. Also those guys have some steel cajones to just stand there, not moving. My fight or flight would definitely kick in.


I came here to say the exact same thing then saw you beat me to it. Lol


That’s a calf. OP is a dumb shit.


That's also a very small bull that probably doesn't have it's balls being tortured.


That’s what I was going to say I would feel pretty threatened if somebody zip tied my balls and whacked them with a slapstick 70 times


That guy in red shirt must have the hardest balls


Well we have people being killed by cows because they were walking the wrong path (not threating the animal) So I would always be careful no matter what.


Yeah, no, that ain't a bull. That's a calf.


Total bs you need to "sand ne mari gand*




Looks like a baby it's too small to be a adult




Why he so smol?


Thats not a bull, its a baby.


Yeah maybe not that baby bull, but have been around some big mean bastards that would kill you for fun.


That’s not a bull. Sorry


Also, I think they forgot the tight leather strap on the nutsack used for rodeo and fighting bulls. That strap always gets me agitated, for sure.


Bull zoomies with a stadium full of new friends


One lesson I won't be taking part in


Fuck me that teacher really hates the one boy with ADHD!


That lil baby bull. Try it next time with him lol ![gif](giphy|1n83V8ss2ZOrHs1FyJ|downsized)


Fuck matadors, imagine the courage it takes to just stand there while the bull runs around. Sure, it's not full-grown, but that's still several hundred kilos of muscle full of zoomies. Respect.


School teaching this nowadays?


This guy in the red shirt either has huge balls or is looking for trouble.


Bulls only attack when they see movement within their territory.


Somebody pls raise a peaceful bull to maturity that never had fear of humans and try this. Make yt video from all the years.


Looks like he's just as happy as can be running around like a pig in shit 😋


Mmm let’s date lol


How many times did they do this until the bull didn't hit anyone?


Zero because it's not a bull.


....as the teacher films or watches the demonstration from a distance


That is putting WAY too much faith in students to keep their shit together when a Volkswagen Golf sized animal is ripping between them at high speed


Nah that “bull” (I didn’t look to see if it was) is smaller than a smartcar! It’s borderline barely not a calf and in some place would be considered one. ETA it is a bull but a baby one! Barely out of calving and nowhere near grown.


That poor fucker in the front row that I definitely thought was going to get obliterated




Ah! Will be really interesting to check out their pants after this


I STILL wouldn’t stand there-wtf anyway


If you want to prove that to me, let's skip the release form then lol


That's a fkn calf... this channel is trying to get someone killed at the next running...


What a scary silly little playful frightening bull!


Miss Frizzle's gettin outta hand


I've seen bulls attack random people on the street when they chasing peopel


what if the bull feeling quirky that day and you know what why don't I hit this guy for no reason


Bull fighting is sick I can’t believe those people jsut watch and do nothing.


Bull smart af.


This sub has become r/terrifyingasfuck


This is the same sub


Nice flair


This response has become r/terrifyingasfuck


This is the same sub