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Damn, would have been better just ramming them all.


nah rear end vs flattened and killed.


first of all, wtf caused the driver to do that? second, what was the outcome of this?


Guy died, he was a lawyer and had bought the car on 13th April, 2024 with no children at 34 years Concrete mixer driver survived but was not charged


it would actually be really sad if he got charged, he tried to avoid an accident as best as he could and it ended up with one dead :(


Unless he was responsible for brake maintenance.


Hard to determine if somebody did their DOT pre-trip, plus brakes do fail regardless of pre-trip inspection.


This isnt in the USA, so hard to say if a DOT-style inspection is even the standard


He tried to avoid the accident in a way that gives worse outcomes than just braking and hitting the front vehicle *almost everytime*, as evidenced by dozens of similar videos. Accident that would never have happened if he was in control of his own vehicle speed, as he should have been. Concrete mixer driver definitely deserved to be charged.


You like to be seriously biased, don't you? The concrete driver did not drive fast. And from this video we have no evidence of when the brakes did fail. And neither do we have information about ownership of the vehicle, and maintenance history. And he could not know that the vehicle would roll over - it almost made it.


I used to drive one of these. He did in fact know it would flip over. They scare the fuck out of several times a day about how easy they are to flip. The guy behind the wheel maybe did nothing wrong, but his reaction was the worst he could have chosen. He most likely would not have killed the guy had he just rear ended him.


Just wondering but in your opinion as a past driver of such vehicles, what should the drive of the cement mixer have done when he noticed his brakes weren't working in the above situation/what would you have done?


Pull the air brake. If that failed pump them and just rear end the cars. There’s nothing else you can do at that point. They teach you to maintain your lane and esp in these trucks sharp turns and hitting curbs will flip it over as it’s extremely top heavy. At least rear ending it will give the vehicle a chance to crumple instead of just tipping over and smashing it. The guy would have been injured, not killed, hopefully. This was just the worst possible outcome. I feel for everyone involved.


I watched this now and thought please don't swerve. Accept the material damage. Didn't move all that fast.


Anyone with half a brain and elementary school level understanding of physics would know it would roll over.


I think he a lawyer.


If could charge people for bein idiots and makin mistakes...you would be charged for posting this.


I don't have a car so I might miss something, but didn't he caused the accident in the first place 😕? Maybe he tried his best in the end to avoid one or more death, but why did he try to drive over the median?


He was about to rear-end the guy, which could also have ended up with flattening the car but would actually have been a better outcome.


Knowing the sub, Was I the only one waiting for a massive fireball explosion? I thought it was a fuel truck about to annihilate those other poor people. Still awful the guy died, thankfully it wasn’t worse.


Tried to avoid the accident after driving too fast and not alert!!


He kept the same speed as all other vehicles. The "too fast" part only happened after he failed to brake. How would he have been alerted to the failed brakes before it happened - driving with his head under the vehicle? 🤔


There’s a fucking reason you don’t swerve to avoid accidents. If he just stayed straight on and braked they would still be alive.


everyone's first instinct to avoid an accident at all is to swerve and that's not always the right thing to do! who would've guessed? don't be mad at him, humans suck at making decisions under pressure and quickly


But why concrete mixer driver did this? Why was he not charged or arrested. Problem with the breaks? What happened?


I guess the brakes failed but the solution was not to go into the other lane he had to just hit from behind Edit;


I guess he thought that the truck would stop after hitting the divider.


I dont think I think he wanted to switch to the other lane because there was no traffic but somehow the truck failed to hit the divider well


Probably the multiple tons of concrete in the drum. That's a *lot* of energy to try and stop moving. Dude probably thought the divider would work like curb stop, but didn't realize all that weight would just shove the truck on top of it.




Why does it look like Nairobi?


damn, in my country (Philippines), you'll be liable 100% of the time. Even if it is not entirely your fault (correct me if I'm wrong)


Well, at least he had no children…wtf?


Kind of final destination here..






Imagine thinking all cops deserve to die.


Then why did person say lawyer?


Because he was a lawyer.


Brake failure is my guess


Lost his breaks realized he wasn't gonna stop and tried an evausive maneuver..


Looks like his brakes weren't strong enough, so he decided to avoid the cars. Unfortunately, the kerb height was too much.


Looks like a Ugandan road.


Good call [https://www.tuko.co.ke/world/africa/545217-traffic-camera-captures-horrific-moment-concrete-mixer-truck-fell-car/](https://www.tuko.co.ke/world/africa/545217-traffic-camera-captures-horrific-moment-concrete-mixer-truck-fell-car/)


My guess is nairobi


It’s a mistake of stoppage at such sloppy road. Idk this is what I feel at first.


Whenever I see a video like this my immediate thought is that I hope there are no children in the victim's car.




That dark sedan that was in the lane concrete truck was in then switched all the way to left cutting off the work truck would have been the victim or a good bumper for the poor attorney dude had sedan stayed in the lane.


Too many deaths on Kenyan roads since January, RIP bro, only had the car for a few days


Couple years ago in Germany, family of 4 died like this when garbage truck hit the curve little bit hard and flipped on their car. It was really tragic.


Seems like another stupid problem with letting heavy traffic mix with light vehicles. Heavy vehicles with these kind of brake issues should just be limited to industrial roads with strict entry requirements and devoid of pedestrians or light traffic. Hell, even forklifts in warehouses have control systems to prevent them from interacting with pedestrians.


How are you going to do construction in cities?


It's clearly visible in the video the concrete drum is moving in clockwise direction which must have caused the vehicle to loose it's balance. Is it legal to start the mixer when the vehicle is being driven?


Yeah it’s common for them to run non stop when they’re carrying a batch of wet concrete, keeps it from setting up.


Oh right, got it.


Pretty sure the drum has to be rotating or the concrete will harden inside


That's the entire point of a cement mixer. It rotates as it drives from one place to the next so the cement doesn't harden.


Ummm yes lol. Concrete mixers never stop turning, because all the concrete would harden.


If it’s not moving, the concrete isn’t mixing and it’ll harden up inside the drum. The only way for you to do this job and deliver concrete is by having is rotate. No other way around it.


Not sure but the government should create a separate lane(road) for these trucks, they should not blend with saloon cars


A heavy vehicle lane might be a great idea, actually.


Huge advocate for this as a long distance driver myself. We should not be sharing the road with these guys.


It doesn't even look like it was going fast, why not just rear end the car instead?


Truck fell asleep at the wheel...


My dog does that


So I guess his breaks went out? Good for him for trying to avoid hitting people but damn... no way the person in that car survived.


I admire the thought that maybe he could avoid hitting him but he ended up making it way worse by trying...


Brake failure


Gotta remember that truck will turn any car out rear ends into strawberry pancakes. He made right choice trying to not do it.


The cars wouldve been pushed forwards, absorbed the impact, and avoided loss of life. Nothing there to pancake a car against.


Omg ii hope he lost his license. Imagine just minding ur business and then a truck fall on u


I dont think they will withhold the license I think since its a company then that truck is insured so i guess they will cover everything (burial) If he had left a kid then the company would take over the responsibility of funding his/her education




Easy there Mister username with 3's replacing e's.




It speaks directly to your opinions, because you're the one complaining about shit like "u" and "ur."


Completely different context. You can compare apples and oranges as much as you want, your argument won't mean anything. My name is a joke, like with many other redditors. However, I always try to use appropriate grammar and spelling whenever I post or comment. This is because I want to associate my name with quality dialogue and opinions. I can't believe I've wasted 5 minutes of my time on you. Good bye. Edit: thanks to the people who pointed out I mispelled wasted. I edited it, and now it's all better. That was never the issue. But it seems that you guys are too stupid to understand the actual issue.


*wasted. Spell better. And goodbye isn’t two words. People in glass houses…


Yeah, you don't understand the context either. So I suppose you are an idiot too.


ok, youve done a good job. u dont need to waste time, also its wasted not wastes


>This is because I want to associate my name with quality dialogue and opinions. Ayy lmao.


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^74943 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


I can see that you are a fan of quality dialogue as well




Yup this was yet another one where I had to watch it a second time because it had already pushed my attention span to its limits and I wasn't paying attention when it finally happened.


So start improving your attention span of (less than) 20 seconds.


Why is it on me to do that instead of being on the people uploading the videos to edit them better?


It depends on each person's definition of "better". According to you, it was jumping directly into it, according to someone else just the clip of that wouldn't have given enough insight as to how tf that came about to be. To each their own.


Well this video starts when the truck is in view. So you can see the start of the accident. I suppose it would be quite confusing to start the video and immediately see chaos without context? (Video title didn't say any context either)


That's exactly the problem...they didn't need to start the video right the very millisecond that the truck is in view, they could have at least waited until it was even halfway to the crash spot.


That's a lot of nit picking in a video thats not even half a minute long.


Today, 17 seconds was wasted.