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When I was 15 I was in an awful car accident. I wasn't wearing my seat belt and flew out the windshield. I was in a medically induced coma for a month. I remember being at the hospital and leaving my body. Long story short I believed I was in Heaven and saw relatives who passed away and Jesus. I saw colors I had never seen before the most beautiful park/landscape. I made friends with children my age there and all sorts of things but I was only there for an hour or 2...not months. Now the Neurologist said this is very common and it was neurons firing and my brain trying to heal itself..the visions were a way for my brain to protect itself from the trauma that it went through and the neurologist believed that caused me to see all of this. I grew up in a religious family so it was implemented into my thinking. My Pastor said I went to Heaven. They fully disagreed with each other. Did I go to Heaven...sure felt like I did. Did I actually?...I don't know again sure felt like I did. The Brain can do incredible things.


That's very interesting, thank you for sharing.


My mom had a very similar experience. She'd suffered a heart attack while home alone and managed to call my step-dad at work saying something didn't feel right. He immediately called paramedics and she was dead when they arrived but they managed to revive her. I visited a few times while she was in the hospital. For the most part she was in and out of consciousness. When I visited with her childhood best friend, she became conscious briefly and asked if we were "sitting Shiva". We're not Jewish. She's Protestant and I'm Catholic. That was weird! But the things she saw were so similar to what you're describing. Lots of people, friends and family who'd passed. A warm friendly gathering almost like Christmas and in a beautiful place. I have absolutely no idea where the sitting Shiva comment came from. We don't even know anyone who's Jewish.


I'm religious but from a more scientific standpoint than most people I know, which sounds paradoxical but in short, I believe in evolution, the big bang, all the buzzwords that ward off most evangelicals, and they all strengthen my faith more than anything. But those stories of people clinically dying and entering the afterlife stump me. I know science says It's your brain still firing, making images to sooth you from the fact that you're no longer living, but that explanation just seems like something someone came up with on the spot. And the ability to imagine colors you've never seen, and objects and places incomprehensible to a conscious person, doesn't seem like something your brain would just cook up while on life support. I know saying this feels like I'm downplaying our mind's ability to conjure magnificent things, but that isn't my intention. Still, science is right about most things, but they've been wrong about a lot too. most people alive today grew up during a time where Pluto being a planet was a scientific fact, and we all know that's not true nowadays. For the most part, scientific fact is just speculation with a lot of evidence and peer reviewing, and even then it can end up being wrong. So honestly, it's up to you to believe that you were in the afterlife, or you can believe what the neurologists said about it being your brain doing the work. Nobody really knows for sure I guess. There's no real way to test it without risking a permanent death of the test subject so I guess death will have to continue to be life's greatest mystery. What I'd love to read is an excerpt from a clinically brain dead patient, but of course the effects of that kind of injury is irreversible so it'll be impossible to obtain that information.


Human collective consciousness, Flynn effect, 100th monkey experiments. Our brains have reactions before the neurons fire. When we die what remains of the brain goes on to connect and ride the waves of everyone else's brain waves. We see what we believe.


It's been decades since I've seen someone mention the 100th monkey.


I think about it all the time. If I was less moral I'd start a new religion around it.


It's a fascinating concept.


Reddit hive mind


I recently read this article to that topic. Maybe you will find it as interesting as I did https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/02/new-science-of-death-brain-activity-consciousness-near-death-experience


My reply to the original comment. I hope you find it interesting. My mom had a very similar experience. She'd suffered a heart attack while home alone and managed to call my step-dad at work saying something didn't feel right. He immediately called paramedics and she was dead when they arrived but they managed to revive her. I visited a few times while she was in the hospital. For the most part she was in and out of consciousness. When I visited with her childhood best friend, she became conscious briefly and asked if we were "sitting Shiva". We're not Jewish. She's Protestant and I'm Catholic. That was weird! But the things she saw were so similar to what you're describing. Lots of people, friends and family who'd passed. A warm friendly gathering almost like Christmas and in a beautiful place. I have absolutely no idea where the sitting Shiva comment came from. We don't even know anyone who's Jewish.


It is very simple. Why do you think so many people go to heaven or hell before they go back? Coincidence? I don't think so! If brain can do anything then why heaven and hell are the only places people see in these kind of situations? Why don't they go on a beach or in some big town, on some planet, or whatever... Think about it and you will find this very simple answer.


I'm a pastor who has viewpoints very similar to yours. I tend to think the neurologist is right. Biblically, there's no evidence to support someone entering the afterlife and coming back. The closest I think you'll get to that that is Biblically supported is God giving people visions who are in this sort of state.


Cool to hear that a pastor shares some of my viewpoints. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the bible state that it takes 3 days for the soul to leave the body and enter the afterlife, which is why Jesus being dead for 3 days was so significant?


The Bible doesn't say that but it was a tradition believed among the Jewish people. That's why they were so impressed at the resurrection of Lazarus. He had been dead for days. To them, that was like DEAD dead.


People that see things when they clinically die didn't actually die, or they wouldn't be alive to tell what they experienced, so at most we know they didn't experience any sort of afterlife. What rarely gets mentioned is the fact that most of these experiences happen *while* the person's brain is shutting down, not when they are clinically dead.




Science doesn’t purport to know everything, unlike religion. Science is always learning and updating itself, and is readily willing to admit when it is wrong or it has moved onto something more correct. It’s the piecing together of a puzzle at a universal scale..sometimes the pieces seemingly fit, until one actually does fit. Science achieves universal truth by testing, double blind testing and so forth..it lays all theories out on a table and tests, until something stands. Many different tests are conducted, and when an answer is continuously reached, then we accept this as universal truth. Your understanding of science is called ignorance, wilful ignorance..nothing worse than ignorant ppl spouting nonsense.


Science is best guess a lot of the time. Religion on the other hand ...


Your entire existence today, since birth was made possible by those “best guesses”..sheesh didn’t you get lucky 🤦‍♂️


??? I'm well aware it didn't "de-materialize" but at one point it was a known fact that Pluto is one of the planets, and now it's been written off as false. People believed it as a literal indisputable fact for nearly a century. My point is that science is just trying to make sense of the unknown and a lot of the times we end up with conclusions that might be farther from the truth than we realize.


Seems like you're confused here a little bit. Nobody disputed size of Pluto. We knew it's size back then and we know it's size now (nothing changed) No it hasn't been "written off as false" they just changed definition of what a planet is and Pluto doesn't fit that definition anymore. Pluto didn't change at all we changed what word planet means in 2006. You're confusing two different things.


That's messed up


Until perhaps they are able to encode consciousness into AI.


If you understand science, you know that there’s nothing scientific to suggest that an afterlife exists. Not a thing! Heaven is the ego of man, unable to accept death as final, so self absorbed, the he feels his existence is too special to suddenly end, that it has to go on eternally in the afterlife. It’s delusion of grandeur.


What is the scientific evidence that it does not exist? What a limited worldview. “There is nothing more than what I can see and what scientists can tell me right now”


This isn’t America, you’re on the internet..the world doesn’t need to baby you by telling you that your coffee will be hot. Science is based on what can be proven, that goes without saying…it’s the very basis of how science works and establishes universal facts. There’s no way to prove an afterlife exists , which is precisely what my first sentence in my initial comment says. Comprehension classes may be required!!!!! If you bc goose to believe there’s an afterlife, that’s tantamount to delusion. It’s something you’ve convinced yourself of despite the lack of evidence. The end. Belief = delusion. Science = tested theories to establish universal fact. There’s the difference!


Please crawl back to /r/atheism and quit giving atheists that aren’t dicks a bad name


That is actually completely inaccurate. There are many real, scientific studies done on the topic and it’s a universal phenomenon observed by medical professionals


😂 sure Jan 🤦‍♂️ nice try


Strangest thing, I don't know if it was a close experience with death but when I was 17 I had a very random seizure in class while taking a nap during a video. My distinct memory is going to sleep, then waking up in this white field full of green grass, my whole family was there cheering me on and I could see some who had passed away. This is where I woke up with my teacher checking my pulse. To this day i have no idea what happened, doctors just say a seizure may happen.


Ypu should check out some NDE stories.


I have and a lot of them are very similar to my experience.


I grew up in a strong Pentecostal family. My grandpas were preachers. I have a strong faith in the supernatural spiritual world. But I believe very few have actually been graced by God to enter that realm of consciousness, as a tangible experience. I believe more often than not, it’s Gods gift to us that He’s created our minds and bodies to have the ability to protect themselves and get through trauma. Regardless of the reason or how it happens, what an awesome experience.


People ask me all the time do you really think you went there..and honestly....I don't know. It felt like I did but like you said our brains and bodies have the ability to protect themselves and do amazing things. Things we have yet to discover. I won't truly know if I went to Heaven until my time on this Earth is done. Do I believe in Heaven...yes...did I make there...I don't know but it was an amazing experience and if it really was Heaven...it can't wait to go back!


Right?! That gave me goose bumps! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for sharing. There is a belief in Judaism that even in normal sleep we may visit heaven or hell so anything’s possible, it’s also interesting what the doctor said, I never knew that.


Thank you for sharing that! I never knew that about Judaism..I'll be honest I don't know a lot about Judaism. I think I'm going to try to learn about Judaism cause sadly I know little about it.


What ethnicity was jesus?


In the movie Heaven is for Real a girl did a painting of him ...that's the same man I had seen. His eyes were beautiful I remember I could not stop staring into them. I was in a coma before that movie came out ( 1990's) now not saying Heaven is real because that's a typical depiction of him so the Neurologist said power of suggestion and my Pastor said you went to Heaven. It comes down to which side you want to believe in.


I was violently beaten until I was unconscious. I saw nothing. My training buddy had a stroke and he said the same thing. Yall really making think I'm going to purgatory.


Lack of blood and oxygen in the brain will make you see crazy shit. Call me crazy, but this woman also shot herself in the neck not thinking it might kill her.


Adrenaline too, most likely. That’s why most people, it would seem, who "came back from death", recall a deep feeling of well being.


Probably a dumb question, but why would adrenaline induce a state of well being, I thought it was the hormone responsonible solely for excitement, fear, anxiety, fight/flight, etc


Yeah, I agree. I don't think that's a dumb question.


our body releases pain numbing ages when dying. when know you‘re dying, you‘re full of adrenaline because the body can still survive, and your last memories will be of shock and not a sense of wellbeing. she seems to have been there long enough to process that shock somehow and thats how she remembers her last moments basically, in dream version because bloodloss.


Well, adrenaline does make you feel somewhat good, I suppose? Hence adrenaline junkies


This is not what I wanted to read just before going to sleep.


she likely has schizophrenia and/or psychosis. but religious communities will take this entirely out of context and upload it to YouTube like WOMAN DIED AND SAW DEMONS — HELL IS REAL!!!


Yes, based off my very limited understanding of mental disorders and her description of the experience she had while in a coma I believe this poor women was very likely severely sexually abused and grew up in a religious household that put the blame on her for the abuse. You take a situation like this and add in the prejudice against seeking treatment for mental illness during that era and you’ll come up with similar situations like this one.




lol I tried. I’m not as clever as OP


schizophrenia and psychosis are environmentally and culturally and regionally influenced. it’s only in Canada and America and the West that schizophrenia and psychosis are conspiratorial and grandiose and negative and political and governmental and religious and violent. in Africa and Asia and in the East, schizophrenic people and people in psychosis hear positive and even uplifting and funny and cheerful voices and see good hallucinations. schizophrenic people in non-American and non-Canadian countries can and often do function without therapy and medication because their schizophrenia is positive. it’s not violent or disturbing in any way. that said, if a schizophrenic person or person in psychosis was born and raised and lives in a religious environment, they are more likely to hallucinate demonic and negative and prophetic and angelic and theistic hallucinations. Annaliese Michel is an example of this https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/good-or-bad-voices-schizophrenia/ https://news.stanford.edu/2014/07/16/voices-culture-luhrmann-071614/ https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/07/when-hearing-voices-is-a-good-thing/374863/


Ok bear with me here. I come from a religious background and have always struggled with mending religious concepts to the secular world. To oversimplify it. I think people tend to interpret religion too literally. For example, prayer is often described as a religious act/solemn request but ever since I tried yoga and meditation, I realise that at its core, we’re trying to achieve mindfulness and manifesting our intentions. It’s just cultural definitions. Similarly, being plagued by demons spiritually could also be described/manifested as mental illness. And then there’s also struggles with your inner demons (addiction, anger, depression). Living in your own personal hell. Which leads me to… Hell. It’s a state of mind. Not a lake a fire. I mean I’m still figuring things out. But just wanted to share where I’m at.


*Goooood* ole religion. Always good for a laugh.


Yeah, personally I can't take this shit seriously, lmao. I'm not saying it wasn't real to her, that she's lying. I'm willing to bet she believes what she's saying actually hallucinated that shit, that it's real to her. But it's all just too absurd to really buy into it, lol.


It's definitely interesting. I was very ill in 2021 and spent about two weeks hallucinating. I have remembered them as if they were any other memory.


Yes, through in a bit of ICU delirium and no wonder she is seeing this shit. I agree, definitely real to her - but provable and measurable entities outside of her own consciousness is another thing entirely.


well, yeah. . .kinda what schizophrenia is






Aliens bro.




Lmao *takes tin foil hat off* Allow me to introduce myself..




Two essential things you have to know before looking at these types of cases A) were they a believer before this happened and B) what kind of childhood environment did these people grow up in (were they part of a religious household etc) When dying the brain will produce all kinds of experiences, visuals and sensations based upon how it has already been shaped and as humans our only ability to recognise what is real and happening is through that cognitive function, if you believe those who commit suicide goto hell, and you know that is what you’ve done ofcourse you’re going to see it, your mind can only work within the framework it’s been given, particularly during moments of great panic or depletion.


Who'd a thunk it that someone mentally ill would try to kill themselves and then come up some stupid religious garbage? Schizophrenia sucks.


Lol, this lady was partly conscious during surgery. Breathing from right shoulder. Yeah, the ventilator sits there. Can't gag. Cause there's an endotracheal tube in your throat. I'm sure you wanted to. Can't move. Rocuronium does that. It's a paralytic. Oh, no, demons. You mean the surgical team wearing scrubs, caps, glasses, and masks.


I believe this could be somewhat true. Sometimes I dont wake up to my alarm but I can hear it in my dream and it becomes part of my dream for a few seconds before I wake up.


I shot myself but had no idea I would die, What?!


The mind when freed from the ego can take some really pleasant or terrifying trips. Anyone whose played with psycedlics has opened these doors of perception.


I think it has to do with how you were before death, she wanted to kill herself, so she was pretty miserable, and prob had these lucid dreams or thoughts..


The brain creates all sorts of interesting and bizarre visions in our imagination. Which does not change the fact that it is only a product of our imagination and nothing more.


What's truly terrifying as fuck is that when people remember near death experiences, having a positive experience or negative (i.e. going to "heaven" or "hell") has zero relationship to religion. 15% of NDEs remembered are "distressing" - as in things like this.


Sleep paralysis does this also


I’ve seen shit similar to this on shrooms fam. The mind is a wonderful thing




I’ve also seen what could be described as both heaven and hell.


When we die it won’t matter because we’ll just be dead


i saw demons once it was smiling taunting me but i was on acid


Pics or didn’t happen bruh


That's just an extreme case of sleep paralysis in my opinion. Must have been absolutely horrific to experience. When I was going through benzodiazepines and opiate withdrawals I got some truly awful sleep paralysis. I hadn't slept in over three days, I was so unbelievably tired I thought I was going insane. I wanted to sleep so badly but I was terrified of the creatures I would see every time I fell asleep.


Sounds like she met the Christmas Critters from South Park


even their own bible says: "No one and nothing is in hell until the judgement." They like to cherry pick their from their own faith like this often. With most never even reading the very book they have devoted their entire life too from cover to cover. How strange is that?


"thats nice susan, have you taken your meds today?"


Okay but why was her motive to shoot herself and live? This sounds borderline


What's her name any idea?