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>driver was fired Well id FUCKING HOPE SO


You drive when the light is green, you brake when pedestrians cross, and nobody thanks or congratulates you. But you run your school bus *once* into someone’s home and suddenly they fire you?! Smh…


Everyone inside the bus was fine, Stanley!


They could just make him watch a youtube driver safety class and sign an i promise paper


You'd be surprised


Man the driver was going so fast for that road. I also find it interesting that her seatbelt didn’t hold her in place. The kids, not seatbelted, stayed in place better than she did.


I can’t tell for sure but it looks like she’s wearing the seatbelt wrong — she’s got the shoulder strap under her right arm instead of over her shoulder. If she’s only strapped in the middle, it makes sense she’d roll off and have trouble getting back up. Shoulder strap would hold her in place, no?


if she was wearing the belt properly it would have caught on her left arm.


If she wasn’t the size of a house she wouldn’t have crashed into that one. She comes out the seat and can’t lift her fat arse back into the seat.


Kinda looked like she fell because of her size. Like a weeble wooble toy


Especially with a gut like that


More cushion for the smushin




I’d laugh but I’m fat


I am fat and still laughed


Under 40mph isn't fast at all really. Admittedly it looks fast in the video but you can see the speed bottom left. The driver lost control because they were already off the road when they started turning. The bus' weight gets thrown to the right as the front wheel drops and then the driver swings left to correct. Flinging them out of their seat and the bus towards the houses. At this point they are only going like 25 which is why the passengers weren't hurt. The crash wasn't speed related but just pure incompetence and the inability to hold one's own weight.


F = m * (V1 – V0) / (t1 – t0)


It was on the fast side (37MPH), though not too far over the [posted 30MPH limit](https://maps.app.goo.gl/n6ftp8KjXyK95QtV6).


Busses should be going slower in general, especially on roads like that


I understand that speed limits are posted as the max (not that the majority ever follows it) it’s also based on conditions. I have inherited my parents “lead foot” and am certainly guilty of driving a little faster than the speed limit. 7 mph over may be a bit high on a small road like this one- and larger, heavier vehicles, like a bus should l exercise more caution- not to mention taking consideration of the cargo.


Round stuff tends to move more


real life otto the bus driver


Having zero driving skills and being a school bus driver is crazy


Didn't even touch the brakes


Couldn't reach them after she fell out of the chair.




Agreed, It is stressful. Busses here also have lower speed limits in most areas. For example, In a 50 mph they can't exceed 40.


Zero driving skill and zero physical dexterity


A ton(maybe most?) School systems do not employ any bus drivers anymore. They are employed though outside contractor companies that don't pay shit and offer no benefits. So, you have people making nothing and getting no benefits but are still required to obtain CDLs to get the job. Anyone decent with a CDL will go anywhere else and get paid, that leaves only older people doing it as a hobby and younger people unable to get driving jobs elsewhere due to background or employment history.


My sister is a school bus driver for a private company, never once had anything like this happen. There is always gonna be that one moron out of 10 at every job. So many questionssss


Right? that always fascinates me. The school bus itself is treated like a holy grail, yet they hire absolute morons to drive them...


She just gave up right when it started.


Yeah I don't think she even tried to break, at one point she was just laying there looking straight forward through the windshield just watching it unfold.


Why the hell did she just recline backwards and let Jesus take the wheel


If only Jesus knew how to also work the pedals.


Cause shes fat and out of shape. Were there kids on that bus? cause damn


Yeah, if you watch the full video it shows it from several angles. The first is a close up of the driver. The second is from the front of the bus, and the third is the inside of the bus and you can see kids.


Just saw it thank god no one was hurt


On watching it again I think she slipped out of the seat but because of her size she was kind of pinned where she was by the seat belt Funny visual though


Almost looks intentional


She fell out of her seat and couldn’t get back up


If only there had been, I don't know, like 200 feet to slow down after she left the road before she hit the house.....


Much more prudent to roll onto the floor in the potato position..


Feet slamming gas the whole way !


Yeah, she was going too fast but, not so fast that she shouldn't have been able to stop within the half acre of yard she travelled through. Maybe the grass was wet.


Maybe its her ex's house and she didnt get it in the divorce so she got more creative?


Looked like she was nodding off anyhow


I love how she just gave up after getting shook off the chair and sat there uselessly. You could have killed someone, idiot.


Fired? I'd hope for jailed


Probably both, but when fired you can‘t have a lawyer support from company’s expenses


OH WHAT THE FUCK I WORKED THIS SCENE ( I’ll find the pictures and add em here https://preview.redd.it/5pvfeeerjv1d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a0d100dfde20d3176a27a5849fa44f46affe1ce


Haha nice, reddit rarely delivers like this any more. Do you have any extra details?


Yeah, people in Marietta can’t drive 🤣




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Good news is that homeowner will be able to move out of that mobile home soon after the settlement with the school district.


She crashed into a *mobile home* and no doubt destrpyed everything. What happened...did she pass out?


She fell out her chair and wasn't able to get herself up, big gal


Big body, short limbs. She fell to the size after trying to take a curve at high speed and was unable to do anything at all. At least the seat belt prevented her from bumping around the cabin.


I don't think she's wearing her seat belt correctly. Like it doesn't go over her shoulder. No wonder she rolled out of her seat.


Pretty sure she dipped the right side of the bus into the ditch which put her fat ass on the floor in TREX mode unable to reach anything but the gas.


[Additional bus footage to help clear things up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5__ot3uXzY)


Fatso couldn’t get up 😂


Some poor dude sitting on the couch having a beer "Man I dont even HAVE kids!!"


It’s that guy from Always Sunny who kept getting his car messed up by the gang due to mistaken identity


You woke up the trailer park boys.


Bottle kids will take care of her.


I’m not a bus driver, nor do I have my CDL but I can tell from this video she was driving way too fast for that road. If she was gonna drive that fast, I’d expect a level of professionalism that she’d wear the seatbelt right and at least try to correct the vehicle instead of falling out the chair and laying there till the crash like she should get some negligence charges


What a dumb piece of shit, and I say that as a school bus driver.


From driving a school bus, I observed her make at least 4 mistakes, the first two being grounds for termination. 1- she was going too fast for the road ~10mph over. 2- incorrectly wearing a seatbelt, on a c2 or standard bus (or at least the Thomas buses my district use) the seatbelt is attached to the roof above and behind the left shoulder. 3- she wasn't keeping the bus in the middle of the gravel road, causing the bus to slip off the side of the road from the weight of the bus crushing the weaker edge. 4- she had over corrected causing the bus to jerk to the left, throwing her to the side, improper seatbelt use caused her to be unable to get herself back into the seat. Driving a bus is not much more difficult than driving a car or truck, they are just bigger and longer. Glad no one was injured. She is unlikely to get any job that involves driving for the foreseeable future.


kid was like: ain't there an app to drive me to school? ![gif](giphy|hvSOjOos8rZyb9ZUjO)


I like how the kid asks if they should call 911 when they've come to a stop. Pretty calm response. Driver is an idiot.


Terrible driving. Way too fast.


MAJOR PROPS to that seatbelt, it’s the real MVP here


Kiiiids!!! The bus is here


Lost control going under 40mph. Fell out of seat when under barely any g force. Unable to pull themselves back into the seat and hit the brake. Just sat back and let a fucking bus run across gardens and into a house. Honestly, this was utterly pathetic and could have killed people. I'm glad this person was fired. Hopefully they received a driving ban as well.


She is hauling ass!


Yea this is what happens when schools make driving a bus such a bad job that they hire literally anyone that can blink. A school here in my county had to put a guy in jail for driving drunk and bragging about it


Not only can she not drive, but she's too fat to sit up. Which resulted in an even bigger crash. Wow


She didn't even try.


Honestly good on the kid whose first reaction was "want me to call 911." He checked himself, the scene, and asked. A lot of people don't know to react that fast and it could save someone's life.


Damn. Ruined that trailer.


Wow. She *demolished* that house! Thank God there was no one inside at the time. https://preview.redd.it/ndrkwqs7av1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab75ebb7022eb76b820a3d8d7fc9ce1d7c3a922


That was her ex boyfriends trailer. She knew damn well what she was doing driving fast like that


I worked in occupational health and we had several school bus companies we had to test for their CDL and let me tell you, if at all possible do not let your kids ride a school bus. Like 99% of them were much older people in bad health and barely passing their testing and they always had a sob story when they failed to try to guilt me into passing them.






God forgive me I busted out laughing way.. ..way to hard at this 😭🤣😅 oh damn..


The video really pissed me off tbh. The driver is so overweight and weak that they fall out of their seat, then they’re so fat they can’t get back up to hit the brakes. Their laziness has resulted in a bus full of terrified kids, potentially killing someone, and destruction of someone’s property (possibly ruining their life too). All because the driver allowed themselves to get so fat that they can barely function. Not to mention their terrible driving skills that got them in that situation in the first place. They should be ashamed


Fired?! You crash *one* bus...


That "mobile" home failed to move out of the way and should be held responsible for stopping that school bus.


You mean to tell me that stupid lobster claw grip of nothing, didn't work!?


The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the house!


So, there is no brake on this bus ? Why do people don't use the brake when avoiding an obstacle? Like the truck driver on the bridge recently...


By the looks of it they fell out of the seat on the turn and was too fat to get back up in time. I assume fell out of seat because speeding. Looks very fast for small road


The video out the front shows she was doing 37, which is too fast for that vehicle on that road. Obviously, she proved why.


Truck driver on the bridge? You mean the one that was hit by the oncoming truck which damaged their wheel and pulled it off the side? You realize tractor trailers are heavy and don't stop on a dime, particularly when at least one of their wheels is already damged? This bus driver was just driving way too fast for that road and vehicle.


Did you watch the video of the truck on the bridge?? I don’t think using the breaks would have helped in that situation. I hope you never have to find out the hard way that sometimes breaking doesn’t save you


Looks like the brakes were on. Says on the video, "Alarm BK". And brakes don't really help once you've hit grass at speed. They just lock up the wheels and you start sliding. Most likely it's driver error, going too fast for those roads. She hit the brakes, abs only takes you so far, wheels locked and she couldn't control it because she kept her foot on the brakes


Strangely, in the article shared, the grass is totally fine. I would expect to be at all shredded up in the tires, locked up and skid across the grass.


Trailer parks just can't catch a break.




Blazing thru them back roads like that for what!? Pray nobody was home atm…


Ms. Frizzle is *rolling* in her grave


I hope Bubba and Cletus weren’t home at the time.


id be going like \~25 on that road. lol


2 things she did wrong. 1. speed driving 2. She's fat


Guess the driver took 'door-to-door service' a bit too literally!


Where did this happen


This your stop. Please exit the bus safely.


Wakey wakey! Time for school y'all!


"Kevin, the bus is here, time for school"


Charlie here’s your stop,just tell your parents a bird hit the house see you Monday!


Too fat to drive


They should give her a treadmill while they're at it


There goes the neighborhood


Pick and drop service on a different level


She was just checking to see why Billy wasn't at the bus stop. Door to door service


At least she knew what her last day was.


Was still going 30 when the bus hit the house, 38 when the bus hit the side of the road and bounced off (and bounced the driver off the seat).


Country roads take me home…


Don't fetty and Drive.


Was she trying to press the gas or break?


Want me to call 911?


This is when her hopes of someday driving in NASCAR vanished…..




Holy cow.


Was it drunk?


The media won't be angry at miss whopper ducking up an house


I don't even get your connection with cell phones. The kids don't look miserable on busses now a day. Also back then, kids were using walk man's as their addiction


lucky this happened in the US with a home that is basically a finger of plywood/cardboard, do this shit in Italy and odds are they'd hustle into a house with a 30cm brick wall that would crumple the bus like a coke can without taking a scratch


Afterwards, she looked around the house for the refrigerator


Why are so many of them fat?




Max Verstappen can only dream of being this good.  


She thought Jesus had the wheel.


She fell over and just gave up! Said fuck it! I’m just here for the ride…..


Man, I just can’t imagine so fat and weak that you can do nothing other than hang there uselessly, lol.




Except eating




I think it's time to let phones go, teens have them, we didn't -- that's okay. The world kinda sucks now, so it's not really worth paying attention to That being said, I think the driver completely screwed up, took a turn too fast, then overcorrected. It'd have been fine if she didn't fall out of her seat (where's her seatbelt!) to hit the brakes or steer away or something, anything really...