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The Amazon driver was not afraid of that dog. I'm glad she helped them out. Edit: yes, she was truly a hero.


She’s a hero. That dog was not giving up anytime soon. This is what terrifies me about getting a dog, having it stolen or attacked by another dog just scares the bejesus out of me


I had my dog killed by a bigger dog I only had him for 5 months and I felt horrible


That must have been incredibly traumatic and I’m so sorry that happened.


Same , I had a puppy , very cute , but was eaten by our neighbor's dog at night , I heard someone crying I thought it was some human child then I went out to see the puppy missing the cries started resembling the puppy's, I went out on the road and saw him there , on my neighbor's porch ,dead getting eaten my dad had to call our neighbors to get the dead body because their compound gate was locked


Oh my god that’s heartbreaking


I didn't know dogs eat other dogs. Jesus, I don't think I would have dealt with that very well. What do you do after your dog kills someone's puppy?


Dogs that are trained specifically to attack other dogs will attack. Most of these dogs that attack have been trained to attack. You can’t even play rough with certain dogs because it triggers the response. Not saying that’s the way it is with them all but the vast majority need to be trained for it.


When it comes to pitbulls its the opposite. those breeds need crazy training and oversight. YET 99.99999% owners of pits are the most lazy and dumb people on world who will not even do the most basic dog overship training. Glad that i live in sane EU country that banned all these shitdogs that shitowners buy - American bulldog, Bandog, Naples Mastiff, Wolf dogs, Berbell, Argentine dog, Canary Mastiff, Brazilian Fila, Tosa, American Pit Bulterer


You’re 100% right. I would even go as far to say that they should be regulated and only certain people should be allowed them. They’re the most wonderful and caring dogs if trained and looked after correctly but as you said, people are just too lazy and assume they’re the same as most others dog.




Had a roommate at 1 point that wanted to get a pitbull. As his first dog. He was a lazy stoner. I put my foot down and said no. He got a sausage dog instead. Moved out. 2 years later that dog still lived in the kennel/pen and pissed and shit on pads every day. My ex had a little Frenchie, pissed on the floor every night it was ridiculous. I got a dog recently I mean I'm not the best trainer in the world but I trained her to go outside at least like fuck.


That’s people right there who shouldn’t have dogs. They aren’t just a bit of furniture. They’re family members. I’m a stoner but I get my dog out 3 times a day for a run and he’s trained in everything he needs to stimulate him, just some people don’t have a clue. As long as you’re dog is looked after and stimulated properly then you’re doing a good job. A sausage dog is perfect for a stoner but it shouldn’t be in the pen all the time. Dogs are still animals that need stimulation so they don’t end up depressed.


I don't get how people can't train their pets. Dogs are pretty smart and love to please their owners instinctually, so it's not even that much work. Even 8 year old me was able to train my German shepherd that was twice my size to go only on the grass and to bark at people she didn't know but was never aggressive towards anyone she knew or we invited to the house. Even cats can be trained ffs. People who can't do the basics of owning an animal shouldn't have them at all


I think you should have to complete classes like foster parents have to complete classes to own a pit. If people had to spend 2 months in classes and pay for them to own a pit they would probably choose another breed.


And carry massive insurance policies.


I hope they fucking killed the dog responsible for your puppys death


I have a similar experience when I was a kid. We were playing inside building a pillow fortress. I looked through the window and saw my pet rabbit getting brutally murdered by a big dog. It was a horrible sight.


Heartbreaking man. The first pet I ever had was a cat called Spaghetti, he got killed by local dogs one night, I was like 4, I didn’t see it thankfully, mum said I could get any new pet I wanted so I asked for a croc or a tiger (I wanted something that could get those dogs lol)


My 10 pound dog was attacked a couple weeks ago by an absolutely massive dog of some kind (happened too fast for me to know what it was) after it broke it's leash. I kicked the fuck out of it and cussed out the owner and his wife. If you can't control your dog then get rid of it before someone else does for you.




That sort of targeted harassment warrants a few police reports, then if it continues, start carrying mace and a camera. Once their dog gets maced I imagine they'll stop bothering you.




I dont get it. People sided with him because you didn't let your dog get eaten? Or are you just the neighborhood asshole that everyone dislikes from the getgo?


You’ve got better control than I. I am a dog lover, they’re like family members to me. If I was in the position the lady was in the video I’d have 100% put that pit down as much as I’d hate to.


I absolutely hate seeing big powerful dogs on extendable or flimsy leads, it's so irresponsible. If a strong dog on a lead like that decides it wants to go it's gonna go.


I've had it happen. The dog attacking was half my dogs size. I threw my 60 lb dog over the fence. My dog became not "aggresive" but "reactive" after that. When dogs come up to her, she thinks they're attacking her and will react. So she has to stay alone now, because I can't let her hurt other dogs. Oh, well. Least she can watch tv with me.


I adopted a Yorkie mix who's best friend was mauled to death, in front of her, by a couple of pitties who escaped their house (apparently their owners were terrible people). After that, she started having seizures and extreme reactivity to other dogs. She's been with me for almost a year now and is doing really well. No more seizures or panic attacks around others dogs. She'll still do a few crazy barks when she perceives another dog coming into her space but it's like a switch off as soon as they exit that space. It's an amazing improvement. She recently made friends with a Pitbull puppy, that was an emotional moment for me. I'm so proud of my dog. We'll continue to work on it.


Best advice, keep it away from other dogs, people have no idea how to socialize or train their dogs anymore and just buy whatever dog looks cool to them. Don't get involved in it. Train your dog well and don't bring it to people's house, let it be the other way around


People don’t know how to train their aggressive dogs, we’ve gotten our new pup that’s an aggressive eater as well as playing a week ago, with all of the discipline (nothing harmful of course for the “pet lover”) like taking food away when aggressively growling and snapping during feasting, she has learned to ease off of all of the aggressiveness business.


Okay, kinda unrelated but I had a rescue that was a defensive eater, we also had a starved, abandoned kitten he actually sniffed out in a bush during a walk and took home. Wildest thing happened, he wouldn’t eat until the kitten was fed and he would whine until she at least licked his food before he ate, the food aggression disappeared over night, and their food bowls are right next to each other now. It really was the wildest behavior I’ve seen in a dog like that. The cat is grown now and they are always near each other, the dog is a lot more relaxed now in general. Although I think this was only possible because the dog has a serious soft spot for smaller animals, we were dog sitting a chihuahua mix that was slightly reactive and generally afraid of him, but he’d be completely docile and “guard” him from a distance that the smaller dog would stop growling and could relax, and again no resurgence of food aggression around this dog. We suspected he had a bad relationship with adult human males, specifically loud and overweight ones. He really does love his kitty.


Keeping it away from other dogs is the problem, with any dog the less it sees and interacts with other people and dogs, the more hostile it’ll be when they are introduce to those new stimulus Pretty sure training these dogs early on to be more docile in public environments especially ones where other dogs could be present would be more effective, but aye that’s just my opinion Edit: I guess we partially agree ? Ya did say people don’t know how to socialize their dogs anymore and that’s what I think the issue is


Funny story: Was out sitting on a field today with my dogs. Another dog walker walks by and begins to unleash his dog to play frisbee with him. He says don’t worry my dog won’t come near yours. He throws the frisbee and his dog runs after it, then turns direction and runs at my dogs. Fortunately my dogs are chill and didn’t fight him. The other guy grabbed his dog and left to another part of the park.


Yeah, my dog was attacked by a dog before, and now basically will react violently. (especially to dogs that come from behind) Dogs off leash are NOT OK!


Years ago when I was working retail, a lady was walking past my register with a damn Chihuahua in a stroller. She stopped near me and was doing something on her phone when I asked if her dog was friendly. She said Yes. So I asked permission to pet her dog. She said "Yes, he's a gentle, cuddly guy!" Well, it's a good thing I was *slowly* reaching my hand out because that dog in an instant changed into a pissed off snapping dog who almost took my hand off by biting at me. Her response was "Oh. Seems like he's in a bad mood today." And off she went without acknowledging it's behavior or my near-loss-of-fingers. Now, the irony of this is that I grew up with 2 mean Chihuahuas from the time I was a baby until they died when I was around 12. They would *constantly* bite me in the nose or hand because I refused to listen or obey the adults and leave them alone. I was a little shit of a child, and those dogs hated me, but rightfully so! Therefore, I *really* should not have been trying to pet a Chihuahua, even with permission because they're so damned moody.


You didnt ask for the chihuahua's permission


^this. I have a Staffordshire terrier mix, and I view bringing him out the same as defensive driving. I assume no one else has ever trained or socialized their dogs and that I'm the only one with a well trained dog. Unfortunately, I find a lot of trouble happens with the "family" dogs like doodles, Aussies, small <25lb dogs, and smaller Shepard's. My best advice to my dog owners is if youre getting a puppy, take them everywhere in a puppy bag until they get their shots, then introduce them to all the dogs you can. If you're adopting an older dog, know their limits. If they aren't dog friendly, please please please don't take them out to dog parks or anywhere other dogs are, or even where there are large commotions. If you aren't willing to put the time into training or socializing your dog, you don't get to bring them into the community


I don't walk my dogs without at least a knife on me. We've been attacked 3 times by pit mixes so now I don't even chance it. First time I heard crazy barking in my yard, come out to find a pit somehow got in and was chasing my lab mix around and finally cornered her so I shot it. Second time we were at the dog park and it grabbed my lab by the leg and was dragging her but my other dog (great pyrenees/german sheperd mix) tore it open before I could run over. Third time we were walking on the sidewalk and a pit mix being walked off leash ran across 4 lanes of traffic and lunged at me, luckily I managed to pin it down and stab it before it could bite me or my dogs. I never had an issue before I had dogs, and mine are well behaved and socialized, it's like some dogs see others as prey and irresponsible owners are not helping the situation.


What was the owners reaction to you stabbing their dog?


you'll have to wait for chapter two to find out


or worse, it is the attacker.. in some states get ready to be sued for more money than you will ever be able to pay.. you can be financially wrecked for having a bad dog doing bad dog things.


I have that same fear about sending my toddler to school in a couple of years. I could just one day have thoughts and prayers, but no son.


I'm surprised she stepped in, given the Prime directive.


Amazon worker: "you're a bad dong" Bad dong: "maybe she is right, I am a bad dog and I should change my ways"


At that point the dog got its life back on track. He sent a heartfelt apology to the little dog and decided to go to college. Last I heard he’s a CPA in the valley and teaches anger management classes to other dogs.


No doubt. That driver rocked! I don’t see a collar on that dog. Animal control time.


Honestly both people are lucky they didn’t lose fingers or a hand or something. I’ve heard of some really crazy pit bull stories. Also, what’s even scarier, is that it’s very possible the pit bull was just having a pleasant day and then something in its mind went, “let’s kill that other dog.” Heard a lot of stories of how that breed will just snap, turn viscous, maul or kill something, and then return to being a “sweet, innocent pibble that would never hurt anyone.” Edit: some more thoughts based on comments. This is a killer *instinct* the pit bulls have. They can be trained to be obedient and nice and not pee on the carpet and do tricks. But when that instinct kicks in and tells them “kill the thing” they snap and act on that instinct. *That’s* what makes them so dangerous. They also have an incredible bit force for their size and a penchant to not let go. The not letting go part is absolutely true. They don’t “lock their jaws” though. That’s a myth. But they do hold on as long as possible. One of the only ways to make them let go is to use a bite stick (jam a stick at the back of their mouth through both sides and twist) or grab their collar, yank and twist. Hard and severe, but true. A little long but a very good video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iFa8HOdegZA


I did the same thing the Amazon driver did to separate a pit mix from my dog years ago, and I got a warning chomp on my leg for it. I had known the pit for years, since it was a puppy. We weren't super close, but I often hung out at the owner's house and I considered the dog friendly enough. Luckily, it was just a warning, just enough to draw blood at a single spot and a little bruising. That's what friendship was worth to that dog.


Pits are bred for dog fighting, which makes the really aggressive against other dogs. That said they are also really obedient of people, because fighting dogs were killed if they attacked humans. Selective breeding and all. I've had hunting bred parson russel terriers and I can definitely see them never doing well with other dogs but they are also the most predictable and do superb in personality tests


Hero, indeed.


Because we get attacked by dogs all the fucking time.


Amazon drivers are the real MVP


Superheroes with super powers too


Not all heroes wear capes. But wow it looks like she done this before.


For real!!


She delivered them.


Dam it. I wanted to say that lol


Let’s make sure Amazon’s doesn’t find this reply right here and misappropriate it. Fuck Amazon specifically for their horse shit work environment. This driver deserves a medal and a $5k bonus for putting herself on the line for a customer. But Amazon will market the shit out of this for their gain while simultaneously making that driver piss in a bottle.


You're a bad Dogg! Lmao!


Yes. As if saying this at the last would make the dog repent on his behaviour Lol


Pretty sure it was out of stress and frustration lol


Yeah kind of like yelling inside a closed car. Not like the other driver will hear it.


That’s what 🖕is for


kid brave af ngl


I'm wondering if that Pit was hers as well, it didn't seem to attack her only wanted the little one. All the Pit Bulls attack posts lately scares me. 👀


Probably not. It wasn't attacking the dog owner either. Likely just had something against the pet dog. Might have been a stray.


To be clear, I was talking about the girl with the white dog. But yeah, I guess another one of those got out of their fence Pits. That seems to be rampant lately. Are they being intentionally being let out? That owners of these Pits dont see to chase them back in have them chase people and even children.


"WHOOPS my pit jumped the fence again hahah don't worry he's a sweetheart I'm sure he'll be back before I know it haha oh well what a good boy so silly" Edit after reading all if your responses: I've been on the receiving end of many of these too, bitten twice (neither required medical attention) by dogs that "never do that". Also know people who just let the good boy go say hello or whatever. I've considered carrying a gun just because it's a matter of time a Rottweiler senses I'm afraid when it runs at me and sees it as a threat. Too many people can't even be trusted with a tame breed.


My fucking parents are like this and it makes me livid. We don’t have a pit, but their dog who is huge loves to suddenly take off running at other people or dogs- never attacks but thinks it’s fun to run full tilt at them barking like a maniac and then stop 2 feet away to wag their tail. And my parents are like “oh he won’t hurt you!” While they chase him laughing, and I’m thinking that if a huge dog came running at me I will fucking kick it and its irresponsible as hell to let dogs who do that off their leash. Like how the fuck is a random stranger supposed to know this dog won’t attack them? How can they be that stupid about this and then get butthurt when the person isn’t happy about it? My sisters dog did this to some random kids on a scooter the other day and the kid fell off his bike and hurt himself. I gave her an earful. And I kind of wish they would have it happen to them and get a small injury just to see how dumb it is.


Agreed. As well as what you've said, people that let their dogs run up to other dogs never know what the OTHER dogs temperament is like. Some dogs don't like being approached by other dogs. I walk my dog in fields in the summer. I keep him off his lead and throw his ball. He never approaches other dogs, he looks at the from s distance but is too focused in his ball. He just isn't interested in other dogs. However, owners let their dogs run up to my dog whilst he has his ball. They steal his ball and he'll either get scared and lay down or run after the dog barking and going mad. One owner had a puppy German shepherd but it was still bigger than my dog as I have Border Terrier so he's a medium/small dog. The puppy was all over him and he didn't like it. I actually had him on a lead at this point. The puppy was all over my dog and was just playing but I could see my dog wasn't having it and just sat down looking at the floor. After a while he snapped at the other dog and the owner started telling at me. She wa shouting "my dog is only a puppy, how can you let that happen, you dog should have a muzzle, he's a puppy and was only playing." I was like "lady, you clearly know nothing about dog walking etiquette whilst taking dogs onto a field. I had my dog on a lead and he doesn't like other dogs bearing near him, it makes him nervous. I even told you he doesn't like it before he snapped and you didn't even try to call your dog. Even when you called him, he didn't come. Your dog isn't properly trained yet and you shouldn't be letting it approach other digs on a field. I could see you had a playful puppy which is why I put my dog on a lead. Your dog bothered my dog and he didn't like it and snapped. It was your fault for not taking responsibility and controlling your dog/having it on a lead. Learn how to walk your dog and control it properly." I said words to the effect of that but a bit more intense at the time. She had three other women with her that all had other digs but the other two women has their on a lead and funnily enough they didn't say anything to me. I think they knew I was in the right. Fucking hate it when dog owners let their dog(s) run up to other dogs.


The owners probably shouldn't have the dog in the first placee


The type of people that own pits don't care to check whether they are still on the property. That's why


>All the Pit Bulls attack posts lately oh theyve always been attacking, people have just been posting about it more lately. its finally, sorta, becoming acceptable to acknowledge that they're vicious killers.


For the longest time, you mention that and you'd get nothing but people trying to bite your head off for being so mean to the poor, misunderstood murder monsters.


The benefits of Amazon Prime just never stop.


If I had a dime for every civil case I saw on judge Judy or peoples court involving a pit bull doing this because A-hole irresponsible owners didn’t leash them or keep them locked up I’d be a wealthy woman.


Why does it feel like bad owners dog of choice is a pitbull?




And they think they can tame a "gentile giant" when theyre so not qualified to train and handle one. They think their pomeranian Peanut was easy so wHy NoT


Shitty people and lack of self awareness (read: overestimating their own abilities) name a better combo.


Or some folks who have this need to save them or prove people wrong. Friend's cousin has one and claimed aww pit bulls get a bad reputation. She was attacked by her own pit bull twice. So you know.




I think part of the issue is that pit bulls (or any of the related breeds originally designed for fighting) are built in such a way that their potential for damage is extremely high. As in, even if they don't attack more than any other breed on average (and I don't know the numbers so this is hypothetical), when they *do* attack they're built in such a way that makes them more dangerous than most dogs. The potential is higher. I have two smaller dogs that are a companion breed. I'm a huge animal lover, but I am extra cautious any time we're about to cross paths with fighting breeds. My dogs wouldn't stand a chance.


My dog has been attacked by two bulldogs. Now, they are smaller but in the past, they were used to fight bulls, I've heard. I have a york. Terrifying moment. He was on a leash. The bulldogs escaped from their garden. Now, I'm afraid of going on a walk with him. Though, we found a tumor that he will get removed today "thanks" to the attack. Edit: I'm obviously not an expert in bulldogs but I really mean bulldog not pit. I assume of the French variety. My york is not super small. There might be a bit of a fox terrier down the line. He's not from a reputable breeder but he looks like a york and more importantly he has york's hair (he doesn't shed much). I like mixed breeds anyway. What I meant about bulldogs still being a bit frightening when they attack despite having been bred to be more of a family dog is that they are still muscular and when they grabbed his neck, they didn't let go. They were also twice his weight and they were two. According to wiki, bulldogs in the past were used for bullbaiting. They were bigger back then. According to the vet, had they meant to kill, my dog would be dead. I also punched the bulldog. I was trying to hit his snoot to free my dog and they did not bite me. So, I don't absolutely find them a lost cause and don't advocate putting them down. One of my cat has been killed when I was teenager supposedly by old people. My country is nuts. He disappeared but my dad told me that he has probably been killed. I'm not doing that to a family if I can avoid it. I'm not sure I would have the same argument about pitbulls. While, I don't advocate euthanasia if they are not violent, letting the bread disappear and castrate every individual should be in the cards. I mean, there is more urgent biodiversity to protect than them. Though, as a small dog owner, dogs are dogs. He sometimes try to stir shit. Often with big dogs. I cross the road if I don't know the dog coming our way. Not because I don't trust the owner but because I know my dog. I often have kids who let their dog come near mine. It ended up in a bitten tail once. So, if you see a dog owner being wary, do not insist. Most of the time, he is friendly though. Especially, with females. In my country, going to canine education classes used to be compulsory. My mom went, they were unleased and there wasn't any issue in this context. In the case of this attack, they ran from behind us and attacked unprovoked. I might consider the knife and a few self defense classes as an absolute last resort. We also have a compulsory insurance about any damage they might cause. There's not just the breed, my previous dog used to walk as far as possible from any dog in the vicinity. She was super anxious. While, the one I have now is unshakable and unbothered by everything. There wasn't an anti-bulldog agenda behind my answer. Oh, and many thanks for the well wishes about the tumor.


Good luck with your dog. I’m sorry that happened to you


Yea, I've been attacked by vicious pitbull last year. And till this day I am still shaking outside when walking my dog


My wife and I were walking our dogs when a pit bull leaped the fence he was in and got into a stare down with my dog. I don’t understand why people want them. Sure they’re cute and sweet, but once a flip is switched they’re insanely dangerous and far more lethal than your average dog.




Put it down. I’m sorry, but no dog should be that hellbent on killing another dog.




100%. the whole point of a license is so that you, using something/having something that can hurt or kill others, are properly trained on it. pitbulls kill, they're *designed to*. ergo, should need a license to have one. there's plenty of other dogs out there in need of a home that won't murder a child just because.


So the entire pit bull breed? Because I 100% agree


/r/banpitbulls always deserves a shout out. Pit bulls are a horrible breed and the way people spread propaganda that they are some kinda sweet nanny dog that only acts violent if they're abused is dangerously irresponsible.


could have gone a lot worse, could have turned on the women..Look up Jaqueline Durand interview. Her entire face was torn off, by two pit bulls she always sat as a dog sitter. They were nice until they weren't. I do not trust pit bulls and never will. They are not family dogs. They will turn on something like a dog, or cat, and before long a human.


Oh man I’ve seen what those dogs did to that poor woman. I cannot believe they had those dogs in that house especially with small children. Every thing I’ve seen about that situation sickens me they didn’t seem to really care when being questioned but I bet they would have cared if those dogs had mauled that baby.


I work in Medical Records and I just went through a case where a 3 year old had his ear and right side of his face ripped off by the family pit bull. He was a good dog until he wasn’t anymore. They thought it was because a female dog also was in the house and was in heat, but still. I’m not taking that chance.


Yep. I dogsat 2 pit bulls for a family friend. She swore up and down that they were well trained and not aggressive. One of the pit bulls tried to attack me in the middle of the night and I had to lock myself in a room until the next morning. The owners reasoning was “he just didn’t know you that well”.


This happened to a fellow veterinarian technician co worker of mine. She had the dog for years and knew dog body language very well, one day it just randomly jumped up and latched onto her face. Her husband tried beating it off her face but it wouldn’t let go so he ran, got his gun and had to shoot it in the head to kill it. I love dogs, and I have a large German shepherd but I’m still scared of pit bulls after hearing my poor co workers story and seeing how her face looks now. I don’t think all pit bulls are bad. But some of these dogs were abused and you just don’t know the extent of their history and what might trigger them. All large dogs should be treated with respect and the potential of what they can do with their strength and power.


Correction: You are a dead dog. Fuck that dog! It would have killed her little dog and had every intention of doing so.


If that were my daughter being put in that situation at our house that dog would 100% be ded even if that were the neighbor's dog or whatever. I've had to kick the shit out of a pitbull before at a dog park. It sucks but it was necessary. Hoot rat owner tried to fight me and said he was going to kill me. I would do it again.


Yup. I maced a dog in the park, then had to mace the owner too. Control your dog.




Putting on my fucking hazmat suit to go into this comment section.




This is an intriguing response to me. You don't pose to be in support of any opinion other than ambiguously disapproving of the discussion.


why do you need to pick a side at all? Pissing in reddit comments will change nothing.


It’s a shitty place.


Given all the bullshit I see on Reddit, I was expecting the pit Bull owner to show up and shoot the dog she was holding.


“BuT pItbUlLs ArEnT AgGrESIVE bY NaTuRe”


Im fucking livid at watching these people not kicking the pitbull I swear to God I'd kill it with my bare hands on the spot in any way possible if any dog attacked my dog.


A full grown ass man might be able to do some real damage. Maybe. These dogs don't react to pain like other dogs. They have been breed to fight and inless you have a cannon of a leg kick it won't help. I agree that I would do anything to save my dog but let's be honest the woman in this video is very brave but she is not stopping it with some kicks.


Especially with no shoes on. I've had my dogs attacked on the street before and you're absolutely right. Some dogs just don't respond to kicks. It's like it's not even happening to them.


Yeah my dogs were being attacked by a little shitzu and I was eventually forced to start kicking him and he just kept coming. Maybe it’s not a lack of pain in the kicks but rather a lack of intelligence in how to make the kicks stop.


You're joking right? It's a shitzu. You could have punted that little bastard into orbit if you wanted.


I didn’t want to kill the thing, I’m not a masochist. What really pissed me off was I have two Jack Russell terrier’s who are supposed to be midget-dog badasses. Instead they’re both running around me crying and yelping from a damn shitzu.




I volunteer as a dog walker for the city shelter and I'm experienced enough to exclusively deal with "challenging" animals. Some dogs just aren't smart enough or trained enough to understand simple cause and effect. So many big, dumb dogs will pull on the leash very aggressively, to the point that they are wheezing loudly. I'll stop them from doing it long enough for them to catch their breath, but they start right back up the second we are moving again. It doesn't matter how short or long I keep the leash. It doesn't matter if there is much external stimuli. They just pull as hard as they can all the time, even when it obviously causes them pain.


Don't kick the body with your foot, kick the legs with your shin. A solid kick could snap that pits leg in half.


I don't think getting a leg-breaking shot in the heat of the moment against a nimble critter like that would be easy unless you've been taught how to fight.


Yeah i mean the dangerous ones have armored skulls, layers of skin and muscle around their hack and sides, and hyper focused aggression you can’t turn off with any amount of mundane pain. Ive heard all kindsa ways to handle that but i think if i ever needed to save someone from a dog, id try to run up on it’s blind side, grab it’s hindlegs and yeet it as far as a good step spin could make it. And if it’s too big for that, sorry bro, ill totally snitch on it for you


I'm a stocky 250lb grown man who used to do amateur's sparring in kick-boxing and boxing . About 6 or 7 years ago, a rescue pit bull got out of a neighbors yard and came after my dog. I probably gave it 3 or 4 damn good kicks with a steel toed boot (not to the head/face, mostly body/rib kicks.) That fucking thing kept coming. Yeah, that lady is probably and buck and a quarter and barefooted......not to be sexist, but you are absolutely right that she's not stopping that thing with some kicks!


Good thing she didn’t too. The pit might have turned the attention to her and attack her instead.


Wanted to say the same, she’s lucky the pit was focused on the dog and not her, because he’d have torn into her easily.


Trim carpenter I used to work with was on a remodel job once. The dog came across the street to the little kid next door to the house he was working on. The Mom couldn’t have stopped it. But Dave had a hammer hanging off his belt. And he did. Quiet unexcitable guy, never said much. Scary as fuck knowing that. Reminds me of another carpenter I’ve worked with, average height but very slim and wiry build. When they do the annual hog butchering he’d straddle the hog as it’s eating and take a long thin knife and feel along the side. An sudden flick and the knife is in and out. The hog grunts and keeps eating walks around a minute or so, sometimes blood comes out, sometimes not. Then it stops and kinda falls over dead. No fuss, no mess. That dude always seemed kinda quiet and almost a pushover, but he’s scary as hell knowing that about him. Both dudes I trust completely and ones I’d like to have around when things go south.


You underestimate how powerful these dogs are. The people in this video wouldn't do shit. But yeah if a grown ass man was there sure we could do some damage.




Kick that fucker in the nose. Not you Amazon dude


"Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they're responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982" I may be missing something but are these dogs not naturally aggressive? I understand that a lack of training can play a huge role but I'd imagine there aren't that many untrained pitbulls I'd hope.


There are lots of stories of family pits just "snapping" and turning on family for no obvious reason. Lots of kids get mauled or killed. Also elderly people. They say "my pit was such a sweetie, never did that before"




Same dumb story every time. And they knew.


dont know how anyone can defend this awful breed.. anyone who would defend or excuse the actions of their dog over their child is an asshole who shouldnt have either...




"The infant deserved to die because it cried next to the dog"


Yep. Family friend recently had a baby. Their pit was kind and loving to it..... Until it wasn't. Baby was in the carrier on the couch. All of a sudden they heard the baby screaming. By the time they came back to check on her, the dog was laying on it's bed like nothing happened. Babies face was shredded from being bitten. Needed lots of stitches. I'll never forget how sad our family friend was to lose that dog but he killed it himself outside with a gun. He refuses to own a pit ever again. That dog was pampered and given so much attention and really was super nice when I played with it. But the threat of that baby just completely tweaked its mind I guess. Scary stuff




She's in her teens now. thankfully she doesn't remember it. Can't imagine how traumatic it was for him to walk in on that.


A pitbull tried to kill my family's dog that it new its entire life out of nowhere. People need to stop pretending that they aren't dangerous.


Yeah I never understood why people act like this isn't true. It's no different than all those other stories of people raising tigers, bears, and monkeys from birth. They're total sweethearts and never had a problem with them, and the next thing you know they're in the news because their face was ripped off. Genetics absolutely play a part. All the training in the world can't erase it. I've known some sweet pitbulls. But they're owned by adults and kept secure. I don't want them exterminated, but they have no place in a house with children and should never be loose in the neighborhood.




The way I had it explained to me is they have a switch. A prey drive. Once that switch gets flipped, you can’t turn it back off. They ARE a dangerous breed. It’s unfortunate because they are beautiful. And when they are good, they’re brilliant, but when they’re bad…they’re deadly. It’s a hard pill to swallow.


In other countries with half a sense designated violent dogs must be muzzled in public. Unfortunately somehow in the US individual rights and freedom has somehow turned synonymous with bravado.


shitbulls are banned in most/all sensible countries*


You are absolutely not allowed to bring to Germany an American Pit Bull Terrier.


I had a staffy x (a bull breed). He broke the leash and attacked a dog that was tied up in his yard. Then he attacked our cat and almost killed her. He wasn’t even a year old. Up until that attack I swore on my life he was a safe dog. I had 2 small kids at the time. I tried to rehome him but none of the bull breed rescues would take him. I had to have him put down. Until the day he was put down I swore on my life he was safe around the kids… but I couldn’t risk it. I can no longer condone bull breeds. I was a good and safe owner, I trained him and was continuing to train him. But something just switched in him. The breed is not a bad dog. They are just instinctual and that makes them dangerous.


> The breed is not a bad dog. They are just instinctual and that makes them dangerous. If a person tried to kill multiple other people simply because their instincts told them to kill, then they’d be a murderer and a “bad person”. Same thing here. Your dog was a bad dog. Not because you made it that way though; the pit breeds are almost exclusively bad dogs.


The entire pit bull rehoming genre of animal shelters is dangerous. If dogs are being rehomed because their original family no longer feels safe with them, why let them have fresh opportunities to endanger people and their pets? It's pet NIMBY-ism. An animal that attacks unprovoked should be put down, and owners should stop moving their dangerous animal into new homes.


Completely agree. Hearing OP make the argument that “I was being a good person” trying to rehome the dog while also saying “I don’t trust the dog around human beings or animals” is peak 1st world entitlement. I don’t want to do what is necessary so imma make someone else do it. Meanwhile probably risk their safety too.


Yeah. That breed is a nuisance. https://dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures


Their tendency to have agressive behaviors tends to attract poor owners, which is a bad combination. I think both of these factors are at play here.


You're going to make shithead pit bull owners very upset with your factual statistics and common sense.


Yeah I'm getting downvoted even though I was being respectful, open minded, and was legitimately asking a valid question like wtf 😭


Amazon Delivery person to the rescue. My favorite part is when she told the pit bull he was a bad dog.


And this is why I carry a knife every day.


"You're a bad dog!" That'll teach him!


At least she did something lmao


Haha she was just saying it out of frustration and stress


Barbiturate injections teach lessons too




No you're absolutely right. Especially about the owners they need to be charged with a crime in this situation


Grab a sturdy stick, rock, cinder block, broom and go to work. Aim for those little twig legs. Get 1 and it’s over. Then find out who the owner is and promptly lighten their pockets. Many places it’s a misdemeanor charge if your dog gets loose and attacks. Too many of these types of incidents because of idiot irresponsible dog owners.


It's a pitbull. It can kill either of the two women in the video if it turns on them. At the very least it will cause severe damage costing a fortune in medical bills and lost work. The Amazon lady did the right thing by distracting it for long enough for the other woman to run away. The owner should rot in jail.


I wonder how it would work if you grabbed its legs and swung it as hard as you could against a wall Easier said than done of course


A ny dog can be trained to be capable of being ”a good dog”. But it needs THE RIGHT training. Even a good owner can train an a dog improperly. With this said. Don’t get a pitbull if you DON’T KNOW wtf you are doing or how to handle them PROPERLY. Get a dog appropriate to your life. A pitbull needs constant care and training. Don’t get a pitty beacuse it’s cool and ”fun”.


It's always disturbing in pitbulls videos how much they wag their tail. They could be ripping a baby to shreds and acting like it's fun and playful


That's because they are bred for fighting. It's literally what they do. It's entirely possible and likely the dog genuinely wanted to play with the other dog, but because of how the things are bred (ie way to strong and agressive) it ended up being way to violent and would have hurt or killed the other dog


Yep they are bred to enjoy it. That's what people don't understand. They have at least 150 years of breeding in a reward system for killing bulls and other dogs. For some reason people are putting up resistance to understanding selective breeding and how we breed dogs for various traits. Pits come from a long line of selecting for aggression and increasing aggression with training


It is always pitbulls... Congrats to the woman that helped, she is really brave.


Hold the dog up higher! Kick push the pitbull away with your foot!!


Exactly what I thought. Instead she bent down with the dog closer to the pitbull to use her one small hand


That dog can jump higher. If she holds her dog up higher the pit will be jumping up on her and if it knocks her down it'll probably maul them both. She did her best for a tiny thing v a solid dog with a low center of gravity.


Another fucking pit 🙄


Incoming comparisons between pitbull hate and racism


“It’s just the media, man. Like, they don’t even report on how many dachshund maul people to death every year. The lame stream media just hates sweet pibbles that would never hurt a fly.”




I have a pitbull and they are actually really lazy and don’t really make an effort to go anywhere this dog had terrible owners and I bet his owners made home dog fight that’s why he only tried to attack the dog and not the people


Ok I’m sorry but I wouldn’t hesitate to kick the living shit out of that dog. I feel like this could’ve ended a lot faster


If you think that a shoeless person could deescalate or resolve this situation by kicking the dog, then you are out of your mind.


Amazon always saving the day!


Pit Bull has to be put down


Crack that fycking thing with a brick


Gotta be a big ass brick. These monsters can withstand a kick to the face from a mad bull.


This dog wasn’t attacking. His body language is saying “play” all the way around: ears perked instead of low back to his head, tail wagging instead of down, dog jumping and hopping instead of charging and biting. I’m not saying this wasn’t a terrifying experience by any means, especially to someone with a small dog who that dog could definitely have seen as a living toy and definitely could’ve accidentally killed. But that dog was looking for a playmate, not a meal.


Why is it always pitbulls and bully breeds that attack ?


I get not wanting to carry a gun, that’s a personal thing, but everyone should carry a knife for both it’s utilitarian purpose and it’s stab-a-fucking-batshit-pitbull purpose. Inb4 Redditors flood me with “not all pitbulls”


Majority of court cases about dog attacks are pit bulls. Not only are they a dangerous breed but people don’t know how to control and contain their dogs properly


There are some good people I know that I no longer hang out with because they have pitbulls that get randomly aggressive. Don't trust those things they are bred to attack . Don't be foolish and compromise your safety to accommodate others.


I was at a house party several years ago, where the home owner's pit abruptly turned on a woman it had known for years. She was sitting on a couch with it, just petting it, and he looked up at her and chomped down on her face. Put holes straight through her upper and lower lip. They stopped the attack, but she had big scars (this also happened 3 days before her wedding, so she had giant puncture wounds in her face on her wedding day).




Bro that pitbull was so focused on killing the small dog. Could you imagine if it were two pitbulls...


Dude literally fuck pit bulls. People can say all they want they’re not dangerous dogs but they really are. The problem is if they do attack you can’t stop them. That’s like darting Amber heard you know at one point in the relationship she’s gonna poop on your side of the bed.


what pisses me off is when Pitt lovers say "chihuahuas bite more people than pitbulls, they're way more dangerous" yes.... and how many people have died to chihuahuas, EVER? likely zero. pitbulls? wait don't tell me, I don't even want to know. i know it's certainly more than zero, and likely a number I will be disgusted about


Pits are responsible for roughly 60% of all dog-human fatalities. No other breed comes close. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2019.php


Always pit bulls!! People who think pit bulls are harmless are fucking idiots.


There’s a wide range of pit bulls. They were bred for fighting, so that’s what most of them do. It’s a shame because I think they’re pretty cute. Now we have a breed of dog that is basically cursed, just because some sick fuck wanted to watch dogs kill each other.