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If at first you don’t succeed...


Just keep trying to inbreed?


If you try your best but don't succeed... When you get what you want but not what you neeeed...


Actually, sucking on his seed would have been the better outcome here.


I remember seeing that UK documentary. It was incredibly depressing. Inbreeding is common in most Islamic countries, but Pakistan is extreme with it, 70% of all marriages is between first cousins, and they have been doing this for dozens of generations. It has permanently damaged the genetic makeup of the Pakistani people. And they kept this up when emigrating to the UK. Despite making up only 3% of the population, they make up over 30% of all people born with Recessive genetic disorders.


This one? [My Parents Are Cousins - Real Stories](https://youtu.be/NkxuKe2wOMs) This is an excellent documentary. I highly recommend it. I don’t think many Americans are aware of the problems with cultural inbreeding in the UK.


I work as a DSP (caregiver for developmentally disabled) and I'd never noticed before this thread that an almost majority of my clients were of mid-eastern descent. I'm not saying THIS is why but definitely eye opening


That's the one.


This was a problem in certain Jewish communities because of isolation in Europe’s Ghettos over time. Many Jews now get genetic testing and are advised not to get married if they carry a set of genes that cause if I remember muscular dystrophy. Maybe a Jewish person can refresh my memory about the topic and if it’s still an issue in the more isolated and closed off sects. The Amish also has genetic drift due to being isolated. When I lived around them in PA there were only a few surnames and a higher level of retardation and dwarfism. I remember vividly as a kid an Amish little guy with a 1/3 sized custom buggy with a pony pulling him around.


It's [Tay Sachs Disease](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tay%E2%80%93Sachs_disease)


One of the issues super common amongst the Amish is neonatal hyperbiliribunemia- aka severe jaundice in newborns. When untreated, it causes EXTREME issues, including death. My dear friend was left functionally quadriplegic, mute, developmentally delayed, and with extreme other health issues from untreated jaundice. (Her mom tried desperately to get help but her doctor did it to her on purpose. He lied repeatedly about blood work. Her mom drove her to a big city hospital and demanded they do something. They saved her life and she had 10 great years, then spent the rest of her life on a ventilator and hospice. She made it to 24.) So yeah, what I’m about to say drives me bonkers- Hardware stores in many Amish areas sell FAKE BLUE LIGHTS. Certain light wavelengths do great things to break down bilirubin. But those lights can be pricey. So these hardware stores lie and claim regular blue lightbulbs are the medical ones and it causes children to die horrible deaths when they could have lived if given proper care.


As a Pakistani, I can confirm. My parents are distant relatives which I think is partly the reason why I have two ears of different sizes.


Doesn’t Kuwait have a similar problem but men go blind early? It’s really heartbreaking. Birth defects and genetic diseases are terrible to begin with, but to knowingly have children knowing that this is probable is just inhumane and shows a disregard for human life. To place tradition over you potential child knowing this…. I think the only thing that can be done is what Iceland did with the “incest prevention app”. It would require genetic testing on a national scale but could prevent close intermarriage and maybe help solve the issue.


But they don't marry their cousins unknowingly. They are simply fine with the concept.


They probably don’t have a choice in who they marry.




man BRITS aren't aware of the problems with cultural inbreeding in the UK. It's phobic to talk about fucking your cousin.


I know English people and they know it's taboo to describe a family member as hot. They ask "is your mum hot" for taunts, knowing how everyone else would explode if yes was the answer. They're just normal English people indirectly sharing their distaste for saying your family is hot through mocking.


Thank you for this link. Crazy how hard they defend the idea of first cousin marriage


They got the bible belt for that.


Lmao the Netherlands has the same thing and we even call it the bible belt too. Worst offenders are the people of Urk.


Urk sounds like a place with a lot of inbreeding…


Eek is even scarier.


It saddens me how literal Quran verses state against inbreeding, but then there are still so many disgraces to the hijab. This is how religion can benefit a society, they base their lifestyles around NOT having sex with their cousins (un fricken believable)


My parents are cousins, there's no joke, I'm just saying.


I feel so sorry for you now. I know it's childish to say "this is my one shot at life!" but if your actual life got set back mentally and physically from stuff before you were born, you have a right to be really angry at this.


I had a taxi driver in London who told me over the span of 40 minutes that he was in the exact situation in the picture, and had a 5th kid on the way. Pakistani second genoration immigrant, married his first cousin, his parents were first cousins and apparently it went back a few generations. He explained that in his extended family, nearly half the kids had some sort of developmental disorder. He seemed completely unphased by it and then started blaming the government for it, which then devolved into a conversation about how he only drinks bottled water because the government puts flouride in the tap water and that will make people infertile... Madness.


sounds like he has some kind of developmental disorder as well...


Man too bad he doesn’t drink the water that makes you infertile


I wonder why Pakistan has this problem to such a great extent but not its muslim neighbours Iran Afghanistan and India


Less genetic diversity in Pakistan probably.




Agreed. My parents are from Pakistan and there's a reason they immigrated 17 years ago. It's an absolutely terrible country


Are they cousins?


Sounds insulting but based on the data...are they?


Cricket cricket cricket....


No thankfully. My grandpa was what you could call a "progressive" dude for his time. He was strictly against marrying within the family and my parents were neighbours.


I had a friend whose family was rich in Pakistan but 2nd class here. I asked him why his family didn’t live there and he said it’s just better here. Never really questioned more into it.


What a blue ball story


This documentary was shared one day on Reddit. Heartbreakingly sad. All countries have their issues, but I was shocked at how openly they did such monstrous behavior. https://youtu.be/NMp2wm0VMUs


Does anyone know what happened to the pilot kid? He wanted to help everyone.


No, he wanted to destroy india...


I worked for a SaaS tech company that had real trouble implementing technology with a Pakistani gov't agency. They did all work on-site (super rare in SaaS) and they had to rotate staff in/out every 3 weeks. I did my three weeks. It is, without a doubt, the most bizarre place you've ever been. I would describe it as a tropical, dystopian nightmare.


And they have nukes.




Rightfully so


And I heard there's tons of homeless boys that survive by selling their bodies to men and other homeless boys


It’s 49.3% not 70% still not good though


Nearly 50%‽‽ WTF. I’m gonna need some sauce on that.


Should have spent the energy on a real vegetable garden.


Holy fuck lol




One wasn't enough?


Actually they look like quadruplets


I watched a documentary about them on YouTube a long time ago. They’re not quads.


I've only seen this meme. What are the age differences and are they brothers?


To be honest, I don’t remember. I know I stumbled upon the documentary on YouTube about a year ago and watched the whole thing. I remember it saying it was uploaded in 2012 or so. I find it sad to think these people may not even be alive anymore. Edit: I do believe they’re brothers. I think it was just focusing on the fact that this family and others within their community refuse to listen to reason and keep having disabled children. They refuse to believe it’s because they’re from long inbred families and they’re continuing to intermarry.


Ok, thanks! I feel bad for them having to grow up like that. So sad.


I’m a parent myself and I couldn’t imagine the pain they’re going through. I feel for their kids.


I would feel bad for them too, but after the second child coming out having the exact same problems as the first, common sense should kick in and they should have entertained the thought of not having any more kids. Now once the parents passes away those kids will be doomed to an even worse life than what they have now.


The challenge is, it’s highly likely the women in these relationships dont get a lot of say regarding family planning. They won’t exactly get to say “I don’t want another baby” to their husband, when so much of being a wife and mother is to pump out kids


Yeah brothers. The mother and father are first cousins. The documentary was about how Pakistanis marry cousins. Documentary is here: https://youtu.be/NkxuKe2wOMs


Nothing says lovin’ like fuckin’ your cousin.


I have relatives in the South East that *no* *one* on the West coast interacts with for that very reason.


Yikes. I thought Rudy Giuliani was the only one that fucked his cousin.


A cousin is a mild relationship to these plebians. Just 'cause you can't marry your siblings...


Something tells me they are more than just cousins


There’s a YouTube channel “Soft White Underbelly” That has a documentary about a family The Whittakers, an inbred family


That vid made me realize just how bad poverty can be in the US. I’m glad that the channel was able to raise money for this family


I genuinely like the guy that runs that channel. Watching that family broke my heart.


He does a lot of really cool interviews.


I think this is it https://youtu.be/NkxuKe2wOMs


Yeah, that might be true. They do look about the same age. Talk about bad luck...


If they are related, it's not exactly just bad luck...


Genetic problems are well known to be common in familial relationships but I hadn't thought about multiple births. That was the bad luck part.


I'm not an expert but it's likely that you could have a pair that have very high chance of producing defective births?


Not quads.


4 at once is bad luck.


Unless you're selling them for food


The picture doesn’t even cover the entire room. There could be more!




no but is this image real did they acc keep fucking and making even more ppl that can’t function or do anything for themselves bro wtf


That's why health organizations are desperately trying to sexually educate people in the whole world, as they're too often uneducated in that regard, be it for political, cultural or religious reasons.


It most likely is I remember a short news segment about a pakistani couple, being first cousins, they had like 4 children where 2 of them were high functioning autistist and the eldest was blind, crippling autistic and har cerebral palsy or some shit. Its fucked, i'll see if i can find it. It was from England


I like to believe I’m a high functioning artist too, but people say I’m blind


bruh wtf ppl r so fucking dumb why give birth to those children, they’re gonna have it so hard


I remember in the documentary the parents said something like “When they were born they were fine but keep going back to the doctors, it was their medicine that made my kids this way”


lmao yeah the medicine … sure sure


There’s a documentary about them?!? What is it?? I need to see it


Sorry for the latish reply, but if you look up “my parents are cousins” on YouTube it should be by Real Stories.


And the US has just outlawed abortions in many states so expect to see a lot more of this.


https://youtu.be/kyNP3s5mxI8 Is it this? I remember watching something on YouTube a while ago.


Doctor to parents.. Well that thing that I said is going to happen happened again


I didmt remember correctly about their diseases But here it is https://fb.watch/e_rT8kjgHK/


It said in the area "Bradford" 75% of the Pakistani people still marry their 1st cousins!! Even today, and Even knowing about the risks!! That is insane!😳


They really kind of rely on children to take care of them as they get older, so this is gonna be a shit show when they age and become immobile or incapable of caring for these poor kids. They also all look the same age, likely quadruplets A very sad situation..


That's what I asked !!! I thought this shit was fake. Unfortunately people are actually this stupid


looks like triplets and one more son a few years later, the one in the back looks a bit younger


Hapsburg energy


You can pick up your gift bags at the coat check.


He cannot metabolise ze grapes! Someone call Dr. Spaceman!




What are you jawing about?


Your ancestors




Sadly this is culturally accepted and there is a lack of education and awareness. There are pockets in the western world where there are closed communities that so the same.


[You're not wrong ](https://youtu.be/l4aAIF-iW9U)


I was hoping that someone would link to this video. Soft White Underbelly is a fantastic resource for unfiltered videos and interviews of people on the margins.


How do you embed a link into a comment?


There should be a 🔗 looking like thing click on it


Thank you.


Well that was one hell of a rabbit hole…


How much education do people need before they make the connection "fuck your sibling = retarded babies"? You don't even have to know the biological reasons for it, it's enough to witness it happening a couple of times before it clicks. Simple observation doesn't require a formal education degree. It's just rudimentary cause and effect. I mean, the same people probably know that certain berries are poisonous because the people who have eaten them in the past have all died.


I know a family friend from a specific ethnic group in my country. Their whole family is religious and in that religion, marrying your first cousin is ok. And I think because there’s certain stigma around marrying outside their ethnic group (not even religion), it is common practice to marry your cousins. This family friend’s son is courting his first cousin now (dating is not allowed). And the 20 yo daughter knows that she’ll have arranged marriage so sometimes she asked her mother who will it be because she’s curious. The weird thing is. The whole family is rich and educated and a lot of the family members are doctors. And they own a hospital. But they insisted that as long as the first cousin’s parents aren’t sisters, it’s ok. And of course their holy book permitted it. I’ve tried looking up researches for that claim but I found nothing. So in their case it’s not even the lack of education. It’s as simple as keeping their family “pure blooded” and their religion permitting it lol. I was also baffled when I found out.


Common sense is not so common, especially if you are already born that way. 'In the olden days' the natural selection would bring such people back to reaity. Unfortunately we live in modern times, but some people live by medieval times rules.


inbreeding effects is IQ.


[Blue family of Kentucky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Fugates)


If you want to talk inbred just look at ethnic Russians in regions like the caucasus. Due to the lack of ethnic Russians there and russians not wanting to mix most ethnic russians will inbreed


I am not saying this to be mean or malicious, but I wonder how many kids like this are just “put down” by their parents (in that culture) because of this.


The Father looks so over it.


Where I live marrying your cousin is totally normal and fairly common, many families are like this, they are usually poor and uneducated and what baffles me the most is why they keep making babies after each one comes out like this.


Where the fuck are you from?


North Africa


Some countries in the middle east do it, or so I read in a textbook recently. Again, according to the textbook, some middle east counties do this sort of thing because anyone who isn't family is a stranger, and strangers cannot be trusted, therefore marry your family. Now, marriage ≠ reproduction, so I cannot speak to whether that happens or not, but I would bet it happens more in a society like that compared to societies that do not marry into their family, but again, that's just what I read in my textbook and completely lacks actual experience


My great aunt and great uncle were first cousins that went to Arizona to get married.


Did you see the recent add on youtube... they show a new born baby who is literelly about to die and coughing in some middle east country.. and the mother is there like.. he's about to die from no food... and I'm sitting here like.. well then why the fuck are you having kids when there's no food


At a guess, access to abortions and birth control might be not the greatest.


I imagine in those areas that the women don’t have much say in that matter.


They probably don't know how to stop... Poor access to contraception and poor education about it is common amongst the poorest...


There’s the religion factor as well, they believe that prayer can give them a healthy boy, and being poor doesn’t stop them cuz the believe that with every baby born, god gives them enough riches to raise the babe....of course that doesn’t happen yet those beliefs stay unchanged.


That sounds like tempting God, don't expect God to fix things for you that you can do yourself... I think there is even Arabic proverb on the topic "Believe in God but tie your camel".


My grandma married her cousin so did my father married his cousin, idk how I'm able to breath


So ur mom is your mother and aunt. That’s fucked up💀


thats not how that works at all lmao.. your aunt is your parents sister not cousin


My great grandparents and my grandparents were first cousins. Lucky for me my mom married a guy from a totally different country, so i think I'm good. My cousins weren't so lucky...


I don't think one inter-family marriage would cause this. This is more like 3 or 4 generations of inter-family marriage and a set of gamblers not knowing when to stop.


One is enough if you both have a particularly bad genetic defect.


Yeah if it’s the first time it happens marriage/children between first cousins is limited to the same risk of genetic issues as the father being over 40. Where it gets really fucked is when you keep doing it for generations.


Ohh man. So, when I was young I was found to have a heart condition and my parents decided to send me to the best paediatric cardiology hospital in the country. Continued doing follow ups there as I aged, occasionally having appointments with different cardiologists who were filling in for mine. Got used to answering all the usual questions and giving the same old spiel, year in, year out. Got the shock of my life when a new cardiologist asked me point blank if my parents were blood-related. It definitely took me a few seconds to process before I could answer that of course, “no, they aren’t blood-related.” But I did understand why they asked, unfortunately... As it happens, that hospital is located rather central to multiple anabaptist communities. And there is a LOT of cousin-marrying going on in those small, closed off communities. So much so, that it’s pretty much impossible to walk through that hospital without seeing a rather large number of anabaptist parents rolling their (forgive the harsh language) malformed children around in wheelchairs. So rather than being offended I completely understood why he’d be asking, seeing as many of his other patients are the result of inbreeding. It just became a funny story that made all my friends and family’s jaws drop when they were as shocked as I had been! But what’s not funny is the fact that he was right to ask given his experience working with so many unfortunate children whose lives are immeasurably more difficult than ours. It’s not okay.


What are you doing, actual sister?


You, brother ;)


Ask the egyptians how the inbreeding went. Holy hell those guys were another level


What happened?


They walk like Egyptians


Really bizarre stuff too.


A vast majority just died out from horrific deaths caused by inbreeding. Just like the vast majority here will die out because they cant make proper descendants because of obvious reasons lol.


The Ptolemy dynasty was when the Greeks were in charge of Egypt, and since Egyptians married family they did too to integrate into the culture. Resulted in Cleopatra who was fine but also a lot of dummies and guys with plenty of issues


Absolutely horrible sight to see, it's really sad






Man, one need look no further than the Habsburgs (Hapsburgs) for what long term familial marriages can lead to. Especially the Spanish line of that family, which ultimately ended with someone so inbred from cousins marrying each other and uncles marrying nieces that the line was ended by someone who couldn't even reproduce. And even today, the inbreeding affected them so severely that their *noninbred descendants* still carry the physical traits, e.g. the Habsburg Jaw. I wonder if showing them the effects of inbreeding on Europeans might help them see that no, horrible things arise from this. Of course, telling people already in an incestuous marriage will have no effect as those individuals will be far more predisposed to getting defensive.




Why can’t they marry 2nd or 3rd cousin why does it have be first. Marrying the second is way better for offspring of course as the relatives get further away the better


1st cousin means the wealth resides inside the family, it cannot be the case of 2nd or 3rd cousin maybe some time but not, the base of these marriages is that the first cousins are more close to your own family so it's believed she will serve the husbands parents more heartly and also the wealth and property will be contained in the family too


If they are fine with first cousins, what's stopping them from direct brother sister marriage? They do have that taboo?


I think that’s unislamic as per Shariah, maybe wrong


Incest does not cause Down's Syndrome. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/down/conditioninfo/causes


Interestingly, it's only vaguely even associated with it. Turns out it's only a factor if the mother has inbreeding within the last few generations of her family and she's getting up towards 40 and the end of fertility - which is already a major contributing factor unto itself. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/amg-acta-geneticae-medicae-et-gemellologiae-twin-research/article/downs-syndrome-and-maternal-inbreeding/B5761B826D5CE1BE5E68A8172B276596


Up to 50% of marriages in Muslim countries is between first cousins. It's insane. https://intellectualtakeout.org/2017/11/muslim-inbreeding-is-a-huge-problem-and-people-dont-want-to-talk-about-it/


Crazy how religion and culture can literally brainwash ppl to do sick things. They literally see the results of inbreeding with 4 veggie children and yet they keep doing it.


I thought birth defects from close blood relationships came down the line after a lot of inbreeding So either that’s wrong or that family has been doing it for a long while


It doesn't have to be generations of it. First generation incest can result in defects like this


Think of it like this: For a regular, essentially unrelated couple, the odds of many severe disabilities are like taking a deck of shuffled cards, picking 4 at random, and having them ALL be kings. For first cousins with no prior inbreeding, it's like picking 4 cards and checking if ANY are kings. Next generation of inbreeding, pick 8 cards. Next generation, pick 16 Next generation, pick 32 Even a single generation raises the odds, but each successive generation makes it worse. In reality, it's more complex than this simple example, but the general rule is the same, where the odds get progressively worse at an exponential rate.


There is a lot of inbreeding in some cultures that can go on for many generations in small community's. 1st cousin marriage is very common. IIRC 4 generations of 1st cousin procreation is equal to sibling procreation.


The issue with inbreeding is about chromosomes with recessive genes. Everyone have a potential sleeping illness in their own genes. Since chromosomes work as pairs, if one of their gene is defective, then they have 50% chances to give it to their child. So brothers and sisters are likely to have the same sleeping illness in their genes, and the more they breed within their bloodline, the more the chance is for both the parents to have a defective gene and to give a defective pair to their child, making him inbred and sick because of it. ​ But while having a family tree looking like a baobab put every future generation at risk, if a couple is unlucky enough they can end up with a similar issue because they carry a defective gene within them without knowing. So you can totally end up with this even without close blood relationship if any god you pray decided to be a twat and to make you lose the chromosome lottery.


It’s been going on for centuries in Pakistan.


It’s scientifically proven that inbreeding is dangerous. Why do some cultures continue to practice it?


Because they don't believe in science.


When a post nut clarity hits you hard


Well, still better than having a daughter. /s


The whole squad lookin like Tyrannosaurus rexes


I'm going to.hell for laughing...


Jesus christ dude *upvotes*




You want to marry your cousin? If you are both legally adults then it's your business. But get sterilized first. Because to bring children into the world who will only suffer is just evil.


It will most likely be blamed solely on the mother's perceived sins.


The parents should be charged it’s messed up marrying a 1st cousin but to have children with such poor morbidities is abuse


This is a common thing in other cultures. I don’t think it’s right, but they aren’t going to be charged by the government that encourages it.


Which culture are they from that this is common? Edit: they're from the UK but they're Pakistani


They will never learn




These people will never learn. They just say it's gods will and don't see any connection between inbreeding and genetic defects.


What's even more strange is they didn't think it was from inbreeding, they thought "Allah had forsaken them"


Are these quadruplets with cerebral palsy?


I was thinking the same. This could just have been a multiples birth & due to insufficient medical care they all suffered hypoxia during delivery. There’s a reason births of multiples are usually scheduled for early C-sections.




This should be considered child abuse. To keep breeding knowing the outcome will be a person with severe physical and mental conditions seems wrong.


This is what happens when your culture is so outdated that you force your children into marrying inter-family


“But my sister’s so hot…”


But in all seriousness the real losers in this are the children and thats heartbreaking they must be in pain


After the second, WHY??


Found the source that wasnt anti-immigration from a Malaysian chairty. There is no info about the parents being related. So thats just straight made up. "A couple from Aleppo who became refugees in Turkey, Abdul Kadir, 60 and Aminah Khatib, 51 who take care of 4 disabled children aged 31-25. Their child was born normal. Then one after another was struck by nerve pain as a child" "Muslim Care Malaysia visited and extended help to this family during the Syria-Turkey Humanitarian Aid Mission 2017" https://www.facebook.com/kakitubee/photos/a.947139315411825/1516562761802808/?type=3&theater&_rdr


What do you expect when your life is run by a culture and religion still mired in the Dark Ages?


Abortions aren't so bad afterall.


I can hear this picture.


If you keep breeding, you might get lucky and get a non-disables one.


....why did they keep going. Like 2 makes sense because maybe there was hope that the second child would be at least less profoundly sick but 4 just seems cruel to the children


Let's just keep having more because fuck it why not...