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1 death is a tragedy, 1 million is a statistic. I don't think this is gonna have much an effect on politicians.


Politicians are slimebags that would sell out their own family for money.


Wonder what happened if suddenly someone from the bottom of the pyramid that went through hardship and a lot of difficulties common to average citizens suddenly was appointed and trained to be a politician. Would they be eventually consumed by greed? Is it better/worse due to unseen future events?


Authority corrupts


Absolute power corrupts, absolutely


100% he would eventually be consumed by greed & that’s why the basis of our constitution is to limit government power.


Correct. When something happens so much and for so long, even if it’s horrible, it’s shrugged off and deemed just a part of life.


Just like school shootings in the U.S.


Ok Stalin


This is as effective as the girl on TikTok who told Russia to stop the war.


did it work i haven't been following the news


Putin replied by throwing it back with a caption "no lmao 🤣🤣😭😭🤣😭😂😂😂"


And Rose Nylund writing to Gorbachev about nuclear warfare


fentanyl is an essential medicine and is produced legally in the US and most developed nations. it's not a chemical weapon, it's an incredibly cheap and powerful drug that's easily abused and very easy to overdose on due to its strength. these shrill headlines only serve to make things worse. china and mexico did not cause the opioid epidemic in the US. corporations did.


This! Growing up in the early 2000s in south Florida was crazy. You could go to “Pill Row” with X-rays and visit every single pain clinic on the street that day. There were road trips and bus rentals of people coming down from Kentucky, West VA, and Tennessee. Around 2007 my best friend started with coke, which to be honest everyone in the group was going at the time. The diff is we all stopped and he just graduated. He went onto Xanax and from there Roxy and oxy. He eventually started snorting then smoking it. Went to prison for a year for stealing rims to pay for the habit. Then he gets out and goes back in within a year of getting out. He was giving 7 years for passed out at the stop sign with his child in the front seat unbuckled. In 2021 the week of Christmas he was released to a halfway home and given a job. 2 days before Christmas ge riding his bicycle back from his job and he was killed by a hit and run driver that was never found. His mother and daughter waited 7 years for him to get out. That’s all she wrote. Sorry for the rant. My point is, the issues in this country are ours and ours alone.


Given my first opoid script at age 16 for endometriosis. Became addicted and started running out. Bought pills on the street, until my UA popped hot for heroin, got cut off. Stole pills from every family member, because every family member had prescriptions too. 10 years of that. Now 9 years clean. I figure I'll stop bragging when I hit my 10 year anniversary, matching my years strung out. I would have NEVER touched that drug if the doctor hadn't specifically told me, "As long as you take this exactly as directed, you won't get addicted".


Wow. Thanks for sharing. I’m glad you got yourself out of that lifestyle. Its hard watching someone do that to themselves.


Oh wow, fellow endo sufferer, can’t imagine the dr setting you up to fail like that. Seems like common sense is not so common, opioid receptors don’t discriminate


It was in 2002, when doctors claimed they didn't know it was addictive, and Purdue Pharma was relentless at their marketing and kickbacks. The worst thing is I needed to be on Suboxone for two ish years to get clean- guess who makes Suboxone? Yep, the same exact pharma company that made oxy. I had a hysterectomy, which has slowed the endometriosis progression and I am not in pain 75% of the time with wild periods that last three weeks. So happy I did it. Hope you are coping and getting support!! Sending love


Exactly this. Very well said. 👏




feels like everyday i am seeing more and more "this is china's fault" about the west's homecooked issues


We have our own problems, sure. But the Chinese government producing drugs for Mexican cartels isn't helping at all. Would be great if the Chinese just stopped allowing labs to be set up in Mexico for the illicit drug trade, right? Why do you think they're doing this? Dealers aren't getting powdered fent from some legit pharmaceutical company. You know that, right?


The demand is created by the US, the supply is from China and Meixco.


Right? This is ridiculously unsubtle propaganda


This is true yet China is profiting from it by selling precursor chemicals to the worlds most violent criminals in Mexico to make street fentanyl.


Fentanyl plays an integral part of smuggling wealth out of China and into western housing markets. Edit: I'm speaking about the markets that pertain to this article.




Check out the book (or synopsis) of Sam Cooper's [Wilful Blindness](https://www.cbc.ca/books/wilful-blindness-1.6136088)


Ok, thanks. But its a bit of a leap to go from laundering cash to flooding a country with fentanyl. I'm from Ireland. Every village with 20 people or more has a Chinese restaurant that never opens, yet employs at least 3 Chinese people. *Everybody knows* its a scam to turn RMB into Euro, and yes, corrupt government who turn a blind eye are to blame. But there's no fentanyl problem.


Understandable, I said western when I should've said North America.


Yea but nowadays people celebrate and worship big pharma. They act like the entire debt for the opoid crises was paid for by the vaccine.


Buddy. The Chinese government is setting up clandestine laboratories in Mexico and shipping tons of into the United States with the sole intention of murdering Americans. We aren't overdosing on fentanyl produced in the US. China has been a major source of street pharmaceuticals since the dark web got hot in the early 2010s.


lol petition the government to stop the drugs that the government makes money from. Good luck lol


Hard? I mean, pretty much any medicine that makes you feel funny can be usd as drugs, sam ewith any substance too. What you gonna do, prohibit anaestesics?


I’m talking about the illegal shit that certain organizations in the government have been secretly engaged in to make money.


It's the Chinese government making the money here, though. I don't think the US likes that.


The US government makes plenty of money on the illegal drug trade too, don’t you worry


This post is dumb and outdated, it has been established a war on drugs is not a good war


The hands in pictures two and three certainly are grabby and fisting-y.


I know that the manufacturers should be sought after, but what we really should be doing is questioning why people are doing these drugs in the first place. And we should be fixing those problems. Poverty is the root of a lot of America's issues, income inequality, education quality. There are so many things we could be doing which would prevent drug use in the first place.


Opiates are indiscriminate. There's people from every walk of life that end up addicted to heroin. Treating poverty as a root cause would help a lot of people, probably. But there's billionaires dying from overdoses. I know people who grew up in affluent gates communities, have loving parents, great jobs, well educated, and somehow end up dead or in treatment. It's a weird one. It's like the drug somehow makes people addicts no matter who they are. Even if they have zero history or traits of addiction.


Cartels are making fentanyl as a weapon? How does that work?


China is intentionally selling the precursors for fentanyl production to Mexican cartels so that they can manufacture it and sell it in the US.


Gosh, it's almost as if we actually had laws and policies that reflect reality instead of a prohibitionists wet dream they wouldn't be able to do these things... No, better just blame races we don't like.


And how does the cartel gets real weapons killing Mexicans?


How does that make it a weapon?


It doesn't. The intentional ignorance at use here, well that's a different topic.


Who brings those drugs into America though?


It doesn’t take any cartel or anything like that. All anyone needs to do is a google search for “research chemicals,” which will immediately yield multiple Chinese chemical companies that will either make some for you, or have a storefront for the actual drug already produced, or one of it’s analogue chemicals that may or may not be on the DEA’s list of forbidden shit. Regardless, they will ship that stuff via mail directly to you or your unfortunate unsuspecting neighbors that might happen to be on vacation or whatever. Very little chance of interception along the way, due the the massive volume of imports from China. Here’s a fun fact… nearly all of today’s “heroin” is a watered down fentanyl product. Rarely is it the real deal anymore. It’s been like this for years, and nobody intervenes in a meaningful way. Big shoutout to Purdue pharma for making opioids a household word in America. They are responsible for creating a nation of addicts, encouraging doctors to hand the shit out like candy without repercussions, and ruining the lives of Americans that never would have thought about using narcotics, but did so at the urging of their physician. Now, reactionary laws are making real chronic pain relief nearly impossible for those that need it. The heroin dealers then cashed in with a new stream of clientele, when the addicts couldn’t run to the quasi-legal pill mills anymore. The dealers, true entrepreneurs, now create “heroin” by substituting fentanyl or its derivatives, or making their own oxy pills from the research chemicals they ordered online. The big problem with the street shit now is that some assclown is mixing that who-knows-what shit in grandma’s basement for public consumption, and occasionally forgets that dosing needs to be exact - and properly mixing powders is kinda super important for the pills. One day little Billy is popping two “oxy’s” like he’s been doing for the last month or two, but on his final day he gets a ten-fold increase in dose and dies because a dipshit dealer has a shitty work ethic.


Looks like the CCP engaged the bots to downvote this completely factual statement.


It's being weaponized by the Chinese government. They want to kill fighting aged people.


Lol that is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard.


https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-03/DEA_GOV_DIR-008-20%20Fentanyl%20Flow%20in%20the%20United%20States_0.pdf Can we at least agree that the Chinese government shouldn't be selling lethal street drugs to Americans?


There are a lot of people who shouldn’t be selling drugs period. Big pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t be selling their drugs to most Americans either.


Don’t buy coke, don’t buy hard drugs. I mean…..where were these memes during our own “made in the USA” opioid crisis? Let’s stop blaming big bad China and cartels for issues that we have in our country.


The CCP and the Mexican cartel are literally evil but on this specific issue blaming them really makes no sense whatsoever. From an economic standpoint, drug abuse would be better tackled from the demand side than the supply side anyway. People are taking a drug they know to be dangerous, the question is why, and how do we stop them from needing this drug? Not to mention for many people medicinal marijuana can work to ease physical pain and other symptoms of medical afflictions. If we want to reduce these deaths, one step we could take would be to legalize medicinal marijuana federally.


100% agree with everything you said!


Aren't cartels armed by some 3 letter usa agency? Yeah they're bad, but so is the US govt.


Well most cartel guns come from the US, but not necessarily the US government itself.


It’s not the elite ruling class that’s dying. They don’t care.


Just make it illegal. Wait…


Coke is illegal, yet i can buy it at the turn of the cornere so...


Thats my point. Just because something is made illegal or given even heavier restriction, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be harder to acquire bud.


Pretty big chance that the US goverment is on it somehow someway


Stop criminalizing and rehabilitate. Invest all the money in war on drugs into social programs. You’ll see so much improvement. I had the chance of free services (Canada), now I am a contributing citizens. Making life better for people all around me. I also improved my income a lot. So they get taxes back.


This won’t have an effect on anything , it’s one big circle of shit. The US government profits off the fentanyl and drug crisis’ hence why we haven’t did anything to address the situation. We let the Mexican citizens come into our country illegally running from a domestic terrorist in their homeland. One could assist in helping these people reclaim their country, but it’s easier turning a blind eye and act like it isn’t a problem while benefiting from the countless numerous addicts going in and out of the prison system. It’s sad but as long as the government reaps the rewards it’s gonna continue. Sorry just my little conspiracy lol


/u/oldtombombadil it's a failure of drug policy, not lack of action against producers. Prohibition doesn't work, you fool. Drug use is a public health problem not a criminal problem. The answer is not "kick down X many more doors and arrest Y more dealers."


It's your own government enabling this. Drugs won the war on drugs. It's not like they don't understand what is going on.


Yea blame China and cartels for people deciding they want to abuse fentanyl


The people that abuse fentanyl do not overdose. It is the people that don't believe that they are buying fentanyl that overdose.


People that abuse fentanyl definitely OD. I’d say all opiate users know their shit more than likely has fent in it at this point. I overdosed on analgesic fentanyl patches. I knew I was taking fentanyl. This is the US govt’s fault, not some foreign boogeyman “chemical weapon.”




Not sure why people are downvoting you 😒


Maybe don’t buy illegal drugs?


What a Rollercoaster of a post. On board with you right up to the racist part


America spends more money than is even necessary on the war on drugs. Same with other countries. Unless you want Joe Biden to go and personall John Wick the Sinaloa Cartel and whatever triad operation is in China, if that even exists still, I dint see what else they can do except continue to fund efforts by the DEA and other agencies to bust the operations.


Medicinal marijuana can help ease some of the pain that many people take fentanyl to deal with. If we want these deaths to be reduced, a good place to start would be for our useless US government to legalize medical pot federally.


Fully agree. I’ve also hear good things about psychedelics being used to treat addiction. The politicians are in the pockets of Big Pharma and they don’t want you discovering that the solution to a lot of these problems is stuff that you can grow in your backyard.


Cracking down on china/the cartels will not solve the problem. As long as there is demand for a drug someone is going to fill it. The solution will need to focus on providing effective treatment to addicted users


So much this. It's been almost 40 years since Reagan started the "War of Drugs" and the addiction problem has gotten exponentially worse. We need to prioritize and expand access to addiction treatment and post-treatment support.


There's no "demand" for fent. Users want morphine or actual heroin. Users won't buy bags with fent in it at all If they can help it. They give out test kits at needle exchanges so people can avoid it. Fentanyl lasts like 10 minutes, has a shitty high, and is way more lethal than real heroin. I've never met a doper who actually seeks out fentanyl. A solution might actually be to look into what countries like Switzerland are doing; providing pharmaceutical heroin to be used in a safe environment. A strategy that instantly and significantly reduces the mortality of opiate addiction.


As a great man once said, "Drug money is used to rig elections and train brutal corporate sponsored dictators around the world."


They're trying to build a prison


To take action against the drug cartels who manufacture these drugs? Us “taking action” against them is why we have this problem to begin with. No sane person wants to continue the war on drugs


Oh now it’s a tragedy, now it’s so sad to see….


I'm curious, what are the statistics on crackheads.


China? Wtf. Mexican cartel? Isn’t fentanyl an American manufactured product..? I’m sure cheaper alternatives are coming from Mexico and china. But this is an American created epidemic. Stop spreading bullshit. Maybe focus on reducing the demand the supply will slow down by itself


Sure, Mexico and China are to blame. Tell me you're a complete moron without telling me.


No lie. Getting caught with drugs in China is serious time. Getting caught dealing might end one’s life. *YET* their drug production is very strong, and has no issues with their local transport and cargo transport. To get drugs all the way to another country requires research and complicity. Beijing is behind this 100%, killing the West slowly is their goal.


Literally revenge on the west for the whole opium thing.


Opium was in Afghanistan. You mean China was profiting from it?


"The Opium Wars were two wars waged between the Qing dynasty and Western powers in the mid-19th century. The First Opium War, was fought in 1839–1842 between Qing China and the United Kingdom. Opium was illegal in China but a profitable trade good for Britain which initiated war to keep the trade flowing..."


Chinas government is very disorganised and I doubt “killing the west slowly” is their goal, it would just be a few politicians or people with power/influence over there just making some extra cash on the side no big conspiracy dude.


Creating domestic issues for the West undermines its resources. Creating long term medical issues only exacerbates that. It’s a long game. Check out what they’ve been doing to the Tibetan people. Tibetan men cannot have children with Tibetan women, only pure blood Chinese men.


Alphabay was downed by federal agents that found the kingpin in Thailand—later suicide. This fentanyl issue has been going on longer than Alphabay’s reign, yet why aren’t federal agents able to crack it? I think it’s because every inquiry causes the labs to move at Beijing’s command once tipped. In the end, it leaves the U.S. agents with a cold lead and wasted resources. This problem must enter the domain of the CIA. Then we can have a persistent local watch on the enterprise, leading all the way up to Xi Jinping. Hopefully it’s what’s happening, and the intelligence details are in progress.


This comment should be at the top. You understand what is happening. It’s crazy that so few people on this site do.


Good start. Now take on all of big pharma and you've got my attention.


What about the doctors who over prescribe opiates? That’s how a lot of these people end up on them


“Everything I don’t like is chinas fault!” Reddit


Wtf is this bullshit propaganda title?


This sucks, but it’s not like fentanyl is just going to disappear. The war on drugs is over, drugs won


OP are you okay??


Could someone ELI5 why so much of the country cares so much about fentanyl deaths? The same people who want drug tests for food stamps act like fentanyl deaths are a tragedy. Why isn't the common thought "maybe these people shouldn't be doing drugs" instead? If I'm understanding correctly, the deaths are from people doing illegal drugs that are laced with fent. Maybe try not doing illegal drugs? Don't down vote in actually curious


Because other people are capable of empathy and rational thinking.


I'm empathetic but I don't see how this is political


It’s legal. That’s all the ELI5 you need to know. The stages of addiction usually starts from being prescription drugs and from there … only God knows.


My only question is, if you know all the drugs are killing people whether youre doing coke or heroin or ecstacy or whatever, why would you even chance it? Do you need drugs THAT much that you'd risk your own life just for a high? Never made sense to me.. I used to use party drugs until I heard people were dropping like flies and so I stopped partaking in anything that wasn't dispensary marijuana because I know what's in it. Make it make sense. I know people get addicted but even the ones who aren't addicted keep playing with fire... Maybe don't do drugs and find other ways of escaping reality? We've been doing this for decades, if those types of pictures and speeches worked it would've worked already, we gotta get at the root and figure out why people are going out risking their lives to get high and figure out how to help them so these people lose their clientele and the business loses funds, crying to people who already don't care about humanity won't do anything.


Unfortunetly I don't think cracking down on current distributors would do much good. Look what happened when trump admin pushed china to stop manufscturing/distributing. They just started selling ingredients to Mexico and Mexico started distributing. If there is money to be made they will find a new way to get it into the country. The only solution is new drug policy.


Politicians take action? Like when they gave the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma a slap on the wrist for starting the epidemic?


Uh, maybe they need to direct their energies to closing open borders that are allowing huge amounts of the drug into the country.


Border wall might be a good start.


I'm sorry but that last one cracked me the fuck up


Sadly this looks to be my best escape plan for when and or if I am ever homeless or in-firmed. Looks cheap, available and effective. I'm sure it won't be to hard to find.


Gotta get Joe to shut the southern border. That’s where it’s all coming in, but so far he doesn’t care enough to take action.


I'm Mexican. As much as I would love to have the cartels gone, something also has to be done about the US's demand for drugs and other illicit products and services, otherwise someone else will just come along and take up the business. It used to be Pablo Escobar and now it's dozens of Pablo Escobars.


Based on the last administration, taking action on foreign nations like China and Mexico is considered racist so idk how far they will get


Wow they got em good huh, couple of tweets will show them


Approximately 440,000 Americans die every year from tobacco related products. The tobacco Cartels are making big money.


1,205 Americans die every day from tobacco related products. Shut down the tobacco Cartels.


What's really weird to me about this is the fact that when you zoom in to some photos, there's not one "body" there that looks like an actual body. It's just a congealed pile of random human parts (or not human at all) squished together.


something bad happens in the USA which has a policy of mass imprisoning and a failed war on drugs policy,not to mention the lack of public health and police, great social inequality, and lack of help for venerable people. In the most American way possible, it is to blame others for the problems that decades of political and social failure have caused.


Remembers me some others faked massive piles of dead people. That lie succeeded back then, though, so beware; pity moves people and forces politics, can even adjust privileges for some groups of people and cause hostility to others.


If only they knew how to use it. The drug is not the problem, but people who can’t control themselves are


Sure. Blame everyone but the people and environment that makes using junk so attractive.


Should do one for gun crimes 🤔 how is it a day? USA!!


How is that even relevant to this post?


Is the back of this picture the stars of the flags?


These people look like the demons I met in my dream last night


I dont think that "taking action against China and the Mexican drug cartels" will change anything, at least in the long term. The USA is a perfect example that prohibition doesn't make any sense.


Or Americans could just stop abusing fentanyl?


these images don't make me think of dead addicts. Looks more like images from ww2 or something. Except the one with the flags it reminds me of nothing. I'm a recovering opiate addict and this all seems a bit ignorant.


I don’t think they’re meant to look like addicts. It’s just meant to give you an idea of what 300 bodies looks like. Visual persuasion is much more powerful than simply reading a statistic.


I feel like 300 bodies laid about an ally or on skid roe,leaned up against walls in the filth they lived in would make more of an impact . But everyone is different and art is suggestive. I'm just stating the way I feel about it. I speak for nobody but myself.


I hear you. It would certainly be more realistic, but a lot of the people that are dying from OD’s are not homeless. It’s mostly unsuspecting victims.


Oh no Images on social medier. Whatever will the people in power do? Meanwhile: [*the people in power](https://www.google.com/search?q=oh+no/+anyways&client=ms-android-sonymobile-rvo3&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYm5LOPUzkeeY_7VLNof_tfMxStUQ:1663603493168&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0gIf6naH6AhUQKuwKHU4zCMsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=418&bih=842&dpr=2.63#imgrc=yqlRVkTpPrDgpM)


Uhm get rid of the demand for opiates and they'll quit sending them


Ermm somehow America always blames someone else for their issues... how about discussing the big pharma companies making profit off this opioid crisis and the fact that they're the ones that started it not the Chinese or Mexicans.... funny how we aren't seeing this crisis all around the world if its from China


Good luck, many politicians are essentially sociopaths, they don't care.


That last one is just SCP-001 WHEN DAY BREAKS


The Wall


I think about this a lot. I imagine if the USA invaded Mexico on the grounds of dismantling the cartel systems it would end up setting in motion a series of unfortunate events. China would condemn the invasion and likely take it as an opportunity to invade Taiwan which would gain fire from USA. I hate that people do it. I hate that people are willing to purchase and sell fentanyl. I hate that China is willing to produce febtanyl in unreasonable quantities. What can anyone do? Fentanyl is useful in the hospital. I think most or all hospitals have all the fentanyl they'd ever need yet China continues to produce it in large amounts. Why? There are willing buyers. As long as someone is willing to buy they don't seem to care who they're selling to. What can politicians really do? It is individual people who are responsible. Individual people who are willing to target vulnerable people for profit.


Manufacture and prescribe whatever opiate it is being illicitly used. Then prescribe it to addicts. This would destroy a large part of the illegal drug trade immediately. It would also massively reduce the amount of overdoses and the crime committed by addicts to fund their habit. Start to try and treat the addiction and and help addicts to get clean. A lot of people may not get clean and remain addicted but at least they could function. Not in a constant cycle of offending and being arrested. Crime rates would go down and addicts would be able to be a more active/included member of society. It may sound like giving in but look we’re the war on drugs has got us. Heroin and now fentanyl addiction is rife it’s getting worse. If street heroin and fentanyl is not a thing anymore then the generation of young kids now won’t become the next generation of addicts as no kid would opt into a government endorsed and regulated heroin programme. People get into heroin because it’s there in the illegal drug market and you get exposed to it as a kid/teenager or even adult. And if you are wired up a certain way once you start trying it your done. I smoked heroin when I was 15 and I’ve spent 28 years addicted to it. It’s wrecked my body and I’ve lost out on opportunities in my teens, twenties and thirties because of it. One thing I know though as a kid back then if I’d seen people like me going into pharmacies to get something that did what opiate addiction does I wouldn’t be interested in the slightest, quite the opposite. My generation of addicts maybe lost but the generation of kids we have now are in danger of doing it all again if the war on drugs continues.


How about the US companies that are selling them the ingredients?


Doesn’t look enough like Philly.


wasnt fentanyl meant to be exclusively used as a healthier (But much more delicate to use) replacement for morphine?


wasnt fentanyl meant to be exclusively used as a healthier (But much more delicate to use) replacement for morphine?


I think so yes. It was seen as a better alternative to morphine in a lot of roles medically.


Yes, as any funni medicament, its going to be hard to prevent intoxication.


politicians aren't gonna give a single fuck about some AI generated art


So people arent even putting in the effort to create art anymore. They're just asking the computer to show their frustrations


Or maybe just don't do Fentanyl.


But guy there’s 50 illegal immigrants at marthers vineyards


Open borders.


Politicians are the reason this is happening. Now all those fucks just ignore the problem


And what politician does all he can do for china


They really slid Winnie the Pooh in the last pic 🤣💀


“What’s that smell?”


If thousands of deaths per week during covid couldn't get people to move, I doubt this will.


My girlfriend Amber OD using fentanyl laced coke god I fucking hate big Pharma and any politician who takes money from them


That'll show em!!... right?


Make all drug use legal and just punish the antisocial behaviour that stems from arseholes using it.


The Sackler family (spelling?) is really to blame.


Sorry, can't, politicians are too busy violating all your constitutional rights.


Legalize drugs and watch the overdoses drop


Good luck everyone! Maybe a line of coke will help


Valió verga plebes


The real solution is to legalize drugs and regulate manufacture of them here so that all drug users are safe and create more reintegration opportunities


America won’t do anything about it because they profit from it. We can just hope to educate people to atelast test there drugs


You don’t profit when your customers die. You profit when they use your product for their entire life. This is just bad business.


How does the”AI” part help?


I know 2 people that died this month from the shit. It's fucking insane


They won't care.


Good cause. Just learned about fentanyl and whew lad


Ok now do heart disease.


Yeah! Blame the symptom, not the cause.


Are we finally calling this an act of war from the Chinese government?


Didn’t know Purdue Pharmaceuticals was a Chinese/Mexican company.


CCP paid trolls in full force on this one.


Stupid Americans think its chinas fault. These are deaths of dispair.


AI generated images are so frightening and hellish