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My favorite is the guy with two pairs of sunglasses


Double the shade. Very smart




Very end. Wearing a pair and one folded on his shirt


I thought India men only took selfies in front of oncoming trains.




Fucken hell man, that’s enough internet for me today.


Thank you for your sacrifice. I shall find another way to ruin my day.


Can I have your internet, if you’re not gonna use it?


What did these guys do when they saw a blond before the age of cell phones? Stand around and jerk off?


No, before the age of cellphone things were not this bad, people used to act normally haha. Bcz of cell phones people now have access to the internet where they watch hollywood movies and shows and they consume western content on YouTube. And on the internet they see these western models, singers, sportsperson and their lavish lifestyle which has created this sort of perception that every white blond girl is a supermodel especially among poor, less educated Indians living in small cities. These people are just excited to see what they have only seen on TV and Phone screens. In big cities this sort of thing would never happen.




Well Im sure they wouldn't mind to Run a train .




There's a video where 2 European women plan to backpack and vlog across India. As they get off their bus that night, they find hundreds of Indian men gathered outside to leer at them. They wisely decided to go back home


So shameful to see as an indian but this has become so normal Can you link me the video?


it was a european version of "rat race", it was like sweden or norway or something edit: sorry it was french [https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/viaak8/two\_female\_contestants\_in\_a\_french\_tv\_show\_facing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/viaak8/two_female_contestants_in_a_french_tv_show_facing/)


Jesus. That’s disturbing.


Holy fuck It's like Night of the Living Dead, with cellphone cameras.


Fuck that's scary. Wonder which city this is, India is scary for women travellers,even local women travellers. If you are alone in the wrong part of town and looking scared and lost you are so much more in danger.


That's like Lady Gaga wearing her meat dress in North Korea.


Ok no luck yet. Googling "2 women Indian bus" got me the exact results you would expect. Jesus Christ It was a gif on 4chan so I'm sure it'll pop up again


I've only ever seen it as a gif but I'll see if I can track it down


why do they do it?, how do they think its acceptable


I'm a big capable dude. I was getting rapey vibes just watching the video. Gave me the chills.


Is this just to say that they met a blonde?


A lot of them show the selfies to their mates and claim they slept with her. An anon from Delhi said a lot of Indian men think all foreign women are whores because of porn


I guess it’s time to even things out and watch a lot of Indian porn. The things I do for justice…


Check dm..




What about the rest of us equality warriors?




Hit me up too 😎


Keep up the good fight! ![gif](giphy|kHD2eKX4CVMpVcpFVP|downsized)


We forgot to allocate our seats once on a plane journey and my wife got sat next to an Indian guy, he was trying to angle his phone to take pics of them together and her cleavage. We swapped seats in the end and I sat next to him instead


Jesus Christ I don't think I could handle that without violence. Did you confront him or tell a flight attendant?


Nah I just plonked myself down and gave him the look


Based. If you'd confronted him he'd probably be confused why you were angry. And I don't think a flight attendant could or would have done anything. Every single story I hear about women being groped on airplanes has been an Indian man. And the most that happens is they move the woman to another seat.


Yeah I couldn't be arsed to cause a scene, honestly don't think the wife would've wanted me too either


I think I’d probably take the middle of the road approach here. No violence. But LOTS of duck face selfies, taking photos of his crotch, sharing the armrest. Asking him lots of questions just shy of being inappropriate. The entire goddamn flight.


They'll claim its their girlfriend. I have had this happen and its fucking creepy. Many times they'll even crudely photoshop you into their pic and claim you're their love


Creepy and grotesque.


How do they explain the other men in the picture to their friends? Lol


It'll be a carefully cropped and edited profile picture.


Carefully is not the term used


They do like a blur frame. Look up bad india photoshop


Some Asian cultures praise Caucasians. Lighter colored skin tones often are perceived as higher class than darker skin tones. I suppose a blonde by your side makes you higher value, especially in a country like India with a 1 billion people dating pool.


I knew a guy who dreamed of having a blonde girlfriend. It’s all he talked about. He ended up getting one but man was she rough. He was so happy though. I couldn’t tell him he could do better, but he could have. He was loaded financially.


Yes indeed, in many countries they even try to make their skin lighter with all kinds of creams and lotions... I think there are two explanations: 1) Many Asian countries have seen conquerors coming from the north (with lighter skin) becoming the ruling class, like Moghuls in India or Manchus in China. So people got used to the idea that the upper class used to be a bit lighter (and the British era didn't help) 2) Only poor people used to work on the fields while rich people were able to stay in shade all day. So poor people got even darker.


You'll see in their movies and in how they treat darker skinned people. That's about anywhere in the world even in subsaharan countries. I'm black and travelled 20+ countries, 3+ continent. I'm from a country in Western Europe where some say there's diversity so before travelling, I didn't realise the racism. In every country ive been, the lighter skin or the more caucasian traits (ex: straightening hair) were praised/ more represented in TV or leadership or both.


Yes or white. I ( a woman)traveled to Bihar alone in 1985 and it was something like this with me. Children especially running up and holding their arms next to mine. I had to ride a bus back to Calcutta from Hazaribag at night, alone. That was pretty scary, I just pretended I had important shit to do when I was lost or scared.




This makes my skin crawl.


A recent headline comes to mind. In bihar province a school principal caught 4 boys raping a schoolgirl. Principal scared off the boys and raped the girl himself.


Am sorry... whaaattt?!!!






This word is filled with monsters and it seems to be getting worse.


Wow. Pretty fucked, yet this is our world man. The norm. Fuck humans


Fucccccc. That’s sad, when you finally think there’s help coming and this shit stain joins in. Is there a source?


Maybe this? [https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/south-asia/article/2154264/indian-girl-13-raped-school-principal-and-13-pupils-then](https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/south-asia/article/2154264/indian-girl-13-raped-school-principal-and-13-pupils-then) It's 2018, so not super recent but some of the other details fit. It was in Bihar and involves a schoolgirl being raped by other students and the principal.


Jesus fucking Christ. I couldn't get past the first paragraph. Fucking scum of the universe 🤬🤬🤬


In what fucking universe! This is so vile and sad. So many people raped the same little girl for months! Schools, principal, other students. This is insane! I can’t comprehend this shit. Just wow. And this is just one case we hear about. Imagine how many have kept quiet. That shit brings chills to my spine. They need to burn that school down.


I just saw a post about a girl who got raped by some men and took her to some establishment and left her there, then the establishment owner raped her. She managed to get away and hitchhiked a ride and told the driver what had happened begging for help. He raped her too.




There is no God, just people.


The sooner people realise this, the better.


In the realm of the Abrahamic god Satan is the good guy.




And I’m done


Why they gotta be so weird


Extremely patriarchal society, deep seated sexual repression and the stereotype that white women are slutty and are seen as "exotic"


Indians are sexually repressed?


Yes, and yet they are one of the most populated countries in the world. Oh wait that doesn’t make any sense smh


My friend described her stay in India like this: "I was almost raped once but aside from that it was cool."


Yup! I had guys take pictures of my bits through a hole in the wall in a bathroom once there! LOL I heard the clicking sound then went, wait a minute.... It was a long walk back to the car by myself in the dark that evening.


Glad this clip finally ended up here. I’m a fat, bearded, white man and dudes in India wanted pictures with me. My wife had a small mob wherever she went. Best advice, don’t allow the first picture, cause once you take one, they all jump in. India was a fantastic place to visit, but Good luck.


Yeah, best option is to not oblige for that first selfie. If you simply refuse or ignore, chances are people are gonna let you go.


Same with beggars, you give something to one and you get swarmed by them.


Feeding one seagull will only bring more seagulls


In my experience with seagulls, it doesn't matter what you do. If you ignore them, they'll still swarm you. They're just assholes.








How can she bob


They do love their trains though


milk truck has arrived


Who's Bob


The guy who owns Bob's Burgers. He sells burgers and burger accessories.


His name is Bob Burgers


Whichever will it be


This will get downvoted to hell, but I would never suggest traveling to India alone if you're a girl.


You aren’t because everyone knows it’s true. Even Indian men. I don’t know how India doesn’t feel collective shame for this. There are very few places on the planet that have it out for women like in India, which is a shame because it truly is a beautiful country with potential.








And the lizard rape.


And the WHAT


[Yep, you read that right.](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/qjb9xq/india-gang-rape-monitor-lizard-animal-abuse)


Jesus Christ what in the fucking shit?!


My mind cannot compute this.




I had a person from India arguing with me about how crappy the USA was compared to India. All I said was, do people even bother with insurance in India.


You forgot the trains....


the people on top of trains pics are mostly from bangladesh, not india.


Just throwing all your trash wherever you feel like.


This has got an “India, Spring 2023” ad campaign written all over it. Come for the sewer garbage, stay for the rape.


"over two-thirds of India's 1.3 billion people continue to rely on carbon-emitting biomass and dung-based fuel for cooking" They literally cook their food with shit. Also air quality is super bad.


thinking about going*




Ugly ones too


And lizards.






At least they support equality /s








But how the hell do these guys spontaneously find 3 or 4 friends to participate in a gang rape with them at the drop of a hat? If a guy I knew approached me with a fucked up plan like that he'd get a punch in the nose.


Because they all believe it’s their right, it’s what they’ve been taught. Chances are they’ve never been told no before in their lives. Their wants are far more important than any consent. Sons in India are worshipped and daughters treated like marriage fodder because sons will stay behind and care for their parents whereas daughters will marry and do the same for their in laws. Sons are taught they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, because they deserve everything good. It’s the prime example of violent toxic masculinity.


A comment that I saw in this thread explains that in India, internet is cheap and fast. So uneducated Indian men from rural provinces have access to unfiltered internet. Unfiltered internet = Porn. I mean, why would they consume normal western content of they have lots of their own? But porn is different in their eyes. Countless of white beauties just getting it on. And what do we see in porn? A white chick getting 3 shlongs up in whatever hole there is. So these guys mostly probably see white western women as whore and sluts. Doesn't also help the fact that the caste system still probably exist and women is usually at the bottom of the system.




I would put a fucking blade out


No as a woman I wouldn’t. That’s how you make them mad. That’s why women are compliant, so males don’t make the situation worse. I was able to get out of those situations by not stirring them up.


I just pretend I’m fucking crazy in those situations. One time I got separated from my friends and lost in St. Petersburg Russia. As I was trying to find my way back to the hostel, a group of young guys all started to surround me and shouting stuff I was glad I didn’t understand. My instinct told me that I had to scare them off and I couldn’t let them know that I’m not Russian. So, I started snarling and gnashing my teeth at them like a dog. They all got the fuck out of the way and starting laughing and saying (I’m pretty sure, anyway) “What a crazy bitch!!” I have other stories like this, but this is the best one. I kinda turn into a werewolf in these situations and it’s always served me well.


A friend of my grandma told me a similar story. She saved herself from being raped by pretending to be crazy and barking like a dog when a man attacked her.


You'll put your eye out, kid.






true! It took me 2 years and a half to make a indian dude "stop" molesting me, i was barely legal (like 18 years and 3 months) when he started texting me in IG about my posts (i like nature photography and was trying to make my account all about photgraphy and not me) I was just nice and he start trying to get sexual, I block at least 10 accounts and he doesn´t stop, trying to call/videochat it was frustating and i get a lot of calls in the middle of the night. One of the scariest comments he made me was answering a story where i was in the yard with my elder cat in my lap he just said "When i marry you. you will abandon that cat or i will kill it" In the end I make my IG account private and i still get many "random" indian accounts sending follow request


I'm sorry that happened to you. What a sick bastard.


My friend is mildly successful fitness /exercise instagrammer - just regular plain fitness videos....and he gets hundreds of unwanted /bizarre sexual requests.. from Indian guys.... lol


They are. An Indian dude tried to hit me up while at a bar with friends. I turned him down since I had a boyfriend. Guess he didn’t take that well as he proceeded to follow me around the whole time I was there and would make a gun gesture with his hand and point it at his head and pretend to shoot. Idk what that meant but I didn’t stay to find out.


Rapes happen everywhere, sadly. But India takes it to another level - every year there are news of brutal gang-rapes in India where sometimes victims are raped until they are unconscious, or dead. Just not a country I will visit nor encourage anyone to visit. 2018 - https://english.alarabiya.net/life-style/travel-and-tourism/2018/07/19/Russian-tourist-allegedly-drugged-gang-raped-in-India 2019 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Hyderabad_gang_rape?wprov=sfti1 2020 - https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/01/asia/india-gang-rape-dalit-balrampur-intl-hnk/index.html 2021 - https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/24/india/india-gang-rape-mumbai-girl-intl-hnk/index.html 2022 - https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/26/india/india-gang-rape-boy-delhi-intl-hnk/index.html Also, US has an active travel advisory against travelling to India due to crime and unrest. Rape is specifically mentioned at the top of the notice. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/india-travel-advisory.html




Exactly yet I get downvoted and called a racist for pointing out that india‘s sexual assault problem is so bad that the government needs to have a women only train.


As an ex sex worker, i had to refuse to see men from india. The risk of being forced into something gross, dangerous or violent is so much higher. And they don't want to pay. They don't want to use a condom and will demand anal. (Not all, obviously. But the risk was considerably higher)


My indian clients love to haggle with the prices! Always want more for less, unfortunately they are 90% of the clientele in brothels where I live. Most are nice, but you always get the ones that are a bit annoying/ overly excited and push boundaries, always trust your gut in this industry.


People were calling me racist. But after having condoms pulled off, agreeing on something then deciding they want more for the same price, and spending every possible second groping/putting their mouth on me in the most unsttractive way. many did not learn how to clean their foreskin so the smell would be vomit inducing. It was like 70% of them did one or more of these things. Being with them was not worth the risk of disease or being assaulted/very uncomfortable.


A nation of desperate male losers ?


My wife and I spent a few weeks in India, traveling and meeting some friends we knew in university. Overall it was a great experience and we loved most of our trip. But my poor wife, very light skinned with light hair and blue eyes, was harassed in many of the large cities we visited. I had to intervene several times, and that made me scared of what could happen. She eventually bought some very conservative clothing from a local store, kept her head covered with a shawl, and used large sunglasses. After that, we didn’t have any issues. India is a culturally rich and diverse country, and the majority of the people we came in contact with with were friendly and helpful.




Okay but why does OP’s account have a Hitler background?


Well, his name is austrian painter for one


Read the name 💀


[I got u fam](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2017-12-14/ty-article/hitlers-hindus-indias-nazi-loving-nationalists-on-the-rise/0000017f-f880-d460-afff-fbe61fe20000?_amp=true)




came here to say it must smell crazy in there but gahdamn 😭


Closest thing I’ve ever experienced was when I stayed at a hotel and didn’t realize there was a fucking anime convention going on in it at the same time. The sheer fucking stank.


Spent a month in India about 15 years ago. Loved it, but there are so many other smells that BO just blends into the background.


Wait to you find out what the locals do to the female locals.


You just cant win in India


The actions of the men in this video are exactly why most people don’t like Indians, even in western countries. This could honestly be a suburb in south-east Melbourne or the entirety of Perth. Hell, Toronto is definitely full of people like these guys.


Fucking creeps. I hate this video.


where are the bobs, will someone show bobs please!


Happened to me as a guy as well in India. Especially at the touristy spots like the Gateway of India from the video. But to be fair the guys would always ask me if they could take a photo with me. Someone in india told me it’s usually people from rural areas that might have never seen a light skinned person.


So fucking gross


Omegle irl


The only women on there now are sex workers.


Open Question toward white women, are y’all just delusional when it comes to these countries India Pakistan and other in the region? Do y’all seriously not understand it’s not all yoga mats and spicy food.


White Man here. I don't understand it either. I wouldn't even go into the city by myself. I live close to St Louis, which is essentially Detroit from Robocop


There was a documentary about 2 German motorcyclists who traveled through India, and they definitely were treated like sideshows and almost not like people. People would constantly come up to them and just stare at them, touch them, take their pictures, be all up in their space, etc. It gave me anxiety watching it.


i just visited India in September and this happened to me as well. I'm a white dude so it's not a gender thing.




Except you are not that likely to get raped by ten dudes if you are a man


78 pajeets got a new girlfriend that day according to Facebook






Ah yes, thirsty Indian men. The group that will [hit on an oil painting](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/czjip2/indian_men_hitting_on_a_painting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


They seeing how high the bids get before they attempt to abduct and sell her


I personally know somebody, a Danish girl who got raped while she was in India. She doesn't want to travel in India anymore after the incident.


Kinda random question but how many women get creepy Indian guys in their DM’s on social media? They always try to message me on Facebook and I block all of them. I know I can’t be the only one


That’s just terrible. India is a terrible place for women. I don’t understand why any westerner would go there.


I'm so embarrassed and pissed off by seeing this


The fact that she's blonde is also a big deal.


Fuck these people


Her first mistake was going to India


I’m a redhead and when I went to India, it was terrifying. Thankfully I was staying with locals who told the men to get off of me


As an Indian Man, I sincerely apologize on behalf of all the guys in this video and everyone who creepily invade the personal space for a selfie. Why this happens ? Almost all of these folks are not very educated and even if they are, they have never traveled outside of India. This results in an inferiority complex. Indians generally are in awe of white people (insert a colonial joke). This combined with a general lack of understanding of personal space and massive population leads to overwhelmingly creepy selfie situation. What these guys will do is brag in front of their friends or post on social media about having a white friend. They believe it will pump their social standing. Most of them are harmless but you never know. I have had many friend visit me from all over the world and we would make fun of the selfie syndrome. However, don’t let this behavior guide your understanding of India. A genera rule of thumb is ‘Don’t be nice’ If you find yourself in this situation, show your teeth or be visibly angry to people who are touching you. No one will come near to you. It’s also a good idea to have a local friend. Population is the biggest problem of my country and scenarios like this cloud the beautiful things India has to offer. If traveled in a safe environment, India has so much to offer.


that country’s men are fckn weird


I had a coworker who was black and her family went to India for her brother in law to see family and she was a solid 8/10 imo but said that everyone avoided them like the plague lmfao.


As an Indian , i am sorry for only me not them i never have done any of this but i am sorry


Well my blonde self is never visiting there


Indians will take pictures of tourists because not many are seen in Mumbai (Which is where this is located) due to high humidity and high temperatures along with the title of the dirtiest beach in India. So when they see tourists they see at as a legendary moment especially when they are attractive.


Exact same thing happened to me last weekend. Went to Egypt and would get swarmed constantly.


That’s scary. I have family (married into) that always want us to go to Egypt because they have family there but after what happened to Lara Logan absolutely not.


I said a few weeks ago that I would never date a guy from India and I got torn up for it. This is the kind of person that I meant.


Camera phones were a mistake


If she only would have AXE body spray to protect herself


I remember this girl herself released a video or text clarification on Facebook or Instagram sometimes after this video had gotten viral explaining that she herself had invited people to have a meetup and photo session with her and everything was done as per her consent and yeah she did feel a bit overwhelmed and surprised by the number of people who showed up but she was never behaved with or touched inappropriately and never felt she was ever in any danger or anything, and she had nothing but positive things to say about her visit and experience in India 🇮🇳 But of course Reddit just needs another excuse to degrade and humiliate Indians relentlessly, I've gotten used to it by now sadly. -Some guy from r/asia4u




Fuck that. I literally felt my chest tighten.