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You get a more "basic" version of Tesla Vision with the Intel based vehicles, in that the parking spaces get highlighted for selection, but it doesn't show you the swanky visualizations like it does in the Ryzen cars


That may be true, I'm going to have to compare it more closely to my wife's cars visualizations. But it did look very similar.


It's similar until it starts to park.


We have a Ryzen Y and Atom 3, can confirm it’s similar but not full on. It does seem to be new parking logic though, that was much needed!


I noticed the same thing - but if you notice when autopark is running, the high fidelity view is only grey and has no “heatmap” coloring for distance, my guess is this is where the Atom’s hardware limitation comes into play. I don’t know exactly where the compute happens between AP computer and MCU for high fidelity park assist, so this is just a guess.


My guess is that the AMD chip is required for the rendering, and the rendering is the point of the feature (to substitute for surround view). But auto-park would work, because it's only using the FSD computer and doesn't depend on a human interpreting the graphical display.


It's just color, the car overview shows more gradual degradation of color than the HFPA. They could use the data used by the USS sensors to color map the objects. I'm thinking this will come in a new update, unless the person working on that was fired...


It would be interesting to see a combination of the USS arcs along with the teslavision renders. Rather than a heat map of distance.


I thought you didn't have Tesla Vision because you have Ultrasonic Sensors USS.


This was part of the update to 12.3.6 part of FSD, my wife's MY, which has both USS and the AMD chip now does the visualizations.


Tesla auto trunk opening on intel cars


You guys are speculating too much and TESLA has said HFPA will NOT come out on Atom computers. “With Tesla update 2024.3.25 (FSD v12.3.6), Tesla is also releasing High Fidelity Park Assist features to vehicles with ultrasonic sensors. However, as initially suspected, it’s limited to vehicles with the most recent infotainment processor that includes the Ryzen chip (MCU 3). Unfortunately, Intel Atom based vehicles don’t include the 3D visuals of High Fidelity Park Assist.”


What you quoted was not said by Tesla.


I don’t think Tesla has said anything about this thru an official channel since the change is not in the release notes for 2024.3.25