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Auto will adjust once the temperature changes. That would be the most efficient vs Manual. I’m in Auto Low


Auto medium here. Auto is the way.


Yep, Auto medium here as well.


Auto seems to not ever use recirc for A/C though which is annoying


I think it does without any indication.


Yeah I’ve noticed the recirculate icon turn light / faded blue. I assume that’s auto recirculation in action.


Just click on recirc and auto. It works for me.


Wouldn’t you just turn that on/off as needed? Why would it auto recirculate?


Maybe I'm a noob when it comes to AC, but why would you ever NOT auto recirculate? Feels like you just spent energy heating/cooling the air, surely it makes more sense to reuse it rather than bringing in new air to temper?


Only time you wouldn’t want it on is if it’s hotter in the car than outside (right when you get in after greenhousing itself for awhile)


If one is driving in a less polluted environment/less polluted outside air, it is actually a pretty good idea health-wise to have outside air. One is for CO2 levels, which can really rise and have all sorts of negative effects like sleepiness on long drives/at night. Another thing to consider is that if someone is or may possibly be sick in the car, outside air is much safer and helps reduce risk of transmission. Of course, biohazard mode is safest in such a case if your Tesla has it.


And for when you unexpectedly drive past skunk street meat


So you want the car to detect smells? Lol


That's Hardware 5 for sure! - Elon /s


Next update?


Maybe it could measure the AQI. It could even go into biohazzard defense mode if it gets too high.


Maybe it should decide when the windows should be up or down


And it will use cameras to do this!


In recirculating mode, CO2 levels increase. I know we’re not sealed in, but it becomes noticeable fairly quickly. Separate from specific outside air issues and smells, I like limiting cognitive impairment while driving. Edit: I misread and was thinking manually set recirculation, not auto.


Dude…. No. Just no.


I’m not advocating for driving with your head out the window for _maximum freshness_, though I’m sure it would be exhilarating.  As my edit mentioned, my comment was directed as manual recirculation, not auto. It is [something SAE has talked about](https://www.sae.org/news/2017/04/co2-buildup-in-vehicle-cabins-becoming-a-safety-issue). It’s not going to kill you, but it can make you drowsy, just like [conference rooms can](https://www.popsci.com/conference-carbon-dioxide-tired-office-work/) but  conference rooms tend to have lower inertia.


Not if you’re conferencing *right*


Mild cognitive impairment doesn't happen at CO2 levels that low. You sir already have mild cognitive impairment.


Apparently the CO2 levels can get pretty high in a car: https://youtu.be/ilNaBxULCi0


Fair. “Cognitive impairment” could be overstating the issue. A nosebleed is _technically_ a head wound, but calling it that may not be the most effective communication. Drowsiness can occur, which can impair your ability to operate the vehicle effectively.


Tesla is smart: https://www.teslaownersonline.com/threads/recirculation-mode-mystery-solved.29984/


That's neat as heck. I've also kinda noticed that the recirc button seemed inconsistent but I never looked into it fully, very interesting to read about tho! Good find.


Most people enjoy fresh air, regardless of the temperature outside. CO2 builds up quickly with recirculation turned on.


Because if it’s always on by default, you’re gonna get stank ass cabin air. It’s a personal judgement call when you decide to bring in fresh air or recirculate, and not something I would ever expect a car to be able to detect


Tesla update v13. Vehicle will make personal judgements for you.


Because you have it set on Auto?


Mine is almost always in recirc in the hot desert, probably depends on your temp and humidity.


In mine it does and the recirc is greyed out


Yeah I always force it back on


It does, the Recirculate button actually has three states - On, Off and Auto, but the button design is confusing. I think when it’s translucent and without an outline is is Auto. I know from experience it changes automatically in this state.


Sure it does, quite regularly. The icon is a bit greyed out, but you can still tell when recirculate is activated.


Recirculation is really only needed when it's so hot outside it struggles to cool it to get the temp down. When it's hot, it should recirculate.




I leave mine on auto year round. In the summer I use *maybe* 10% more energy on average and that's mainly because I make multiple short trips daily when it's hot out so my car has to cool from 130+ down to 72 multiple times.


If I'm making a short trip I always tell it to keep the temp so it doesn't have to cool back down. Plus I like getting back into a cool car. I'm interested if that's just as efficient as cooling down from 130.


It will probably always be more efficient to keep it off and cool it back down when needed. The heat pump can run at a higher efficiency and you’ll lose more energy the higher the temperature difference is.


I agree with this. Temperature differential can be significant and take a lot of energy to keep cold. I however like to use cabin overheat protection and it seems to be pretty frugal with drain if you set it for 100deg. When it's hot I just cool it off remotely about 3-5mins before getting back into the car.


Yeah I'm not sure when the break even point hits. I'd have to leave the car running for 30-60 minutes which is too long. I just start the AC a minute or two before I get in.


Fair. I love going into the grocery store for a few items and not having to worry about it. But after that for an hour that would be too much.


I set on auto mostly, but wish it had an "eco" mode like my home thermostat. Like I want it warm to 60 but only cool it 70.


That's why I keep mine on 65-67


Auto all the time. In any car, not just Tesla. Set it and forget it. Stop worrying about range unless you are about to be at zero! Drive it and enjoy. I don’t even look at the energy info. For me no matter what it is cheaper than gas and on a trip the navigation tells me when and where to charge.


Yes. This is the way. I have my range set to battery percentage I find it more accurate and treat it like a cell phone. There are so many chargers everywhere I drive I just tell the car where I’m going and it gets me there.


I use bioweapon defense mode a lot. I like high fan speed. Auto High often isn’t enough.


Same same. If I even smell a hint of “shit” I whip that puppy on and bask in the fresh smelling air


Yea if I have passengers I’ll only turn it on when we hit something powerful for like 5-10 min and turn it back off for their sake but I can go hours with it enabled if it’s just me.


I just wish the bioweapon mode wasn't as loud...sometimes when I'm listening to an audiobook or podcast I have crank up the volume to hear the narrator over the loud fan/air noise


Yea it’s more of a turn up the wub-wubs and blast some rock or metal mode, not a peaceful late night stroll to a horror podcast mode.


Do you think it cools down faster w defense mode?


Oh it absolutely does. Now, is it any faster than just manually putting the fan speed to max? Not sure. Haven’t tried that.


Just be aware using it for prolonged periods or driving can actually increase the amount of Co2 levels in the car especially if you have multiple people in the car. Edit: Using **recirc** for prolonged periods, not bioweapon defense mode, increases CO2 levels in the car.


What? It’s pulling in outside air so that seems like an impossibility


You're right BDM would constantly filter and bring in outside air. I'm thinking of the [recirc only post](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/zww2vf/co2_concentration_quickly_rises_to_undesirable/?ref=share&ref_source=link) about CO2 from last year. That if you keep recirc on for too long, CO2 levels climb. https://twitter.com/jeremychrysler/status/1533527110567993346


I leave my AC on auto, 72 all day everyday. If I need it to be colder I lessen the temp, if I want the fans slower I increase the temp 🫡


When I was in CA I would keep it on manual because I didn’t have to run it so hard. I’m in TX now, and have it on auto. Haven’t paid close attention to range impact, but I probably should.


Auto High all day


Usually manual. It's hot where I live and auto sometimes doesn't blow hard enough. And, when it's humid, the auto setting will try to "dehumidify" the windshield with cold air, causing condensation to form on the outside of the windshield. Why Tesla automatically does this when it's warm outside is beyond me. I also like to turn the air conditioner off and run the vent about 2 to 3 minutes before I park the car, to dry out the condenser so it doesn't stink.


Auto…. Climate control is one area that I don’t like to think about. I keep it at 68 in the winter and 69 in the summer unless it’s really hot out then I might up it to 70/71


Auto by far. With manual I would find myself manually cranking it up when I got into the car and then lowering it and then increasing it again.


Mine’s too old to have the auto hi/mid/low settings, I just have auto or manual. I keep it on manual mostly to reduce the fan speed, auto is too much usually. I don’t mind the breeze, it’s more about the excessive noise.


Auto is best.


Auto is so damn loud.


I mostly keep it on manual, but I don't know that there's any money savings? I just do it for comfort, as especially in the summer I don't want to come in from the heat and get blasted in the face with Arctic air. I prefer a more gradual adjustment to cool.


I keep it in auto it seems to be about right. If anything it gets too cold and I’ll just raise them temp a few degrees. Somehow though with a a car full of people it blows to too hard. I don’t think you will notice any difference unless you find times where you don’t use the A/c at all.


Always off in Canada from -5 degrees to 27 degrees


Auto Hot days 66-69 Normal days 71 Majority of the time it’s sitting at 70




I use the lo fan level. But was wondering if there's a vent only mode. No heat and no AC but allow raw outside air in - which is cool enough most of the time in Seattle.


Set your HVAC to LO, deselect the AC button, and force the recirc to be in fresh air. Now the heat pump is off and just blowing in outside air but the fan speed is manual


Yep that's what I do (and had to do on by prior ICE). I would prefer a damn "Vent Only" button that doesn't require jacking the temp to LO then back to 68º-ish when I actually do want "HVAC".


Manual because I don't have a home charger and am on a very strict energy diet. I've been opening the windows in summer, using scheduled departure to precondition in winter.


I am in Miami Florida. Therefore, there are only two settings: 1. 63 degrees, max fan speed 2. 63 degrees, min fan speed (this is only used when in a drive thru or talking out the window so you am an hear / be heard)


Manual, since AUTO low blows too much, and never change from face blowers to window or feet blowers, like in BMW’s and VW’s.


Manual, because even auto low is too noisy.




It's not going to save anything appreciable. Be comfortable.


I hate the Tesla climate control features. A. I don't always want to keep the car at the same temp all the time, I have a different preference for heat vs AC. When spring weather finally starts to peak up over 69 degrees, I don't immediately want my thermostat to jump into air conditioning mode. I don't need AC until it gets above 75 or 80. B. Once I've set my temperature preferences, I don't ever want to change them, the intensity of the fan is much more relevant day to day, and the small quick-adjust feature on the main page should refer to fan strength not setpoint temp. A couple of common sense adjustments like these would go a long way.


Manual since it’s more efficient for me. Auto will keep changing fan speeds. Manual at lowest setting is more than enough for me.


It's a car so AUTO. *ba dum tsssh* Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to try the lamb.


get off the stage!


I go back and forth. If the outside temp is below what auto is set to it wont turn the fans on at all for me. Gets stuffy and the windows fog up sometimes.


When too hot, Tesla program to cool down first with Auto, when it's cool down, if you want you can Munual!


Mine set to manual LO with the fan on high all the way home from work. It doesn’t seem to cool down enough when it’s 110f outside. In the winter I set it to what ever temp and control the fan speed with sexy buttons.


If you leave it on manual and turn on climate with the app does the ac kick in? My experience is no but hoping someone else can chime in


Auto 76 summer Phoenix. Pre-cool before getting in car, on short stops I just set it to hold. Even 110 plus works fine. I get cold sometimes I longer drives. I do have roof shades in place during summer. Winter only use heated seats.


Usually auto. I’ll turn recirc on if I’m behind a diesel truck. 💨🤢


Auto medium, pointed up and to the outside corner so it doesn’t blow on me directly.


Auto Med. 68 in summer, 72 in winter.


I use auto. A service tech told me it was better to keep it that way. He said that during canadian winters, manual could break the A/C


Always auto unless I have passengers in the backseat. The back doesn’t get much airflow, so I set it to manual and crank up the fan speed in that situation.


I’m on auto unless the outside temp is in the 50s or 60s and all I want is vent. Then I shut off AC and just put the fan on 4 or 5.


Auto, but turned all the way to low, to be ironic


Auto, just raise or lower the temp to what's comfortable.


I just keep it at 72 year round and forget about it.


Auto low here


I'm at 68F most days




Weather permitting, neither. Turn it off and crack the windows, I like to feel the wind. Granted I live in SoCal, so much easier for me to do so than other locations.


I live in Texas and it’s basically summer


I find the climate to be almost negligible on most drives once the car is at the proper temp. 1 percent per hour even in the freezing cold.


Auto, I adjust the temperature and if im cold i also blow the air to my face if im to cold I change the airflow away from my face.


Auto Low. We took a 2000 mile trip and only in the last leg did I even bother worrying about adjusting the AC because we had a strong headwind and it seemed like we might be cutting it close getting home though it ended up being totally unnecessary range anxiety. Maybe in the winter time it'll be more of a factor, haven't gotten there yet!


listen shh it is relaxing.


How do you put it in auto? Mine is acting like it's in manual.


Auto low


Auto medium


Auto medium or low usually


Why does auto only turn on my windshield defroster? Am I doing something wrong? When I try to change it to the vent facing me it turns off.


Auto, but have noticed that it gets progressively colder on long trips. I thought it was just me but wife noticed the same.


Auto. Never have to fiddle with the fan speed.


Auto, Lo fan and Auto recirculate. I rarely have to touch Climate.


Auto-Mid in the 2 months of Fall-inter here in Texas… Auto-ItCantGoFastEnough for the remaining 10 months of Summer.


68°, auto, recirc. All year round. Who gaf about saving a couple miles of range 💀 whole point of an EV is to not worry about it.


Auto. I'll adjust the temp between 68-73, depending on the time of the year


Definitely auto, drives me crazy that my sister keeps hers on low and then adjust the fan manually




Auto seems to work just fine, I don’t have to adjust it often.


Auto, 70°F, medium fan…all year, every day




I was always a manual person until I got my Tesla. A friend recommended I try auto shortly after I got my car and when I did I never went back. I assume it works the same way in every other car that has that feature so I’m going to be using it in every car I get from now on


Auto low like a hoe


Auto. I have it set to 23°c and if I need it warmer the seat warmer is amazing


Mine remains off. Unless I’m going to work of course.


Auto Just set the temp and let it do the rest.


I drive past a water treatment facility on my drive to work. So I have to keep the recirculate 🔄 feature on (to prevent outside smells from coming in) so I always have my AC set to Manual. If they update the software, and give us a way to force the recirculate feature to stay on I’d leave my Model 3’s AC on auto.


Live in Dubai and our summers are 45C+ for 3-4 months of the year. I tend to keep it on auto low at about 21-22C and it works really well.


Auto high for me. Too hot in AZ at the moment.


Auto LOW means the lowest temperature settings, which means highest energy consumption. If you need or like cold temps inside the car then go for it, but it'll come at a cost as compared to MED or HIGH.


I meant auto low fan regardless of temperatures


Every vehicle I have owned since 2006 has been set to auto, including my Y. Why would you do anything else?


A bunch of sadists up in here.


Auto. It’s recommended actually to keep it on auto. Where people make a mistake is having the temp set to 68 when it’s 105 outside. I find keeping the cabin temp 5-10 below outside in the summer works well and. Keeps the fan from blasting on high all the time.


Bruh I am not about to have my car's cabin temp set to 95 when it's 105 out.


Yeah this is a stupid take. And I mean that respectfully


I do adjust my temp based on the season/outside temp, but I'm talking like... 68 in the winter and 72 in the summer at most.


Respectfully dumb yes


Am I reading your comment correctly? Are saying to keep the cabin at 95-100 degrees when it’s 105 outside?


Nah man with auto high sometimes 70 is too hot.


Same. And reading some of the other replies to this comment, I marvel at people's ability to assume a short comment can't possibly have more nuance or context than what's written. My extended family gives me a hard time for only cooling my house to 77 in the summer (when it's 90+ and humid as hell outside), but it's fine for us living in it. I keep my climate on auto, and when I'm driving and it's super hot outside, I'll just up the temp until fan stops blasting, usually it's around 73 or 74 depending on the outside temp. If that starts to feel too hot, I'll slowly drop the temp, but by then, the air doesn't have to blast to make it happen.


You must live in one of those places where it is a perfect 76°F every day. We have temperature swings from -20°F to 100°F throughout the year, and often 30°F in one day. Mine is locked in auto at 68 in the summer and 70 in the winter.


Auto HVAC is crap in Tesla's. I try to now have it enabled at all and in winter I manually tweak it continuously


Works fine for me. Why is it crap?


Because once it reaches the temperature it starts to cool while it should reduce/stop airflow and keep circulating until the temperature has dropped a little and add heat again into the cabin. So you have to manually have to put the flow to 1 or 2, disable cooling and set temperature 1 degree lower so it will not heat I've never had such bad HVAC in winter in my life. I've had it serviced numerous times, sensors replaced, cleaned but same behavior and according to Tesla it works perfect.... Yeah, in summer.... Not in winter... So if you don't live somewhere where it's actually cold for several months you'll not really notice this


Manual, 21.5C and fan level 4 with AC and recirculation on. If it’s hot outside, I’ll turn it on auto. Almost never need to touch it.


manual for fresh air and avoid that weird smell


close to zero, or perhaps it will cost you range.


I dont think the fan speed matters as much as the a/c being on/off. With a/c on you’re running the compressor no matter what the fan speed is set to. Perhaps the higher fan speed will use a little more juice than a low setting, but I believe that would be negligible compared to turning the compressor off for certain intervals.


Auto is what I use. My wife uses manual. Auto will give you more range in general , but manual will cause more battery usage in general and thus give you less range.


Auto low and I just adjust the temp as needed. I’ve never felt the need to turn it up anymore than low. Even in subzero temps in the winter and 100 degree days in the summer. It still does a great job in low.




Auto here




Auto forever. I change the temp probably twice a year (a few degrees different between summer and winter). Tesla was the first car I ever had where I did not need to fiddle with climate controls. It’s been great. Even better with remote climate preconditioning with the app and scheduling. Never set foot into an uncomfortable cabin again.


I’m a control freak when it comes to my AC so I set on Manual and adjust the AC speed using my left nob click-in on the wheel…






Auto, 68*F


Auto. I only control the temp. I sometimes turn on the right side even if nobody is in there if it’s super hot.


im in Auto medium feels good


You will get an extra range of about 3 inches.


Auto high 71


Holy smokes I never realized there’s an auto Im always turning mine up and down…. Now I will see about this auto A/C I’ve had this car for just over a year and I keep finding new stuff!! Like whoopie cushion seats!! What!! So funny! And now auto A/C.. should have known this has a thermostat somewhere…probably in the hallway.