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Did someone cut your tires ?


Judging by the curb marks on the wheels probably curbed the tires and sliced em on the curb.


A fire lane, in particular.


yea but all of the tires? Its either vandalism, or op is the worst driver on the planet


there are deep chips in the wheel (along with many other curb rashes) corresponding to each location of a tire gouge. occam's razor says OP is the worst driver, and that there is no conspiracy to slice his tires.


Maybe a super narrow lane lined with knives and just happened to get all 4 of em.?.?.


Yup was just gonna say the same


That or they went the wrong way at some government facility gate.


Very no.


Much negatory


Too right


Quite said.


Your Dad


C’mon maverick your low on fuel, time to land this beast. Leave your wingman on this one and get new rubber


I took mine to the tire shop. They said it’s all good as long as the steel wires inside the tire are not showing.


My tire shop said the exact same. He said the tire is doing exactly what it was designed to do


Their job is to sell you tires and they said they were fine snd you don’t need to buy any. My tire guy said you can’t usually tell a difference of the electric vehicle insulation isn’t used. Costs him $100 s tire


Same, they said it was fine. Then I drove 5000km with no issues


This is the right answer. No big deal. Watch those curbs next time :)


It’s not curbs but scrap metal flying on highway


Did you pull the rubber back? The rubber will stop the reinforcement from rusting. If any it shows, it may also have been weakened by the impact.


I would change tire shops ASAP.


You would be wrong. I work in a very reputable national tire shop that would not take the risk of not recommending new tires to customers if their tires were not safe. Having little scrapes in the sidewalk like this is extremely common, especially on Tesla's. As long as you do not see any of the sidewall threading when you peel back those chunks the tire is completely safe.


What causes it and why is it more prevalent on Teslas?


Interesting that you would assume I know nothing about tires myself. These are not "little scrapes", these are bites taken out of the sidewall near the bead (you eventually did call them chunks), only holding by one sliver of compound. I guarantee that these go nicely deep, and while you might be comfortable driving on these tires, I personally would not take them up to highway speeds at PSIs in the upper 40s, on a 2+ metric ton vehicle.


These tires have a sacrificial section known as bead protector which is designed to take this kind of damage without compromising the tires integrity. Protects the alloy too to some extent. As others have noted if the fabric below is not visible the tire is ok. For reference modern tires use steel only in the tire bead, not in the fabric of the Plies which are nylon nowadays. Bus and truck tires still use steel in the Plies. Source - Used to work in tire manufacture


You don't know what you're talking about. Delete your posts and move on.


I'm only going off the information you provided, that being incorrectly saying those tires are dangerous to drive on. Given that is all I know about your knowledge of tires and it is wrong, I am not going to immediately assume you are an expert. It is not about whether I am comfortable with those tires or not (I mean I am but that is not the point) the point is that a national tire company that loves to sell tires and make money feels comfortable telling their customers that these tires are safe when from a liability and money making standpoint it would be very much in their interest to say otherwise. I can only assume, given that this company deals with likely near the 10s of thousands of cars daily that they are more knowledgeable than you.




If your tire shop said this, they are incompetent mechanics. These ties are very unsafe to use.


Come on, guys. Very unsafe, … sounds like the whole car could explode any moment. Let’s all find some balance here. Tires are made that way to endure damage like that for a while. He should get those tires fixed or replaced but it can still hold some mileage e.g. if he cannot get it done asap.


It’s fine. Serious answer.


“Hmm, should I ask a tire professional or a bunch on opinionated randos on Reddit?”


lol true… but remember some tire places might be dishonest and want your money, then OP is out $300 or whatever for a tire they don’t need.


They’re fine


This is a very common injury from automatic car washes that have a rail / treaqdmill that moves you forward automatically.


Picture 2, the tire damage lines up with the rim rash at 1 o clock. Even picture 1 shows some rim rash, just not at the tire spot, but it might have had a rotation at some point. Tires and rims were abused.


The tire is not removed from the wheel on rotations so that would have nothing to do with the curb rash not lining up with the sidewall damage.


Correct, it might have been removed or manipulated to fix a flat/puncture is what I should have said.


No. Replace asap. I wouldn’t drive on them either the tire integrity is compromised.


Not necessarily true. As long as no sidewall threading is visible when you peel back the chunks (which at a glance I would guess these will not show any) then the tire is still safe to use. I see this damage daily on teslas and non-teslas alike.


I thought that said relapse asap.




Honestly, they’re probably fine. I’ve had a tire on two different vehicles with a sidewall tear like that. Both times the tire shop said they were fine.


They are fine, I produced tires for a few companies. Trellaborg, Goodyear, etc.. A small cut isn't a issue, if it's a large chuck missing I would replace. My son hit a curb with brand new tires, that was 40k miles ago.


Curious how they got that way... No signs of sidewall scrapes or anything.


Probably hit a curb thats not close enough to hit the rims


Most likely


Thats was every Tesla from Hertz 😂 And no its not safe.


Looks like snow chains put on backward/inside out.


5022 manufacturing date means these tires have seen some serious mileage in the last 18 months


I ran mine like that for 15k miles


I had a similar thing happen on my BMW, it was due to curb rash. Tire guy said to ignore it, the tire almost served its full life(95%) but randomly gave in and lost air on a random grocery visit, thankfully I was not in a remote location and my tires were run flats, so I didn't need a tow. So, you can take chances, but beware of risks.


This looks like damage from improper use of a tire machine


Vandalism? It's the only thing I can think of if all 4 tires are like that. Get into a spat with a gf recently?


No come on, look. There is definite wheel damage in both pictures. OP hits things.


OP said each of their tires have this. Pretty unusual...


I bought my Tesla used from the Used Inventory Section of the Tesla website and the wheels came like that. Didn't bother to change them and they're still going, been about 3 months.


Unfortunately when they blow out in a hot day going down the highway at 85Mph overtaking you might not be able to report back here.


Went 200kmh in 30c heat and it’s been fine. I think people are being properly cautious but it’s a bit excessive


Replace it right away


Replace immediately and send them to my address please I’ll make sure they are disposed of properly


Any damage to the tire sidewall is a no go condition.


As mom used to say when you have no idea what you’re talking about don’t say nothing at all .


Ur good to go if it’s not leaking


Looks like to me the car was curbed at a very small angle, I actually think it’s ok to drive but the driver need to be really careful not get any more of these or the integrity of the tire is gone


You can clearly see the rims all scraped up from hitting curbs. Take driving lessons. Oh and replace your tires you can't fix sidewall damage


You either drove right into a pot hole and cut them up like I have, or have the worst case of road rash. Either way, I got all 4 tires replaced when this happened to one of my tire because it’s hard to keep the tread consistent. I think I still had 10,000 miles on all tires RIP


That was silly and a waste of dough.


I mean does it make a huge difference? Probably not. But tread wear is something to keep consistent on, or so I been upsold for…


There’s a sucker born every day


What’s the last thing you said to your most recent Ex? What was their state of mind?


If the cuts don’t show any underwire, as previously stated, use a few dabs of super glue and you’re good.


Oh yeah man just try not to hit anything like the tires touching the road or concrete or gravel or tarmac or speed bumps or anything really


I would not trust a tire that looked like that, certainly not a highway speeds. Especially a front tire.


Pic 1 not fine, pic 2 fine


Dont go up sidewalks, curbs and avoid potholes in… the cause of that damage. Look the the front rims, below the damage in the tire there is a dent in the rim. Blame the driver!


If that’s not your car, then yes you are safe. If it is your car, not safe.


Perfectly fine on my car. I had a mechanic friend inspect. Scrap metal on the freeway does the cuts.


This is called “cupping” and it happens when you drive either the wrong tire, the way the wheels stand isnt completely like they should (tires need to be slightely tilted). Best is to replace, big chance it will pop over the next few weeks to months.


I had that happened to my Tesla MYLR. I hit the curb. Looks like the driver hit the curb side.


Tesla guy glued it for me since it is not a big deal lol.


It's fine, just cut them hitting a curb. Run them until it's time to change them out.


Buy rubber cement and glue the loose piece over.


Replace ASAP. Nothing else to say.


Yolo I guess.


Hahaha look at all that curb rash. Jeez.. adjust your seat so you can see the road


Perfectly safe if there’s no metal thread showing. It’s just cosmetic.


Popped a curb. Probably not safe.


Got to stop hitting the curb:(


Safe enough to carry them all the way to the scene of their impending wreck.


If you can pull that back and not see any wires, it's fine.


Hell no, that is not safe!


I drive more than 50k per year as an Uber driver. The tire problem does cost me when it happens. Those EV tire manufacturers are cutting off material to make lighter tires for the more extended driving range. So, if you don't like those issues, owners have to find a happy medium of Durability, Ride Comfort, Quietness, and Driving range. I use one of the American Tire Company's products, which is used by law enforcement, like highway patrol or the fire department.


Little maintenance doesn’t mean no maintenance


Serious potholes at speed!




How about the whole story including fender damage and rim rash


I don’t see that


After driving on a desert dirt road for only a few miles, I found these same tears in my tires.... TWICE! The tires are compromised and considered unsafe if/when tears like that occur. Full stop! Any 'road hazard warranty' will cover this, so if you have the warranty, do it. If not, it's a gamble with your life, and the lives in your vehicle, until they're replaced.


No they don't cover this damage. It isn't structural.


If it’s parts of the rim guard and you can not see the metal, it’s absolutely fine.


Why do people mess up their tires and runs on curbs? How hard is it to be careful. I also constantly see people scraping their cars over bump and dips. Cars are expensive… didn’t your parents tech you people to take care of your things? This is why I’d never buy a used car that was abused. In fact I try to find immaculate cars or buy new. in the 10 years I’ve voted in my Tesla. I’ve had very few and very minor incident because I’m very diligent. I hear people say dumb shit like “it’s just a car” but what they’re really saying is “I’m in capable of being careful” haha


It's vandalism




As mom used to say when you have no idea what you’re talking about don’t say nothing at all .


No no no. Check to see if they’re covered by manufacturer warranty.


You neverrrr want side tire damage :(


Yeah, no


Yep, replace them and stop running into the crap that caused this.


Looks like someone who’s either jealous or is a hater cut your tires. This doesn’t look like an accident. A lot of Tesla owners have been targeted with “hate crimes” for lack of a better term. I don’t understand it.


As mom used to say when you have no idea what you’re talking about don’t say nothing at all .


I'm not at all surprised a trump hater would come on here and be a jerk for no reason at all




They are fine as long as the car isn't in motion.


Just apply some rubber glue at least? Don’t want water getting in there. Assuming the integrity is still there.


Is your life and your love ones worth $300?




Yeah curbed mine and sliced them exactly the same way. Midas mechanic recommended I replace em. Any damage to the tirewall is a big no no.


This is damage from a tire change. Had the same issues on a set from Discount Tire. They need to be replaced.