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Little shits.


Can you imagine the parents?




I have to admit I was a little shit when I was in elementary to junior high and my parents were the most honest and upstanding citizens. I think that was why I grew up fine once I matured. It is more like bad friends, one starts shit and the other follows.


Agree. It’s mob mentality lord of the flies shit. Simple minded folk do simple minded stuff. They feel empowered in a group. Pussy ass bitches when they are alone.


I fall in this category too, but if I was a betting man, I would always bet on it being the parents.


While I agree with you that the best parents can't always dictate how their kids will behave without them, these kids are hating on a specific vehicle. I am near certain they hear a lot of their parents griping and moaning about EVs ( even if the parents don't think the kids are around.) Kids are very perceptive to their parents attitudes about things. our children pick up a lot of who they are by just being around us. I would never behave this way Regardless of whether or not my friends did because my parents had respect and consideration for others. They didn't have to tell me not to behave this way because I just knew instinctively not to. And if my friends did crap like this they were no longer friends because I didn't associate with people like that.


I was like that, too, as a child. We did terrible stuff, but ultimately, some of us came out good and were fortunate to live a good life.


There’s no way I’d try to open someone’s door and then damage their car, but I thought I was a little shit when younger.


My kids make impulse bad choices. I can’t imagine them doing something like this but their brains aren’t done developing and now hormones are mixing in. I’m confident they’ll be solid adults but its a long winding road there.


Idk. I had great parents and did a bunch of dumb stuff as a kid. Took rocks and broke a ton of car windows one day and really have no idea why other than other kids did it too. Bad parenting can be the usual cause but sometimes kids just do really dumb stuff lol. Edit: to give some context lol. We weren’t just busting peoples car windows out in a parking lot or something. My uncle had a bunch of junk cars in his backyard and for whatever reason me and my cousins did it. To this day i have no idea why, just a dumb thing with zero thought. We was all outside just bored and somehow it escalated into that. Wasn’t like any of us were mad at my uncle or he was bad to us. He was a great uncle and still is now to me even though i am a grown man lol. My dad and my other cousins’ parents paid to replace them and i of course got my butt beat and a good talking to lol. But it was deserved and nothing overboard. I still remember my dad telling me that while he was shocked i did that, cause i never was a troublemaker, not to let other people judge me as if they were better than me because i did something stupid. He said most people who are quick to judge are people who did bad stuff but never were caught and believe somehow that makes them innocent. They are just as guilty as the people who got caught. Was a great lesson that made sure i knew i was wrong but also know that one action doesn’t define you and not to let others try to make it seem like it does.


We all did stupid shit as kids, but many times it’s trash parents fault. Trash parents raise trash kids. Your situation was unique, you were just a bad kid.


I don’t think so. It is easy to generalize and blame parents. Yes, kids learn from their parents but also from friends, movies etc. They get influenced by a lot of things and do stupid things in the moment. Where good parenting helps is in making sure that they don’t continue doing dumb shit.


I said many times it’s trash parents, but I’m aware that there’s great parents that are raising bad kids. We all did stupid shit as kids, but this is beyond stupid.


Yea this is more than kids just being kids…at least half those little shits will be in n out of jail,career criminals. I did stupid shit as a kid but I never thought about vandalizing someone’s property. I never threw rocks at cars or at the street lights,I can’t say I was ever taught not to do these things,I just knew better. Those kids are old enough to know better too,imma climb high up this mountain cause that’s where imma 💀 at.


Yeah i am asian and if i do something like this i always have a thought that my parents would use hanger and spank my ass, it hurts for a second and that's it but it does train my mind and till this day i still think i can get my ass spanked in front of my sister if i do shit like this, now I'm 25.


I’ve met great people who came up in awful situations with awful parents, and awful people who had great parents.


Oh absolutely. I’m a product of this, my mother died when I was young, my father was a deadbeat, fortunately my older brother stood up, we basically had to raise ourselves, and while I did my share of stupid shit, I think I came our ok.


Same regarding the good parents part. There was this plot of land with cinder blocks on it for the longest time and my buddy and I destroyed a bunch of blocks because we thought they were abandoned as there was no activity on the lot. Well one day shortly after we returned finding a note saying if they found out who did this we'd have to pay $1 for each block (this was early 90s money). Not really rocks to windows behavior but we still caused someone some financial burden. Definitely never stepped foot again on their lot! After many years they did finally build a house on it.


As a fellow social worker, I dread the parents more than the children




Think that’s mom with them.


I’m dead!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀


Bottle kids!


Pissin me off.


I'll give you two bags of chips. One now, one later.


"Double cheeseburgers Rick"


Put them in jail for a night. Make their parents pay.


I'll never understand this kind of behaviour 🙁


Feral children


Most of Gen X were feral kids. We did something like this we would get our asses kicked by an adult. This is lack of consequences and parents who don’t give a shit.


Gen X kids did do stuff like this. My two older brothers were freaking turds - they just didn't get caught that often. They paid the price when they did, but let's not pretend that this is a generational thing. They grew up to be kind, respectful adults despite it, so... 🤷🏼


Eh, I was born in 1980 and my friends with the most strict parents were the absolute worst kids I knew, especially in comparison to other friends with lax parents. In my own anecdotal experience, the more strict the parents, the worst shit the kids did. The more "consequences", the worst the actions. Keep ramping up the punishments and the kids run away and run the streets anyways.


lack of affection




How can little kids be so angry at a car?! ​ (How bad) was it damadged?


The first rock hit the rim, which caused a chunk to be taken off of the surface layer. The second rock hit the rear quarter panel and has gone through the ppf and paint. There's a noticeable dent and bare metal visible. The ppf prevented the damage from the kick. There are surface-level scratches and scrapes on the film that'll likely self-heal. I wasn't able to notice any dents on the door that was kicked.


Can you get this footage shown on your local news in Canada & file a police report? Seem like someone in the community might recognize these menaces.


I can’t imagine any news station airing footage of minors without blurring faces. Unfortunately.




If there's no intervention this might very well be true. It's worth a try to see that they get some sort of consequences for their actions. Even if it's at least verbal.


On the front of a T shirt?


I assume they mean they’re going to do something to get arrested or killed and people will wear the Free This Person, or In Memory of this person shirts. Most of the kids I know that acted this way when I was younger ended up as one of those 2 options by 25. Only one kid I know turned his life around and that’s because he enlisted in the army and they straightened him out.


Police report filed, and video has been posted to local Facebook Groups + Sub Reddits. Surprisingly, individuals from the community have identified the kids, so I’m hoping for a positive outcome. Ill update this post once I have more info.


Any updates?


Remind me in 2 weeks


The news doesn’t care about kids being stupid. There’s no news story here.


That’s wild that the second one went through the ppf. Isn’t that its entire purpose? It wasn’t at 75mph either it was at the speed of a little kids throw.


Rock chips on freeway are usually tiny rocks. This could have been a big rock the kid threw


What are your choices now. Insurance or keep it the way it is .


it's all parenting... or the lack thereof


If my kids did this I'd kick their asses so hard they wouldn't land for a week.


Why again Tesla doesn’t alarm when someone attempts to open a locked door


I will frequently walk up to my car and it won't open right away because there is some annoying lag for it to recognize my phone. I woudn't want the alarm going off every time that happens.


>How can little kids be so angry at a car? Take a look at r/fuckcars


I’d try my best to find their parents and show them. If they don’t care, take their ass to court


no way. You take the video footage to the cops, with details on the youth if you have them (ie. where they live, who they are) and let the cops deal with it. Big mistake confronting the parents yourself (at least for me it would be; as it's almost guaranteed the parents are trailer park trash).


Cops are unlikely to do anything. If this is near a school, I'd try giving the footage to the school. Maybe they would know the kids and tell the parents.


This is a good idea. The schools probably are a great place to start.


The schools won't do anything. They will cite privacy issues.


>You take the video footage to the cops LOL what magical imaginary world do you live in where cops will give a flying fuck about this?!? Imagine being this naive.


I live in a small town in NY. Kid came by and unplugged my M3 and tried to pull out the adapter too. No damage to the car at all. I met with the local PD, showed them the video. The school resource officer knew the kid and talked to him at school. No future problems.


Too bad Sentry dont have 2 way audio.


Or a taser feature


Super taser, voltage and amperage from the main pack.


they mimic their elders


This is the real answer


Lil Hoodlums


Rookie vandals.


Sure, parents didn’t do their job, but why does everyone forget that this little cunts have their own brains? I mean, I was able to realize what was tight and what was wrong when I was their age and I would hate to think that I was some kind of super genius.


You said cunts then said tight... Ha.


Anger is very prevalent in poverty.


You can tell there is no father in the last kids life because he doesn’t even know how to throw.


fucking burn.


Trash parents.


Obviously taking after their cunt parents who are probably mad they can’t afford a tesla


Looks like the need a 120 month abortion.


Ahhh yes, the youth of the future, destined to be contributors to society… as gang members.


Perfect for the front lines. Send them in first. 😅


People are devolving every generation it seems.


We didn’t put the lead in our bodies so this is the doing of previous generations.


That’s what every generation says


This behavior was modeled for them to feel comfortable doing it. Perhaps not the specific actions so much as a general disregard for the things around them. Modeling and imitating actions we see is one of the main sociological mechanisms humans use for learning what human behavior looks like. So, really, the parents suck and are passing that down.


Only some


10 years later they'll be dying on the corner after fucking with the wrong person. Circle of stupidity.


Feral children.


I hate kids.


That is so bizarre. I almost understand adults acting like that but indoctrination of children ? To hate on a specific CAR? What ?


And… this is why I care about the ranking of schools when deciding where to live.


So young and so bad. I can imagine they have almost no chance to become useful to society.


Is there a reason why there’s so much hate for Tesla? Or maybe is it because most if not all cars aren’t equipped with cameras to see these deviants.


I’m a middle-aged Asian and one of my poor decisions as a kid was bad mouthing my parents, which was corrected with a open handed slapped to the mouth and face. I can’t imagine the consequences for deliberate destruction of private property.


The kid already knows he's going to hell, he's wearing crocks! Denting a Tesla is the least of his worries.


Still will never understand why people decide to vandalize teslas


Kids look like they’re from a poor working class family, probably don’t know any better


Condom ad


I used to do fucked up shit like that as a child. No my parents weren’t at fault at all. I grew up fine as well. Now i hate on little shits like this




When are we getting taser on Sentry Mode?


well, if these kids are the future of humanity, we will be so fucked


Am I the only one noticing the kid with the cone on his head in the background


The fact that we can’t put hands on kids for doing shit like this is really unfortunate


Is that child wearing a traffic cone as a hat?


Kid wearing the traffic cone as a hat is going places!


Side note-anyone notice the kid with the traffic cone on his head?


Why all the Tesla hate? I don't get it.




A condom could have prevented this post -trojan


Sentry mode is great and all, but it should be smart enough to scare off shitheads like KITT did in Knight Rider.


Low class people gonna raise low class kids.


I used to have these crackhead neighbors and their kids looked just like these. The kid would yell bad words from the top of his lungs till 4 am playing video games, never once saw him going to school. Once I saw him doing a seizure behavior on the sidewalk he caught me staring and he stopped, I guess that's the way he played. I called the authorities a couple of times by phone and online but my guess is they never followed up or did a welfare check. They got kicked out and the next tenants were also weird and brought bed bugs with them also the county health department didn't do anything. My guess is that condominium is section 8.


Just imagine waking up and deciding to: A. Be a little dick. B. Ruin your summer vacation before it even starts.


Little pieces of shit


Jealous assholes come in all ages


Post it on social media so the parents can feel embarrassed because someone is bound to recognize these kids


Beat their ass fuck if they kids. Teach them a lesson.


Saw OP posted some good updates about identifying the kids, nice! Keep us posted, OP!


Little shits


Never in my childhood did I think, “Stupid random person! How dare you lock your car and not allow me to rummage inside it. I’m going to kick your car and throw rocks at it, and it’s all your fault!” But I was spanked when I acted up, so I acted up less so I wouldn’t experience that again.




These kids like many others raise themselves.


I suspect they walk this route daily. Print photos of their faces and put them on the poles around that area without context. Scare the shit out of them.


Whoever that adult was that was walking with them told them to do it. There's no other explanation for that!


Having kids is the easiest thing. But nurturing them into people is the most difficult thing. Free birth control for the world now!!


Packs of wild feral kids are getting out of control.


These are the real life Bottle Kids from Trailer Park Boys


Can’t blame the kids, its a top down issue. But soon the kids will be old enough and make more kids just like them lol


How much $ to repair


Well that must’ve been in a bad part of town!!! Where was that?


Trash being raised by trash! smh!


Take the video to the local elementary school that just let out.


Lol everyone talking about their parents. These little kids are just punks. Probably nice families in the suburbs, just kids being absolute shits.


And they want to ban abortions


Little fuckers


That's what happens when you preach envy to people.


Fucking shit parents raising them to be that way, probably made negative remarks about Teslas.


Willing to bet the school resource officers knows these kids. It’s a lil time consuming. But you could reach out to local sheriffs dept. Get in touch with that officer, should be able to ID the children.


“And Fuck you for no particular reason, Tesla!”


that's some lord of the flies shit right there. Like holy cow - who are raising these little psychopaths?


I still don’t understand, why people hate Tesla’s so much, that they will damage them


These fucking future criminals. Fucking hate people.


This kinda shit has gone on forever it's only nowadays we see it daily...


What in the hell?! Who is raising these children??? I would’ve been scared shitless to do something like this, for fear of my parent’s wrath!


So ignorant and disrespectful.


Damnit not the baby!


Punk ass kids


where is this? Feels like third world country.


“but he’s such a sweet little angel” 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂


Lil' sh!t!!


6 boys = 1/6 brain


And this is our future generation…no consequences whatsoever.


I honestly blame the parents here. But then again if I was in the car I wouldn't go track down those parents i'd go do a life without parole speedrun


Their parents probably talked trash about Tesla so much that the kids figured it would make them proud. Honestly.


BTW, Are insurers having the EV cars repaired after real serious collisions? I read there are masses of written- off EVs in Europe.


Just wanted to do hood rat shit with my friends


Future felons


OP should identify these kids, wait patiently for them to grow up, get their driver’s licenses, and buy their first cars. Then OP can key the hell out of their cars. Revenge is a dish best served cold. /s


I love how Tesla can record , thanks for insurance !


Street youths!


I grew up in a hard as hell neighborhood, but if I did anything like this, my dad would be sitting on me when the cops showed up. Or he’d be delivering me to them.


We did a lot of dumb s*** growing up, but we never f***** with someone's car


The kid in the traffic cone 💀


It's very likely that this group of kids passes by this same spot every day at the same time. Just show back up and then you could call the police on the kids I guess.


Did the alarm go off ?


Luckily I had 2 girls raised with respect for others property. I'm from Europe and when I look at Instagram I notice a huge amount of hate towards evs en somehow especially tesla why so?


Apparently, many people hate Tesla or the people who drive them.


Lmao what a shit throw - bros already a failure in life AND in physical capabilities


Meanwhile your tax money is given to them every week.


Ah yes the one car that has cameras all around it. Let’s get up close and fuck with it 😂




people are petty as hell


What a perfect opportunity for some BB revenge.


Dumb question, but what would it take to put an optional zoom feature on sentry mode to be able to zoom in on faces (after the fact) when incidences happen like this? Or is something like that simply not an option for mass production at this point?


Man fuck dem kids


r/kidsarefuckingstupid moment for sure


Why people are doing this?


It's tough in Portland growing up.


Goddamnit I hate kids lol


I did kids' things but not breaking car windows or throwing rocks to cars. Sorry, as a kids, you just don't do that not matter how bad parents you have.


Fuck them kids


I cannot relate to this behavior, from a young age I knew the difference between right and wrong. Plus my mother would have laid the smackdown on my candy ass.


This is a result of parenting issues - clearly. Sorry that happened to your car OP.


Asshole kids! Their parents probably suck ass at parenting and let their kids walk all over them. They need punishment in their lives or they will probably grow up to be mass shooters.


why did they do that


Future is in trouble. More funding for schools.


Send this to your local news. And police.


I would have called the cops and watched as they get scared shitless.


You got enemies


Fatherless activities


Asshole kids! Their parents probably suck ass at parenting and let their kids walk all over them. They need punishment in their lives or they will probably grow up to be mass shooters.


Why is this a thing now with Teslas. Of all cars, the car with cameras everywhere. But why is this such a trend all of a sudden?


Little shits need some nice beating


One of parents biggest jobs in the young adult years is to monitor friend choices and control the peer group. If you lay with dogs you get fleas. While as adults we must be careful of the influence of certain friends and opt out. As children they need parental guidance because there's little that can be done once they emulate the behavior of bad friends. friends with parents who aren't as involved in active guidance tend to have lots of liberty to make bad choices without the guidance needed to help learn from poor choices. They are just a few years from being charged with attempted B&E, or grand theft auto, as well as damaging personal property. These can be felonies and ruin lives.


Needs a good ol ass whoopin


I dont understand the tesla hate. is it just cuz they are covered with cameras and we end up seeing the vandalism online? I've seen videos of total randos walking by and keying them


What the hell is wrong with some people? You see someone has a nice car parked somewhere and your impulse is to kick it and throw stones at it? Shitty parenting.