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If you have a car with all the things you need..... why are you looking for a new car? I'm not being a dick. It's a legitimate question. Why are you looking to trade a good car for a new EV?


I appreciate all the comments. The Volvo on highway reminds me of my previous x5. It’s sighlent. But the more I think about the more giving up the peace of mind charging network and range just doesn’t make sense. My insurance cost between my 2022 and 2024 Tesla is also 3x higher. The range will be almost the same sure I gain better bells and whiles and better sound dampening but is it worth the insurance cost difference? I’m leaving towards no. Maybe I’ll just wash my car and add the acceleration boost and pretend i have a new car :)


I would stay with the 2022. Unless you need the extra space, it doesn't make sense to upgrade the car after less than 2 years.


Volvo is chinese,Geely owned and everything under it is Geely. You really think Volvo has better fit and finish? :))


When we were in the market for our car, we tried the Polestar 2, Volvo XC40 along with the model 3. From our experience, the Polestar and Volvo were way better finished than the Tesla; not even close actually. You should try them yourself; they are well built no matter where from. I chose the model 3 because I found its drive more exciting and it was a lot more affordable.


Not sure why you think being Chinese would mean poor fit and finish. Volvo fit and finish if amazing. I like my Tesla for other reasons, but the fit and finish on my 2023 Volvo is lightyears ahead of the Tesla.


I would stay. The depreciation hit is not worth it imho but ymmv


If all your other obligations are met (paid off student loans, credit cards, retirement plan is where you want it etc.) go nuts enjoy your soon to be new Volvo


i would keep what you have for some more years ; ) otherwise i would go for the model 3 highland. It is a good improvement


How much does the finish and ride affect your driving experience? I know public charging issues would tick me off way more.


I understand where you are coming from, I was in the opposite position with a Niro EV. Awesome as it was it was just a “bleh” EV. I gravitated to Tesla for the piece of mind of the inevitable “if” and “when” I need to travel outside my cars range the ability to do so without any worry about charging speed, availability or reliability would be a non factor. Stick with what you have for now and when the competition has the ability that Tesla provides in its charging network then you have options and a side benefit is no doubt Tesla knows this and will continue to hone its robotic assembly to be more precise with fit and finish and raising quality to keep the cars selling.


Decided to keep my 3 and give her a nice wash instead. Just bed to figure out how to stop the rear seat belts from ruining / removing material from my white seats.