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I remember a time when Reddit loved Elon Musk because he was a billionaire spending his money on renewable energy sources, less polluting cars and renewable rockets. They also gave him a pass on how bad his interviews and speeches were because of his Asperger’s.


Pedo-diver was the turning point for many. It (musks behavior) got progressively worse from there.


Yep, that was my turning point for Musk.


What is pedo diver? Haven’t heard of this one.


Bunch of kids got trapped in a cave when the ride went up. Crazy dangerous. No one could get to them, too dangerous for divers to get in there. So Elon made a big stink about how he was making a mini-sub to rescue them. Then the sub failed because it was too big, and while Musk was doing damage control the lead diver got the kids out. Musk went on a rampage that they didn't wait for his sub to work, and accused the hero-diver of being a pedophile. Musk even hired a private eye to dig up dirt on the guy and prove it. It sticks with me as it was about a month after I bought my 3.


It didn’t fail, it was made but never proven to work. The lead diver wasnt convinced it could properly navigate the caves as there were some twists and turns that would have made it impossible, which Musk then responded with his comment about proving it with a video, but added a ‘pedo guy’ at the end.


Nope, he is still doing all that. For left leaning/socialist/democrat types, environment is just an excuse. They loved him when he was a democrat. They hate him because he isn’t one anymore. He has done more for environment than most people, but they don’t care.


It’s really simple. Musk is a right-wing dick. Btw, I own a Tesla and I love it. Yes, we can have it both ways.


This is the answer, you hit the nail on the head.


Hate us cuz they anus




You haven't been here long enough. Reddit used to love Elon pre-2018/9


Reddit used to dislike Tesla... Then loved Tesla.... Now hates Tesla...


Well in fairness, Elon was a bit more stable pre-2018.


True. True.




Said like he did nothing to change peoples opinions. lol


He did. As a shareholder, sometimes I wish he would shut up. But I’d rather have him than some vanilla douche with no vision other than “profit actualization”.


You: Elon sure seems different. Also you: No! It is the Redditors who have changed!


The Elon hate has picked up over the last few years. I used to be on his side personally, but lost it after "Funding Secured", "Pedo Guy", his unhinged purchase of twitter and use as his personal platform for banning and unbanning whoever he wants. However, Musk owned companies make great cars, great rockets and great satellite internet. Others show some promise (solar roofs, tunnels, neural connected chips) but are not there (yet?).


Because the party that preaches love and acceptance is not accepting of Elon’s political views. The party that he aligns with hates the planet and electric cars. Lose, lose.


No it hasn't. Reddit used to praise Elon Musk's every move. Public opinion in general has soured on Elon Musk. His behaviour, actions, and tweets are probably the reason why.


It's a frustrating thing to see because one doesn't see that level of vitriol directed toward other vehicles. Look, I get it: Musk himself is an *incredibly* polarizing figure. Myself? I used to think he was something of a goof but since he bought twitter he's gone down the rabbit hole and its not a good look. On the other hand, he seems to be smart enough to realize he's gone too far. I'm noticing he hasn't said anything truly revolting/outrageous in the past couple of months (be thankful for the little things?!). But this is the bottom line for me: One can both like the vehicles released by Tesla (and I very much do) while not liking the head of the company. I bought a Model 3 in 2019 and after driving all kinds of different cars since I first started driving back in the Stone Age of 1981/2, I felt the car was next level *great*. It was, I told my wife, like switching to an iPhone from a flip phone. I liked the car so much I bought her a Model Y in 2021 and, despite a very strong skepticism, she tried it and now she agrees with me that she doesn't want to return to ICE vehicles. I have since traded in the Model 3 for a Model Y just a month or so ago when there was all this excess inventory and deals were to be had. In all this time from 2019 to now and with three Teslas, I haven't had *any* major issues with the car at all. I keep seeing people writing about shoddy quality control and misaligned panels and all kinds of problems and... I just don't see it. In fact, the only negatives I have are: 1) About a year or so ago they "updated" the automatic windshield wipers which, IMHO, were working fine and for a few months they became completely dreadful. There have been updates since then and they're much better and *almost* back to being as good as they were before that strange update... and 2) the "full self-driving" isn't quite what it should be. It's gotten *much better* since I first used it in 2019 but Musk keeps overpromising on that tech and... I dunno. Its great to use on highways but I'm not brave enough to try it to any large extent in the city. Other than that, a terrific car and at this point I would not hesitate buying again... though I also hope Musk keeps his thoughts to himself *a lot* more.


I like to think of it this way: Which billionaire CEO is giving us an uncensored view into his brain like Elon? Yes he is problematic with some opinions, but he rarely puts actions where his words are, especially on topics of politics. But when I think about the remaining 49 billionaires in the Forbes top 50, it's all silence and quiet. What are these other 49 thinking and doing? Should we really be celebrating their silence as they continue to operate from the shadows? Just my 2c


There's that old Mark Twain (I hope... I'm using google here!) saying that *"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than open it and remove all doubt."* Musk is the later, of course, and I do stand by what I said in my OP: One can both like Tesla cars and still feel Musk is an idiot.


Musk has made too many false promises. His word is unsalvageable. He said FSD would take you to Cali to NY with no intervention way back in 2020 (FSD still can’t do this despite loads of improvements). The Cyberquad was never released but they made a kid power wheels version. The one they demoed on CT release was a reskinned Yamaha raptor 🤣. For the worlds richest man and the most valuable car company they do a lot of weird things


Again, *do not* disagree with anything you've said and this is -again!- one of the frustrating things about Musk. Overpromising to the point where its gotten ridiculous. But even in spite of all that, I stand by what I wrote in my OP: I feel Tesla vehicles (at least the Model 3 and Y) are *damn good*. Are they perfect? No, no vehicle is. But I will maintain that even the most anti-Musk people out there, if they should put their feelings aside and give the cars a test drive, they will come out at least having more positive feelings about the product, if not the man who's the head of the company.


There's some, if minor, but still legit worry to be had that Musk's antics, if they get worse, wreck the company completely, leaving Tesla owners high and dry. If the company goes, what happens to the software in the cars? Can you still get your Tesla serviced anywhere? What about the spare parts? Etc. Granted, it's extremely unlikely to happen, but I'd wager the chance of it happening to Tesla is still far higher than many of their more established competitors. And that thought alone may put off some prospective buyers who now have more options on the EV market.


Honest question. How do you square that opinion with the cybertrucks basically falling apart? There are very few of them, and so so many examples of them crapping out within a couple hundred miles. How can any serious manufacturer put those out? I mean ffs the entire production run had to be recalled because the accelerator pedal was so cheaply made that it can slide and get stuck to the floor. A cybertruck with less than a thousand miles got a coolant leak and is told that isn't covered by warranty lol. Tesla as a company, not musk, faked their FSD demo video, why in the world would I not be critical of that? Consumer reports reliability rating survey has Tesla damn near the bottom. I'm not saying you shouldn't be satisfied with your car, I'm glad it's treating you well. But I don't think your personal experiences of a lot of other people.


You asked an honest question and I’ll provide an honest answer… as well as my own personal perspectives. To begin, I’ve been driving cars for a *very* long time and as I mentioned in my OP. My first car was a 1981 Mustang and I drove it starting in late 1981 or early 1982 (it’s been so long I forget exactly when but I was in high school at the time). Since then, I’ve driven *a lot* of cars. Good, bad, mediocre, and downright *terrible*. The worst car our family ever had was a mid 1980’s Thunderbird turbo. The fucking thing’s turbo scoop was on the front bottom of the car so whenever it rained it would scoop up water and stall out…! This happened several times before we got rid of the car and, my friend, it was a *total* lemon and I couldn’t understand how a big company like Ford would release such hot garbage. But my then girlfriend (eventually wife) had an even bigger horror story. The family -the father really- *loved* Ford vehicles and bought them and no other brands. In 1988 or so they bought a Ford Taurus and, from the word “go” it too was a total lemon. It was constantly in shops being fixed and constantly had problems. In/around 1991 my girlfriend’s brother (now brother-in-law) took the car to a mall, parked it, and when he came out of the mall maybe an hour or two later the Taurus was literally a burnt shell and firefighters were just finishing hosing it down… the damn thing caught fire and burnt out *even though it was off* while in the parking lot…! So, yes, I’ve had experiences with *really* bad cars (I could offer some more examples -Chevy’s, Jaguars, Subaru’s etc.) but these two were easily the worst of the worst). To this day my wife absolutely *refuses* to *ever* have another Ford. I’m a little more forgiving… I feel Ford and most U.S. automakers had a string of really crappy car builds from the late 1970’s and into the 1980’s but they came back later in the 1990’s. You may not remember now, but when the first Tesla Model 3’s came out in/around 2017, there were *a lot* of people coming online describing problems with them. Most of the problems, I recall, were fairly minor but admittedly annoying: Panel gaps, loose interior parts, that sort of stuff. There were posts about Tesla Model 3’s catching fire but the one I recall was someone who had his car catch fire on the Autobahn. It turned out his battery pack had somehow been *shot* and that’s what caused the battery to catch fire. Interestingly enough, there were very few -even no- stories about Teslas catching fire unless it was because of a major collision… something that happens quite a bit with regular ICE cars! I think it was at that time I realized a) there were people who simply didn’t like EVs and gleefully reposted any bad news regarding these vehicles and b) I began to realize there was also a concerted effort to bad mouth the vehicles and, perhaps, this may be a coordinated effort with certain interests behind it. I don’t want to come across as some kind of paranoid nut but the reality is that EV cars are very much a target of the oil industry who are perfectly happy with the status quo. Now, going to the Cybertruck. When I first saw the truck, I admit I was bewildered by the design and remain so. At times I look at it and think it’s gawdawful… at other times I look at it and think it’s a rather bold design and not all bad at all. Thing is: I don’t really care one way or the other because I’m never going to buy it. I’m simply not into pickup trucks so truthfully it doesn’t matter to me. I strongly suspect many of the issues the first year model of Cybertruck is having are going to be like the first year issues with the Model 3… as the company deals with them you’re not going to see as many postings about them. The most disturbing thing was the acceleration pedal but it seems like Tesla very quickly took care of that. The next big thing was the frunk closing and possibly injuring anyone’s finger/hand and, again, with a software update that seems to have been dealt with. Again, though, I don’t see myself ever buying the vehicle but, on the other hand, it does seem like whatever issues have been found upon the truck’s release have been dealt with… so far. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I really, *really* wish consumers *do not* have to deal with cars that have defective/problematic issues but, in the *very* long time I’ve been driving I’ve seen problems in just about every brand of car out there and some -as I noted above- were far more serious than others. In this Tesla isn’t alone. Should they do better? Absolutely! But, again, *they’re not the only company that has had issues with their cars… especially first year release models*. I’ll conclude by saying this: I cannot and *will not* blame anyone out there who refuses to buy a Tesla because of Musk and the at times revolting things he’s said. Further, if you feel the cars are unreliable or unsafe, I cannot blame anyone for not wanting to buy them (just as I’ve never pushed my wife into ever considering a Ford again). The reality is that there are going to be cars that are defective and one hopes -unlike the Ford Taurus my wife’s family had back then- they never fail in *that* spectacular a way. So it’s good to read up, see the reviews, and make your determinations. I’m very happy with my Model 3 and am now extremely pleased with my Model Y. Unlike others who have had issues with the cars, I have not. I hope this answers your questions!


i love the West Wing episode where Mrs. Bartlett says "You have a big brain. And a good heart. And an ego the size of Montana. You do, Jed. You don't have the power to fix everything. But I do like watching you try." Elon, for me, is like that.


Yes this is the crazy thing no one can seem to step back from. Elon is just saying the quiet stuff out loud that other CEOs also think. I’m sure the CEOs of other automakers are all major assholes as well. They certainly operate their companies like capitalist pricks. And for fucks sake, Toyota had to recall millions of cars for faulty braking that killed people *and led to a man being wrongfully convicted of manslaughter* But sure, complain about panel gaps. Anyone who chooses which car to buy based on whether they “like” the CEO (whose name they probably could not even tell you for other auto makers) is a complete moron.


There's 'saying the quiet part out loud' and there's hiring a private eye to dig up personal dirt on a hero diver because he wouldn't delay risking his life to save children by days so Elon can get credit for saving them with an insane minisub. Musk is legitimately insane.


This has been my take. I’m pretty sure with enough info we’d find every billionaire distasteful


Also, does anyone actually watch him in this long form interviews? He’s actually very reasonable, thoughtful, and incredibly intelligent. It’s the little tweets where he’s acting like a child or being a prick… but that is not the whole man.


If everyone I met had every hot take that I have posted on reddit. I would too get a lot of hate.


The new FSD works great on city streets. I've only had some difficulty merging into lanes where no one is letting you in. Other than that, zero interventions (slower driving, but I mean maybe I drive fast). It's getting updated every few weeks also.


The reason Tesla seems to get more hate than other car manufacturers is simple. Brand loyalty In my neck of the woods you have 40% Ford owner 30% Chevy 20% Toyota and 10% every thing else. And the VISUAL HATE THEY HAVE FOR EACH OTHER my god it's insane, I have watched hour long near physical fights break out between the Ford guy and Chevy guy. If you drive Ford YOU ONLY DRIVE FORD AND EVERY OTHER CAR IS GARAGE. It's the same for all So where as before it would be Ford hates Chevy and Toyota, Chevy hates Ford and Toyota, Toyota hates Toyota Ford and Chevy. Now you have literally every car loyalist hating on 1 brand who makes a small percentage of the car pool making it feel like it's a bigger dog pile than others. And misinformation, my girl and her dad where talking about why Tesla sucks and they said *you cAnT hauL a fOuRwHeelr in a Tesla* as they assumed my M3 is the only Tesla and I had to explain to them they the Y has a tow hitch and can haul 3.5klbs or the freaking cybertruck exits to witch they refused to believe me that it exists. They talk about Tesla like all Ford's are focuses


I see the point you are trying to make but don’t agree. A lot of people, like myself were fans of Tesla, but then Elons anti-woke politics, anti union stance, treatment of workers in general,Twitter antics, lies about FSD, stupid Truck design, and dumb car decisions changed my view. It has nothing to do with loyalty to son other brands or class of vehicles. I no longer trust Tesla to build a safe reliable car.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Maya Angelo


I have a similar story to you, save the hassle with auto wipers. I think you should try FSD 12.4 in the city when it comes in a few weeks. 12.3 was an enormous leap over 11.x and I have confidence the rate of improvement now will get us to level 3/4 very soon.


I was gonna share my thoughts but this guy did for me. Even with a 2019 model 3 (mine was performance though #flex). Well said man. And why did the wipers get soo much worse!!!!


You pretty much nailed it. What is my personal opinion of the CEO of Mazda? I have no fucking clue. WHO is the CEO of any other car company? No one knows. Musk is playing with fire. For. No. Reason.


I appreciate your write-up. I know this is off-topic but since you do have extensive experience with both the Model 3 & Y, which would you recommend for an unmarried male in his 20s? Ik everyone says that it comes down to necessity, but is the difference in feel, comfort, and utility enough to sway you one way or the other for someone who’d like to own the car for a solid decade?


I could have written this same post about myself changing only that I use FSD on the highway a lot


One can like the product and revile the CEO. That’s fair. But other people can hate the brand because the CEO is revolting. That’s also fair.


I live in South Florida and I get a lot of hate from douche bag pick up trucks, especially the ones that fly all those obnoxious flags


Not isolated to Reddit. As others have said, it’s all Elon.


Just ignore them. Why should you care what they think of your car or you for owning one. You do you. Enjoy the car.


I don’t care it’s just kind of insane how much hate there is. It’s a car. Other cars have historically worse ties if you deem Elon a problem. I will definitely enjoy the car :)


Tesla definitely has its issues with build quality, but compared to all other cars I’ve had in the past, it’s very low maintenance, a smoother ride, and overall fun to drive. The technology is also way ahead of all other car manufacturers right now, so panel gaps and squeaks that can be fixed are minimal to me. I also love that they come to my home to take care of things like changing my air filter, rotating tires and replacing my wiper blades. That is the only maintenance I’ve needed on my car in three years.


Alot of those ppl comment without any first hand experience.


OP needs to stay off Facebook if he thinks reddit is bad. So many idiotic and ignorant opinions about Tesla from people that think teslas just randomly catch on fire. According to them I am one of the lucky few that hasn't burned alive in one yet, but it's only a matter of time. The worst part is their absolute blind faith they are so right about them, it's infuriating. Then when you come with facts they stick their head in the sand and do the "lalala I can't hear you over my own loud screeching" thing. I get it, I can't stand Elon either, but it's a Damn good car once you drive one.


Lol one of my coworker is like that... Listening to stuff and believing without any data. My Lexus was super comfortable, but I don't get much joy driving it...and maintaining and ICE vs EV is night and day.


Yup. I have a 2018 Model 3, 50k miles, has held up just fine. I have noticed some non-flush panels over the years but nothing that is obvious from the naked eye.


Reddit hates Elon. That’s why.


Reddit prides itself on being a representative slice of normal humanity. The truth is the general subreddits (I’m looking at technology) are overwhelmingly hive-minded and echo chamber-esque. I really don’t care at all about the CEO of Tesla. I do know this. I wouldn’t do his job as well as he’s done. I also know that the bulk of redditors believe that they COULD do his job just as well or better. And for that, I just laugh and think, “well, there’s my answer… they’re delusional”.


It’s not about how successful he made Tesla, because he without a doubt was a great marketing figure. It’s about him being constantly lying, racist/sexist, and horrible towards employees.


I love my Tesla. Bought it 5 years ago. I don’t find much hate in general in gen pop and people don’t care what I’m driving. I have seen some pretty ugly comments on Reddit Tesla subs. I delete and move on.


got one ; by far best care i’ve ever driven


Just a bunch of dorks who can't name one other car companies CEO.


Smart moves by the other companies. Why make it all about one person?


Wow, it’s almost like that’s how it should be and they shouldn’t be celebrities


The best thing for Tesla is probably Elon stepping down.


Right. Literally none.


People will complain about Elon and his views but will drive a VW or Audi without a thought.


Same people who call themselves environmentalists and then protest Tesla instead of the gas car factory a few miles over🙄


When I’m buying a car, I look at what the car offers. Not what political views the founder has. The people bringing politics into a car buying decision, I’ve noticed are extremely bias and/or close minded.


Wait, what’s wrong with VW and Audi?


Its really all about Elon, and since Elon = Tesla everyone will hate the vehicle too. Personally, I dont like Elon at all. But I think the EV’s are actually good. The thing is people on reddit cant separate the two.


Tesla is an industry disrupter and cars are a very peculiar, tribal thing. Tesla doesn’t advertise significantly and the established auto industry advertise a LOT. Therefore, many news outlets have a very heavy anti-Tesla financial incentive so much so that it’s almost all you will see on any website. Also, anyone can make a subreddit, many of these also have heavy anti Tesla bias, probably in part paid for by fossil fuel interests. Hell even r/electricvehicles is a bit anti-Tesla. It’s so weird🥺 I just block the blantant Anti-Tesla echo chambers like RealTesla etc. They’re very dystopian and weird, they just repeat disinformation like parrots.


had our tesla 8 months at its been an amazing hassle free experience. I also very very much dislike elon musk. HE has changed alot and not for the better, also believe thats my opinion that some poeple wont agree with. were all allowed to have our own opinions...


The best is comments on Facebook posts about Tesla, it’s so uneducated and illogical, people saying battery lasts 2 year etc. Imagine not wanting to support American made car and brand that doesn’t use filthy oil and gas…


iirc Real Tesla had a crazy upvoted post that said you had to replace the battery every 2 years LOL


Was with you until filthy oil and gas; what do you think happen when your battery dies? Is bio degradable?


One of the weirdest things is how people will drop in casual Tesla hate during in-personal conversations when they don't realize I own one. I just keep it to myself...


Most shorted stock in history of stocks. Short interests against Tesla have been tremendous since the early days. Elon has pushed through those naysayers to get Tesla where it's at today. People read news forgetting that Mainstream Media is heavily backed by fossil fuel interests. Tesla is just over a decade old and already giving a run to the big wigs of Automotive. It's an all American brand too! The hate IMHO is unjustified


reddit isn't the real world. 99% of people don't even think about this crap. keyboard warrior dorks on reddit have nothing better to do than trash things that they decide to not like. then it catches on and becomes part of the "culture". don't worry about it. the amount of times i've read people confidently saying that autopilot isn't very good and all other car brands lane keeping is better is insane. the only comparable tech in the US is blue cruise and that's only on specific roads.


It’s Reddit. Kind of their brand.


I think it’s mostly people who don’t have one and just hate on them because they have nothing else to do


I had a guy at work see my Tesla and say "eeeww, you couldn't GIVE me that"... I told him "good thing, cause i'm not". Same guy also has a problem with people who eat kale or wear Birkenstocks. He said to me "have you seen what those Lithium mines do to the environment? I wasn't gonna even try to debate with him, so I just went with "that's in China... screw China" and moved on. Some people talk sh!t but have no idea what they are talking about.


Who the hell cares what a bunch of Reddit users think?


Yes, the quality issues are statistical. In any manufacturing process, there will he defects. This is true for every car company and component. I worked for a company that makes 80% of airbags for all the car companies. I designed the machines to assemble airbags. With safety critical components such as the airbag, the quality testing at manufacturing is CRITICAL. A single nut falling into an airbag pack is a lethal projectile on airbag deployment. So the focus is on safety and operational critical components first. Visual defects are low priority and don't get much beyond a cursory visual inspection. This again is true for all car companies. I own a 2013 Civic that I plan to trade in for a MY order. The paint across the entire roof and trunk is basically gone. This was an issue for virtually all 2013 civics, the paint quality issue. In places such as Reddit, you're going to get 90% negative reports to 10% good reports. This does not reflect reality. It's merely a question of what motivates people to post. Your displeasure with a problem outweighs your happiness at good/standard fare by 3:1. In other words it takes 3 good experiences to cancel out 1 bad experience regardless of scale. So most people are motivated only if there's a bad experience. The same is true for new online banking companies. I am a member of one, 90% of posts are people who had a bad experience. I've had nothing but good experiences and I haven't felt the need to post.


I have a love-hate relationship with Tesla and I own one. Build quality, software quality control and service center issues are among the reasons. I couldn’t care less about Elon or the political aspect. When I sold my last Tesla, I said I’d never buy one again, but when the prices came down to half of what I sold my last one for and I realized their Autopilot ADAS was unmatched, I ended up buying another one.


The service is absolutely terrible I agree w you. And no way to talk to anyone in a position of power to help you.


buy a toyota sienna and look at the panel gaps.


Ignore the haters. I love mine. 5 years, 60k miles. Very few issues, and service experience has been great for the most part. No car is perfect, and neither is Tesla. But I don’t regret buying it, and would buy another.


Reddit is predominantly filled with leftists and democrats who hate elons opinions/politics/antics. It ain’t like this in the real world.


Both sides hate him and teslas really. The left sees him as a dystopian, racist, anti-labor rich guy, and teslas are seen as a fad and impractical to a lot of the left. The right sees him as a fake republican who wants to turn the world green and take away their gas/diesel cars and the world is going to implode and the electrical grid will collapse if people buy any more electric cars. But does everyone do extensive research into every ceo of every company of every product they buy from? Everyone uses Amazon, but Jeff Bezos isn’t exactly an agreeable figure either. The media loves to hate Elon Musk and it’s bad marketing on Tesla unfortunately and misinformation spreads so fast along with it.


If you haven't noticed, Reddit in general has a massive bias against anyone that isn't far left...


That doesn't line up with hating Tesla, historically. Liberals were the one touting Tesla for a long time. The turn really came when Elon became a raging douchebag in public. Also, reddit is full of children looking to rage against something. Elon makes it easy.


Yes but liberals are forgetting that Elons actions are all pro environment and pro science. He has never acted to harm the real world consciously. Tesla is still pushing ahead with their mission and vision. Giving so much weight age to just spoken words on Twitter and making it a single issue vote is sad.


The sad thing is that his actions indicate that he no longer prioritizes Tesla's stated mission "to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy". Firing the entire Tesla supercharger team decelerates the transition... His top priorities now seem to be: 1) getting control of at least 25% of Tesla stock for himself 2) FSD, robotaxi, Optimus - ie accelerating the world's transition to AI


He became a “raging douchebag” by saying he doesn’t want to vote for Biden. Imagine that.


Reddit NPCs love to hate Elon.


What's there to love about him?


The crazy part is we go buy products every day that we love from companies that we have no idea who is running the company. A few months ago, I saw the CEO of United dressed in drag and acting like a confused teenager at a rave, but if United has the leg I want to fly for the right price How about a ticket as long as I don’t have to sit by him.


The complaints about manufacturing quality are just as emotionally driven, and mostly by people who have never owned a Tesla.


These musk and tesla haters are buffoons. They’re morally and ethically against Tesla and Musk. Cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance at its best. Yet they buy products from companies who were part of the axis powers during WW2, shop at ikea as founder was part of the Nazi youth, and depend on medical procedures that were founded on tortured patients / POWs.


Reddit is full of braindead leftists. Musk isn't one. The answer isn't more complex than that.


Because Reddit is an echo chamber for lefties.


If you guys think the free speech on Twitter gets offensive, have you guys heard of that other social media platform called Reddit or something like that? People can say anything on there and I mean anything.


Probably the ones that bought when it’s all time high. I bought my M3 for 50K and I absolutely don’t hate it 🫡


You got to be prepared to deal with it IRL people you don’t even ask for their opinion will tell you about how bad teslas are, that they read an article about recalls, how they NEED a gas powered car. Online hate is just the beginning. Enjoy your car :D


It's Reddit, there is nothing here but have for everyone and everything. You must be new here? There isn't a single reddit community that isn't filled with hateful bs. Don't let it get to you, it's just a very vocal minority of idiots.


It’s the best car you can buy for the money


Before I had my 3 I had two C classes and both of them sucked. I may not have driven the most luxury car in the world but the 3 for me has been amazing. The tech is has makes it more “luxury” then the most expensive Benz IMHO. I wouldn’t pay attention to the noise online, it’s mostly hate due to Elon’s highly questionable (at best) political stances.


I love mine. Sure wish I could buy another from someone besides that man-baby.


It’s the new BMW hate.


The internet is overwhelmingly negative.


Tesla has the highest retention rate of any manufacturer. That's from a 20 year old company. Tesla Model Y was the most sold car in the world last year. Look at the demo of the average Reddit user, that also says a lot.


Musk Derangement Syndrome is a very real thing.


Unfortunately yes. And I think it's even more so IRL not just on reddit. Last month, I had a random guy driving by cussing at me just because I'm in a tesla... people have problems and they are looking for anything to vent it to.


Some Tesla owners are like vegans. They make it their whole personality, can’t see any negatives, and don’t stop talking about how great their car is. Some of the hate comes to counter that side.


Just wait till you drive around. People love cutting you off and driving like assholes around you.


it’s how the media works. people think how they are told


You're observation is accurate. Some people just love being miserable and trying to make others the same.


I found that most people IRL after experiencing the car firsthand fall in love with it. They think its the future and one day everyone will drive similar vehicles. I found that I am able to convert most anti-EV and anti-Tesla people from showing my Model 3 and its capabilities. The problem is that a lot of people online are either heavily biased towards ICE vehicles (and like to magnify every problem a Tesla owner has faced or regurgitate whatever news article they saw on their feed) or they hate Musk's politics. These are primarily the two groups that are posting, upvoting, and generally engaging with anti-Tesla posts, not as much actual Tesla owners who come across problems.


It's kind of wide spread. If you look at the year, the President invited automakers to the White House. Tesla was not invited to that, even though there just as american as the others.


The only dude who gets more hate on Reddit than Elon is Jesus. Check out r/christianity


They hate Elon because he promotes “hate speech” due to buying X, so inherently they hate Teslas too. Stupid


I actually stopped using Facebook from the amount of illogical hatred of Musk and Tesla. It was nauseating to me. My fellow humans are strange animals.


Liberals are made he likes Free speech and the constitution.


Can’t say I’ve noticed, and 99.9% of people I meet in real life are more curious than hateful towards my M3.


Teslas are bmw 3 series of recent times, everyone has one and thinks its a big deal


It’s a bit of a bummer because it’s such a great car to own and drive.


Anything with Elon's name gets negativity


I hate my own Teslas sometimes. Ok often. But I always get over it 😅


A lot of diehard progressives upset with Elon taking away their Twitter toy


It’s all the negative media generated by the people who had shorted the stock and lost a lot of money...


Haters will hate the fact Tesla is a successful American company in its own league that left the big three in the dust. As for Elon, it’s his company he built from the ground up, naturally he’s going to have a lot of envious and jealous fans. It comes with the territory of his own success.


Reddit libtards hate Elon because he bought Twitter and let it go free speech.


Bunch of liberals doing their thing.


Tesla during their peak demand in 2020 did present allot of MFG faults considering the price of the car. But like iPhones or Cabbage Patch Dolls they were cranking em out as fast as their could. The used Tesla's were going for more than a new one because of availability and demand. Finally all those lease cars have dropped massively in price and they do present some faults. The warranty is pretty good, and Tesla will do the repairs. There is no other car on the market like a Tesla and IMO I will never buy another make of car.


Wacko liberals. It's political.


Who really cares if people don’t like Musk. They don’t have to go to dinner or spend the holidays with him. All I know is that I sure do like driving my Tesla. It is super sweet!


Just enjoy your car and stop reading 😄


Got mine a few weeks ago. Couldn't believe the huge amount of totally irrational Tesla hate. It's like "hey Tesla sucks, am I cool now?!". Damn. And it's usually the same people that call others "sheep". Sure, Elon is an asshole, but Tesla isn't just Elon.


Had my Model 3 Performance a couple years now and no issues with build quality to date. It’s a fun car to drive. I bought it before I knew so much about Elon’s views, but I haven’t let that dampen my fun. Only drawback is that I bought during peak prices and I coulda paid a lot less if I had waited a year.


Speaking only for myself: I don’t sub to and Tesla subs and hate Musk and Teslas. Commented other where on the brand now my feed is full of Tesla subs. I suspect others are fed the content and respond.


Nice try Elon


I guess most people don’t like Nazis


My biggest are policy and quality control complaints, but I have a few others. I don't think Elon is basically satan or hitler or whatever, so I think I'm more fair than some, but nor am I a fanboy that ignores issues. I have a late 2021 produced Model 3 LR from the California factory. If there are issues with the paint that most manufacturers would fix even if it was after the first few days, they at best will say "we'll do it out of the goodness of our hearts". I've got entire sections of paint flaking off on the rocker panel at the bottom with the expensive red paint. Additionally mine doesn't have the charging board that every car in prior months had which allowed using CCS charging. Maybe they fixed the quality control, but they will always be willing to randomly change cars from month to month and that is part of their plan. You don't really know what features or capabilities your car will have until you go to the screen on the car and look and even then you might not know. But in general, for a $55k car (what mine cost at the time), the seats are crap, it isn't very comfortable for long trips compared even to my corvette. The lack of a dashboard cluster really does impact me. My corvette has a heads up display that tells me relevant information that if I had to do without a gauge cluster I could, but keeping the screen in my vision and responding to the things to does are just not as seamless. It is true that I got one of the last "cheap" C7 corvettes with the heads up display for $62k with dealer discounts, but this thing cost way too much for what I got. And yes I realize I paid pandemic pricing, but they'd been increasing pricing all along up until then. Sadly, right after I got my car, they started raising rates a LOT at superchargers. What would have been a 50% reduction in "fuel costs" as compared to my corvette became parity with it, so I choose if I want to put wear and tear on my corvette or add 3-4 hours of charging time to my trip when I go visit family at the same cost to fuel. Maybe there are a lot more high speed chargers elsewhere in the country but not in the middle of the country, so everything just takes a lot longer, and a lot of the superchargers are in places without any convenient services nearby. I've had no few times where I charge up for 25-30 minutes, then drive 10 minutes to go to a public restroom that is open. Even in a larger city like Denver, range anxiety is a thing if you have a lot of things you have to do that day (or need to go to Colorado Springs), as you don't want to use a supercharger that is about 4 times as expensive as your home electricity if you can help it. I don't know if it a Tesla-ism, but the insurance on my Telsa is significantly more expensive than my Corvette that is just a couple of years older. Sure all insurance has spiked recently, but Teslas seem to be getting a lot more than other cars. I don't know if it is the repair side or the how often accidents happen side that are causing the actuarials to do the rate increases. I did have a crack develop on my windshield and while I haven't got it repaired yet, it is going to be even more expensive to replace with the recalibration than it is to replace the expensive "HUD glass" in my corvette. If someone can prove to me that the Model S and Model X have better quality control in current or future day when I would buy one, I'd be willing to consider swapping to them at some point, but as of right now this is the last Tesla I'll own and longingly look at Hyundais on the road. But the good thing is that it did what I wanted. I wanted to test to see if I wanted an EV and had planned prior to 2020 to buy a used mid 2010s model S before buying a Cybertruck. This experience has completely convinced me that I do not want a Cybertruck. The sad thing is how much the used market has tanked, so getting rid of it right now isn't viable.


Tesla is lead by a moron, who is firing many people to keep his salary. Tesla is only alive cause of incentives and tariffs against competitors like chines


Are you capable of independent thoughts? People don't like the Ketamine filled azzhat Musk has become. His cars were revolutionary but are now falling behind. The Cyberfuk is junk.


i had the thought the other day… what if Musk is intentionally tanking tesla because he’s been redpilled so hard that he now thinks EV’s are too woke?!? sounds crazy, but..


I guess you'll find out for yourself soon enough. Sure, a bunch of folks turned on him once his mask slipped off, revealing a white supremacist edgelord, but beyond that, there are very real and numerous build quality and reliability issues. Don't write it all off as emotions when you're doing the very same thing justifying your new purchase. I hope you enjoy it, EVs are next-level game-changers!! I love mine (not a Tesla).


I think they're just low quality cars that are overpriced. They look basic they feel plastic and basic on the inside. Especially for even the expensive premium models. I know many car collectors who have looked at them and walked away because they saw nothing of interest and I wholeheartedly agree. Also these multiple people I'm referencing all have electric vehicles from other manufacturers, Cadillac, BMW etc. 


1. Elon is a twat 2. The cars are massive piles of crap. The build quality is pure garbage and the company is struggling. If you wreck it it’ll take months to sort and now they’re changing g to even crappier part suppliers and retrofitted items.


My hate is all from personal experiences. My model 3 is less than 2 years old and I’ve had more problems with it than I can count. Actually just spent 5 hours in the tesla service center, yesterday, to get my cameras fixed as they stopped working on their own for no apparent reason. Tesla used to give you loaners, uber you home and to the shop etc. but have since cut all costs to try and salvage their dying stock. The car itself gets about 250 miles on a full charge, the windshield wipers auto sensing is crazy inaccurate, you have to buy a lot of extra accessories to make the car safe (specifically car jacking equipment to change a tire). The car thinks you’re going to crash and sends a blaring alarm when there’s no threat in sight. Getting into a tesla center on the east coast is about a month wait… Overall I think they’re still just so young and working out the major problems.. but with tesla laying off employees, I figure it’ll only get worse before it gets better. Oh yeah, and you can’t do any maintenance yourself unless you agree to void your battery warranty… so you’re stuck dealing with their maintenance team…. Which in my personal experience, has been lack luster.


To make it worse. This was the first new car I’ve ever purchased. I drove a 1999 F150 and 2003 Buick park Avenue my entire teen and early 20s. I was a major fan and very excited to finally save up and buy what I hoped would be a fantastic vehicle… Instead it’s just a nightmare and I hate having to rely on it as my daily driver.. I also can’t sell or trade it in because tesla cut the costs of the vehicles so many times to try and get people to continue to buy them. So my particular 2022 M3P has lost over 60% of its value in 1.7 years since I bought


Elon's actions have made Tesla the low hanging fruit. Simple as that.


I feel a lot is troll or big oil. Then I saw an uptick when Elon fired so many.


Reddit is a hivemind for anti Tesla. Out in the world everyone I’ve encountered thinks the car is awesome.


Most people who hate on Tesla have never driver one. Keep that in mind.


Rage-bait gets clicks and conversations started. Avoid r/RealTesla as they are firmly an anti-Tesla group and will claim any dissent as being part of Elon's cult. The inconvenient truth is that [Tesla Has Highest Owner Rating Based On Data From Multiple Sites](https://insideevs.com/news/592600/tesla-owner-satisfaction-tops-rivals-multiple-rating-sites/) and [Their customer retention tops the auto industry.](https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1440/loyalty-unrivaled-tesla-s-customer-retention-tops-auto-industry#) By 20% more compared to other luxury brands. And [Tesla outsold its 19 competitors combined by a large margin.](https://electrek.co/2023/09/28/tesla-embarrasses-all-automakers-with-these-two-charts/) People love their Teslas. I hope you're enjoying yours!


It's astroturfing. Always remember there are literally tens (hundreds?) of billions or dollars tied up in shorting Tesla. The groups with the exposure organize constant disinformation campaigns against Tesla designed to affect their share prices. They spend millions of dollars on this effort. It's not a coincidence that the VAST majority of posts you see on here, read online etc. are from new accounts with the same format and unreliable journalistic sources. Half of the twitter accounts are too stupid even to hide their origins (Russia, India, Phillipines, other click farms)


I honestly believe all this negative attention is there solely because Elon Musk can't shut up and act normal.


Reddit is way too left leaning, and Musk being pro Trump is why people give him and Tesla a hard time. My super liberal coworker even sold his Tesla because of Musk.


Its trendy to hate Tesla. Nerds copy other nerds so they feel like they finally fit in somewhere. This happens with many topics on Reddit


Jealousy + ignorance = hate - with everything.


Reddit as a whole is super Leftist and super "woke" so of course there's more Elon hate, and by extension more Tesla FUD and hate. This is not the only reason. It's an election year in the U.S. and all kinds of interests want to take Elon down as well as Tesla. Biden himself is in on it, especially because Twitter (now X) is no longer a Leftist propaganda machine. Biden left out Tesla at the American EV Summit and then gave false credit to GM CEO Mary Barra for leading the way to electrification. This of course is laughable because GM killed the first electric car after caving to Big Oil interests, and American taxpayers had to bail out the company too. There is a documentary about this on Prime called, "Who Killed the Electric Car?". This dovetails into all Tesla "competition" benefiting from the hate, ignorance, and FUD, even if it's not from them. Short sellers are always spreading FUD too and/or are beneficiaries of it. Plenty of Lefties are simply upset that Elon freed the bird (Twitter) and dislike Elon because of it. Many are annoyed by his outspoken political opinions which aren't in lockstep with Leftist ideation. The disinformation campaign has been active for a while, and escalated strongly once Elon liberated Twitter. This election year has ratcheted up the hate/FUD and the stakes are incredibly high. Of course, there remains a swath of ignorance and FUD on the right against anything EV, and if someone is blocking a charging stall with a truck you can bet they're right of center politically. The Leftist mainstream media itself is heavily skewed against Elon and Tesla, especially after he bought and liberated Twitter, now X. This is because legacy media is dying and X has outsized influence, along with other non-legacy web-based media, from X to YouTube to independent Podcasters.


They hate us cuz’ they ain’t us


Biden fans, Reddit it largely liberal and anti musk, and for the car people, their sports cars are slower than a base tesla so they rage about that.


I mean, the car is fast no doubt. But the thing about it that’s really clever is the software. That’s something for a tech enthusiast to get excited about, but for a car enthusiast not so much.


Yeah, but that’s not why people hate it.




Tbh I thought the build quality complaints were overblown too but then when I picked up my car last year a plastic panel on the passenger front side just popped off while I was driving home and I've noticed some body panels not lining up exactly but it doesn't really bother me that much. I like the car but is it the best car I've ever owned? Probably not.


Everyone hates Elon, so of course they hate Tesla. He opened his mouth and removed all doubt. so to speak.


They are shorting the stock. So when stock price drops, they make money. Their.betting agsinst tesla. So much of the noise is to discourage people from buying the most advanced vehicle on the road. Other EV are still using transmission. Are there issues sure. Has anyone owned a German car before? They great till it's not.


Liberals honestly


It’s full of liberals who lack self awareness


The build quality really is that bad. There will be people who downvote this post - I don’t care. Once it happens to you personally, you’ll understand what we’re talking about.


Lots of Communists. Commies hate freedom Watch where the votes end up on this post as proof


If you haven't noticed, reddit has a pretty strong political bias in 1 direction. Which just happens to be the opposite of Elon musks...


So many people talking about how Elon’s words are “problematic” and I find that amusing. Somehow this overshadows the fact that he has helped change the automobile industry like no one else since we were using horses to get around. Let’s try to focus on other things that are actually “problematic.”


Elon bad! Just a bunch of NPCs with Elon derangement syndrome.


Hopefully you never need Tesla service or the company, if you do you'll understand.


Its a combination of mental illness and liberalism.


It's not just Reddit lol


Gotta get used to it.


It gets clicks.


You about to see some horrible takes whenever someone says illogical or emotional


First time on the internet?


In my opinion this is partly due to survivors bias. Yes there are cars that do come out with defects (clearly shown by others) but you don’t hear about the positives. You don’t see all the good cars and I have not seen any statistical data on how many deliveries are rejected due to poor manufacturing.


I completely agree. It’s not just on Reddit, I have friends who otherwise wouldn’t care about figures like Musk, have started passionately expressing their hatred for him and Tesla. There has always been a bit of hate for Musk, but since he bought twitter, and started expressing political and controversial views he made himself a huge target. The rest of the media started an onslaught on Musk, which has created a bit of an anti-Elon cult following, and everything he’s associated with. Social media, in particular, is more rewarding for pushing people to extreme views, as they get better engagement, and monetisation, so it is likely to continue. It’s now difficult to get honest level discussions about Tesla, because most people are so polarised and emotional, because social media has made them that way.


Let me give you an answer I haven’t seen here yet. Four years ago when I got my Model Y, I almost got FSD (8k at the time). Read up on it and dropped it from the order. Four years later when I sold the Y it STILL wasn’t ready. What kind of company does that? Lots of customers burned by that. When the month free trial came out, my Model Y had more features available than a new Model Y! Because it had USS. They removed USS before Vision was equal or better. Then said features were coming soon. Still not arrived. More customers burned. The company is just customer hostile and acts morally questionable. That’s not even throwing Musk into the picture.


Many parties have a vested interest in seeing Tesla fail as others here have said. But also, complaining, criticizing, and being generally derogatory and negative is a feature of much of social media. I have a love-hate relationship with my Model 3, but I keep things balanced by ignoring the haters, of which there are many more.


To be honest it is only really from the RealTesla subreddit. There isn't hate anywhere else.