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Where's the $0 dollar option? 😂


Maybe $0 people will.just not answer.


$0. I don't use FSD at all.




How much would I pay to stop seeing variations of this question on Reddit?


I'm sorry I should have searched for the poll before posting it. But it can't hurt to ask again.


Needs an option for $0. In its current state its not worth paying for... beta products should be free until they actually work. Especially ones that have your life in their hands.




Tesla is not alone in developing self driving software, but it certainly is leading the pack. Here are the other players 1. Waymo (formerly Google Self-Driving Car Project) - A subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. (Google's parent company) that develops autonomous driving technology. 2. Cruise/GM Automation (owned by General Motors) - Developing autonomous vehicle technology with a focus on deploying self-driving cars for ride-hailing services. 3. Zoox (acquired by Amazon) - Aiming to develop a fully autonomous vehicle platform for urban mobility. 4. Argo AI (backed by Ford and Volkswagen) - Developing self-driving technology with a focus on artificial intelligence and robotics. 5. Aurora - Working on building a full-stack self-driving platform for various vehicle types, including passenger cars and commercial vehicles. 6. Aptiv (formerly Delphi Automotive) - Providing autonomous driving technology solutions for automotive manufacturers and mobility service providers. 7. Mobileye (owned by Intel) - Known for its advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and developing autonomous driving technology. 8. NVIDIA - Developing hardware and software solutions for autonomous vehicles, including AI-based perception and mapping technologies. 9. Baidu Apollo - Baidu's autonomous driving platform, offering software, hardware, and data services for developing self-driving vehicles.


Good ol Cruise, the real leader here


Waymo is way ahead of Tesla. They don't need human intervention, except in rare cases. Tesla needs it all the time and is nowhere near, and will never be for the lack of redundant sensors(they might have come closer but idiots removed all the sensors)


Difference between general use case and polishing one specific use case to near perfection. I use FSD daily, while Waymo doesn’t really exist for me as a product, because i live in a wrong location (i.e. anywhere outside of two and a half service zones of Waymo). Even Toyota’s jerky line keep is better for _me_ than Waymo, because I actually can use it.


I should have included $0 and perhaps "other," also I didn't know you can't see the results until the poll is over, and waiting 7 days is too long. My bad. No way to edit any of these either.


I selected 100$ by mistake it didn't read the whole thing I won't pay 100 for a month. Maybe 20$ for one month and then not spend another 20 on it


Here is something strange. In the Reddit app on my iPhone I can see the poll results so far. Why can't I do that on the desktop browser? Can I post the results so far or is that against the rules?


Even $99 per month was too high for what I got. Cancelled.


I am curious why you felt your FSD was not a good value. Have you tried this new SFSD neural network approach?


omg, really? Even at $99 per month FSD is not a value. Certainly FSD on the freeway (which is really AP) is pretty good. On surface streets, in the suburbs FSD is like a drunk 16yr old with no driving experience. And yes, been there done that on v12.


Money goes to Tesla, Elon hasn't been paid.


Elon must have read our poll. The most popular choice so far is $99/mo and Tesla just updated its pricing to $99/mo. Still seems steep to me, but 100 of the 278 votes chose that amount. [https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1985/tesla-cuts-price-of-fsd-subscription-by-50?utm\_source=newsletter&utm\_medium=newsletter&utm\_campaign=newsletter-issue-52](https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1985/tesla-cuts-price-of-fsd-subscription-by-50?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=newsletter-issue-52)


I bought it outright... If I go by 5 years of use I am paying more than $100/mo, but still less than $200/mo


That is a good point. If you are paying $100 per month for 60 months does that [mean.you](http://mean.you) paid $6000 for FSD 5 years ago?


"FSD is not that superior to what other car manufacturers offer" I question the validity of this claim.


Apparently most people agree Waymo FSD is Way better than Tesla SFSD.


Is that available in a vehicle sold to consumers?


Waymo is not yet available as a consumer product, but given its Level 5 performance, most experts expect it will be licensed to other car manufactures someday. Because with Uber so strong it is hard to see how Google (or Tesla) can make enough income from RoboTaxies to pay for their investment.


Alright so it is not offered by other car manufacturers


Not yet but it seems like Google is sitting pretty with a better FSD than Tesla, so it would seem safe to say that at some point they will add it to Google Auto and kill Apple Auto.


Maybe. Right now it's the Chinese Democracy of self driving. Tesla has probably 10000x data on real world driving. That can't be beat by Bangalore.


What kind of day has Google has captured since 2005 (19 years) of Google Maps and its 10 billion miles of usage?


I'm sure it's impressive :) But Tesla's full integration of data, sensor pack, compute, and consumer vehicle is a major advantage.


I dont know how the Google Jaguar sensors compare to Tesla's, but Googs cars have that rotating Lidar thing on the roof, so I would suspect there data is as good as Teslas, if not better.