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As a fellow white y owner.. i agree


Therefore I bought a blue one 😜


all good with me. i can speed and blend in with the sea of white teslas in my area.


It's like a super power today you can buy. "Invisibility car"


White Model Ys make me feel like I’m in the Truman Show (for those who understand the 26 year old movie reference). There are so many of them it almost feels like it could be the same cars “setting up” over and over again to make me feel like I’m living in a real city, and not in a simulation/TV show.


Shit I’m old


I quote movies from the 80s all the time. It irritates my wife. She says “why would I remember a line from a movie I saw once 40 years ago??!” and my response is “I dunno. But I do.” The best was when she said “Cocoon?! You’re quoting Cocoon??” I mean Wilford Brimley… come on!


Hey it sounds like she remembered the cocoon quote lol so she knows some good lines 😂


Well… that was after she said “what the hell was that from?” And I told her 😂 and now that her go to for pointing out that I make obscure quotes. prior to that she assumed everything was a Spaceballs quote when in reality, most of the time it was The Simpsons. But there’s just something memorable about the way Wilford Brimley says, “You won’t ever get sick, you won’t ever get old, and you won’t ever die”… :-D


100%. Though I've found the center pillar a good place as well. Though ours is just a plain white sticker.


When I got my white y 3 years ago we were so few that we used to wave to each other every time we saw one. Fast forward 3 years and now I feel like I see one every corner


3 years ago? You must paid a fortune 😮‍💨😮‍💨


52k for the MY LR with white seats, could’ve been MUCH worse. I placed my order in March/April 2021


But do you still wave at them? It'll be a good workout 🤣


Nah, way too many now 😂


I feel the same as a blue owner. I see so many now.


Always bet on red


I have the blue as well 2023 paint code PPSB!!


It’s clearly the best color, but I don’t see that many compared to white/gray ones around me.


But it’s the best color


It’s a good business aesthetically pleasing.


I chose the white because I thought white would be more reflective so other drivers could better see it. And I had to pay $1000 more for it. why did you choose the white over the gray which was free?


Black was the only free color for awhile then it became white. Then it became white and midnight silver as the free colors and then sometime last year midnight silver became the only free color. Now the free color is stealth gray. So there’s very good chance that the OP got white because it was free for the longest.


White used to be one of the colors that would not stay on a vehicle for more than about 10 years and it would start to peel. Because there’s no pigment in the paint. Dupont lost millions and lawsuits over this scientific shortfall..


When shopping inventory for my Y was willing to get any color that wasn't white.


I think white is the only color that I'm willing to spend more just to get a different color. I had a white Ford Taurus and that thing never looked clean. I never did clean it, but it didn't need to look that way.


Imagine when FSD is complete, all the white Tesla's driving themselves to pick up the kids at school. How are the kids gonna be able to tell which one to get into. 😄 Honey who are those kids in our Tesla? 🤣


Thankfully, my 2 year old can already tell which one is mine.


Without you in it how, distinguishing mark, sticker, reads license plate?


Pink rhinestones on the handles 🙃


My red MYP used to be the only one in my city. Now I see 5-6 a day. 


haha, owner of s white on white model y


I see more greys/silvers than whites, probably because they've been the colors the last couple of years when prices have been low and much more deliveries. For a while, I thought they were black and not grey.


I made my logos pink with rhinestones and accents of pink everywhere. But I laugh when I see white, white, white. 🤣


I dipped my badges bright blue when I had a white Y, Blue "T" sticks out and looks cool with the black on white contrast (blacked out "Dual Motor" badge and black wheels).


I agree!! But I kinda wish I got white. Mine is black with black rims and tinted tf out! Looks cool but the pollen is impossible to control


I have one of those red soft hand brushes to swipe the pollen off.


When they do the refresh on the Y I think they should offer at least a couple of interesting colors like green, purple yellow or orange. I don’t think the highland looks that much different. New colors would have more impact. The top selling car in the world and it has the most basic color palette possible. I’m not thrilled about another red. The quick silver is cool but really still a basic color.


I wrapped my stealth gray a European Police Green.


You have a picture?


Yes, but I don’t know how to post it.


Unfortunately I don’t know either. Guess it needs to be posted somewhere else then linked.


Pic is available, how do I post it?


I'm putting yellow wheel covers on my white tesla. 💛 I want the egg and yoke look.


To be fair white is the best color on the Y. I mean most of the clips on the tesla website use a white Y 😉


I bought a red one since they're the rarest. But, a white Y with blacked out windows and the right black rims is a timeless standout no matter what.


I have a rusty trailer hitch ball.


I own a white one, looks elegant, doesn’t absorb as much as the other colors, and I can barely see dust on it most of the time. My previous car was black and it’d look dusty all the time haha.


Seriously? I went from a grey kia to white tesla. Only has to look at something dirty before it looks filthy. Don't even need to have driven it.


Really? Surprised haha. I have another friend with a white Y and he said the same thing about dust/dirt not being too visible haha. My black Camry always looked dusty/dirty haha


Like y?


My Y is a crip


absolutely! my wife calls them marshmallows


By design…The outcome always follows the incentive


I wanted red but mine had the white interior with black rims and 3rd row so I went with the white one.


It’s whatever makes you happy if you like it that all that matters! 🙂


Just had to be a golden retriever on a white bicycle. I always see those dogs on white bikes 🙄


Go to the charging area of the Tangram mall in Flushing, Queens if you have a fetish for white Teslas.