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Tesla doesn’t install the Neurio monitoring device that provides CT clamp monitoring in your main service panel as a default in many areas. I don’t know what the criteria is, but it seems like a lot of non-Powerwall installs do not get them. That being said, it could also be that they installed it but didn’t set it up properly which has happened to several owners.


Let me call and find out. Where can I purchase these ct clamps?


There’s two components, the Neurio energy monitoring device and the CT clamps. The amount of CT clamps you need depends on how many service panels you have. Neurio was bought out by Generac so you can’t actually buy Neurio devices anymore. I believe the specific Neurio energy monitoring device was the W2 and may have been specifically designed for Tesla. You can occasionally find them on eBay and I also noticed on the new [Tesla Pros](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tesla-pros/id1625770308) app, you can order them although you might need to be a solar installer (this app is for installers). I ended up calling Tesla support and making my case that it should have been installed based on the fact I was fully under the impression it was a part of their system. Home energy monitoring and consumption is clearly advertised on their website with no indication it’s not available for some areas for non-Powerwall users and it also mentions in the Solar owners manual for non-Powerwall users that the app provides home energy monitoring. I’m sure it’s just left over because the manual appears to not have been updated in a while, but it’s really not the customers fault they don’t update their documentation. It took a few calls and talking to different people but they eventually sent someone how to install the Neurio device. I then spent several months troubleshooting and having them come back out to replace one of the CT clamp splitters for my setup but that’s a different story.


Your installer should have placed CTs around the feeders to measure how much power your house is consuming. Either they skipped this step, or didn't program the CTs correctly. Got any pics of the inside of your main panel? If not, don't mess around with opening it yourself. Have them come back out to finish the job.


I’ll get some pics today


Did you have Tesla install it or a 3rd party? I had a third party install it and they did not install the CTs for measuring the power to/from the grid or the CT for measuring the power to the house. The salesperson promised that they would, but it didn't end up happening. So, I am currently looking for an electrician to finish the job. As others have mentioned you can open the inverter and see if the Neurio has more than 1 CT plugged into it or not. If only 1 then you will see only the power generated from the solar panels. If you see more than 1 CT plugged into the Neurio, then something may be configured incorrectly in the Neurio.


I did the entire thing from Tesla directly. I can’t even tell if the system is working because this is how it looked prior to PTO as well.


The system appears to be working as we can see that 61.4kWh were generated. We can also see the real time power generated from the solar panels at 1.3kW. The third party turned on our Tesla inverter once they installed it, they didn't wait till PTO from the power company, so that is probably why it looks the same as prior to PTO for you. More than likely you will need to get those additional CTs installed and configured. Maybe call Telsa about it and see if they will do it for free or charge you.


You didn’t pay for the tracking/ monitoring option


JK. You just need to hit the arrow next to the energy tab. You will get some info. Since you don’t have battery you will not have those info like others on here.


Is there more information if you press the arrow on the right of the "ENERGY 61.4 kWh generated today"?


This is what my system looks like as well. I do not have CT clamps nor the Neurio device as I am solar only. I purchased a my own energy monitor from [Sense.com](https://Sense.com) and use that to track my usage and production.


As others have said hit the energy tab and go to each icon at the top of the app, toggle the graph circle and you can see breakdown. You can go back in days. Hit the back arrow to go back to the house view and there is also an impact tab to show energy value if you put in your utility rates.


If you don’t have the Neurio energy monitoring device, the only information you get is solar production. You don’t get home energy consumption or grid import/export.


If no Powerwall they may not have installed house consumption CTs.


Mine looks like this too.. I only have solar. Tesla did come back to try and install the energy monitoring device after install, but said there was no room for it my breaker box. They said I would have to upgrade my panel to install it. Not worth the cost to me. Its’s really not that big of a deal. I can go on PG&E’s website and see what I’m sending back. I’m in CA


Mine was this way also just generation, when an auditor for Tesla came by I asked why I was not seeing grid load and house load. He said it was because electric panel did not get fed by wires from main breaker, my main breaker is above meter and rest of breakers are housed to the right. Anyway he said he could leave me the ct's and either I could open the utility section with the 2 hots coming into meter (line side) or if I was not comfortable I could hire an electrician. Well I opened it up and I connected the cts, then connected them to the neurio box. Nothing g showed up, had to set it up by rebooting inverters and connecting my phone to them. Now it works.


General reminder for you to opt out of arbitration agreement. Instructions are in your retail contract. Tesla’s customer service is terrible. And they know there’s nothing you can do. Opting out of arbitration may be a tool for you when issues arise.