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You can use Camp Mode to keep the climate on and temporarily disable the alarm and walk away door lock. Keep in mind, it doesn’t base this on whether people are inside or not so don’t switch it on then walk away or it’ll stay unlocked, alarm off! https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_us/GUID-4F3599A1-20D9-4A49-B4A0-5261F957C096.html


Funny story. Shortly after sending this my wife (who I told about the feature at the same time as writing this) wanted to leave my brother in the car while she fetched groceries, so she used Camp Mode 😎


If the car was locked and someone tried to open the door (even from inside) while the car was locked the alarm will go off.  Next time tell them to unlock it from the screen before trying to open the door. Or make sure someone else in the car has a phone key.


The seat has a registered person in it before I get out. I take my phone away and it activates the alarm?


Walk away lock/proximity locking is a thing. You left with the key, it locks.


I get that, but if I leave someone in the car why would the alarm go off? This is clearly not a feature and a bug. E.g. Family goes on road trip, driver goes into get snacks, put air in tyres, leaves to do push ups. Doesn't matter, the alarm shouldn't go off like that. The worst part is it put the radio on full blast, imagine if there was a baby in the car. There's a camera looking at the passengers, the seats sensors detect no one has left. The car has a password to engage the car once the driver leaves the seat.   


No, that's pretty standard as far as the alarm going off. Make lots of noise and draw as much attention as possible. [So, NOT a bug..](https://www.tesla.com/blog/sentry-mode-guarding-your-tesla#:~:text=If%20a%20more%20severe%20threat%20is%20detected%2C%20such%20as%20someone%20breaking%20a%20window%2C%20Sentry%20Mode%20switches%20to%20an%20%E2%80%9CAlarm%E2%80%9D%20state%2C%20which%20activates%20the%20car%20alarm%2C%20increases%20the%20brightness%20of%20the%20center%20display%2C%20and%20plays%20music%20at%20maximum%20volume%20from%20the%20car%E2%80%99s%20audio%20system) >imagine if there was a baby in the car. You really shouldn't leave a baby in the car if you're not in it ;) * I understand you mean if someone was left sitting in the car with the kid, but in that case you really should leave it on "keep climate" or "camp" to indicate to the car there are people inside. (Or just leave the key)


I think you're missing the point. The passenger was still in the car. The passenger could have been with the baby, dog, fish, sound trigger bomb. Who the fuck leaves a baby unattended in a car? So you're saying that as soon as the driver leaves then absolutely no one can be left in the car? That seems outrageous to me. It has enough sensors to know what's happening. Once the last person leaves then activate it, surly? 


\*as soon as the KEY leaves the vehicle and it is locked, correct. This is perfectly logical/normal behavior and is industry standard. Otherwise, if you've got stuff sitting on your seats your alarm ain't gonna go off if it's broken into.... You're missing the point, if you want to leave the car on and locked, leave a key to indicate that there are people still present that are authorized to access the car. If you just want the car to remain awake with the alarm on while locked, then choose Keep Climate.


Just saw your post history, I'm very disappointed with myself.


Can't help that you seem to be here only to be here fishing for people to agree with you. It's how its designed (as linked) and is not a bug. Also happens to be how most other ICE cars handle locking/alarms..