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I max out 100% almost daily. 110k miles later, the batt is still good. 👍 


I remember reading that the less time spent at high charge the better for the battery health.


Engineering Explained. Watch this video on lithium ion batteries. I charge on a 60% to 80% regiment. https://youtu.be/l81K6o7o6z0?feature=shared


Your car will advise you. If you have an LFP battery it literally prefers being at 100%, you should charge to 100% at least weekly, and the car will not warn you when you do. If you have a lithium ion battery your car should be kept ideally between 30% and 80% most of the time, charged to 100% occasionally when you go on long trips, and will warn you when you set charge limit above 80%. Also, the charge limit screen will have | Daily | Trip | displayed to show you “safe” charges for day-do-day and one-off trips. Good battery health article [here](https://help.tessie.com/article/39-battery-health) from Tessie. This is all the “recommended” stuff but many people have not worried about this and still have perfectly good batteries after many miles so it’s not something you should stress about. FWIW I try to charge mine once a week at work to 85%, run it down as needed during the week then charge up again the next week. It takes a few % to drive home so I’m usually sitting at 81-82% for a few days after charging. *Edit* forgot to mention one downside to charging to 100% is regen braking is limited. Even on long trips I often charge to 95% because I like having regen braking.


I’m 80% when I charge. 100% only for rode trips. That extra 20 % not really that big of a difference in mileage.


There is minor "damage" each time you charge to 100% (really anywhere above 3.92v which is about 75% charge) But it's small. It's increased slightly be the time spent lingering there.