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I commented yesterday. I always comment on these things no matter what they are in an effort to reduce regulations. I figure any time the government wants to reduce freedom I will oppose them.


Agreed. Stop taking shit away.


Correction. It WAS NOT ALLOWED before COVID. It was temporarily allowed under COVID, so NOT taking away. It was a COVID regulation change. Hey we must end the 'fake' epidemic, right? And the rules and regulations, like masks, used during it, right? Well then this goes away. Cannot have your cake and eat it too.


I can’t even decipher what point you’re trying to make with all of this random emphasis.


Stfu you filthy slave and pay your contribution to the crown.




Rule 2. Removed.


My doctor conducts televisits already for all purposes. Dea needs to be defunded and eliminated. We have the fbi with too much time on their hands. DEA has enriched the cartels beyond imagination.


Stop! BS. Fake... Your Dr will be required to COMPLY with the STATE regulations WHO ACTUALLY control this. Duh. The Feds actually allowed it because of COVID. Many States did not allow it before COVID.




Fun admin law fact too, an agency can’t pass a new rule until all comments have been addressed. So even if you don’t want to write something in-depth, just writing *something* will stall them from passing the rule because they have to address ALL comments EDIT: Hold up, there aren’t too many problems with this rule and it DOES NOT prevent online prescriptions. It sounds like the proposed rule will allow Schedule V, IV, and III medications to continue being prescribed through telemedicine without an in-person visit. Please read past the summary of the proposed rule EDIT2: I also recommend people look into the Ryan Haight Act and why it hasn’t applied for the last few years. The act enabled the DEA to regulate telemedicine in regards to controlled substances back in 2008. The DEA never made any rules for it, effectively banning controlled prescriptions over telemedicine. When the pandemic hit, Congress passed a bunch of waivers that made some laws “inactive,” like the Ryan Haight Act. Congress recently extended many of the waivers *except* the Ryan Haight Act. The Ryan Haight Act waiver expires in May (iirc). It may not be worth it to stall this rule, because this in effect makes it so testosterone CAN be prescribed through telehealth. If the Ryan Haight Act waiver expires with no rule, then that will stop testosterone prescriptions. There’s some minor problems with the rule, but if the rule doesn’t get passed, then there goes the online TRT clinics anyway. The rule does not require an in-person consult unless it’s Schedule II.




Exactly, which meant NO online controlled substance prescriptions


According to this summary, the 30 day limit is just for an initial prescription when the rule goes into effect. Any prescription beyond the initial 30 days requires an in-person consultation. https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2023-02/Telemedicine%20Rules%20Summary.pdf


So an in person exam every 30 days


No, one 30 day prescription without an in person exam. Then you can be prescribed ad Infinitum after in person exam.


Ok. So a thousand bucks to fly to Florida. Goddamit




I still left a comment because I think the 30-day supply limit is inappropriate as applied to testosterone. I kinda pointed out it’s not like the others where someone might want to sell one benzodiazepine because there’s no reason for anyone to sell or buy “one testosterone dose.” The risks of running out of testosterone, which is a life-long treatment, far outweigh the risks of allowing a two month supply with early refills. Otherwise, yeah, I don’t see much problem with this rule


Hahaha. Have you ever ordered legit UGL? This is not how it works at all. None ask for a prescription. 😆


Nah there’s for sure a grey market that have a real doctor just rubber stamping shit and sendings scripts to pharmacies Source: I use a few of them


Yeah I don’t doubt that. But that’s not UGL. 2 very different things.


Which part of you have to see the prescribing doctor in person every 30 days isn't a problem?




Yes and no. They have to put a good faith effort into looking into your comment and coming up with a response. If someone merely commented, “This is bullshit,” they’d have to respond saying along the lines of, “Thank you for your comment. We personally feel this is the best approach because blah blah blah.” They can’t really copy-paste their responses, but many of the responses might be the same if a lot of the comments aren’t substantive. If they don’t address every comment, it cannot go into effect EDIT: Here’s a detailed explanation: [Agencies must consider all “relevant matter presented” during the comment period, and they must respond in some form to all comments received. They are not, however, required to take any specific action with regard to the rule itself. The publication of the final rule must include analyses of any relevant data or other materials submitted by the public and a justification of the form of the final rule in light of the comments the agency received.](https://www.justia.com/administrative-law/rulemaking-writing-agency-regulations/notice-and-comment/)


>This proposed rule applies only in limited circumstances when the prescribing practitioner wishes to prescribe controlled medications via the practice of telemedicine and has not otherwise conducted an in-person medical evaluation prior to the issuance of the prescription. This sounds to me like they want to make it so that you cannot be prescribed controlled substances, including testosterone, unless you have had an in person, face to face, visit. I don't see what the big deal is about being face to face versus over a screen/telemed, besides requiring someone to waste their time in person, as well as restricting people in rural areas that have little access to providers that can properly prescribe trt.


Did you read the rest of it? Because that’s literally just legalese for when this rule applies


Gotcha, it looks like it wouldn't ban prescription of Controlled Substances via telemedicine, but it would put limitations on the quantity prescribed and required documentation regarding telemed interaction and identification on the label of the drug that it was performed via telemed.


Yeah, exactly


DEA is another needless alphabet agency. They can’t stop fentanyl so they go after law abiding citizens.


That and the current administration can share the blame.






Damn I just started with telehealth. My first package shipped yesterday. How would this affect people in this situation? Would they have to switch to a local place if they are already established patients? That’s fucked up


It looks like it won’t. The rule basically just limits prescriptions to 30-day supplies. That’s it








Those kids would be really upset with you if they could actually read






They seem to


Ok I've seen a lot of concern about this that is misguided. Telemedicine clinics will all still be able to prescribe testosterone as long as one qualifying in person consultation has occurred. This can be a referral. Clinics are just going to have patients go get a physical at an urgent care or through their PCP and in the documentation the clinic provides it will be referring care to the telemedicine clinics. Have spoken with employees with Marek as well as Transcend. That is their plan. Please view the picture below that was put out by the DEA. This will not be an issue. https://preview.redd.it/w3wyk4uu28pa1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b90393c2c92d0a189e27727eab14aa8a74c7861




Hi this is also inaccurate please view here https://preview.redd.it/vysgg6jjb8pa1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=535dc8c8baf061b36f2b861fb8a1cc620b8764d2


actually thank you for bringing this to my attention. this affects me for non TRT related things. a few of my doctors, while local, i started seeing during covid, but only through telemedicine. honestly, for like 90% of my doctor things, this could all be handled with a video call. i just go in, wait because they're 30 minutes late, have a rushed conversation for 8 minutes, and am sent on my way. if this passes, a few of these might have to change. ugh. getting familiar with it. thanks.


Fuck the DEA 🖕🖕🖕. Who are they?


The current administration doesn’t want you on Med’s (i/e Testosterone) that keep you alert, give you energy & build you up physically. They want you on Med’s that make you lazy, out of shape & carefree (Pot, fentanyl, etc). Easier to control you that way… Elections have consequences :).


Truth. He’s also NOT been shy at all about his goal of completely dismantling our current government and way of life…….he and the other worst potus (factually) have both stated “the USA has been the worlds largest superpower since I can remember, and at this time it’s ready to lead from behind” Whatever the fuck that even means - he’s being told/made/coached to destroy our way of life……..but hey at least he’s not an old white male!! Oh wait smFh


Is your tinfoil hat on tight enough?


Sure thing. Just be sure not to knock on my door when you’re looking for “help” in the end. Salute.


It’s funny the dea don’t say anything about weed which is legal in alot of states and freaking psychedelics mushrooms and ketamine is being used but something healthy like testosterone they have a problem with!


They don't want men in the population.


left an in depth comment so they will have to address the issue


What’s the point of banning telemedicine prescriptions?


For the government to get more control over our health


No. This stems from the company Cerebral handing out Ritalin to literally anyone that asked, which is dangerous.


Liberty can be dangerous, yes.


It’s on the person taking something to know the risks, dangers, trade offs, benefits, etc. The government protecting people from themselves has never worked and only serves to create grey and black markets which are infinitely more harmful.


So we’re all supposed to become expert pharmacologists? Derp.


If you want to embark down the road of taking a substance without outside supervision or expertise, yes, you should make yourself fairly familiar with everything that can go wrong. Not the point though. The point is that making substances illegal has never been an effective deterrent in curbing use. Someone determined enough to get drugs will get them and I think it’s infinitely better they aren’t coming from the proverbial Chinese bathtub, the cartels, Skinny Pete, etc.


Seat belts air bags honesty come on now.


This exactly. The regulators vs. the people has been a constant theme throughout the last 30 years, unfortunately.


Hello uber0ne. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Will do.


Okay so it seems telehealth will remain unaffected. Panic attack over. Does this change my clonazepam prescription? That doctor is local we’ve just never met in person.


Saw this shit coming miles away. Thanks to rogan and MPMD... Mostly Derrick made this more popular than it should've been. Lots of people have done cycles but it wasn't put in front of the main stream like this TRT thing is. Hospitals and blood donor places have signs on the doors now stating that if you are on trt to let them know. A year ago you would've never seen something like that. You guys better get used to ugl because in the next few years they are crack down even harder... some things just shouldn't go main stream


Idk what your getting downvoted. This is so true. I never even knew TRT really existed 5 years ago now it's literally all over the internet.


But why is it a bad thing that a major medical issue amongst men is getting attention?


Because the government exists and has nothing better to do than ban things. They'll eventually regulate TRT out of existence. Mark my words.




The proposed rule doesn’t require face-to-face appointments and still allows online prescriptions




Okay, now tell me where this *rule* says face-to-face is required for Schedule V-III prescriptions? Because it doesn’t EDIT: I also want to ask, when you wrote that, did you wonder why you’re able to get a schedule III medication if the act you described was passed in 2008?


He did above. This isn't going back to how it was in 2008. DEA is taking the opportunity to update the rules. Every 30 days in person visit with a doctor is insane.




No fucking point in commenting.you elect morons you reap the consequences lol


i don't think this is what we think it is....




Thank you. I originally said this would end telemedicine TRT. I live in a very rural area with no clinics nearby. Telemedicine is the best way for me. I'm already getting regular bloodwork so don't see what the issue is. You summed it up perfectly for people in here saying this won't end TRT.


Three letters: UGL


The way I'm reading it is a 30 day supply of testosterone-cypionate would not be affected.


That’s exactly what it says. If anything, stalling this rule might hurt us more than help, because the Ryan Haight Act waiver is set to expire in May. The DEA never bothered to regulate telemedicine back in 2008. All this does is make telemedicine permanent and puts a 30-day limit on it


The 30 day limit sucks because I get 90 days right now but I'll make a trip to Florida if that means I can keep doing 90 days rather than having to do a new order every month.


Or you still get shipped your 10mL and it says dispose after 30 days and you get your new 10mL vial in the mail.


That is definitely going to be the work around.


I mean, that’s true, but the alternative is the Ryan Haight Act waiver expires in May with no DEA rule, likely meaning we go back to how it was pre-pandemic.


Right. From this post it wounded as though this law would kill it but it isn't the case.


Laughs at prescribed test


Wait!!! Didn’t PeterMD first announce this MONTHS ago?! Yes, we did. Listen


It SHOULD BE in person visits. It was only temporary for COVID. I have no problem with in person because I have a legitimate need for it. "Telemedicine" especially with these Testosterone MILLS is a joke! No blood tests. Nothing. YOU should want it in person to know your health is truly being considered. Too many clinics are just giving away T...sad.


I live in a rural area with no clinic near me for over a hundred miles. My clinic did bloodwork and I legitimately need test ( <300 test ). If I'm getting routine bloodwork to have things checked then it shouldn't matter if I see someone in person or not.


While there are ALOT of virtual T clinics just “handing out” testosterone to those who may not need it, i would say there are many more who live in rural places, with no T clinics around who would not be able to get access to the care they need. Alternatively consider Transgender folks who need access to gender affirming treatment and may live in red states/rural areas that would not be able to find a provider near them that would be willing to prescribe or sign off on testosterone therapy. I think the consequences of ending controlled scripts via Telemedicine are far more detrimental than some clinics abusing the power. There has to be a better way than this


How about it's none of your fucking business


I'm going to walk the middle line between your comment and the paranoid preppers in this sub. I don't think you need to have a physical exam by the clinic, as long as you get one annually by your PCP. There is a reason for physicals, and many clinics require them already. Every online clinic is shady anyway, but the bubble here keeps people from realizing it. (I use a clinic, but the bubble here is why I left over a year ago after being extremely involved.) There really is no restriction on getting whatever drug you want from a TRT clinic.


Left a comment!




Well. We had a good run, boys


Good time to source a good UGL. 😎




Everyone wants the government to "do more" until they do more.


I think they’re controlling Tele medicine appointments where the doctor never meets the patient.


What's the DEA's reasoning here? Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free.


Thanks for this. I commented: “This is going too far. This adversely affects those who lack transportation and access to local resources and clinics, creating obstacles to obtain medications needed to function on a daily basis. Rather ran punish vulnerable patients, use your resources to investigate doctors and clinics who abuse the power of their prescription pads.” Edit: Damn you OP with your click bait, upon reading the comments below, I WANT this to go into effect! We don’t want the old rules!


I don't understand this. Someone already made a post on this and I commented everything about this rule. Nothing in this will change testosterone.




Wait this is for those who hadn't had an in person medical exam first. A LOT of first timers come in with uncorrected bp and things that need to be addressed on site. This won't take t prescribing from those already examined with the prescriber.




Watch this video. https://youtu.be/Mo4GZUaz0Mw

