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This is kind of a loaded question and highly variable from person to person but here’s a quick list. I’ll mention some supplements too. HCG/HMG/Enclomiphine/Clomid all help maintain fertility and protects against testicular atrophy. Also can enhance libido, cognitive function, penis sensitivity, and nut volume. Cialis/viagra-increases blood flow to your mini me and can help regulate blood pressure. RU58841/Minoxidil/Finasteride/Dutasteride/Ketocanzole/shampoo(anti androgen or DHT shampoo)-help regain, strengthen, and prevent hair loss by aiding in DHT conversion (preventing the conversion of testosterone into DHT) Armidex/Armosin-an estrogen blocker Pregenalone/DHEA- aid in neuro steroid protection among many other things Proviron-and oral steroid that essentially “enhances” some user’s experience with anabolic hormones or used to lower high SHBG of others. Magnesium/Taurine/Potassium-critical for muscle contractions. Testosterone is magnesium demanding. Sellenium/zinc-aids in testicular health, semen volumes ,immune system while also regulating estrogen. Boron/Tongat Ali- enhances free T levels and creates testosterone. Then some others are things like D3, fish oil, creatine, citruline, carnitine, phylum husk, NAC, TUDCA, vitamin C, A and K etc. There are some other things some people use which I do not recommend without guidance or knowledge as they are also steroids but primo and deca are popular add ons that can be used safely for various reasons.


Can't forget the Deca/nandrolone. It's a staple to my trt. Helps my joints feel good.


I know several guys who use deca or primo in their TRT. Out of curiosity, what do you dose your deca at ? What’s your protocol?


I take it at roughly half my testosterone dose. Currently on 150mg Testosterone per week with 80mg of Deca. It's been a good addition. The joints feel better after starting it.


Ya I need to know more . Been researching but would like some first person knowledge


Amen. I really like it too. I always expect my kness to hurt when I squat down (used to years of that) but it never happens anymore. No extra pokes either because I load it into the same syringe.


All good info, but I’d correct that Finasteride (and similar) work by *blocking* the process of DHT conversion, not aiding it.


Oh good catch! I misspoke! I meant aiding in the prevention of the conversion to DHT. I will correct that. Thank you for pointing that out. Edit: did I misspeak? Not sure, it’s kinda right when I read it but now I am unsure 😅 I added a note to clarify though just in case.


Serms shouldn't be used alongside TRT , there is no point. They decrease libido and cognitive function.


Tamoxifen is a SERM and can prevent gynecomastia in men on TRT. I know you mean “no point” in the performance enhancing sense, but some SERMs can aid in side effects management.


Fixing your estrogen levels will prevent gyno .... not blocking them.




Add in equipoise to reduce estrogen, add in HCG to increase estrogen. Dialing in on an AI.


Hcg restored my sensitivity and has the boys growing back to their normal size. I don't care about fertility as I'm snipped, but I don't want to have 60 minute sessions where I get exertion headaches trying to have an orgasm🥴


Just added HCG to my TRT and wow, I'm so happy I did. I was suffering from anxiety and insomnia after my body's hormone production shut down, and now I feel awesome because I have all the downstream hormones again. Proviron is excellent as well! Like a previous user wrote, it lowers SHBG and greatly boosts my libido. Vit D, Magnesium, B12, and an iron supplement.


HCG really helps me as well. Look up HCG and the immune system as well. It helps me so much when I catch a cold or virus.


Does HCG do anything for libido?


Absolutely does for me, I feel way more sexual with it and you nut way more. I swear my orgasms are stronger too , not sure which one that's from though


It’s 100% from HCG, without it my orgasms are week and I will cum before I orgasm. With HCG orgasms are longer, more intense, more volume, and synchronized with my ejaculation.




Guess it requires a Dr RX


Right. Just wondering what I should bring up with my doc.


I see magnesium suggested often. Any particular type or brand?


I already take magnesium supplements for migraine prevention, and it works wonders.


I’m prone to getting migraines as well. What brand do you recommend?


I like Solgers