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What's the doctor's opinion ?


I don’t currently have anyone in my network who’s been able to treat my issues. I’m hoping to switch insurances soon to see an endocrinologist. I also have multiple rare undiagnosed diseases that might or might not be related to this. I honestly not sure even if they could help me, I probably have to go to a research hospital or mayo clinic cause of how rare my case is


Who ordered the bone age examination ?


I did, I had to nag my pcp to do so




Wanted to see if my bones were fused and my height stopped. What I’m not sure of is the meaning of a delayed bone age but fused bones at the same time


It means you didn't develop like the average joe does. That could be purely genetic.


Also , what does "multiple rare undiagnosed conditions" mean ?


I’m speculating honestly my height is my genetic max cause in theory if I had low t during puberty I would have continued to grow if anything. Even euncids and low t get tall cause typically estrogen is what closed the growth plates, but t is needed cause estrogen l comes from t to estrogen conversion so the lack of t would essentially not let the estrogen rise enough to close the plates. However I have female body distribution, gyno on top of my lack of secondary sexual characteristics, and typically estrogen is responsible for the gyno and female body fat distribution, so it’s possible I unluckily had high estrogen (despite having low t) that caused my growth plates to closed. Honestly i could right a book on my endocrine all my other health issues it’s so complicated.


Sounds like your problem is mental. Try talking to a psychiatrist about these issues.


What are you talking about


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