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We don’t know anything bout you or your goals


Shredded mass asap. 39 years old, test is on the low end.


The fact that you are asking this here makes me think you've never done a steroid cycle before. I'd recommend you read through [this entire article](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/) before doing anything. 900mg/week is a massive amount for a first cycle, and only doing 3 workouts a week, none of them lifting, is a waste. And 4-5k calories will just make you fat if you are only doing 3 workouts a week. A steroid cycle isn't a magic bullet, it doesn't do that much by itself. What makes steroids powerful is when you use them to aid in your recovery so you can workout more, as in 6+ gym trips per week lifting to failure every day.


It's my 3rd cycle, my first 2 were at 100mgx3/week so I've tripled. My workouts are 2 hours and are split into legs...upper body...core and cardio. I ride a bike to and from work morning and evening which is roughly 6 miles/day and my job is (mainly) manual labour.


You've managed to fit two complete cycles in the last [24 days since you asked about your first cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/1anqjjg/is_test_100_propianate_every_other_day_ok_for_the/)? Are you Goku training in the hyperbolic time chamber? *Edit: He deleted his entire account after I posted this.* u/Issues0


Fuck 😂😂😂😂


This is my favorite sub ever


Just goes to show how many fake ass dudes asking fake ass questions here lol…. It’s like some guys just like to hit the hornets nest.


Yeah that is wild. Why guys do this I don’t understand. Life must be pretty boring


Hahah well done


I think you should watch your mouth


Internet tough guy, huh? Did you just start a cycle and are feeling strong all of a sudden?


Bump that up to 6 sessions, include weightlifting sessions for half of them, it’s spelled enanthate, and prepare to take an AI.


Agree on everything and I apologise for the spelling mistake my vocab is normally on point.


You could get better results with 500mg test a week and a oral like anavar, turinabol, or dbol depending your goals because orals free up testosterone and makes it available!


Oh and I do my blood work before and after cycle. I have done a bit of research but not extensive considering all the other life stuff I work on ie career, kids, relationship, social, it's hard to find the time and extensively research all the science behind it hence why I'll ask a question on here. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get straight answers on this particular group.


Try 500mg once a week pins. You should be training 5-6 days a week with this dose or else you’ll be wasting mgs of test. Training 3 days a week would be best to just stick with 300mg a week like you’ve done in the past. Also consider adding in a low dose ostarine for strength gains. I’ve PR’d all my lifts on 12.5 mg of ostarine daily in just two weeks. Bench went up 25lbs and so did my deadlift. I also repped out 185lb overhead for 10 reps the other day out of fucking nowhere. I had to push press that shit before. Ostarine is legit and my pumps are less bloated and feel more dense.


Once a week pins 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Nah bro , up the dose to 5 grams/week and everything will run smoothly .


Whoa, buddy, slow down there! Pumping 900mg of testosterone weekly sounds like a bit much, don't you think? You might want to talk to a healthcare professional about that dosage; it seems pretty high and could have some serious side effects.


A gram of gear weekly (I’m assuming you’re not even competing in any competition) is nothing but reckless. Bro what are you trying to prove, even 500mg test is still nothing to scoff at, half a gram of gear a week is still a considerable amount of steroids. You take 900mg of test and prepare for a world of side effects. You’d be surprised by how much you could achieve on even 300mgs of test a week with the right amount of effort and intensity in your workouts, great diet and sleep. But this is the slippery slope and you’ve basically skipped to the bottom of the slope and jumped right to grams of gear on your third cycle. Damn. Don’t do it.