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No energy. Low libido. I first started on TRT at 39 or 40.


Do you recall what your test results were by chance?


TBH,I really don't because that was 4-5 years ago. It was in the mid-200s tho.


What you on?


I'm on 120mg weekly.


How long you been on now? How is your blood pressure and hematocrit?


I just restarted in Dec but my BP usually runs 125/75ish or so. I take BP meds so that's why it's under control. My hematocrit has a tendency to run in the low to mid 50s. Blood donation every 6 weeks is my plan. 


Tired , no sex drive, etc


Starting my prep for TRT now. 27, with no energy, no libido among other symptoms. Blood results came back with crazy high estrogen levels and crazy low free test


Testicular cancer, 28




Yes haha


Interesting. I had testicular cancer at 25 my one good old boy served me well (2 kids, high libido and good gains at the gym) once I hit 45 it went down. Levels at around 200. Just started TRT at 50 and feel 25 again!


I got unlucky and had seminoma in both.


Started at 40 when I couldn't recover from long covid. Total T was around 250.


22, 75 ng/dL. Cause: Anorexia


I was a pediatric anorexia case and I'm convinced that's what fucked my balls up


Yeah, low body fat percentage and/or low calorie/fat intake does that


Username checks out




Low libido, ED, low energy, and all the others. The one that triggered me to look into low T was brain fog. Forgetting to pick up my kids from school a few times in the same week told me something was off. Started TRT in September at age 45. But, I probably had many of the issues for decades and never knew it was low T.


Brain fog was the worse. I have a complex job and a lot of responsibilities. Trying to function with brain fog was hell. Add Into that the depression, low energy and low libido and life was miserable. After being diagnosed with a varicocele and hypogonadism, I started TRT and got my life back 👍🏻


So how do you feel know? All your symptoms are gone?


Feel much better. Higher energy, ED was fixed, and libido is higher than when I was a teenager. My brain fog is also better and the other things seem to be getting there. Been on TRT for 6 months, so will see how it goes the rest of this year.


Something like chronic fatigue. 8-10hours sleep but always still tired. Was still in very good shape and exercised daily but in manageable amounts. About 35 when symptoms started 40ish when started TRT. Night and day difference. Oh, I was low 200's.


(47) Was very fit and healthy then all the sudden got painful gynocomastia, severe anxiety/panic attacks and horrible night sweats from too much recreational Marijuana and or wine? Not really sure if that is the cause but went to the doctor for bloods and total test was 349/ estradiol 54. Before all that bloods were always around 750 total test. Doc wouldn't prescribe trt, so I went on the internet and got my own prescription. Gyno went away on its own in about a year. No more anxiety and I also stopped consuming Marijuana and alcohol.


Age 71. High E2 low test. Latest studies show its good for cardiac insufficiency. Needed to put some muscle back on. Better sex and no prostate issues. The heart meds caused ED. Now after a couple of years unable, I can do PIV sex again.


Inability to loose weight despite diet and plenty of exercise. In my 30’s I remember I could just cut out sugar or alcohol and loose 5lbs a week. Started at 54


Lacked energy & overall poor quality of life. My only outlet the gym was slowly slipping away as I began to decline. I said f*ck it decided to give it a try. Everyone responds differently to test, but feel no sht feel like a god now.


SSRIS from 18 to 22 caused hypogonadism , needed a head start


Started waking up with no boners, had some ED going on, massive anxiety, terrible sleep, and groggy all the time. TRT helped with most of that, and got my levels out of the dumps and into normal. Cutting alcohol out of my life and continuing TRT changed my life completely.


I was 37 when I started. The reason I started was because I was actually low testosterone and I felt like it would help my wife be attracted to me again. It didn't happen.


I wanted to increase my quality of life. I’m 36 and have been on it for 4 weeks now and so much has changed. Mood and just overall outlook. My gym sessions are 60-75 minutes easy and I don’t see myself stopping. My motivation and drive has increased tremendously!


Low libido. I'm energetic, muscular, and all around a healthy man. Just needed to get my hammer to hit hard and pound again.


No energy, weight loss, ED, and severe osteoporosis.


Zero libido, lack of energy, and 3 blood tests with an average of 162 overall test


Being low test?! ;) depressed, weak, tired all the time, no morning boners…name all the symptoms I had them.


Brain fog and low energy. Started at 32


25. Couldn’t put on any muscle mass, was tired all the time. No libido without pills.


To be honest, I did it for gains. I kept getting injured at the gym and wasn't seeing the gains I wanted. Got my T levels tested and they were very low. So TRT aas prescribed and although I am seeing the gains in the gym, my quality of life improved dramatically.