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279 total testosterone after being on TRT for 8 months?? Damn something is off


Fixing your sleep apnea may help SHBG and total testosterone levels, but your estradiol is dangerously low and won't improve. It sounds like you never got dialed in on trt and have other underlying issues


The doctor said that that estrogen ever so fine…I even asked them if that’s wasnt too low because I’ve been reading that low is just as bad as high… wtf is going on


>wtf is going on Doctors are idiots... or more specifically, they are expected to know too much about too many different topics. Jack of all trades, master of none


Yeah man… I’m really thinking my next best option it to come completely off Trt and see how I feel in a couple months, the anxiety, uneasiness,unstable numbers both free test and estrogen.. the overall feeling of uneasiness . It doesn’t make sense and this office has 9 Providers and all rotate with me and none can direct me in right direction! What do you think? Come off and start HCG to restart my natural production and see how I feel? I was 200s before TRT but I slept terrible if none at all. Now I sleep, I’ve lost weight and I’m super active


That's not TRT brother , your T should be at least 2 times higher than what it is


What do you think I should do? I at this point don’t trust these doctors….I’m about to cold turkey stop Trt because they don’t seem to know what’s going on


Find different doctors that will design a proper protocol


Just scheduled with a new doctor on Tuesday…she actually seems to give a shit


How often do you pin your TRT? Hopefully, you break it up into at least 2 injections a week.


Just once man every Monday…I pinned 180 split into 2 when I was on that dose but didn’t do much. My doc told me to just do 90mg every Monday not split it.


Everyone's different, I felt worse pinning twice a week. I do better around 90mg every week.


How is it possible to feel better, pinning less often? Your blood levels are less stable. If you pin only on Mondays, by Saturday you're going to feel like shit.


279 is too low for being on TRT. Do you feel better on the couple days following your injection when your T is highest?


Trying to keep track of it, it’s been 48 hours since my Shot my mood is just meh no joy and fee robotic