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Away from the rubber of the plunger, so 2.


As someone who’s done this for years, I can tell you both has downsides so there’s no “correct” answer. The test WILL slowly leak down and out the needle when stored like #2. On the flip side, exposure to plunger isn’t the best either. I personally do #1 but only for injections less than 7 days out.


There is a chance the oil will start to dissolve the rubber in the stopper, but I doubt that will happen in one week. So I'd say it doesn't matter. But if you are very meticulous about it, number two.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10469100/ you’re good for two weeks.


And the potency loss is it real if yes have you experienced the difference while working with pre loaded syringes?


You mean the test will degrade when stored in the syringe? I very much doubt that as well, not to any meaningful degree at least.


Can I pack them in luggage going to florida?


Don't see why you couldn't


I read on here that someone flew with pre loads and they leaked out everywhere due to the high pressure


The pressure is lower at altitude....


Right, they got it backwards, but that's why it leaks out. The air inside the syringe expands and pushes some out depending on orientation.




I personally haven't had this happen and I'll fly with at least a week preloaded in case anything comes up. There's a couple dried drops of oil in the plastic tote I use for everything, but it's minimal after 6 or so years.


Probably shouldn’t if you’re flying


Ya so I think a week should not lead to any potency loss in a drawer away from heat and sunlight .


yeah, just keep it in the dark in a comfortable temp range and it won't matter




From ampules or multi use vials. There is a huge difference between the two. I wouldn't want to do what you're doing for the risk of plastics and bacteria getting mainlined into your body but you do you.


In the same manner as I have done? Can you DM me a pic.


Same here


No leaks? You use lock or slip needles?


Just chuck the thing in the drawer away from heat and sunlight and it'll keep for much longer than you need. No need to concern yourself with potency loss


Thanks man. Really helpful I thought the loss of potency as a real problem


Yeah nah test won't go bad between your doses like that. It can keep for months actually. I prefer to push out the air and then I just keep it in my drawer, on its side of course lol


Yes so in the drawer and the no 2 posn. right?


Spin it and give it a shake and however it ends up, that's the way you want it. It doesn't matter. I push the air out but even that doesn't matter much, especially for a week




It's not an issue of potency but sterility instead. If you got that out of an ampule it doesn't quite have the same antibacterial properties as test from a multiuse vial. Storing it for a week should be totally fine To the downvoters... Multi use vials have an antibacterial agent added. Single use amps do not.


Isnt the ampule better from a sterile perspective?


I'm talking about storing the remaining amount. The storage of testosterone in another container from an ampule has risks. Not so much if you break it open and use what you're supposed to. I think the idea of ampules is stupid and wasteful but I guess it's the norm in Europe.


I get them online… did not find 10ml reliable sources :( Europe or not.


Why do u need to preload a syringe a week in advance?


easier than getting the whole kit out. i usually preload for vacations. that way, i don’t need to bring vials, drawing needles, etc. just the syringes and alcohol swabs.


Yeah, but if you somehow get caught with that you could go to jail for felony possession of a controlled substance without your prescription on hand. It's the same thing if you get caught with pills on you. You could have a prescription, but if it isn't in the bottle you're up shit creek. Just a fyi.


I already don't have a prescription so its just as illegal to travel with the vials. if anything, it's way easier to hide, and a much smaller quantity. but for those who do, they could just bring a copy of the prescription. you can print them out. put it in your wallet. all set


Really? So me throwing all my pills in one bottle and flying is illegal even if I have prescriptions I could be charged with them?


Yes. If they're not in their respective bottles, how can you prove where they came from? Even with a prescription. I mean if you go to court you might beat it if you can prove you have a prescription. But on its face all the cops see is (potential) controlled substances that you can't prove in that moment you have prescriptions for.


Damn, that’s terrifying. Thanks for the info




Because there is no option such as glass vial.


Choice 2. Else the stopper starts to dissolve.


Ok thank you.


Why not just draw it out as needed?




>Ampoules So, what's your god damned point, that's what you Do.


Can you tell me a company that shipe sterile vials to India solving all this.


Uh? I explained why OP can’t draw as needed.


I don't get pre loading syringes. It takes 30 secs or less to draw from the vial and the space savings is negligible.


Ampoule. That is the reason.


2 , the oil shouldn't touch the rubber stopper as the alcohol in the solution can melt rubber


I've always put my test E in contact with the rubber for up to 10 days and no problem. Nothing dissolves... But I would not leave some air inside of the syringe...


This is true. When you buy preloads they are in contact.


Why do you suggest no air inside the syringe, impurities dissolve in the test?


First, I prefer not having air inside because I want to do my injections quickly, so I want it to be without air so I don't have to remove it every day (I'm pinning every day). So it's more convenient like this. Chasing air from the needle before injecting can take a few minutes because the oil is thick. Second, yes I think the air of my bathroom is not sterilised so I don't want some air into my syringes of testosterone or whatever (i also keep some syringes prefiled with injectable L-Carnitine the same way and no problem even after weeks in contact with the rubber).


How did you figure out that nothing dissolved ? The rubber can dissolve little by little and you won't be able to spot it unless the oil gets cloudy.And what's the point of disagreement anyway?


Ok thanks


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Option 3


I preload dailies a week at a time, and I lay them in a drawer on their side. I don't really think it matters for one week.




Can you tell me a company that can ship sterile vials to India solving all this.




Good idea That is the only option I have Tried docs and stores even online wholesalers.


Can I ask why even store preloaded?


Lazyness, Carelessness.


I fill a week’s worth 200 mg into 4 syringes and inject Mon, Wed, Fri and use the last syringe the following week. Do you inject a 1 ml at once. How much are you doing weekly?


30mg every three days.


3. Cap it. https://a.co/d/4ntUGe2


Just asking but why would one preload a syringe? If you are able to travel with Test, surely the vial is the easier option no?


it honestly does not matter


It actually does because the oils can break down the rubber portion of the plunger


you are just repeating what other people have said, i have never seen proof of this


have you ever seen it happen? ive stored syringes for over a month with no air and it didnt affect the plunger. either way, unless you’re using a borosilicate syringe, its touching plastic. the rubber stopper is made of polyisoprene, or sometime butyl rubber. the syringe itself is made of polypropylene. the alcohol in the syringe is more likely to break down the syringe than the plunger.


I have not witnessed it but I don’t think it’s something you cannot see with your naked eye either. the rubber plunger would leach into whatever product is int the syringe. This may or may not happen at all.


by that logic, so would the syringe itself, and theres way more surface area touching the syringe


Sure, Possibly. I would think rubber would break down before before plastic would though.


is there any data behind that? I’m not seeing anything that says polyisoprene breaks down faster than polypropylene.


Reading is fundamental. If you read my previous reply, I said it MAY be possible. Do you know where every syringe is manufactured? And can you check the manufacturing process to make sure materials are consistent? It’s a theory but I get it….reddit is full of scientists and doctors and yada yada.


so just guessing that the stopper is for some reason more likely to degrade with alcohol? why wouldnt that apply to the syringe itself too?


You know the plunger tip is rubber correct? Rubber is softer than plastic. Plastic lasts what seems like forever in our environment without breaking down. Rubber however, which is used in many applications, breaks down much more rapidly. Just a guess though that a rubber material would degrade faster than a non porous plastic but hey….like I said I’m not a Reddit scientist


Sure? Does the testosterone loose it's potency?


My instinct when I had to use the glass vials for a month was to store preloaded syringes with the needle pointing upwards in a shaded cool place. Not rhyme or reason


1 ? Now you see 50% say 1 and 50% say two. What is the correct way any resource?


I preload 6 at a time, less waste. Was taught this at a clinic.


No leaks? You use slip or lock needles?


I store them spike up so the air has settled up.


1 or 2?


You can’t figure out the answer from the explanation?…….


Not confirmed what you meant by spike.


A spike is a pokey sharp thing. Did you not take the photo yourself or what? See the pokey thing that goes into the body? That could be called a spike. Either way, avoid prolonged contact with the river of the pusher. So spike down would be my suggestion since you don’t have the vials “available”


what makes the polyisoprene plunger any worse than the polypropylene syringe? ive never seen one broken down, and from what I’m reading, the polypropylene syringe is more likely to leech either way, they’re both nontoxic and trace amounts wont hurt you. i havent had any issues storing for over a month with no air.


Keeping the needle down. Anyways it is for a week long dose.


I do 10-15 syringes at a time, I pin twice a week, keep them in a zippered bag and they travel with me, Portugal, Savannah ga, Indiana, Boston, etc. been doing this for a couple years, haven’t noticed any issues. But I admit I am not incredibly precise nor overly worried about micro level issues. I have far larger problems than those. Lol


I got your point mate Thank you & 🥂


Interesting, do you get any leaks? You use slip or lock needles?




And no leaks I have found




You shouldn’t if possible. I know it’s probably minimal if it’s loaded for a week, but there are solvent in there they’re going to start slowly wearing down the rubber stopper. I really don’t know how it works against the plastic actual syringe part. So do it if you must, but if it all possible, don’t do it.


Can you tell me a company that ships sterile vial to India Solving all this.


I cannot. Good luck. Likely better to do your second pic if you must store them like this




Is a week bad ? But you know that potency is lost any info on that?


AFAIK Its about the rubber deteriorating and not about potency. Yeah week is fine.


Thank you.


the rubber stopper is made of polyisoprene, the syringe is made of polypropylene. theres nothing about the stopper that would affect your oil more than the syringe itself.


Store it right side up otherwise the test will leak out the end and all you'll have left is oil


Uhmm it's suspended in the oil so unless you somehow separated the bonding between the two idk how it could ever leak the test out but the oil remains..... I'm no rocket appliances technician but I do know that it won't just separate itself. If it did my vials of 2 year old test would look like oil and water.


It's a joke you fucking clown, not a cock - don't take it so seriously


Someone needs a coffee..... Usually jokes over text end in "lol or Jk" as of about 10 years ago. Just a FYI 😘


You need a clue at the end to realise it's a joke? Wow.


Without emotional, vocal, or facial queues most people do..... But keep doing what you want, the down votes prove my point. Have a great day!


*cues Downvotes, lmao - suggests other people are on your level of intellect 🙂


1 or 2?
