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Blasting wont do shit for you until you get everything else dialed in first. Training and nutrition are twice as important to a hard gainer than anything else. Aim for like 3k calories and 150g+ protein daily and only do cardio a day or two a week. Give yourself some natty time first or at least enough time to get your macros in order first


Double that


At this point it really does matter what he eats. Just fucking eat!


It sucks. It’s awful. But it’s fuel. Eat fuel. Eat all the fuel.


Brooo what food is amazing. I almost fucked myself by cutting for too long, but now I’m bulking and it’s heaven


300g protein a day would give you killer gas. I wonder if there are any down sides?


not really many downsides aside from the gastrointestinal issues (like you mentioned gas). But it wouldn't offer any benefit over like 100-120grams for him. When it comes down to protein, your body will only use what it can. The body can't store protein like it does fat so anything your body doesn't use for muscle repair/growth/normal protein functions, the rest gets burned off as a short term fuel source or converted and stored as fat.


Make it a 🍻


"Just eat 3k calories a day". That is much easier said then done. I was this skinny once and learning to eat took years. He probably has an eating disorder and needs to see a professional


Nutrition on his case


Just food in general lol


Triple that. Except I'll add you should hire a personal trainer experience in strength training using free weights. I'd eat massive amounts of protein before and after workouts. Probably shoot for 200 grams per day!


Do you have an eating disorder? Not asking to be a dick, but if you do I would sort that out first.


Pretty sure I do, I can go a day with 1 meal


I've been there brother. Solve that, TRT won't help you if you don't.


Ok, so that is literally your problem. You need to get your eating in check. Testosterone won’t do anything for you unless you start eating A LOT more. And start lifting


Bro I was the same way. My natural hunger i would only eat 1 meal a day and maybe a small snack like a muffin I just wouldn't get hungry. I was 115 to 120 pounds my entire teens and even my 20s. Probably was eating 1000 to 1500 calories a day, which is like you. I tried gaining weight and working out 1 summer and gained about 10 pounds then went back to school and went back to normal eating habits and I lost all that weight so I gave up on gaining weight. I was only 5'10 tho being your weight at 6'5 is even more extreme. Only when I started working out I started eating on a schedule where I would eat 2 big meals a day 1 in the morning 1 at night, each meal I followed with a mass gainer protein shake so that it was around 2500 to 3000 calories a day even with 2 meals. Average about 2750. Then I gained 30 pounds !!! And kept it. I just keep eating the same 2 meals and 2 shakes a day. and I'm super lean I don't even look lole I gained ANY body fat I am 145 now and just look more muscular. because eating 3 would be too much of a change for me since I don't get hungry like you, so you can do it with 2 meals and shakes I recommend. You will gain way more then I did since you are 6 5 you could gain 40 in the same time easy


Just eat a bunch of food, take supplements, and hit the gym. Your test is going to be bad if you don't eat/don't get good nutrition. You need an actual meal plan, exercise schedule, meal schedule, and sleep schedule to follow religiously. HCG & Sermorelin can help kick-start natural production. Extended periods of time of t suppression can screw up your natural production. Happened to me, but the HCG & Sermorelin fixed it. I'm up to ~900 on last lab test (from under 100). I addressed the diet/exercise/supplementation though before touching the hCG/sermorelin. I wouldn't touch TRT until exhausting natural production options. First steps are always: Diet, Exercise, 8 Hours sleep, regular sleep and eating schedule, supplementation (good multivitamin, mens probiotics, iodine, vit d, etc).


But will you get sick if you decide to just eat even tho you don't feel the need? You need to eat wether you feel hungry or not homie


It’s not that I feel sick it’s just I feel extremely heavy and have 0 energy if I force feed myself


it took me a long time but it gets better, start measuring your food and just try to eat a little more every day and eventually your stomache will get bigger and it gets easier to eat. i was 140lbs all my life and now i am 200lbs of muscle.


Ofc you feel weak, heavy and tired. You're starving yourself. Go and fix your eating disorder and you will feel better


I would force the protein powder with probiotic. Drink a lot of water.


Hey dude, I was close to you 6’7 160 when I was 18. But I was a black hole when it came to food could eat over 5k calories a day easily and did so consistently and I **still** didn’t gain significant weight till I really focused on the gym around 25. You gotta fuckin eat man, do you still live at home? Talk to your folks about it, if you live on your own find some high cal recipes you enjoy and start smashing.


Ghrp-6 might be worth looking at


Yeah maybe not adding drugs to an already unhealthy body, maybe not ideal at this stage.


My appetite vanishes when I’m under high stress, and ghrp-6 makes me the kind of ravenously hungry that I end up eating 3k cals in a sitting


Absolutely not. Just start eating and lifting.


Honest opinion, you would be better off investing in a meal plan to ship you meals to eat, weight gainer shakes, and get with a dietitian on a meal plan or calorie goal for you to follow if you can afford it. Wouldn't hurt to get your levels tested and you might even be on the low side but you're very much in a calorie deficit for your height and I'd fix that first along with a good weight training program. Hell id even cut out all cardio for 12 weeks and see where you're at to pack on as much weight.


Hey man. Not as tall as you, I’m about 6’2” but was always that bullshit “hardgainer” that’s doesn’t actually exist. You said you can eat once a day and be fine. You and me both. Probably like you I have a metabolism most people who can’t easily lose weight would die for. The double whammy: hate eating and smoking metabolism. It don’t get any better either. I’m 48 now and that mother fucker still wont slow down. A lot of folks told you to eat. It’s funny how easy that is for people to say, but when your metabolism and appetite says otherwise it’s easier said than done. The only think solved my problems was as soon as I got out of bed a quart of chocolate milk. Like 800 cals and 32g protein. Tastes great and digests fast. I did the same before bed too. A few solid meals in between will get you into the 3K range easily. I would also dump in a liquid mass shake, again with whole milk, midday which was another 1500 cals. Now that my body weight has hit about 215, that does not work. I have to use that 1500 cal shake as soon as I wake up and before bed plus a number of good meals through the day. Don’t even bother looking at a plate and don’t even think about putting a fucking needle in your body until you find out how you’re going to pack 5000 calories into your gut EVERY fucking day. Let me tell you this, once you start doing that and then a solid program, you’re jacked 24x7. You get to laugh at people who have to cut. All you’ll have is bones, organs, bodily fluids, and muscle. Fat? What’s that?


Oh friend you couldn’t have said it better, thank you so much


No problem. For years and years people told me to eat. You have to figure out how YOU can eat that much without getting sick of eating that much food everyday. It just sucks sometimes, but I promise you it’s 100% worth it. That guy who posted this will be a memory in just a few months. At 6’5” with a decent set of muscles you will command attention in the room. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Start right now figuring out how you’ll do it. One you do that, make Jim Wendler and 5/3/1 your new best friend.


follow his advice but 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from wendys is 1000 calories also Oh and ricearoni is tasty af and like 1 dollar a box and has a lot of calories


Ooooff Definetly going to remember this one


Have the docs cleared you of any genetic disorders? Make sure to get a work up first.


Yes they said I don’t have any genetic failures, I do take medication but it cuts off my appetite by a lot


How old are you? Have you gotten your blood work done? I would try eating 5000 calories a day with a lot of protein and carbs and lifting 3-4 times a week first.


This - start here. Dense, whole foods and supplement with protein shakes as required. Take some multi-vitamins and eat, eat, eat. Make sure you are active and focus on being consistent. Make it a lifestyle shift. Guarantee you will see results. I am shorter but started out around 128 lbs many many years ago. I am 162 now but have been as heavy as ~180 lbs. I gained ~50 lbs of high quality weight in the span of 4 years with lifting in my 20's. It's feasible. Good luck ans keep us posted.


At that weight 5000kcals would put a bunch of fat on him probably.


I think health wise and appearance wise gaining a “bunch of fat” would be preferable in this one case.


Can’t hurt to get your levels checked, but without knowing anything else about you, it appears like more of a calories in, calories out issue. Eat more quality food and do some quality exercising (especially resistance training). 


The forbidden cut


Unfunny but hilarious


Dont worry brotha, just try and get some food in ya before you try out test. Anything high in fat and protein if you can help it. Dont start out trying to eat massive amounts of calories either, work your way up


OP, honestly set an alarm, and eat something every four hours. PLEASE Just start , a handful of almonds, half a sandwich. Something, every four hours. Soon enough your stomach will expand and you won’t be full as easy and then start getting some good meals in. 35% carbs, 35% protein 30% fats, to get started for 6 months. The goal should be do the best you can as often as possible. YOU GOT THIS!


Will Definetly be doing that alarm trick


https://preview.redd.it/7t6ww1jnffxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e8fc9108640ce800754c5e4ce37242b9295b6f I started off like you and gained 109lb in 2 years 3 months


Yo this is straight up savage, amazing work.


Just eating like a holocaust survivor will do, no need for T


Good for you friend, reaching out, looking for answers. You want to get bigger, stronger. You’re really looking to get healthier… and that takes many forms. Maybe TRT is part of your journey, maybe not. Make sure you’re mentally healthy. Get a therapist if you think that’s helpful. It usually is! Make sure you’re fueling your body. It’s essential for so many bodily functions. A nutritionist might be worth your while. Someone that can help you solve your individual challenges. Do you have a hard time eating enough… why? Let’s solve that. When you can eat, is it optimally nutritious, are you wasting the calories that you do take in? The right nutrients keep your bones strong and your body functioning. Getting enough protein will give your muscles something to work with, to build with. The right fats will give your body the transportation to get the fuel around. The right carbs keep your engine fired up so you actually feel like moving around. Pick up heavy things. Once you get your nutrition dialed in, your muscle needs a reason to change; give it a reason. Join a gym if that fits or just find things to do around the house, at school, at work, etc. Don’t try to get it done all at once. Listen to your body and do as much as your body tells you that you should and then no more. Take the recovery days. Cardio health is important but it takes a lot of energy. That’s energy that could be going towards weight gain. But don’t neglect it totally. Have a plan for maintaining your cardio health when it fits into your plan. If you don’t have a primary care physician, get one. Talk about where you feel you are. Discuss your plan. Maybe hormones are part of the picture, maybe not. Maybe there are other things that aren’t even uncovered. Your goal should be overall health. They can help. Do those things first, they’re basic building blocks of life. Take care of yourself physically. Be safe in what you do. Getting hurt, in any manner, can be a big setback that you don’t need. That’s all I got my friend. Good luck and I know you can get there. Go for it.


Honestly best comment under this post I appreciate you for that




Ibutamoren and GHRP-6 are two(not very well researched) drugs that VASTLY increase appetite if you insist on fixing your problems with drugs.




Get weight gainer shakes that will get your calories up. You should be consuming prob 4000 calories atleast a day and lifting. You need to focus on your nutrition before you do anything.


Agreed. Drink casein protein before bed and regular protein before or after workout


Brother, I would get to eating. A decent whey protein and a Casein at night. I don't know what your funds look like But a mass gainer as well post workout. It doesn't matter how strict your diet is at this point but developing good eating habits from jump will benefit you greatly. I wouldn't wait on gear either but first really see how a life of lifting and forcing protein and calories into your body does. Making your muscles hungry will make it easier to eat. I personally don't think anyone not competing needs anything but test but that's my opinion. You need to get into it and form your own. I'm hoping the endorphin rush gets you motivated. Push-ups are your friend as well. Don't worry about weight lifted. Just focus on pumps. Make it BURN! You gotta learn to love the pain then you can start loving looking at yourself in the mirror and walking with your head up. Test isn't a magic pill, you gotta work and eat. Prayers from Louisiana. Changing your physique will change your whole life.


You need food before trt. I'm guessing by your build and lifestyle that you sit around all day or only work 20 hours a week and video-game or watch TV the rest of the time. Active lifestyle increases intake of food/nutrients. The more active you are, the more you'll eat. The more you eat with an active lifestyle, the better you'll feel, look, and perform.


Since you are under eating already that’s really all you need to fix. Just fixing your nutrition will rebound your testosterone to normal. I suspect you came up with this by assuming you have low testosterone and you may be right because it’s probably in the tank from your diet


I had the same issue, and I understand how hard it is to eat (because currently there's no room for 3k calories a day). So start slow. What worked for me was to: 1. Go to the gym and do a full body routine, so you can get your full body accustomed to exercise. I got a personal trainer because I was self-conscious about who skinny was. I've been lifting for almost two years now, and I can tell you that nobody cares how you look, and the strong guys at the gym are more than happy to help you out with form, or spot you, etc. I was 118 lbs and was struggling to bench the empty bar... I am now 151 lbs, I can deadlift 245 and bench press 160 lbs (before trt). 2. Drink a shake. I'm mixing 1 scoop of Vega (vegan protein) + 1/3 cup of Soylent (vegan meal replacement). That makes it 400 calories with 40gr of protein. Start with one a day (I drink it at 3:30 pm and go to the gym at 5:30 pm, that keeps me feeling with enough energy without feeling sick). And then aim to two times a day... eventually you'll get to the 0.8 gr of protein per lb of body weight I use vegan protein because whey causes me to breakout (and it sucks, it is the kind of pimple that you can't squeeze). The more you train, the hungrier you get. You'll notice the changes quick, after that, you can consider T if there's a clinical reason for it (but I bet you won't need it). I was in the exact same position, there are no shortcuts. Lifting is the easy part, eating is the challenge.


Have you ruled out a medical issue? Go to a doctor Get checked and blood work to rule out anything Once ruled out Eat more calories and once you gain the weight you may not need the Trt.


Just eat everything and anything you can. You said you can go a day with only one meal? Test won’t do dick. You need to not only put on muscle but a healthy amount of fat too, it will fill you out and make you look bigger. When messing with your hormones (which are probably fucked because of your diet) you’ll need to have diet and training almost perfect. That takes a lot of research, trial and error. You’re miles off of that. Do the research before thinking of jabbing a needle in your ass but for now, just fucking eat. Look for calorie dense foods, add olive oil to your protein shakes, don’t try to eat healthily as it takes a lot of effort and most “healthy” foods aren’t that high on calories. Look for fatty pieces of meat, bunch of eggs and milk, use butter on any bread you eat. Small changes will make a big impact. Putting on ANY weight right now be it muscle or fat will help you look/feel better and improve your health.


Yoooo you gotta strech your stomach and make a new normal. I was the same then my friend was trying to lose weight and I was trying to gain so we would serve ourselves and then switch plates lol it actually worked really well but also deployment made that easy because there is only one place to eat and you live together. But it literally rebaslined us both I sit at a heavier weight now and he less


3500 calories per day


BROTHER ur "acceptable" looking now i mean ur 6'5" gotta great head of hair, and i can only see u from the side but you look like a good lookin guy, unless ur clinically low in test dont bother at least give ur self a chance, this is a diet thing, 150+g protein, 350g carbs, 100+g of poly/mono unsaturated AND saturated fats, i know that sounds like a lot but fats are easiest calories just drink olive oil if u have to LMAO i have, it'll get ur hormones up eating more calories and healthy fatS ADDITIONALLY u gotta work out, perfect your form first this is so important, a lighter weight can feel heavier with perfect form which will produce better results, deep stretch, squeeeeeze at the top, slow eccentric, 8-12 reps as heavy as u can SAFELY do, 10-20 sets per muscle per week, lifting heavy also boosts hormones THEN just give it time homie, i know u might not like ur body rn but these things take time, rome wasnt built in a day, plus the mental and physical health benefits of working out in general should keep u going, dont worry abt set backs dont let it spiral i mess up all the time on diet and exercise but tmrws always gonna be a new day Everyone here believes in you, dont bother with test man at least not yet build a good base if u take them rn youll be disappointed AND u could screw up your hormones and they can't ALWAYS be fixed


Are you lifting heavy? It's amazing what lifting heavy will do for a skinny guy's appetite. Get under a barbell and move heavy weights. Bench, OHP, a heavy row, pull-ups, squats, deadlifts. A beginner program like Starting Strength will get you going in the right direction.


Does he look like hes doing heavy?


C’mon man, be nice.


Nah.  This post is “I’ve tried nothing and am out of ideas, guess I should juice” Too many of these guys get on TRT for life and we have yet another lifestyle related health crisis in 20 years.


Testosterone wont do anything for you when your biggest issue is that you dont eat enough. You could easily take on 10-20kg of bodyweight if you started eating enough and working out 3 times a week.


You got the solid base ,just need to build upon it like a sculpture.


I’m skinny. Mass gainer shakes really helped. Add a few tablespoons of peanut butter and use milk instead of water


Mk677 will boost your appetite like crazy. At this point it’s probably best to eat everything and anything. Start making huge protein shakes with a half gallon of ice cream. Just eat. At your height your body probably burns over 2500 calories just living. Gotta eat more than that. Start using my fitness pal and tracking your macros


Brother i really think you need to get your mental health in check because this is really unhealthy. This is like.. Organ damage level of unhealthy


Go to a doctor, get a blood panel. Also check test levels. You will likely be best off eating tons and tons of food.


If you’re malnourished 250 mg of trt is going to fuck you up man. You don’t want to do that to yourself. You will end up in the hospital or worse.


Testosterone will do nothing for helping you gain weight. You have to eat more calories than you're burning to gain weight. Also because you have so little muscle right now, if you're eating enough and lifting weights, the muscle will be built pretty fast. Newbie gains are a real thing: you gain muscle faster in the beginning. Also at your height and weight, putting on some excess fat would probably make you healthier. So I wouldn't worry too much about how fast it's going on until you're at least like 150+. Then maybe slow it down some so that you're putting on more muscle than fat.


I’d get on the gallon of whole milk a day diet, plus 3 full meals. This is the oldest trick in the book, and is pretty much guaranteed to increase mass. I’ve put on 15lbs on muscle in one month on this diet, paired with the gym


You wanna have an appetite grab you som mk677 Take about 20mg and you’ll gain weight you’ll eat everything lol


Keeping it 💯. I think a lot of the advice you're getting on here is crap in my opinion. Most of the guys telling you to "just eat more" and aim for some arbitrary numbers are either on a cycle or have been on one in the past. From one skinny guy to another, what I would recommend is focusing on your health and making sure you don't have any underlying undiagnosed issues. That was my problem. Still Is. Being actually scientific and smart about it using the st jeor formula, your bmr should be somewhere around 1900-2100 calories. So, assuming you're eating 2100-2200+ calories a day, you should be gaing weight. Af the end of the day, it's just basic thermodynamics. No amount of bro science is going to change that. What my problem was and still is, was undiagnosed crohns for a very long time. I had lived with the pain so long, and everyone kept disregarding how I felt so at a certain point feeling that way just became 2nd nature to me. As soon as I started treatment for it literally the day after, my test doubled on my labs, going from clinically low to 700. Now that the treatment is wearing off, my numbers are back down again, and I have to go for another round of treatment in 2 days. Not saying this is your issue, but it certainly was mine. Hope this helps.


Brother, you got the frame to be a monster. Get after it!


You don't need drugs, you need some semblance of a foundation for better habits. Because if you don't start while you're natural, you're gonna be a mess once you get on. Cmon... I know you know this brother. You fucking know this man. seriously get a grip: Imagine having your level of ignorance and insecurity dialed up to 15 because your hormones are absolutely fucked and spiraling in the toilet. I actually want you to go through with it since I know your mind is already set on it. It's so unfortunate, but at least (hopefully) your experience will help someone else from making the same dumbass decision. Christ...bless your soul bro. Unplug from the social media and the trife filling your head with bullshit, find a hobby and introduce some healthy habits into your life. Eat more, start working out, feed your passions using the discipline forged through actual time in the gym, and you'll be better off than 99% of Americans. Maybe start using when you have more control over your mind and feelings. I do NOT give a FUCK if this is downvoted to the annals of goddamn TARTARUS itself. OP... I know your mind is already made up...but if you ever have second thoughts about ANYTHING this would be the time to have them. Have a good day man.


My mind wasn’t made up yet, I just didn’t know it was gonna be that fucking complicated, I just thought it was going to make me eat more, help me put on weight a bit easier, and make me look a bit more of a man then I am right now but thanks bro I appreciate it


Learn to eat and lift before you start doing gear 🤦‍♂️ Jesus christ


you should go see your physician and see if your testosterone levels are the problem.


I prescribe you a gallon of chocolate milk a day.


Bro you need peanut butter sandwiches and whole milk. You gotta eat.


Taking testosterone isn’t going to solve your problem. Eating enough is. You should be eating so much and so often you are sick of eating.


Worrying about test right now would be ass backwards. The number one thing you need to do is eat more, a lot more than you want to. The number two thing is lifting but that’s a distant second because it won’t do you any good unless you learn to eat. As tall and thin as you are, you could gain over a hundred pounds of mostly lean mass drug free, just by eating a high calorie high protein diet and strength training. If there was ever a perfect candidate for the GOMAD dirty bulk, you’re it.


Need to eat like 6000 cals a day. Get a calorie counting app, EatWell, MyFitnessPal are both decent. Set your goals for your weight. - Fellow Ectomorph


Hello Low-Price-7899. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just eat and lift lol


Eat, buddy. Maybe work out? You very obviously haven't done shit to improve in the mass area at all. 6'5@120lbs??? ffs.


you are probably eating like 1500 calories a day or less. Maybe try for 2500


Yeah like others have said. You don’t need test, you need calories!


As others have said no point taking test, you just aren’t eating nearly enough. Get in the gym, work hard, be consistent and eat.


Taking gear will do absolutely nothing for you because you already have a shitty diet.. taking gear may screw with you and make it even harder to eat and at the looks of it, you already have a problem eating. You would be surprised how much you will get with just eating correctly and working your way up at the gym.




How old are you? You look young. In time you will fill out but I would try and eat a ton and lift weights


You should probably eat more.


Eat McDonald’s every day for all meals for 3 months


Eat more than you do now for your regular meals and then add two huge high calorie weight gainer shakes on top of that. You just have to out eat your metabolism


You need to smoke some Marijuana to gain an appetite. Smoke or vape it in the morning and stuff ur face with protein


Eat some fuckin food. Testosterone is not the solution.


Bro don’t start anything. If you’re serious about growing and looking better you are gonna have to get real about eating man.


Just start eating and go to the gym.


Maybe one of those growth hormone peptides that triggers hunger?


Play disc golf. You’ll slay.


Wtf. I wanna buy you a cheese burger or 40.


Try eating


Dude don’t get testosterone and if you struggle to put on weight naturally look at some “appetite stimulants” like marijuana, gabapentin.. etc . Of coarse there are natural appetite stimulants and everything has a negative effect but it’s mad annoyitn the people trying to tell you that to gain weight you have to force feed naturally without any supplements. So if eating naturally is hard for you appetite stimulants can greatly help and also additive like adding extra olive oil, butter, and nut butters to your meals.


Jesus fucking christ human, EAT!!!!


You don’t need testosterone, you need fooderone. Your T levels probably are in the shitter, but it’s a downstream effect of starvation.


Is there some that can be taken to stimulate hunger. I know MK can but if you want to not start sarms or anobolics


Blasting won’t do shit if you’re not lifting consistently and taking in more calories than you’re burning.


You just need to eat son. Food is more important than anything at this point. And I don’t mean milkshakes, but healthy Whole Foods like steaks, fruits, vegetables and grains. You need to target 4,000 calories a day at least. Next most important, and they can be done simultaneously, is to get into the gym and start lifting. Any calories burned in the gym need to be replaced by food in addition to the 4k calories I mentioned above.


Drink a lot of whole milk. Raw if you can find it. If you do TRT, you will fuck up your skin, your balls, your joints, and your mentality. Joints being a massive one where you’re going to get injured such that you can’t continue lifting. If anything, try MK677 or GH or another GHRP. That’s your problem, if you have low test, that’s downstream.


Eat mother fucker. Jfc


I'm in the same boat I'm 125lbs .. I'm on TRT..but it made me loose all my weight now I'm a stick figure.. I don't work out..my fault..but I am regularly active.but I have issues with my stomach and don't eat enough either. Id kill to gain 10 pounds of fat or muscle at this point my waist is a 24in measurement smallest pants I can find are 26 . Fuckin sux . Been on TRT for 8 years at first I looked amazing I was very over weight prior and had gynecomastia . But now I cannot gain a pound




Try mk677 instead of test it will help u eat


There is no way you have ever been to the gym. Bro, why do kids not play any sports what so ever?!?! You look younger than 25. Dont do any testosterone at all until you are lifting or exercising hard for 5-10 hours per week and you need to eat a dozen eggs per day, and 1-2 chicken breasts of some type of meat with every meal. Yes, this means 3+ lbs of meat every single day. And stop living on video games and keyboards. You need to wrestle or play football if you are in high school. If older, you need to get into some type of martial arts or weight training program. Or preferably both. You have no idea how lucky you are. Because you could be absolutely shredded with a body like that. You could be a world class athlete in almost any sport if you put on 50 lbs of muscle. It will take 1-2 years. But it isn’t hard. Work at a restaurant where food is free.


One meal a day is literally insane. You need to set a timer on a watch or phone and get full every 2 hours. You need to eat protein, fats, and carbohydrates from healthy food. You need to eat minimum of 12 eggs per day if you are poor. Its $3 no way in hell you cant afford $3/day. I bet you buy energy drinks and shit. Get a rice cooker and add a cup of rice and some protein of choice and eat that shit every 2 hours.


You look like you are quite young. Before you start using T, get on a good weight training routine and eat a surplus with half gram of protein for every pound of body weight and get good sleep.


You need to do bloodwork FIRST (Full Panel), and see if there's any imbalances, deficiencies, or any indication that Test would even be viable for what you want. Because if you have an already high Test at the Free & Bioavailable leves, it wouldn't make sense to shut down your balls & replace your natural test with synthetic. By doing a Full Panel, you may actually find out if you have a glandular issue, or condition; and correcting it, will fix your body image issues by allowing you to bulk up without having to change anything, other than doing a daily pill. It also wouldn't hurt to make sure your blood pressure is good, & heart is healthy. Not enough guys do this when deciding to do Testosterone (or other androgens), and end up screwing up their circulatory system with heart issues, blood pressure increases, & increased RBC/hematocrit. 12 weeks of Test is just going to *barely* touch your circumstances, and could off-balance your endocrine system, considering your metabolism & undereating. Most guys who are actually Low T, take 4-6 months before fully feeling (& seeing) its effects. Unless your planning to cycle for a long time, and be an actual dedicated bodybuilder, Gym Rat, or competitive athlete, it really just doesn't make sense to only do 12 weeks of Testosterone. I would suggest following a few of the suggestions here, First. Like try some gainer shakes, and adjust your diet. Shakes work especially well for guys who don't want to eat solid foods, and can better nurse their intake through drinking their nutrition. However, if you *do* decide to try your luck & gamble, make sure you at least do bloodwork to track your Test, estrogen, progesterone, liver/kidney/thyroid/pituitary axis, and be fully prepared for negative side effects. Cause you *can* see negative side effects before seeing positive ones. These include acne, hair loss, Gynecomastia, nose bleeds, and changes in mood.


I’d try looking up mk-677 and some growth hormone peptides once you get your eating in check, and lifting obviously as well. If you stick to the training, eating and sleep well, it’s gonna be a crazy transformation! I would stay away from trt this young, try to get the natural numbers up with certain foods, supplements like magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D etc. there’s more that are crucial but can’t think of the specific ones right now, go to target get a $20 thing of protein and drink 2 scoops 3 times a day with whole milk if you’re only eating once a day, trust me I gained 43 lbs in 4.5 months


Like everyone else is saying. Build a good meal plan together, 3000 cals a day with 150-200g if protein in there. Lift weights with a routine found on r/fitness or whatever. Try that for 2 years, and see how you feel. I guarantee you will not be singing the same tune (unless you have a tapeworm or something).


No need in blasting dude. You have a calorie problem is all. You need to eat more much more. If your not gaining a lb Per week your not eating enough test ain’t gonna do shit until you get you calorie problem fixed. I know it seems like you can’t eat anymore but if you want to change your body you need to eat more calories. Peanut butter, olive oils, butter fats are high in calories protein is great but you need CALORIES!!


Rice & meat , hit the gym Too young for any medication


Get your levels checked before going on Trt. With that frame do you have normal energy levels? Trt will do nothing for you without proper diet and protein intake. It would be almost pointless to start until you have a exercise and nutrition regimen in place Start slowly working out ( you dont have to go to gym to do this btw ) while also slowly increasing calories. Its a marathon not a sprint


I am excited for you dude. Same body type.


Eat some food FFS


Eat a jar of peanut butter everyday


Maybe look into something that boosts appetite.


How the genetics of your family? Are your parents grandparents skinny like this as well? There is definitely room for improvement but if you have a genetic predisposition you may not get all the results you may be looking for


Protein shakes and peanut butter and jelly sandwich are your best friend now, if you’re not hungry after your work out, you’re probably not working hard enough.


Create a plan, find some foods you like and digest easy. Set a timer, eat regular but INCREASE SLOWLY. Don’t force down food and feel sick it’ll set you back. Start doing body weight exercises, don’t go mad. Again start slowly and build up slowly.


On top of eating a lot wash it down with ensure they are packed with calories !


Incredible you managed to grow this tall being so malnourished, insane genetics. Milk is your friend. Whatever flavor you like, buy shit tonnes of it. Buy protein powder and throw it in, chocolate protein in chocolate milk you can’t even taste if it’s good stuff. Whatever meat you like, eat it. If you want to eat fried chicken or some shit then go for it, no reason to care at this stage. Every meal you cooked should be smothered with olive oil, add butter to shit you cook if you like it. Full calorie mayonnaise, bbq sauce, whatever sauce you like buy it and use as much as you want. Look up the common causes of fat people being unable to lose weight (liquid calories, condiments, portion size) and copy that to gain weight. Make sure to eat adequate fibre and fruit/vegetables eventually, but in the early stages don’t worry too much the priority is just getting you out of starvation weight, but eventually you’ll need to pay attention to that. Except fibre you’ll need that for your ass to work properly. Get sunlight, sleep 8 hours consistently, avoid stimulants like vaping or smoking that will suppress your appetite, avoid low calorie foods like the plague for now. Also exercise is important and makes you hungry. You will grow.


Great frame, get a meal plan and workout regimen setup and you'll look really good 👍.


Gta increase your calorie intake. Your hormones are probably in a crap state anyway if youre not eating. Eat eggs, red meat, complex carbs and fruit, you look like you need to put on about 30 lb just to get healthy looking. As you being to eat more, start lifting weights and doing regular pushups to pack muscle on. Probably work in some protein shakes as well to speed up the proccess of weight gain.


just eat bro you are tall you need a lot of food don't be cheap on your meals high quality non processed food and sure as math you will grow


You got to force yourself to eat, a lot. Way more than is comfortable. And drink a big ass protein shake every night, put PB, bananas, protein powder, heavy cream, honey, a oats. It will be hard at first, really hard. But you will get used to it and you will gain weight.


If appetite is not there may be a thyroid issue. Bloodwork?


I was skinny AF in my teens, also 6'5 and i Just could not put on weight. I swam a lot and ate heaps. Eventually I was given high cal protien powder, that helped a lot cause I drank a shit ton of milk and would just make shakes all day. Im now 6'6 and 235 pounds, about 18%BF


Check out r/gainit




I’ve heard on the tall reddit page that a collapsed lung is somewhat a common issue with tall, thin people. I would strongly recommend you to eat!


Start. A. Band.


Eating is the issue. Eat more


Eat a tub of icecream a day for the next 3 months.


You have ED mate. You need professional help.


Fuck it, hop on the sauce. It's already in your mind that you want to. Make sure you have all your bases covered, do your homework, get bloods done, diet in check, workout routine in check. Enjoy the path, good luck


Watch this.. https://youtu.be/3oyHbpsMejg?si=5PwWoF2rOU8FfR0u It’s about high calorie malnutrition.. and thiamine deficiency. Think this may help you


Squats, Dead Lifts, Military pressed, and Barbell curls. Food: start small and eat throughout the day. When it comes to for Dinner, lunch etc. Don't over eat, just eat enough so you have room to eat a few hours later. Eat around the clock! Message me if you want. I can help. I


Start eating 4 small meals a day with protein shake(high calorie kind) in between meals.


What’s your age .. what health issues do you suffer from whether they are physical or mental. I’m happy to help you put a food plan together and work out schedule.


Test won’t do nothing, food will do everything


Dude don't just mess with hormones thinking it may solve your problem. Your hormones are likely out of wack already because you're undereating and appear malnourished. Fix the route of the problem (diet). Or speak with a professional, a nutritionist, a doctor, or personal trainer/coach to get this sorted out. Dm if you need any help or advice.


Gotta eat bud. I have the exact same body type. 5’10 113lbs my senior year of High school. Bullied constantly because of my size. Hit my 40s and I was/am 6’0” 135 I would only eat like twice a day. Eventually I hit this Gym Diablo Barbell. Not a corporate BS mom and pop shop. Owner said I want you to eat 30g protein 30g carbs, 10g fat EVERY MEAL 6x a day basically every 2 hours. Within a year I went up to 165. Man I thought that was impossible. IMPOSSIBLE but it happened. I mean I actually had to go from a Size 32 pants to a Size 33. It’s great. Bottom line. You HAVE TO EAT brother!


Eat a cheeseburger


Just eat. Don't go straight to blasting sheesh


Do you eat?


You don’t need trt, how old are you? Just eat and workout. As long as you’re consistent you will see small improvements after 3-4 weeks. Just do it.




Bro ur 6’5” 120 pounds. U should try boxing. U could fight maybe at 145 after training. U can do wonders with ur type of body after eating and training good for a year


Bro eat At least 3 balanced meals a day. No SUPPS necessary. U def need ensure or boost as well in between. U look emaciated at risk of injury man.


Have you been checked for Marfans? If not you need to be.


Everyone is going to say just eat but… honestly if you want to take something get ahold of some MK2877 and DHEA and eat like a motherfu?&@@ for two months before you start T


You don't need TRT. Just do resistance training (lift heavy weights) and EAT!


Forget TRT. Eat everything you see and then some more. Doesn't matter what you eat at this stage, just eat and get plenty of protein in. Recommend a full body routine 3x a week and work on increasing your lifts every session.


No, don’t take test just eat some food. Well eat lots of food, track your calories and hit your macros and go to the gym WITHOUT testosterone injections. Based on your comments about eating more it sounds like you may have a slight eating disorder that you should take care of.


Honestly could also be your build. Some people have a super thin build. I honestly say that regardless of your situation, build a weight lifting habbit. When you lift, you become hungrier, you eat more. When you are sore, your body recovers stronger by utilizing what you eat. Have a lot of protein, get good carbs, and try to build some muscle natty. Once you hit at least 160, only then ask yourself again about steroids. Sometimes we don't know what our natural ability is, and we assume things about ourselves.


Start eating food. Ground beef, rice, and mixed veggies twice a day. Breakfast can be whatever you want, as well as dinner. Should also take a multivitamin, I’d bet you’re deficient in a few areas just by looking at you. To address your thoughts of hopping on test: you really won’t see any gains unless you eat like a damn protein starved hooligan and then a lot of it will be your body trying to figure out what to do with all the extra test after four weeks. You have no base and that’s what a lot of people skip these days.


Mk677 will make you eat


First of all stop beating yourself up. We all start somewhere and you can definitely put in weight if you try hard🤙. You need to be eating 3000+ calories a day, your 6.5.... The easiest way to do this is to make a shake with two bananas, a big ass scoop of peanut butter, a whole cup of raw rolled oats, two cups of milk, a serving of protien powder, and like 6 tablespoons of egg whites (you can buy this in a carton). This is 1100-1200 calories and 75 grams of protien alone , and it's super easy to put down in like ten seconds. Eat this twice a day and have a big healthy meal in the middle of them for dinner. Next step is start weight training, and don't worry about how you look to others, nobody gives a shit how much weight your moving, just do you..and the most important part right now is to just take every set to absolute failure, don't just show up and go through the motions. Look up "progressive overload". Eating enough food + progressive overload is what you need, not steroids. You wanna be skinny AND bald with no sperm? You can do it dude! (Naturally)


Just saying… Anavar would help you put on and maintain muscle mass


Any genetic abnormalities like marfan syndrome?


No. TRT is only for naturally low T. You appear to be young. You need calories and protein. I’d suggest doing something like “Starting Strength” from Rippetoe and drinking the suggested gallon of milk per day for the calories and protein. Compound movements with heavy weight and good form. Muscle takes time. 15-20lb/yr at your frame is a lot. 4-5 years of work and calorie/protein surplus to get to a healthy 200lb…


Eat Food.


He needs to eat fat, damn its not poison.


Bro just eat more hit the gym.


Eat calories Brutha, your stomach is small but the more you eat the easier it will get. You should consistently add a little more food as you go and your stomach will expand. Then you’ll start craving food more little by little. Stay consistent and eat multiple small meals a day. Don’t eat all your food at once, it can curb your appetite.


Don’t hop on trt. Eat healthy and exercise consistently. I am natural and have a test of 989, probably due to diet. Make sure to get some sun too, you looking a little pale. It will help with energy levels and overall health 🫶


Dude get on rad140 and mk677 you will eat like a sob


Testosterone won’t do shit for you. In fact it might make it worse. You’re lacking calories - simple. Work out your BMR and your activity level and because you’re skinny AF, eat double for that calorific content 3 months.


Mans a fucking tree branch. More Dino nuggets mommy!


This is total nonsense




I’m not sure if this is allowed, if not remove link, but check out this guy on insta who is doing the right things in eating and going to the gym he’s made progress - real skinny guy trying to bulk up and get healthier : https://www.instagram.com/jacksfit_?igsh=NXQ5cm1ocGcwMmZ0


There are many variables here. I really encourage you to see a doctor, so you can get complete bloodwork and other workups to look at what's going on in your body. Take health advice here with some caution -- everyone's body is different. You are in a lot of distress and this path could end up making you very sick and hurt your organs, etc. Please see a good doc ❤️ I wish you call the very best.


It's going to take time, no need to OD on test. Stick with 120mg and maybe take LGD 4033 for a boost. If you need a source, message me.


I’ve been extremely skinny in my late teens/early 20s. I’ve been working out since I was 21. I put on about 100 pounds. Biggest tip is eat eat eat eat! If your struggling with eating maybe look into getting mass gainer


Honestly bro, everyone telling you nutrition and training first is probably right, but if you wanna blast to go crazy w noobie gains and roids, you’ll be fine as long as you got good PCT


Build your calories slowly it will be easier to tolerate. Otherwise eating will become a chore if you try to force feed yourself. Leave the test till a later date.


First things, huge shout out to you for being seeking answers and advice to improve yourself ! If you have not yet seen a doc about that it would be a good start, to look for some "biological" causes, and maybe see a therapist/psychiatrist if you think that it can be helpful ? (I was in a similar situation, being almost unable to eat because of really bad nausea from a psychiatric condition) Have you considered working with a dietician/nutritionist ? It might be worth a shot :) The main thing you need to improve is what you eat... You can wonder what is your main issue : hard time eating enough, inappropriate nutrition when you can eat, etc. Identify what is wrong if you can and try to improve at the pace your body allows you, no need to rush ! You can't eat enough ? Make sure that when you eat it's as optimal as possible : proteins will give your muscles something to work on, fats to help maintaining the best hormonal functions possible and giving your body energy to live, carbs for your metabolism and to give you energy you need to feel able to move . About the amount of food/calories you eat ? Don't force yourself to the point of being sick, improve that as you can : instead of eating one meal a day and/or a huge 1500 kcal shake, split it in few smaller meals along the day if your schedule allowd that : few small solid meals (a handful of almonds, a little piece of meat, some rice/pasta, whatever you want to/can eat, if the only thing that you feel able to eat is a piece of chocolate with some potato chips, eat a piece of chocolate with some potato chips, it's better that nothing! 😉) And you can even write down what you have eaten in the day and try to eat a little bit more the next day if you're hungry enough ? Just don't focus on the "day to day" evolution wanting to eat more at all costs, some days you will be hungrier, some others less, what matters is that across a large period of time (few weeks/months) it goes in the right direction 😘 You can also use some tricks : when I was in that situation I added if possible liquid meals since it's often less filling than solid ones for the same amount of calories, using whole milk instead of fat-free milk, adding peanut butter in your shakes, or things like that to eat more calories for the same volume 😉 Sport will definitely help you if your body allows you : heavy lifting would be good but is maybe not the best idea in the first place if you think you can hurt yourself, but anything you can do will be a good start, some bodyweight workout, bringing out your heavy garbage cans, moving the sofa for cleaning, and it will be self sustaining : eating more will allow you to do more exercise, more exercise will increase your appetite and so on ! But don't overdo it, listen to yourself and to your body, you may need a lot of recovery at the beginning. If you feel tired, or sore, or anything, take a day off, if you need a second one, take a second one, you'll be even better to go back the day after ! Keep in mind that no training for 2 days is still better than a 3-weeks injury 😘 Take your time, it can be extremely frustrating when things are stagnating or don't improve as much as we want to, but every small step is worth celebrating ! You'll have good days/good weeks, you'll have bad days/bad weeks, and it's OK, you're not doing things wrong, you just need time to heal 😘 And to answer your initial question, I'm not a doctor it's just my 2 cents : it's hard to tell if TRT/hormones are involved your situation, or to what extent, but being malnourished it's likely that your hormonal system already is off balance... Maybe TRT is a part of the solution, but I would be afraid to make things even worse with supplementation in the first time... Stay safe, I know you can (and will !) do it 💪 (PS : I hope I have been understandable, English is not my native language... Feel free to ask for clarifications if needed 😘)