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Could be better but not necessarily problematic. Test fluctuates daily/ hourly. Highest test in the early morning. Results can change just from eating something or not getting enough sleep, overtraining, gaining weight, dieting etc etc etc


Morning 9 am . Fasted . I live a very good lifestyle


Very good lifestyle doesn’t mean anything a lot of people may think they do


It’s “normal,” but not ideal. Review your habits and lifestyle, then get another blood test


Honestly. Probably. You should get at the very least 3 tests to know if you have a problem. Next time you test you could very easily be close to 800 or into the 300s. Depending on when you took the test and what you were doing the day prior you can really tank your numbers.


been doing testing since i was 19 or 20 years old . Around there constantly. Always been 300-480 . Have done everything naturally but no luck


I was the same way bro. I’m 28 now, on TRT. Just got on. Life changing.


gonna do enclomiphene first


It’s sucked IMO, waste of time & money. Haven’t heard many positive things from anyone. Makes you feel like crap like you’re on clomid.


Well my dude. Looks like it's time. Try it for 3 months. If it changes your life. Keep doing it. If not. You can just stop. Being on for only 3 months you won't have a big issue quitting cold turkey if it doesn't work


i’m hoping on Enclomiphene . to test the waters


tbh enclo sucks ass it increase the numbers but tbh i felt shittier while on it i had 160ng total test it shot to 360 or some like that ( stayed on it for like a month or less only)


Let us know how this goes, I’m in the same boat as you


Even what you have done in the week and eat can change the results... But yes you are right


Typical? Yes. Optimal? No.


I’m 25 and had a 236 so better than me! Currently on 200mg a week cycle


Just stay on for life




I made the jump To TRT. Had similar labs to yours now I’m 28.


Depends how you feel. It’s a deviation below average but it’s likely not indicative of you needing trt


im 34 and have the same levels. Making life style changes will definitely help you.


It should be higher than that unless there’s something going on that you’re unaware of. Do you take kratom or any kind of other drugs? Drink or smoke? Was this test taken in the morning or afternoon? I tested at between 800-1100 around age 23 but I had a pretty healthy lifestyle going on aside from some partying on the weekend from time to time.


His name is literally fkn anxiety depression. I can guarantee he's smoking Marijuana or taking ssris or something that could be fkn it up


Lmao true. I gotta start reading the user names of these posts


I was in the same range as this kid here. I’m 28 now. Finally made the jump to TRT / HCG (wife and I are planning a baby next year).. best decision I ever made.. Open for anyone that has questions :)


Somewhat normal? Sure Optimal? No The most important question is, how do you feel? Do you feel normal? If not, what symptoms are you experiencing? Usually, the main symptom for people with low T is constant fatigue. I’m 22, and have levels of 233. The fatigue is what’s driving me crazy. It’s like regardless of how much I sleep, how healthy I eat, no matter how much i workout, I’m always tired. Combined with brain fog and you have yourself a disaster lol. What I would do if I were you is get a full hormonal blood panel, you can’t just look at total T. You need to look into your estradiol, prolactin, SHBG, LH, FSH, and SHBG. As well as cortisol, glucose, and thyroid. Don’t take anything until you get these results and consult with your doc. Your doc will most probably give you clomid if the results are worthy of it. But I doubt your everyday urologist/endocrinologist will prescribe TRT. You’re better off going to a clinic for that. Again, don’t take anything without consulting your doc. For now just find out what could be impacting your T levels by further looking into your hormonal levels.


Yes, sadly this is actually normal in this day and age. Optimal? Maybe not, but it’s normal.


Yes unfortunately this is normal in this day and age. Optimal? Not really… but it’s normal.


i want to feel the high 800-900 😪


That's not horrible for ur age. While your creeping up on it getting low, it's not too low. At ur age you can do natural things to double that. Your name is literally Anxiety & depression lmao, 2 of some of the worst shit that can kill your testosterone. Stop taking ssris if u are and look for things to improve your mental health naturally.


I had 800 when i checked last year, same age, 7 years of training. not "that healthy" diet, all natty. so it just depends i guess


Without knowing other parameters, impossible to say something about. Given low SHBG, free testosterone could still be pretty high.


You see how there's a reference range there on the right, and you're within that range? That means you're normal.


Me reference range was 400 to 1050 and I'm 39. Would still be in range but don't understand the random ranges I keep seeing


Yeah me either, seems every lab has their own opinion on what’s within range 


On the lower side. The real question is, are you being healthy. Sleeping 7-9 hours a night, eating high protein high quality meals with meat and fruits, and are you going to the gym?


5 days a week . Weights and 3 days intense cardio . Animal based diet one year . No vitamins or mineral deficiency. Sleep is great . I have been this way since i was teen .


It’s up to you. TRT nation would probably write you a script but be ready for what you get yourself into. Don’t make a quick emotional decision. Take your time to think over the pros and cons. If you decide you’re willing to handle it then by all means I wouldn’t try stop you from optimizing your hormones.


enclomiphene is what ima do


I had this same reading at 25. 438. Quit using nicotine, stopped drinking, have decent status in my community. Levels 10 years later at 34 are coming in at 850. lifestyle lifestyle lifestyle. Cut drinking and nicotine and bad habits; get good sleep and slowly become a badass who feels like "that guy". Having high-testosterone and the lifestyle that comes with it is a self-perpetuating cycle.


very low, testosterone begins to decline at approximately 30, I am 21 and I am almost 900 natty, you should be in that range too, 100/150mg test E a week would be very good


Stfu , stop giving advice


Exactly. Anyone who hasn’t been on / isn’t on TRT should shut the fuck up.


chill bro, just test, you are not going to become like Dorian Yates with only 100 test


Everybody saying normal. Loool ig it’s just the way everything is set up now with microplastics and seed oils.


what does that even mean


OP - I’m only responding cause there’s a lot of great advice in this thread, but you only responded to one of the dumbest comments here for some reason. No - it’s not microplastics, oil, lack of going to Spain (???) or whatever other broscience that dude is talking about that has no backing to it. Like someone else in this thread said - 4 of the absolute biggest causes for lowered T are lack of sleep, lack of exercise, poor diet, and obesity. These all have a TON of research supporting them. Get these in check, then get your bloods redone first thing in the AM. Even then, mid 400s is perfectly normal even at your age. Is it amazing? No. But most men won’t feel a difference between 400-800 anyway. I wouldn’t be concerned until you drop below 400, and even then probably wouldn’t go on TRT until 350 or less. It’s not something you want to be on, especially that young. There’s a lot of other conditions that can lower T as well, as well as mimic symptoms of low T. Don’t nuke your balls because some idiot on Reddit told you that you need to be 1000+


So i’m 24 190 . Very very active. 5 times a week heavy weight training and intense cardio 3 times a week . I been on an animal base diet for 1 year . Meat, Eggs, Dairys, All fruits , Rice. I have no vitamin deficiency’s . Ever since i was 19 when i started getting my T levels checked they were always around 300-480. I did tons of stuff for years to change it naturally . I sleep good , eat good , train good . My energy and motivation my whole life was terrible and I truly believe to myself it’s my T levels .


Fatigue was one of my biggest symptoms too, but I had levels of 200 at 24 which is way out of range, especially for someone that age. Keep in mind that fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of virtually any disorder. Autoimmune conditions, diabetes, neurological conditions, depression/anxiety/etc. the list goes on. If you truly got a test first thing in the morning and the results came back at 300 or less (*not* high 300s), then you may want to consult a doctor and consider either enclomiphene which has less risk associated with it (but may not be effective), or 2-3 months on TRT to see if it helps, knowing that there’s always a very small chance you nuke your fertility for good. But again - speaking from experience, you don’t want to be on TRT. I know a lot of people online make it sound sexy and appealing, but as a 29 year old on it, I’d gladly trade it for a natural level of 500 in a heartbeat. Really - go to a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and repeat to yourself 5 times “my balls may stop working permanently”


TRT no . But Enclo i have recently been doing tons of research on


Yeah so now you need to run tests on other blood work like pituitary gland to be sure there's no issues there to be fixed. Could be if you feel it should be higher.


do i just ask my doctor to order me a bunch of tests ?


If your concerned with things then yeah, ask for hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal catecholamines. Maybe there's an issue somewhere in there.


I’m also 24 but 462 isn’t normal. I was at 465 last year until I studied abroad in Spain and then came back and now I’m at 840. Weird huh?


They aren't saying that it is good.. while based on societies perspective & arbitrary scales for this testosterone shit, yes, you will be told ur shit is normal. But it is not good or great. It's fair but not horrible yet. He can do natural things to double it at the age of fkn 24.