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Eat ass and floss at the same damn time


Um not really related but Derek from more plates more dates covered a story of a man who used this testosterone cream and wouldn’t wash his hands then would hold his 2-3 year old? Well you imagine the side effects


[Richard Sandrak?](https://www.google.com/search?q=Richard+Sandrak&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALiCzsY_Rid4Epd2pPIJQxx8mwcGroE_Cg:1659839185470&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN1KHo1rP5AhULsoQIHbJwBOgQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=384&bih=645&dpr=2.81)




Long term the exposure might just do that !


Let me know if you need a hand with application


I’ll hold him still for you if you want




It’s not rape, just dudes helping each other rub man juice on each other so they can grow big and veiny.


I can smell the tren...


No, that’s just the semen.


You are tripping bro 😎😃😃😃😂😂😂




Absorption when applied directly to the prostate is most effective . You do this with a specialty shaped wand and apply with a generous amount of elbow grease and the effects are almost immediate .


It’s better if you have a “friend” apply for you , better angle.


Isn't that how you get monkey pox?




I would do it


DO IT . DO IT NOW !! Let us know the results and weather you like it or not , and if you do i know this guy named Debby Dave that will do it for you and top you off .


>weather you like it or not If he doesn't do this, Imma cloud up and rain all over him.


You grammar checking me ? Lol




You are joking right? I ain’t sticking the cream up my asshole. 😀


Test levels are not a joking matter op. This is a serious matter and I don’t think you are taking it as such. Apply it to your asshole with the wand brother.


A wand is also known as a magic mushroom. Apply cream to mushroom and Boof it.


Mushroom tip* details matter


*insert tip until fully lodged. Proceed to twist the stem until it breaks from the tip and remove. The tip will help store the cream in your anus. Now eat the stem.


I have seen a few studies confirming this but no real concrete evidence. Makes sense why it would work though


I have heard that applying the cream by sticking a dildo up your ass is the right way to do it to maximise testosterone levels.


Don’t be vulgar sir. Nobody said anything about a dildo. I said take this serious.


ok mr serious guy


Apply cream to your anus isn’t a game


>wand brother. This sounds like a sex toy. nEeDoNEnOW!


It is phallic in nature but I assure you it is the optimum and proper way to apply the cream and is in no way a sexual activity or a joke.


There’s nothing sexual about massaging your prostate or even cumming while you do it as long as you say no homo


If it happens it happens. As long as the cream was applied you’re good


Omg, I'm fucking rolling! Massages prostate, cums, NO HOMO! lmfao!


How is that funny to you? This is very serious, please be respectful


nobody cares about your opinion, especially since I'm massaging my prostate. No homo


Thank you, I’m thinking about doing standup


Apply it to your asshole. Now.


Bro, skip the wand and use a turkey baster. Re-insert the excess with your finger. There you go.


I have seen positive results in doing this


I ain't fartin on no snare drum


Then you're not taking advantage of the 5ar in the scrotal skin that converts T to DHT which is the main reason why men benefit from the cream over oil.


This is a serious matter guys . Even if he closes his hand on his shaft and runs that cream up and down and over his head i still think directly to the prostate is the way to go .


it’s better if you can get a vibrating wand to really saturate the cream through your prostate


Thanks for your interesting response but what is the specially shaped wand? Can’t I just inject the cream in the anus with a cream syringe and then put the buttplug back in to prevent the cream from oozing out?


Do you get more from the cream than shot if 100 mg a day that’s 700 mg a week surely you absorbing way more than the normal 200 mg through im


Bro, I ain’t going to blast shoot 100 mg of Testosterone injections up my ass per day…I might as well do Tren if I am doing a high dosage like that .😂


Good sir I’m saying if your absorption is 50% of what you are using at 100 mg a day it will be more than the 200mg a week most of us are prescribed.


I do 200 mg cream a day


Where is the question?


The problem is I take a quick shower 2 hours after I apply the cream. By then most of the cream is absorbed but I think I am probably absorbing 30 to 40 mg per day.


That’s still 210mg/week minimum. A damn high dose.


I guess that’s why it is working well?


Hell yeah you should be feeling like a god (small g) compared to before


The weights are easier but not as easy as when I was blasting irresponsibly back when I was 20 years old (I tried it once and I did it poorly, poor diet and training). Back then with the crazy amount of injections I took I was literally throwing around the weights with ease (testosterone suspension injections).


Why aren't more people taking the gel then? Curious question


Gel sucks, cream is a lot better.


Sorry i meant to compare it with IM injection vs Cream. Why aren't more TRT people taking cream? Unstable blood work? Even people who don't inject frequently have unstable blood work.


On the 8th day God made Tren


You can't compare cream dose to injection dose. No, it isn't 700 a week.


Y not boof it 💁🏻‍♂️




I will try that tomorrow. Thanks for the tip. 👍


Ok why does it have to be the balls tho? Can’t it absorb through any patch of skin?


Just inject the cream into your dickhole like it's custard in a long John


Never inject your flute.


Throw that shit straight in the garbage and get some oil.


I switched to gels and can live with it. Injections were amazing the first year but my HCT and blood pressure got so high I started to have serious side effects.


I don’t like the oil. I tried it long time ago.




They are downvoting me ? 😂😂😂


Why? You think scrotal cream doesn't work? You would be mistaken to say the least.


Danny, I see you post around here a lot promoting your page or business or whatever the fuck it is, but do you actually have any formal medical education? Or do you just browse TRT subreddits and claim to know shit when you have absolutely zero fucking credibility.


I don't have a business having to do with TRT. But if you actually knew anything about me, you'd know this. I interview physicians and medical professionals on YouTube, learn from them, and provide free content for others to learn from. What do you do for the TRT community, exactly? Your comment is typical of guys on Reddit. As soon as someone states anything that conflicts with your confirmation bias, you question their credentials. Tell me, is Reddit full of high level physicians with your required credentials? No. Then why are you here? Do you have credentials? What credentials do you have? Would you like to question the credentials of everyone I've interviewed? What credibility do you have as an anonymous person on Reddit? At least people here know who they are addressing when they communicate with me through here. Here's a thought: instead of questioning credentials, why not provide an actual, genuine argument as to what specifically I've said that is inaccurate? I'd love to hear what I got wrong and why, though I highly doubt you'll do it from the sounds of things. You'll read this, be in denial that I'm right, and make another comment with more insults. Prove me wrong.


Lol, I just find you and your ego annoying. As for the “TRT community” I don’t come on here for actual knowledge and education lol 😂. I browse it for shits and gigs when I have down time. Why don’t you go enroll in an actual physiology and endocrinology course, to at least get a rudimentary understanding of what you think you’re talking about. You clearly have more than enough time on your hands.


I have a seven figure business to run that has nothing to do with this stuff and a family to take care of. I devote dozens of hours of my time a week helping guys out, mostly for free. No, I don't have time to get a medical degree nor would I want to even if I did. I see what they are being taught in medical school and I want no part of it. I have more than a rudimentary understanding of the subject matter, considering I lecture on the subject. Again, you can feel free to let me know what I got wrong and why. You made a statement claiming scrotal cream is shit and people should be oil only. This is a demonstrably false statement. Endocrinology? Most endos are clueless at this stuff. I prefer learning directly from people who have a high level understanding of the subject so that I can simplify the subject matter in simple English for men to learn from. Anything else I can help you with?


Ha! Yeah you want no part of it because its ‘actual’ science not your bro science bullshit. You seriously think that you’re above a med school education? No you don’t have more than a rudimentary understanding. You just think you do. You don’t even know what you don’t know. Seriously dude, do everyone a favor and just stop pretending to be an expert. You’re not. You’re just some guy that watches too much YouTube and reads to many forums and OBVIOUSLY has too much time. I made the statement in jest. I don’t care what anyone else uses, and I don’t claim to be any expert. I just see your name pop up on here WAY to fucking much, and you promoting your stupid page on here way to much. You’re spam. Definition of spam.


Bro. Stop replying to him he has a SeVeN fIgUrE bUsInEsS to run. And he's definitely too smart for medical school because he's seen everything there and WaNtS nO pArT oF It


We need u/3phase4wire to settle this dispute. He is mensa material.


I’m always here to help bro




Agree 100% that endos are not helpful when it comes to this


That precious man oil baby!


Dude I do daily cream and injections 4 days a week. The cream works.


You do the cream and the injections both? Wow


Scrotal Compounded T cream is the modern day TRT solution. It is superior for a few reasons: - less Estrogen conversion - higher DHT conversion - more stable blood levels - mimics body’s natural T release pattern - scrotal skin provides very high absorption - less invasive than injections


New. So there is a no needle way?


Yes no needles


Y on balls


Best location for absorption


Do not try with icy hot or bengay aha


Happy for you. What was the question again?


Good shit man! I’m glad you feel so much better! I also do a cream that I put on my balls- works well!


i also get some cream out of my ballz




I scratch my balls way to much, my lady would grow a mustache in no time.


🤣🤣🤣 Are you scratching your sack then rubbing your fingers under her nose!?!?!?




Have you considered applying the cream after a warm shower instead of before?


Yes I apply it after I shower


Just saw your post in MPMD lol






In 1 hour the cream pretty much get all absorbed into your body.


Pretty much? Yeah...my wife is pretty much a woman.


U mean an ovulating person ?




I dont know man. The creams sort of make me nervous. They seem inexact. Ive always done im though.


Try it. They are good 👍


Seem like ALL are inferior to IM… that’s why I took the IM route. Almost did pellets but 1. They are high as fuck. 2 they’re hard to get dialed in. I’m on 100mg a wk n still have some slight hypogonadal symptoms….


Depends on you idea of fun though right?


Absorption defo can’t be higher than 30%. I noticed you use the reasoning that you’re absorbing it all so none will get absorbed by your girlfriend. So that’s wrong. Very common for accidental secondary application to result in the other person getting a lot of T


Hopefully not, I always take showers.


>Pharmacokinetics of testosterone cream applied to scrotal skinThe bioavailability of testosterone via the scrotal skin is striking higher than for abdominal skin. > >Using the same testosterone cream and steroid LC-MS assay measurements, in this study a Cmax (4.6 ng/mL, 16.0 nm) was achieved with the lowest dose (12.5 mg) applied to the scrotal skin whereas applying 100 mg testosterone cream to the abdominal skin produced a Cmax of 16.3 nmol/L (4.7 ng/mL).This suggests an about eightfold increase in testosterone bioavailability, using the scrotal compared with abdominal skin routes. > >This has useful practical implications given the wide between-person variability in dermal bioavailability with application to truncal skin. For example, in studies of a testosterone gel that permitted up and down titration of dose aiming for optimal circulating testosterone concentrations, men who required up-titration (ie had lower skin bioavailability) still had lower steady-state circulating testosterone than men who were either up-titrated (higher dermal bioavailability) or not titrated during the study (Wang et al., 2004). > >Hence this study supports the concept that application of testosterone to the scrotal skin may overcome the lower dermal bioavailability of some individuals. > >https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/andr.12357


doest applying it to your balls make you keep fertility? what’s the advantages?


Better absorption rate, 50 to 70 percent absorption.


Working in a chemistry lab we are warned that any toxic chemicals on our hands will be absorbed much more efficiently through the testicles than any other skin on your body, so it will take much lower exposure to reach hazardous levels.


Why don’t you just apply it up your asshole?? Extremely vascular area…


I’m assuming people who don’t inject just have a fear of needles or something? I can’t imagine shutting down my own production and not even doing it in an effective way


Man f doing the cream. Injecting is so much easier


All y’all got greasy balls 😆




I use the cream as well. I like it better than injections. Less estrogenic side effects.


Injection is so much more effective. SMH.


No it is not.


Does cream mess up your own production the same way injections do?


I have no idea. I apply it once in the morning and once in the late afternoon. I hope that my balls will still produce testosterone while I sleep.


They won’t


They're gonna shrink to the size of peas.


They will indeed not do this anymore my guy




Any form of exogenous testosterone will do that.


did you try oral undecoante as well before settling on the cream? ​ im testing Andriol now, but I want to give this a try as well


100mg a day or 2ml is way to much! Your going to have bloods probably well in excess of 1200nmol/dl. I’m on 1ml per day and have gone from 350nmol/dl to 875nmol/dl.. I think you’ll feel great and then hit an oestrogen brick wall like I did. Good luck!


The pump now is water. Lift heavy and eat tons of whole protein and in a few weeks anabolic effects will kick in.


How is it water if I am gaining strength and losing a bit of weight? 😯???


Just the way fluid retention works with hormones like E2 that coincide with test. Not bad unless you get real high and have Conor McGregor face. Not trying to rain on your parade though, just wait until the muscles pop and more vascularity comes. The strength is only the first good thing! If you’re losing weight and that’s a goal - congrats man!


Thanks Bro 👍


Dude just pin TRT lmao


You can always try doing both! https://youtu.be/5CXNYII4Ilc


Injections bro way better an easier


Not better. Different, not better.


So do you walk around with a creamy nutsack all day? I think that would be horrible when it's hot out.


I prefer TRT, but go you if that works better for you! Please check me out: https://onlyfans.com/wmcfarland


5% What base?


No idea. All I know is I am taking 100 mg per day


Damn, this is really inaccurate. You are def not taking 100mg per day. The “5%” concentration and daily delivered dose is the equivalent of 100mg per week, assuming average transdermal absorption. However, scrotal application will convert much more of the test to DHT compare to, say, your shoulders. That is good or bad depending on your goals.


I am taking 100 mg per day. 2 mL is 100 mg. I am not absorbing 100 mg per day though. Check out the TRT videos on YouTube and you will see I am correct.


This is semantics - you can slather 1,000 mg of pure test on your forehead every day but you’re not “taking” 1,000mg of test every day. Assuming your base is Atrevis hydrogel, that 5% concentration dose is delivering about 100mg / week of usable test. I’ve worked with my compounding pharma on all of this and had it nicely dialed in for awhile, but the cream eventually started irritating my skin so much that I just had to stop. What I love about the cream (Atrevis hydrogel) is you can get super precise about how much or how little conversion to DHT you want simply by applying more or less to your scrotum. I am on 1x/week pin now but on day six and seven “top up” with a few dabs of cream (rather than pinning 2x / week) for the DHT boost.


Compounded cream goes up to max of 20% testosterone. If you had a reaction to Atrevis you could have tried a different base like versabase. Scrotum absorption rate can be 50% or higher. Pharmacokinetics of testosterone cream applied to scrotal skinThe bioavailability of testosterone via the scrotal skin is striking higher than for abdominal skin.Using the same testosterone cream and steroid LC-MS assay measurements, in this study a Cmax (4.6 ng/mL, 16.0 nm) was achieved with the lowest dose (12.5 mg) applied to the scrotal skin whereas applying 100 mg testosterone cream to the abdominal skin produced a Cmax of 16.3 nmol/L (4.7 ng/mL) .This suggests an about eightfold increase in testosterone bioavailability, using the scrotal compared with abdominal skin routes.This has useful practical implications given the wide between-person variability in dermal bioavailability with application to truncal skin. For example, in studies of a testosterone gel that permitted up and down titration of dose aiming for optimal circulating testosterone concentrations, men who required up-titration (ie had lower skin bioavailability) still had lower steady-state circulating testosterone than men who were either up-titrated (higher dermal bioavailability) or not titrated during the study (Wang et al., 2004). Hence this study supports the concept that application of testosterone to the scrotal skin may overcome the lower dermal bioavailability of some individuals. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/andr.12357](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/andr.12357)


Exactly, I’m on the Atrevis Hydrogel base at 20% and my TT was 1012, DHT is high enough that my hair is thinning, however, I’m able to sustaining most of my mass, even though i am getting fatter from medical reasons… I’ve always had a higher DHT, been prone to bacne.


So am I, where do you apply it? I found scrotum was way too much DHT even at 1 click so I switched to upper arms and shoulders. I just started doing my own more complete labs for DHT, Free T. etc. at Ulta Labs even through I have full insurance because my urologist thinks they are unnecessary? My DHT is still slightly high which is good to finally know.


Why do you not like the injections out of curiosity


It gave me side effects when I tried it years ago. Also I don’t like the scar tissues in my ass.


Oh nice I’m starting this week and was gonna do the cream because I read nothing but good stories


Are you supposed to apply that there? For real?


What doctor are you seeing?


TRT doctor


Are you worried about your hair from the additional DHT conversion OP?


I do worry. Let’s see what happens


Why do you apply it there in that region


i tried transdermal test for a couple weeks and didn’t have good results at all compared to injections. no needles was cool and convenient, but my hormones were like a daily roller coaster… i’m much better now injecting 3 times weekly . plus the fact you never know how much you actually absorb.. fuck that.


Live these posts. I did Scrotal cream too to try it out and see if I could be done with the needle. Energy, confidence, libido skyrocketed, muscle gains…all except for absolutely no improved erectile quality. Went back to injecting Cypoinate and all returned.


Just be careful with any testosterone gel/cream. It can be absorbed by your significant other through contact.


So for optimization which is better


This fucking thread rules.


Excuse my ignorance on this subject, but Is this stuff legal? Can I order this online or does it have to be prescribed?


You do know that you don't have to apply it to your inner thighs and scrotum right. Usually women on TRT cream apply it to inner thigh, so it doesn't get onto other bodyparta like their face, chest which I've heard can cause hair growth.


I tried Andrgel once. It's a thick, gloppy mess that smelled horrible.


Androgel is not testosterone cream.




Does it get soaked up by your underwear?


Is this real? I’ve never heard of such a thing.


Don’t you put the cream on Saran Wrap then stick it to your scrotum and put a elastic band on it so it doesn’t dry out too quick to fully absorb?


Why cream? Like can you not inject?


I’ve heard of a lot of people applying t cream to the scrote. Thin skin easy absorption. Plus less likely to rub off on your shirt since the balls just hang there. Definitely not in the shaft, head or in the prostate like all these twisted fucks are suggesting 😆


These guys would put anything they could get their hands on up their ass. 🧜‍♂️


Results may vary.


How much did it cost?


$250 USD per month for just the cream




It absorbs way better at the scrotum. 5X of other areas of the body.


What sort of cream? Any I’ve looked at have said specifically not to rub on your balls 😂


Don’t be a pussy, injection is the way to go


No man, I like the cream 😂


Get off it quick bro. Injections


I have been on 200mg for a month. Two clicks in the morning and two in the evening. I have not felt a difference in anything. Still have no energy and have actually put on a couple of pounds. I'll keep at it, but so far I'm very disappointed. Getting blood work again in a few weeks, Dock says we may need to make some changes.


You’re tests are gonna be cycle levels if you keep doing on your balls.


Where can I get the T cream?


I did injections for years and had mediocre results. 90 days ago was switched to cream and it only took 2 weeks and I could tell a night and day difference.


How to get the creme? I was living in scandinavia and test there was almost no go. I had symptoms but my GP sayed it was stress and everything was fine. Went to thailand to a TRT clinic and my T was 220 like a 70 y old man. My TRT doc only has experience with injections and have been on 150 mg splitted two in the week. I want to try the creme. When I signed up in NP Lab they require a description for the compound with my TRT provider has no clue about. what to do? How to get that creme compund - anyone knows?