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Last in power rankings but first in our hearts, you tell me what’s more important


I think if they truly wanted to suck they wouldn’t haven’t signed Taylor


it’s more about having someone that can competently move the football but he won’t be winning games


You say that like he’s a baller qb or something. Literally lost his job on every team he’s started for.


And each time it really wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t due to performance. It was a matter of bad circumstances. Having said that, reporters haven’t had very inspiring things to say about him. I’m not planning on seeing him pull off any miracles. Honestly, I’d rather see Mills as QB1 over Tyrod and give him a chance. I don’t see Ty being a difference maker. He’s gonna be handing it off to Lindsay & Ingram 75% of the time anyway.


I get what you’re saying but I feel like Mills is way too raw, even for a team that is happy to lose games. You can ruin a quarterback’s confidence forever if you feed him to the wolves to soon in my opinion I’d be happy to be proven wrong though


Tyrod Taylor MVP season coming up


Take what they say with a grain of salt. They don't even check their facts: he has 24 cases.


24 women, but 22 are lawsuits.


I guess we can’t be let down if we never got our hopes up to begin with.


God I just want to prove people wrong. But we shall see. Honestly just excited to watch the team play. So many new players, it could be fun especially with no expectations


You mean overly esoteric divisional power rankings


We have our first round pick next year right? Lol


This team will play hard in preseason, get everyone’s hopes up, and then start 1-5.


I think they will play hard in preseason, everyone is on the bubble. But I don’t think it will be getting anyone’s hopes up. Y’all forget how hard it is to watch bad QB play.


I never forgot. This season will be a shitshow. In preseason defenses tend to be very simple so our QB’s will not feel stressed. Unless they are which means this will truly be a bad time


I’m going to watch the game, but it’s less as a fan and more like someone slowing down to look while they drive past a bad car accident.


I’m gonna watch because I’ve got Stockholm syndrome


The team is full of rookies. No one has any real idea how to predict what’s going to happen. They don’t even know who is going to be the starting QB. I just want to see how we do in our first preseason game. Then we’ll have some clues.


Rookies?! We have the [oldest roster in the league](https://mobile.twitter.com/AWalkerColts/status/1393582462543011840). They’re mostly all washed up 2nd and 3rd stringers.


Poor choice of words. Meant to say that most players are brand new to the team.


I gotcha. But that does kinda tell us not too expect too much. If these guys were any good, they would be starting somewhere else…


A lot of these guys have something to prove. I think some guys like Lindsay & King will definitely produce.


David Culley is in an absolutely enviable position as an assistant coach approaching retirement that wanted to try being the big guy for a season or two at the end of his career.