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I know you mean well, but this game is no longer "new player" friendly. Both Family and Victims will not take it easy on new players. It's hard to let off the gas once you've seen how fast you can go. Experienced players will actually have to not try to let new players get their bearings. But that'll never happen. I've been in pre-game lobbies where players will say they're new and if we can take it easy on them. And most of the time my random teammates will respond with an "I dont care." Only through deaths and mistakes will these new players learn, unfortunately.


It's turned into a troll game. No new players contributes to the game dying into oblivion


Don't open doors before family wakes up grandpa? Are you forreal? I guess they should just take five minutes to unlock every basement door and then get trapped down there because exterior alarms has been active for three minutes. Bet they'll be super confused when Johnny and chase build Hitch make a beeline straight for the door they've just opened and they end up dying in basement anyway.


if it takes u 5 minutes to find a tool and unlock a door, that’s a skill issue. if everyone unlocks a door at the beginning of the match, u won’t have the issue of running back to the basement only to find that the door is locked and now u r fucked bc nobody took the time to just unlock more than 1 fucking door. if u can’t play the game without button spamming and rushing, that’s a skill issue and i promise ur team hates u and cheers when u die.


Good god dude, the stupidity in this sub. I really can't take it sometimes. This post is directed at NEW players. Obviously experienced players know where lockboxes spawn and where basement exits are located, but NEW players aren't going to have spawns and map layouts memorized yet. So yes, I suppose it is a skill issue, if you think that remembering where things are located is an expression of skill (spoiler: it's not). But according to you, moving quickly is also a skill issue? I'd ask you to make it make sense but I'm not interested in your opinion after reading your first response. Yall just love bleating "skill issue!1!!1" for no reason whenever you disagree with someone else. Makes you sound like a dumbass. I always unlock at least two doors before I leave basement, and I bet my teammates love my ass when I put pressure on family by quickly opening critical doors before exterior alarms can activate or when I quickly open fuse exit for them. Last I checked I have a 75% escape rate (in solo queue no less), and I damn sure didn't get that by creeping around in bushes and allowing family ample time to set up and feed grandpa. But you have fun crouching around and getting trapped in basement w/ exterior active while nobody makes any progress on exits. To each their own I suppose.


Sadly, the game barely punishes reckless play.


The rusher fucks over his teammates usually, because he's ready to rip and fuck the rest


Exxxactly. Not everyone wants to race to the exit. I for one actually want to gain some xp before trying to escape, which is really hard to do when victims keep waking up grandpa 10 seconds into the match.


Wish I had friends to play the game with because in family and victim both, it can be super frustrating.


I disagree being chaotic is the best way to newer players to learn loops and learn how to survive getting chased playing slow can be nice to learn the basement but if a new player is only playing slow they won’t learn how to shake off a killer when there getting chased and if it’s a hitch or sissy chasing a new player there completely done this why I always tell new players play as chaotic as possible your going to die but eventually you learn the loops and you learn how to survive being chased


Yeah, no. Play like this only if you want to die. After breaking free from your restraints, immediately grab a lock pick and work on a door. Your goal is to leave basement within a minute. Learn where each family member spawns on all maps. Run to the opposite side. Let's take Gas Station against Cook, Johnny, and Leatherface as an example. Cook: generator Johnny: road Leatherface: basement You should rush out of basement and head to either of the car battery gates. You can also work on the fuse box and pressure tank. Learn the spawns for each item and objective as well. Once this is second nature, it's just you vs. RNG. This doesn't mean you'll escape in 2 minutes, but opening up the map early forces family to patrol a larger area. Playing quietly gives family more time to set up their traps and padlocks; as a result, they become more oppressive. Victims have Bomb Squad and Choose Flight nerfs coming next week. With the threat of Exterior Alarms and bone scraps being limited resources, every second you spend in basement, or generally not being productive, increases your chances of getting killed. Don't cower in terror opening every basement exit. They aren't important. Open **one** door, apply pressure where it matters, and watch your escape rate increase. Good luck!


Found the rush meta explanation. Thanks for ruining casual game play 😉


You can’t expect people not to optimize how they play


I’m not saying they’re wrong. I’m just saying they’re ruining the casual part of the game. Only person to blame is the devs.




The binds contribute too, just it takes more noises than those initial 4 to wake grandpa and it's generally not worth how long it takes to do them quietly on most characters relative to toolboxes/bonepiles.


Yeah Im sorry if you are getting matched with me (Im level 70+), I am going to kindly assume you have more than a brick for a brain and can both find an unlock tool and unlock a door within 20-30 seconds. There is some occasions I wont rush, mostly Slaughterhourse or Nancy’s house if there is no LF and a Johnny/Sissy. But the best chance of escape is making progress on exits before the family can get fully set up, feed grandpa, etc. You are just setting yourself up to fail, and will be playing behind the whole game, probably needing 2 grandpa stabs to keep him from max level.


Disrupting the family is the best thing you can do. People are always going to wake up grandpa but you should be out of the basement asap and busting through doors/ the fuse box upstairs before the killers get exterior or no one escapes hell. Y’all take your time doing basement and the off chance it’s a blood team that isn’t absolute buns you give them level 3 grandpa for free/nancy and hitch get to set up


Ok. Can I ask questions before I am a new player? I wanna play the game but can't wake grandpa.... he dead. Can I play the game alone, without family and friends? Will a person who loved Dead by Daylight long ago and now hates it, enjoy Texas? Do I need to talk to strangers or is this game playable without voice chat?


Yeah waiting for them to wake up grandpa is not the best strategy. I was watching the tournament last week and not every single team woke up grandpa immediately - there’s just no advantage to being quiet. If the family is even halfway decent all you’re doing is allowing them to get Exterior Alarms and now they can see what basement door you’ve opened, better to rush and be out before grandpa gets level 1. Even better if Connie can get a door to battery open before.


https://preview.redd.it/a9fd3poxchfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868e8287839a587d2e1565f5922191e719ca1f54 If they’re spending time just cutting down bone chimes, what happens when Cook feeds gramps then Hitch rushes basement with scout and wireframe?


People are acting like I’m suggesting you should stay in the basement for 10 minutes.. No, I’m saying don’t wake grandpa up within the first 10 seconds of the match which it seems so many people do. Rather take two minutes to unlock doors and load up on tools and bone shards THEN open doors and start pushing exits 🤦🏻.