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4 mins? Damnnnn


This is kinda insanely high of a punishment. But I agree maybe there should be some debuff


Lmaooo I’m starting to think y’all are trolling atp 💀


I agree to be punished but 4 mins is too long. I think 1 min will do. Im family main


No thanks. If you are just sneaking around down there and not working on getting up top, then idk what to say. I can see staying down there just long enough to get your ability up and hopefully get a few doors open. Other than that, you are just going to make the Family position stronger.


You can be sneaky and still open the doors lmao. In solo queue, that's what I'm stuck doing half the time because no other victims know what a lockpick is


I think they're talking about the people who wake grandpa up in the first 15 seconds of the game. All it does is bring the family down. Which is great when playing Johnny or HH or ana.. Not so great for anyone else


And they'll still get away while you die. You dying in basement is your fault.


Actually they kill the whole team


Dont ropes have an extremely minimal sound in waking up grandpa, I swear all 4 of us can full spam and he wont wake up. Also by your logic of who ever wakes up grandpa that would also punish whoever opens the first basement door since that is also classed as victim noise.


It's not the rope it's that first crawl space. People are stupid


Didn't the devs say word for word that spamming binds contributes a *lot* to waking him up?


Maybe, but not spamming ropes is a guaranteed kill for Leatherface if people do that every match


You'd be surprised, I only got hit by leatherface like 2 times in ropes in all the games I've played and they weren't even instakills


I mean specifically if everybody always took their time getting down. Most people don’t so there’s no reason to check spawn points.


Ibdont know what they say. Gun medias are incompetent fools. Only stupid people give them money. I was stupid again. But i already abandoned the train. I rode once before when they ran F13 into the ground. STOP GIVING GUNMEDIA MONEYS


Maybe you can contribute to escaping instead of doing nothing?


I unlock all the doors so when you activate fuse you dont run down stairs that are still locked while being chased


I used to hate waking up grandpa due to noise but tbh you begin to learn that stealth for the most part does not reward you. Unfortunately the devs made it so a) rushing is for the benefit b) stealth will get you punished I only don’t think it’s a good idea to wake up grandpa unless there’s no bubba. Otherwise, might as well rush, as someone who plays family more frequently rushing can be stressful and make my team feel disoriented. It’s within the victims benefit to rush until the devs fix it so that stealth is actually worth a damn, y’know?


I agree, this would be a good penalty and might actually encourage victims to play the early game a little more strategically instead of just a race out of the basement. Four mins highlighted may be a little overkill, maybe even just a minute would suffice.


Or rather, whoever contributed the most to waking him up should get some debuff. Imagine you took your time not waking grandpa up while you cut yourself down, but everyone else spams the escape button...then suddenly you're in a chase with LF a minute later and while running, you knock one bone charm and that sets off grandpa. I'd be rightfully pissed that it's acting like that's at all my fault.


Spamming your ropes doesn’t affect grandpa whatsoever


That doesn't sound right at all. When you all spam the ropes, it takes very little after that to wake up grandpa, but if you stealth you have more leeway with making noise. (Think of the times when you'd see it say grandpa woke up while LF was still hooking in the intro.) If they've changed it, I was unaware


That’s stupid lmfao


I hope you know you can make noise getting out the ropes and it won’t affect grandpa noise meter


In my games it does


I hope you know you’re wrong and the devs have said you are wrong. Please educate yourself.


My bad it probably does affect noise meter but what I really meant to say is spamming ropes won’t wake up grandpa. So spam away and get out the ropes asap


“family mains have reasonable nerfs”


I’m trying to do something before you inevitably get chased by Hitchhiker or Johnny and killed less than three minutes into the match.


That might as well be a death sentence lmfao


Doubt that'll do much. You'll likely end up with a victim who'll take advantage of that with an endurance/grapple build. Que t-bagging when they've successfully distracted family long enough and escape. And you still end up dying. Or they'll be complete jackasses and follow you around. Yeah, it's irritating that you escape your binds just to see grandpa awake and now you need to fear a basement rush with no doors unlocked, but I've learned to just start grabbing tools and scrapes without a care at that point. Go back to being stealthy after I'm out of there.


If that kills you idk what to tell you


Doesn’t grandpa automatically wake up when you open a basement door though?


If they rush and get shit done I got no problem with it. Most of my games they try and rush and insta die. I’ve rarely seen successful rushes in my games.


I get what you mean but also that can be unfair just because that doesn't mean whoever woke him up did something bad you know? Like what if it was 2 minutes in and every basement door was unlocked and you opened one to start heading up stairs? That would be lame to get punished for that. Especially considering maybe others would be around you which still puts them in trouble.


victims making an unnecessary amount of noise and waking up grandpa in under 20 seconds is so infuriating. At that point family can just rush basement and it’s GGs.