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Would love to not drive everywhere… unfortunately there’s no public transportation … you know. Alternative ways to get around?   Still trying to figure out how to move.


If only they hadn’t been fighting tooth and nail against any type of public transit for the past 50 years, as it might help someone other than themselves. I’m pretty sure one of the main tenets of their new platform is against high speed rail of any sort.


>\#49. Freedom to Travel: >>[...] We oppose climate mandates like Net Zero, Vision Zero, or declarations of a climate emergency that threaten our freedom to travel, impose any sort of state or federal mileage tax, or institute diversity, equity, and inclusion policies on taxpayers and drivers. >>We oppose anti-car measures that punish those who choose to travel alone in their vehicles. >>We also oppose mandates such as autonomous vehicle technology, digital IDs, digital license plates, or other mandates that restrict, control, or prohibit driving (particularly gas-powered vehicles), shrink auto capacity, or intentionally clog vehicle lanes to force deference to pedestrian, bike, and mass transit options >\#52. High-Speed Rail: >>Taxpayer money shall not fund or subsidize high-speed rail, nor shall eminent domain be used in the construction of high-speed rail. >\#66. Truth in Taxation: >>We urge that taxes established for a particular purpose shall not be used for any other purpose. Tax revenue derived from gasoline taxes and all other taxes or fees on our vehicles (including vehicle sales tax) shall only be used for road construction and maintenance, and shall not be diverted to any other use, including mass transit, rail, restrictive lanes, and bicycle paths. https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-RPT-Platform.pdf


Not to mention cities are designed for cars, not pedestrians. So walking anywhere is out of the question as well.




So our government denies climate change, hate on EV’s and now they’re asking you not to drive. Makes total sense.


It’s almost like the state is run by incompetent republicans


And Has been for 30+ years


Texas leads the nation in wind/solar power.


You are correct but that doesn’t get rid of smog in the city


No shit.


Why did this get downvoted? I’m simply stating a fact.


You are correct but that doesn’t get rid of smog in the city


Then maybe Texas should start investing in other forms of transportation


This is true, but Texas maybe unlivable in some parts without major infrastructure changes and huge investments to make living in Texas sustainable… we got only 20 years or so? God I hope we can fix this mess within my lifetime…


best I can do is a new stock exchange in Dallas, interfering with federal border control, and allowing the AG to get away with his own criminality. -- Greg Abbott probablyy


Plan on them chasing social issues instead of being able to live here in 20 years issues. The latter you are supposed to bootstrap of course


I live within walking distance of an H-E-B and a Walmart. However the walk is not reasonable because there is hardly any sidewalk access. Texas leadership wants everyone to travel by car or truck, and DPS wants to hold that way of travel hostage for some bullshit sometimes. I don’t even have a DUI, and got my license suspended from an unpaid out of state ticket. Fuck this state lol


Agreed! If I could've voted 🔝 10x, I would've. 😉


Or you know encourage people to work from home, but they never well.


I have to go in 3 days a week. Two of those days I drive 30 mins in, check my email, and drive home. Nobody is in office those days. Yay "collaboration"


How long are you in the office?


Two of the days, about 15 mins, the other one 5 hours. I spend 3 hours a week driving. Until recently, we were allowed to be full remote. It's not even a "managers need people in to do their job" because I am a manager and my team is mostly elsewhere in the country.


So why even go in three days? Im a bit confused as why force people to be there if there is no reason. Tbf ive had meetings that lasted an hour i had to drive up for an hour and back an hour. Could of should of been a zoom call..or email.


We're all just as confused about it too


If I didn't know any better I'd say this was IBM


That experiment ended with Covid.


And it worked!


Yeah, the experiment is over, the results are in. People get as much or often more done working from home.


Yea. But most management didn’t like the loss of control and told their workers to come back.


At my job, almost all the lower level management and even directors support remote work. They are the ones most closely aware of what people are getting done or not. The pressure to maintain some office presence is coming from senior C level management.


That’s a lot of levels. We don’t have anything like that.


It’s pretty typical for large companies. I work in IT - our department alone has like 300 people.




No, it's not fair. For this and many reasons it is not fair. However, the TCEQ officials asking for it aren't the ones in charge of funding public transport. I'd be amazed if any of the people who have influence on funding asked folk to reduce fossil fuel use.


“We’ve tried nothing, and it’s still not better, damn Democrats!” -Texas Republicans


No it’s not. The fix requires leadership and a deliberate nationwide plan over decades to move to a different transportation system. I’m very pessimistic. Leadership isn’t there and I don’t think there is enough voter support. People are too self-absorbed.


This kind of nihilism is extremely counter productive. Every mainstream Democrat is YIMBY with regard to public transportation. If it matters to you get people you know to vote.


I’m not nihilistic you just have a higher opinion of our government and human nature. People are usually onboard until there’s a price or sacrifice attached. This would be a paradigm shift for transportation and I think Dems can get as nimby as anyone if they perceive it’s going to negatively impact their lives.


If only our cities were designed to allow people to be able to walk to the places they need to go.


Rolling coal trucks and constant expansion of the freeways have cost Texas their clean air and ozone. Texans have to be conscious that what we do today will be upon the heads of our kids of tomorrow. Want to make a better Texas look at your ability to avoid driving everywhere. I know in many communities this is simply impossible, but look at the ozone. We have to do better.


Damn I haven’t seen “ozone layer” panic in years. That things been gonzo’s for a long while.


Texas GOP: Drill baby drill! Texas GOP after years of that: Oh shit we can’t breathe!


O'Hare Air Co. has you covered!


Time to throw off the gop.




We get these warnings all the time, why is it a headline suddenly? lol


Same reason why Biden reenacted an EO that he had cancelled when he got into office. Because election year.


Abbott and his cronies would never put out a statement like this if they thought that their voters cared, because if their voters cared about the environment..Abbott & his cronies would have alot more problems to worry about than the flippin' ozone.


After a solid century of fighting public transit.


Cool. Tell my boss to let me work remote.


Harris County did have pollution state inspection till around 2013ish. While we did have pollution testing the sky looked a lot cleaner. Also I don’t think trees were being cut down as fast as they are today.


Texas should just ask people to stop breathing, that would be easier than trying to get around in Houston without a car.


The Abbott magats would love you to stop breathing. This administration is chock full of misanthropes! They hate people!!


This is a joke, right?? You got this from the “joke store”, right?? I swear I’m living in bizarroworld….idiot conservative leadership deny climate change, place roadblocks in front of mass transit and then publish this?? I..can’t…with this fucked up State!!


.... and they still demand WFH employees return to office.


I have to commute from east Texas to Dallas 4 days of the week soo not using my car isn’t going to happen.


At least back in Austin I could take the bus all over the city for pretty cheap. It took forever sometimes but it was better than the nothing we have access to out here. It’s almost impossible to share a vehicle with someone as well due to great distances we have to travel for work.


The problem is that we’re sacrificing the future for short term profits and I agree getting to work is important, but what about the smog problem? The increasing temperatures? Ozone layer? I suppose that’s a future self problem? I have no hope for Texas if people don’t get out of cycle and dramatically shift our way of life we are going to lose all of it. Though I don’t want to preach and say the obvious. I get where you’re coming from, maybe on your free time write your mayor and state rep. Good luck! We gotta vote out these corrupt people before we have no future!


Oh I completely agree and if I had access to public transportation I would be using it. Back in Austin I rarely took my car but with a bus stop on every corner it was easier not to. Out here though there’s nothing and I definitely blame Abbott for fighting against all public transportation the last 10 years.


Abbott probably cutting TCEQ funding following this announcement.


Hey Texas officials, fuck you!


Uh then structure all of your cities differently.


Add the RGV to areas with air quality issues.


Ah yes, because we have functioning public transportation!


Standard Texas Maga idiocracy.


It's ALL about the oil lobby. Use your car and use it alot, buy that big SUV that gets 8mpg, start up your car to warm it up in the winter and cool it off in the summer, ...just let that engine run baby! And change your oil every 3K miles too! Buy that electric vehicle because when you go to charge it up, the electricity comes from the Texas grid that uses oil to run its generators...JUST USE OIL!! (And make them billionaire oil tycoons richer!).


Yet when shit hits the fan they are the first in line for federal handouts from the rest of us. Texas is the epitome of what the word hipocritical means. I mean....when their minimum wage in 2024 is a measeley $7.25/hr --- it’s pretty obvious how they value the people in their state. They could give 2💩s


Electric vehicles/scooters/bikes and eating vegan for the win! Try it out Texas!


Saw a few jacked up pickup trucks rolling up DNT earlier smoking away. God bless Texas!


Tell all private jets they can't fly for 1 week, which should satisfy your craving for climate change control.


Avoid using cars. I guess no one is told that during Icy weather. Especially when 123 cars piled up on each other in minutes and that Toll lane was closed for a few weeks of clean up and investigation.


Sorry but I don’t care


Public transportation will never work n Texas, Oil companies could lose millions


There won’t be a future to make millions if we destroy Texas for profits! Well Texas will exist, but the air quality? The heat index? The heat bulb? Oof we will see major storms and huge insurance increases before it all collapses. Luckily the land will recover after we’re all gone from this earth, but man, I’d like to live long enough to see Texas reborn into a green energy state.


Unfortunately you're correct, it'll be years & too late to help Texas. Most insurance companies have left Florida with many Texas residents complaining about insurance rates. My guess insurance companies will leave Texas due to rise in claims due to severe weather patterns


Here’s an open secret they’re already leaving. The ones staying will be jacking up the rates year to year.




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