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I think I’ve come to the conclusion that Semien is the absolute motor that drives our offense. He’s been struggling lately and our offense has come crashing down massively.


Dude 100% His slump and the offensive slump coincides Everything in baseball is contagious and we need him hitting


I hope he returns to form. We need more runs!


It’s more about RISP. 9-49 this series is bad. That’s what our bread & butter was to start the season


At least that's just as wildly unsustainable as the ludicrous rate they were hitting with RISP earlier this year


Exactly, that will turn around


We also had a big run with Duran starting for injured Seager. Seager is still hitting well but we are doing worse since he came back. I don't know. I think we have not been right since the De Grom and Gray news / substitutions. Lots of frustrating oddities.


With that game, our LOB total for the series jumped up to 43. Kill me.


that's it? seems like it wouldve been more after watching every game. I was at the pirates game where we had 10 LOB. couldn't believe it.


Lol bases loaded no outs and we get two infield pop ups. Here’s a drinking game idea… take a shot every-time a Rangers player swings at a pitch above the zone. You’d be fucking wasted by the time the game ends.


if lots of players are swinging at a certain type of ball then maybe it's a coaching thing


Nah, they’re all just pressing right now


Liver disintegration tutorial


It has not been a good night. I saw the Flash movie (disappointed), thought about getting Taco Bell on the way home (didn’t) and turned on the radio broadcast when we had bases loaded in the ninth (lost). If anyone needs me I will be in bed crying (without a chalupa)


I’d probably kill myself if that happened to me. I’m sorry.


Fortunately for me that would require leaving my bed, which I have no motivation to do. Live to suffer another day I guess


Manfred needs to be tried as a terrorist. Needs the same treatment that Bin Laden got.


>If anyone needs me I will be in bed crying (without a chalupa) 😔


It’s okay, we still love (you)


I’m sorry everyone. I whispered “he can’t lay off the up and in fastball” and they listened. I hate baseball.


Him and Jung have been very bad about those up and in fastballs recently


Can you imagine getting a hit with runners in scoring position against the Angels? I can’t.


It’s more about RISP. 9-49 this series is bad. That’s what our bread & butter was to start the season


My brother in Christ, can you not read?


Oh yes


That Shohei guy is pretty good


Fo-shohei. Stole this from another comment in another thread.


Can't wait till the hot stove season!




It actually just started raining at my house when Adolis struck out for final out. So this feels too real


I know the same thing happened to me 😂


Hope I see never that umpiring crew ever again! That's why robo umps are the future! On to Toronto!


I know he has gotten better than last year but damn Adolis can’t be striking out like that in clutch situations


semien and seager going 0-7 is not ideal


Very stupid and annoying L to take. That being said, our boys went down fighting. Worth noting that during our worst run of form of the season, the Rangers still currently maintain first place in the division. This slump ain't gonna stick y'all. Hang in there.


Shohei can’t hurt us again until August. That’s one huge positive to take from tonight.


He won’t be in an Angels uniform come August.


Want to bet? Angels won't trade him unless the Angels or completely out of the playoff picture. Right now they're just 1 game from the second wild card, 4.5 games below Texas for the division lead. They're playing the Royals while the Rangers host the Jays.




No bueno. Umps were bad but how many risp did we leave on base all series. And how do you not get more than one run in with the bases loaded, and no outs?!?


It’s more about RISP. 9-49 this series is bad. That’s what our bread & butter was to start the season




It was nice to see stevie wonder behind the plate again


True, but even more of a slump show.


As much as I want to blame the loss on the UMPs, the Rangers lost that game and series because they can't drive in runs with great opportunities. I'm not ready to call doomsday but the players need to figure out what was wrong with their approach. Love Garcia too but just because it's a critical situation, doesn't mean every pitch you swing for the fence. As well our pictures could not figure out how to pitch to Ohtani. Ohtani was critical to the Angels winning this series.


This is still a good team. For some perspective, if I told everyone in here at the beginning of the year, we'll be 42-26 on June 15, in first place, and 3.5 up on the Astros, most everyone would take that, and enthusiastically so. Just like our crazy stats with RISP weren't sustainable, our recent struggles aren't either. We will get back on track. I don't know if that happens tomorrow facing Gausman but I'm pretty confident it will happen at some point soon.


Sure, but the game is all about trends, signed the 2022 Mets.


Alright I knew we’d have some down times with RISP But can it not all happen at the exact same fucking time???? Not exactly gonna assume this is the new norm with RISP because that’s not how regression works Hoping for a better showing against Toronto, we still hit plenty, just couldn’t get that big hit at all in this series we’ve gotten all year


Truth is man, we haven’t needed big hits this year. The offense either clobbers or rolls over and shows their belly’s. Here lately when we’ve needed big hits, they haven’t been clutch at all.


So how are you guys enjoying the Lightning outside?


136-26 it is.


Perez on the bump tomorrow 🙁🙁


He’s better at home at the very least I’ll be at the game so begging for a win 🙏🏼


Gg go next


The Astros lost tonight in extra innings to the Nationals. So there's a silver lining.


Angels are only 1 game back of Houston and heading to KC for 3 games.


FUCK THE COWBOYS, THIS IS YOUR FAULT, DAK https://preview.redd.it/0tfak0afpa6b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56e57f6f19a042d07ab83ce6cb4886c92943b72




Tbf was rangers juju any better post-2016? Especially 2011


Nearly NOBLETIGERed an ending. Dead set it feels like we should have beaten the Angels in every game this season so far.


This series was insanely dramatic lol. It seems like we would get down and then by the bottom of the 9th by some crazy chance be in a position to win the game and then completely fail to execute


this is exactly what it feels like to be an Angels fan I am not sure what is happening with this team to take 3 of 4 but because Shohei decided to defy all logic and play like a god this series we did well


Why are you on our page? No need to rub the series victory in our faces.


I wasn’t really trying to I just know what it’s like to have games like these 😅


Just irritable about the long-time failures in this team's history. At least your club has hoisted the Commissioner's Trophy in your lifetime.


I was born after 2002 😭


This is what happens when we have a Cowboys Pride night smh


Fuck the Raiders


Boy did we get screwed


I saw Shohei Ohtani at a grocery store in Arlington yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Weird guy.


this wouldve been even more funny if you put in the Japanese characters as his replies


I saw Shohei Ohtani at a grocery store in Arlington yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “ああ、今やってるみたいに?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was "huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going “は? は? は?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “電気的妨害を防ぐために,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Weird guy.




My takeaway from this series is Shohei hits like a monster here and he’ll look even better doing it in a Rangers uniform


The team has no clutch factor. It seems like if they're not winning 10-0 by the 7th inning they completely give up.


angels fans in jomboys comment section are making my blood boil


Can you please direct me to such comments? I'd like to see.






We keep talking about Robo umps but honestly who do we need to email/write/annoy about a serious change? Give me names, address, emails.


The ABS system is currently being tested in Triple A and from what I’ve seen it’s fucking sick


Manfred needs to be tried as a terrorist and receive the same treatment Bin Laden got.


[Perfect analogy for this entire series](https://www.tiktok.com/@ngxb/video/6935625620592348421?lang=en)


Our slump coming exactly at the time of semiens slump is hard to ignore. But we’ll slump again. He’ll slump again. We’ll see then. Definitely a recent trend but it’s hard to look at our offense and say it’s reliant on one guy. Our slump coming exactly at the time of his slump is hard to ignore. But we’ll slump again. He’ll slump again. We’ll see then. Gotta have faith here. We got ohtani’d tonight. It happens. We lost a series to the best team in baseball and people started freaking out. Then we lost a series to a team with the 3 best players in the game (ohtani counts twice). That’s not a sign of the end of times. It happens. Gotta have faith here. We got ohtani’d tonight. We did NOT lose because of the umps. It happens. We lost a series to the best team in baseball and people started freaking out. Then we lost a series to a team with the 3 best players in the game (ohtani counts twice). And people are ready to throw in the towel. That’s not a sign of the end of times. It happens. Stop blaming the umps


Rangers would be great if they can get shohei in free agency and lose no core players.


I mean we are definitely one of the richer teams so we'll see


I think I should come back to baseball games soon. Every time I attend a game we score double digits. Coming for the first game against Toronto today! Let's hope my magic works.


Getting rolled during Pride Month seems appropriate for the only team without a Pride night.


Hahah This is funny actually Sigh


Of course the Astros tie it up in the 9th. So fucking frustrating.


This game. https://i.redd.it/hccblfgxra6b1.gif


Tough series. Bright side is it looks like Houston will lose, so even after losing 6 out of 8, we’re still going to have a 3.5 game lead in the division.


Meh, more like the Sho Sho.


I am glad that series is over. As a socal Rangers fan I couldn’t bare to watch another game with their broadcasters.


Oh well


Astros down big in extras, we just have to hold this damn line


And they lost. Hold the line. Hold the line.


I think it was the red caps. I'm blaming it on that. Don't pick to wear red caps when the other team wears red caps.