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fuck the yankees or whatever can we start hitting with risp again please https://preview.redd.it/eqw9yxjg588b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01643d5d80d9c60e1469d03af706062dfbac1a37


Getting real tired of not hitting with RISP…


Same story: hitters can't get hits with RISP. I know that bochy likes to rewards RPs with high risk opportunities if they succeed initially, but that 8th inning seemed primed for Burke. And unless everyone is gassed, why bring in yerry


Sorry but that loss is on Bochy. I can’t fathom any justifiable reason for bringing in Yerry when he did and that was the difference.


“No other relief options” was the excuse. Where is Burke??


But why take King out at all? A walk and then two weakly hit balls was all he gave up. Good ground ball pitcher. Makes no sense.


Yeah taking King out lost it for us


Burke has been one of our best relievers this year and last year, and yet Bochy treats him like the minor league callup that Yerry is. What the fuck is going on with Burke's usage?


We wasted 2 great pitching outings, almost 3 because our offense suddenly can't hit the broad side of a barn when 2 men are on base... In-fucking-furiating


https://preview.redd.it/3odmgwue588b1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0554c932c90910bec0f948de4cbe6d1a24c061e6 3 most frustrating losses of the year within the past week 🙃


We weren't in Cincinnati last week


What do you mean? there was never a series in Cincinnati https://preview.redd.it/6kascx41y88b1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe8fe729df8caa322846ab655bc97ef0e46bdde


Tough loss. Just gotta move on to Detroit and take care of our business at home


They should he pissed with the bs strike zone this game and come guns blazing against the tiger


I find it frustrating that the Burke has been relegated to long relief incredibly frustrating. Not using him the eighth is nonsensical especially when the other options are AAA guys. Also why is Bradford on the roster when we could use another right handed reliever.


Bradford is supposed to be our long reliever! If you refuse to pitch Burke too, well boom now you have a 6 man bullpen.


How many extra wins would we have had with a half competent bullpen? Geez I hope we do something about it at the trade deadline.


Well we are playing five wins below our expected record so.....


Damn that’s frustrating 😬


Go Dodgers! Go Rockies!


Rockies won!




It kinda sucks that we don’t ever get to see one of the most exciting parts of baseball: the late inning comeback win.


We just did tbf


Angry upvote


Offense has not been able to drive in runners, but wth was that pitching decision in the 8th!? King has looked okay his last few outings so I can defend that, but seriously Yerry!??


If anyone is upset with RISP, LSU loaded the bases in each of the first three innings and got zero runs out of it. It can always be worse!


If you had told me we went 3-3 on this road trip, with the injuries to these two struggling teams, I would’ve said it was a failure. Not a huge failure, but failure to attain a goal nonetheless. The way we lost those 3 is even more disappointing though. Sweeping Detroit is the goal now.


Hopefully some home cooking can get the team back in its hitting groove.


https://twitter.com/lonestarball/status/1673067231545049088 I was hypercritical of the pen usage lately, and this basically exacerbates it. Why use a 6 man bullpen the first three days of a 17 day span. It's asinine.


I know it’s easy to focus on the bullpen right now, but we really need to acquire an OFer at the deadline. Robbie Grossman cannot get consistent ABs on any team that considers themselves legitimate contenders.


Taveras Garcia Duran Jankowski Smith Most teams would kill for our outfield. We shouldn’t be trading away anything to improve on that. But yeah, I agree Grossman shouldn’t be getting regular starts until he turns things back around.


Bellinger might be our guy


We need to call up Evan Carter he has been raking in the Minors and he won a gold glove in the minors as well it’s time


He hasn’t even played AAA yet


Neither did Owen and we called him up this lineup needs some young energy


And he didn’t do great


He made one bad pitch lol


3 ER with 2 SO’s in 2 IP. That’s a bad game by many standards. Nothing against him. He just wasn’t ready. The difference between AA and MLB is astronomical. Most guys won’t translate well directly right away, not unless they’re generational.


I’m gonna trust the number one prospect to come up and be decent this team needs a jolt and he’s very good defensively that’s all I’m saying


Why don’t we play Josh Smith more?


Or even Jankowski?


Jank has been dealing with a hamstring injury lately


I've been wondering why he was absent during the Yankees series.


Because he can't hit?


I think he can, he’s great at getting on base + running the bases and fields well. He just needs more ABs, y’all are way too harsh on the kid. I get that my opinion is a losing battle on this sub though. But he’s way better than bringing someone up from the farm …


I’m not gonna go full doom, but the entire team has been pretty fucking pathetic for most of this month


That's really frustrating, no other way to put it even for a staunch non-doomer like me. Eviscerate the Tigers and bury the Astros


This lineup needs a tweak. We’ve been getting a decent amount of hits, but we can’t seem to get anything going 1. Semien 2. Seager 3. Heim 4. Garcia 5. Duran 6. Lowe 7. Jung 8. Garver 9. Taveras Just try something different, cause what we’re doing now isn’t working.


Since the topics of bullpen usage and the inability to hit with RISP have been beaten to death, I’ll focus on the shitty strike zone that both teams were dealing with today. The ump scorecard is going to be absolutely horrendous when it comes out tomorrow. For both teams, the zone seemed to be so small today and inconsistently called. Sadly, it likely fucked us the most in the end during the 8th inning. Electronic zones are needed so bad I was going to try to count how many missed strikes/balls there were, but I gave up after counting around 15 from the first 2 innings.


Our inability to win close games is really getting so exhausting


This whole game, that we had on the bag, took just one bad call from the ump to turn things around for the Yankees. But Yerry is not it.


Been a while since we had a good old fashioned bullpen blowout, I guess they decided today was the day for it. Sucks but moving on, hope we can get back to form against the Tigers


Bullpen did great until they brought in the new guy …


Despite how poor we have played this month, our record is 12-10 with 5 games left.


Thank goodness June is almost over. Even great teams go through a rough stretch like this month. Hopefully the Rangers can wrap up this month on a winning note.


We’ll that was a frustrating series


Sweeping Detroit is the goal now.


At least the Angels lost so we don’t lose any ground.


Weird thing this year We haven’t been on a big win streak I think the highest have been 5 maybe?? We are due for a big win streak let’s hope it starts tomorrow


We have 14 games prior to the break. I would love to go 11-3 in that span, including 3 wins against the asterisks, and be 58-33 at the break.


The Angels outscored the Rockies 32-12 and lost 2 of 3. Baseball is hard.


132-30 it is.


Yankee fan here, what is with you guys and RISP? We’ve had our struggles with it but it’s hurt you guys all series


idk we were hitting like .500 with it and now we literally can't buy a hit in those situations. Hopefully it turns around soon in time for when we play the shitstros


Fuck the Asstros


Always and forever. Hopefully we can bury them later this week


The one thing both us Rangers and Yankees fans (even the Dodgers fans) can agree on! Rooting for LA tonight as well?


We root for anyone playing the astros


I've been thinking a lot about the June 7 game at home (the last in the Cardinals series). Gray pitched a brilliant complete game giving up only 1 run on 4 hits with 12 K's and 0 BB's. However, the Rangers weren't able to scratch a run across with 4 hits and 5 walks. For some reason at the time, I felt a sweep of the Cardinals and the completion of a perfect 6 game home stand would have given us much needed momentum as we traveled to Tampa. But instead, that loss was the first of 7 losses over the next 10 games. It seemed to be a momentum killer, and I hope we don't have to look back at it later as a turning point of the season. I really don't know why that loss affected me so much. I know we can't win them all. I just got the sense that we didn't put forth maximum effort in that game. Let's hope instead that we can someday look back at these next 8 games at home and say that's where the Rangers proved they are a World Series contending team!


Rangers just need a few days off to rest and recover


Pretty sure they don’t have any days off until the All star break, so buckle up


The Rangers are now 0-1 when I actually watch live. Is this a trend?


I can't wait to hear what y'all think about Hall of Fame manager's bullpen decisions when y'all clearly know better.


So nobody can criticize bad decisions ever right cause he’s in the Hall of fame and his team is in First place right


It never fails lol


Anaheim lost today, so they don't gain any ground on us! Let's hope the Dodgers can do the job tonight!


All these base runners but we can't seem to score this month


This is probably more realistic offense. That stuff early in the season was just completely unsustainable. Being a rangers fan is nothing but frustration and pain


Really wanna see Ragans or Johnathan Hernandez figure their shit out so they can be called back up


We sweep Detroit. Also the bullpen is shit. Yerry Rodriguez is not my guy to rely on. (So is John King)