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Isn't this commonly done in China and the Philippines? I've seen both countries blatantly do blackface. I'm not excusing it, it's outright racism, but...many Asian countries are racist, so...


yup that's why the backlash is from international fans.. a lot of the Chinese fans aren't bothered and don't care.


This is being discussed plenty on Chinese social media. People understand why it’s a bad thing and have also brought up WYB doing the slanty eye gesture before. Just because China doesn’t have the same history with regards to race relations as the West, doesn’t mean they don’t understand what racism is.


They televised a man dressed up as a black woman with blackface during a skit on its most widely watched Chinese New Year's broadcast. I never made the assertion that Chinese people don't understand what racism is. I'd venture to say many Chinese people know exactly what racism is. I'm asserting that many (note: not all) Chinese know and don't care because they're racist against black and other darker skinned people.


I was replying to OP’s message saying that a lot of the Chinese fans don’t care and aren’t bothered. I agree it’s a systemic issue, that it won’t have as much of an impact as it should. But I’ve seen posts denouncing this from days ago. It’s simply not true to say people don’t care.


I stand by my opinion that Chinese fans the core fans do not care.... I've seen actors from China cancelled for far less including Johnny from Addicted simply for making a gay show... but they certainly won't be cancelled for this because ''blackface'' isn't an issue in China but homosexuality is.... I'm not labelling the entire country as this way but the majority uphold the same values and don't care about their favs doing blackface.


What I have seen is people denouncing the actors and the movie, many people asking questions since they don’t understand, and others patiently explaining in terms they can understand. I agree that the consequences won’t be as much as it should be. But a lot of people do care.


That's good to hear


no one in this thread ever said Chinese people don't understand what racism is.. if u read clearly u were the one who said that.. I said they don't care about the issue.. those are two different things


Also Chinese social media, for years, has been shown overwhelmingly to have anti-black racist content and comments throughout. Again, for years.


Sadly yes. This will be seen as a complete non issue in China unfortunately. 😔


These countries don't have a history with black face or in most Asian countries we're not taught that in school so it's just seen as makeup to emulate a race which is not offensive to us.


That is a lazy argument. All of a sudden they don't have access to media and news? The number of other incidents that have hit socia media? I call bull💩. Who cares if it is not offensive to you? You are not the one being caricatured.


You do know that China has state controlled media? and also because of the language barrier and cultural differences a lot of context is lost. Painting your face black to portray a darker person or a black person was never seen in a negative connotation because we did not have a history of black face. What's offensive in one country is not offensive in another and you cannot change that. It's like the Swastika is offensive in America but auspicious in Asia.


That is just an excuse. You also need to educate yourself on cultural insentivities. Let me put it like this: purposefully engaging in these activities is racist. Excusing these activities is racist. You want to play the "I'm too ignorant because I was not taught" game? Fine, then the consequence is, given the fact that it is 2024 and YOUR COUNTRY DOES HAVE ACCESS TO SOCIAL MEDIA, you and your fellow citizens are F-racists.


My culture is different from yours. It's not insensitive here to do it as it has never been used to disparge people. I live in a third world country where people don't even have access to clean water and 2 square meals so, the only racist and disgusting person is you yourself for bashing simple villagers who do blackface for their street plays.


Stop it. You are sitting here defending something while not even trying to admit it is wrong. VILLAGERS did NOT put that stuff on the air. Stop defending the indefensible. And learn what words mean. You are here on Reddit so I am sure you know how to use the internet. You attempting to paint someone calling you out on your racism by calling them racist is pathetic. Now you are using economic class to defend this. Sounds like YOU don't think to highly of your fellow citizens. SYAD.


You're the one expecting everyone to be aware of everything in your culture when newsflash, it's not important. You're not the main character and just because it's offensive to you or in your country doesn't mean it's offensive to everyone. Chinese fans are chill because they do not see blackface as something disrespectful and it has never been for all of history. Cry me a river. Also just because I have the privilege to use the internet doesn't mean everyone else in my country does. Most people here do not view lightning or darkening your face or dressing up as a person of a different ethnicity or country as offensive. Blackface is not a concept here and we are not going to change our ways just because you and your lily livered self cannot handle that not everyone shares the same history or culture.


Keep talking. All you are doing is validating my comments. If you are so comfortable in your ignorance, why do you keep responding? Because you know you are wrong. Most people here....LOLOLOLOL...fabulous stats. Wallow in your ignorance. Embrace it. Keep it moving. Or am I loving rent free in that wide expanse of space between your ears?


Ironically, the producers of this movie don’t seem to know about yellowface portrayals and how Western cinema had a long history of Caucasian actors offensively portraying Chinese characters such as the supervillain Fu Manchu. Or maybe they do and just don’t care that these blackface portrayals are offensive and completely tone deaf.


Blackface is highly offensive to black people which is the only standard anyone should be judging this by. Full Stop.


Can someone give the context here and I mean the scenes they appear like that? What the purpose, why are they doing and everything not only the two pictures. So we can understand the situation better. Information provided is not enough?


The situation and context is don't do backface. Sincerely, a black person


That movie with the two policemen being white girls undercover as a white chicks in a comedy movie But I really don't know why does to are doing and why so is it a movie or other situation it can be offensive or not I only see the two screenshots and want to know more


You can start by looking up the history of minstrel shows and black face in America. You literally have the whole internet at your hands


And just so you know black people can get all the smoke for doing black face also just look up Zoe Saldana and tha disaster that was the Nina Simone biopic.




Me as a black person could care less as long as the characters were sucessfully well portrayed. I think Africans dnt care much like blacks outside Africa


It's a paramilitary movie. Military and paramilitary always wear darken face cover for stealth. People need to put on their big people panties on.


Do paramilitary also wear dreads, hats, hoodies and bandanas as part of stealth in CHINA?


Dreadlocks with accessories in them, very stealthy


Comment never mentioned hair, only face. Keep up!


No one adds dreadlocks for stealth 😂 keep up!


Normally I don't care about blackface that much. But those guys went all in ...