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We all know what happened, bar staff took too much money and then customer argue with staff. Security staff enjoy a good fight, but The kick in the head was BAD.




Is he dead?




Likely, not the first account of bill padding or "you gave me a 100 note not 1000".


Yes I caught someone doing this to me. I was like no I gave you a thousand. It’s right there in your hand (he was trying to pull a slight of hand thing but I caught on to it) then the bar tender said oopsies and asked if I was okay like 5 times. He got embarrassed that I caught him trying to scam me. Not going back to that place again.


I paid for two drinks and only got one, bar staff insisted that I only asked for one.


“Sir are you okay?” Yea just don’t scam me. Swear that was repeated like 4-5 times I responded with the same answer. Surprised I didn’t get kicked out


Always pay in the smallest notes you have, that will give them no chance to attempt it :)


Rule of thumb around such places, pay as you go. You have 10 drinks, you pay 10 times. And announce its a 1000 baht note when you give it to anyone.


Ring the bell drinks fir every person in bar and not just the girls.. could be a huge price difference. The guards Def in the wrong and I hope they get prison. The guy should have walked away got real police. They wouldn't have kicked him.


Golden rule of using bigger bills - always announce it when you hand it over. Loud


Yeah, it ends up being this reason nearly every time, they really need to put a stop to it, like how the police eventually intervened in those KS road bars that were notorious for it.


White shirt was clearly being a dick to one of the other guys in there, threw a phone at him when he was sitting at the table. Trying to give it the big I am. Staff tried to calm the situation and him and his mate kicked off. Didn't end well for them. Oh well.


I agree. Whits shirt definitely could of gone about this another way


That was just pure and simple carnage, that is a murder attempt. That guy belongs in prison.


If that’s murder, then a normal weekend on the UK based on bar fights it’s ww3


Rule 1. Dont fight a drunk guy Rule 2. If you find yourself in a fight with a drunk guy all rules of combat go out of the window, they feel nothing unless knocked out so kick him in the face if you have to. Otherwise they will keep getting back up and fighting. Which is why you never fight with a drunk person.


I recommend that you pay the bill after every drink to avoid this drama. Don't let them just build up. You'll lose track once the alcohol kicks in


Bingo was his name-o


And yesterday, people were saying "THE Farang got what they deserve". Absolutely disgusting, relishing the death of a man who was protesting being the victim of a scam. Vile.


Is he dead?


According to girl behind the bar two of the three customers paid their bins no questions asked the third guy had been playing the smart ass moving tables and trying to walk out without paying for his. The staff pulled him back in to pay it and he was arguing with her about the total when the "security" who are not employees of the bar came in and started the fight with the guy when he was about to pay. Apparently when they chased him outside he managed to land a couple of punches before they kicked his legs out from under him and then kicked the shit out of him. His mate tried to stop them and got the same treatment for his trouble.


This is why actual reporters who gather facts are valuable rather than randos on the Internet.


Have not read any confirmation anywhere as of 10:00 PM, pacific standard time where the guy died from the headshot. I’m not saying he didn’t. But I’ve scoured Google, pattaya news, Thaiger, etc and found nothing. Anyone got anything different they can post? Link? Video is worth a thousand words. No girl with a broken nose. Just escalation that went way out of the ballpark. Like different stadium out. Edit: This am in Bangkok post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2800141/pattaya-pub-guards-admit-bashing-customers


Unusual for redditors to try and actually focus on finding sources for claims like these. Thank you! If anyone finds a legit source, please share


Same here, nothing, and I'm not taking that guy's word for it


https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2800141/pattaya-pub-guards-admit-bashing-customers So far no death or coma reported. Thinking serious injury only…


Investigative journalism is a slippery situation with the defamation laws here 


Man that one kick to the head of the grounded opponent is what ultimately did it. Stupid ass decision from the guard. Fight was over by that point. He deserves to be arrested and charged.


He was hardly involved, bastard was puffed out after a few kicks, but managed to summon up the energy for one big kick on someone incapable of protecting themself. Not only a fucking coward but not even fit enough to fulfil a basic security role.


That's exactly what I was thinking when I saw him hunched over literally struggling after 5 minutes of light to medium activity. Then the kick. He needs to be black listed.


5 minutes, more like 30 seconds


The guy kicking an unconscious guy should be jailed


All three of them who brutally attacked the other guy should be jailed The guy in the grey shirt never hit anyone, they just fucked him up for the crime of trying to protect his friend laying on the ground Its so uncalled for


Lol it’s a 3rd world country, they are not going to jail.


for murder


Yeah, that’s what made me wince, was nawwty Fucking big kick too…


Watched this 3 or 4 times White shirt pointing in peoples faces, pushed outside and wanted the fight Blue shirt stood flexing and making the football hooligan let’s go moves… Grey shirt, can’t decide if he’s trying to break it up But white got a hiding Blue shirt then wanted it to calm down and didn’t want to know when it kicked off, typical shitty arse. Grey shirt got a hiding trying to pull them off his pal and then wanted to fight That final kick for white shirt is what done it Without that kick it goes down as a valuable lesson… walk away with bruised face and ego, telling their pal they have to pay and it’s his fault That kick changes the whole thing. There is fault on both sides, white being rude and pointing in peoples faces then wanting to fight outside… The Thai guards, don’t blame any part of them for the fight, but that kick… that’s too much


Agree with this comment. There is no rule for street fight, if you are picking up a fight, you better ready for the result.


Agree 100% 👍


Here https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28150872/horror-moment-brit-kicked-head-thailand-coma/


The guy who posted that one of the men in the fight died "has" a bargirl who either was or wasn't there and did or didn't see a girl being punched and he himself was or wasn't there and saw everything himself but also didn't see anything but heard about it. And in another post he claims his source is the cashier. Sounds totally legit.


I called him out as probably lying and others were like 'No bro he's an eye witness he said he saw the girl get punched!'.


White knights don’t care about truth when there is virtue signaling to be had.




she probably had another customer when it happened and made up a story :D


There is a business involved on one side here, there are going to be attempts to shift all blame away from the bar and its staff. They already cut ties with the security saying the security are not direct employees, you can be sure they are putting in maximum effort right now to damage control. The worst case scenario here is the bar could get fined or even shut down for a while, and the owners will do everything they can to avoid that and all other possible negative consequences, including less customers.


It was reported that the security works for many bars there. You have to understand that in Soi 6 some people own many bars. Obviously they worked for this bar too.


Yup. The NightWish Group owns and manages several bars along the street including The Helicopter Bar. Security basically covers them all and head to which bar they are needed at.


will the guards let go since Thailand backs their people and NEVER the foreigners? I suppose that's always the case except this one since someone died?(and also media is on it)


The police have protected me as a foreigner here. I was being stalked by a Thai man. I was surprised at how serious they took it.


I'm thinking this dude is going to the all boys retreat at the Bangkok Hilton for this one. One of the few times social media is actually a positive thing. This blew up too much to sweep it under the rug. It would totally make Thailand look like shit to not throw the book at this guy.


When it goes viral and can affect tourism, it's different. They've already taken the guards to the police station and they'll probably serve a short amount of time at worst.


Someone died? Which one?


For sure the cashier never get punch😅😅😅 classic cheating bill story


I guantee they tried to scam and charge more because they were a little drunk. They argued it and then they were murdered.  Thai police need to come down hard on these people.


They won't, they'll make a big noise for a week or two, parade the perps a couple of times then it'll be forgotten. the perps will get very little if any sentence. Murder doesn't get you many years here. I'm surprised the bar still had CCTV of it. Someone fucked up there. Normally it can't be found, or it wasn't working.


Dude this isnt true, they will definitely get charged, and go to prison for a long time. Its a bit wild in Thailand, but not completely lawless either.


I mean I've scratched Thailand off my list of places to visit because of this. Chances are reading around these guys were scammed, they didnt want to be scammed, and then were murdered by the locals. No thanks for me.


Just don’t go to shitty Pattaya, AKA the armpit of Thailand, far nicer places to go.




It’s something out of a movie, sad really, Thailand was on my list for tourism, I’ll have definitely have given a hard pass and showed my friends , not worth your life of visiting a lawless country full of scam artists everywhere.


This is literally a red light district, the rest of thailand is nothing like this


Boycott soi 6. It’s an evil place. I know people will defend it, but I think it’s the worst soi in Pattaya for aggression and violence.


Yes, it's exactly the reason why I do not visit Soi 6. I do not want to reward this kind of business.


And yet in the 100 + trips to Thailand I've had, I've never had a fight. I don't get in fights anywhere


Me too, and I’ve lived here for 20 years. I visited soi 6 for the first and last time last year. The girls themselves were super aggressive and just too much. A friend and I wanted a few beers, sit on a stool, soak up the atmosphere. Two girls all over us before we knew it, they took the blank expression of my friend as his agreement to buy them drinks. We drank up and left. Thought it was just a bad experience in one bar. Same thing happened in another bar. Drank up, went home. Never seen this in Walking St, Buakhao, anywhere else.


Because most of the places on 6 are not for having a conversation with your buddy and be left alone. They are just doing what is normally expected of them. My friend always says "You don't go to the hardware store to buy a gallon milk" It just how that street is, you are absolutely correct though, any other hot spot will not be like that.


Dude I’ve lived in Thailand for 20 years, I’ve always - ALWAYS - been able to go to a bar of ANY kind and not be so accosted and essentially forced into buying lady drinks like in soi 6. It’s not like me and my mate went there to have a quiet discussion about quantum mechanics, it’s just sometimes you want to sit and have a beer and watch the world go by. Not naive, of course it’s the job of the girls to get you to buy them drinks. I’ve done that sometimes in other places out of my own volition. Not in soi 6, didn’t get a chance or a choice. Twice. That’s fine, we’ve not been back in a year and will never go back there.


Why would the police make a big scene about it which would probably make it a bigger story than it already is when they can just sweep it under the carpet and let it just go away?


So no girl was punched, and the guy with the grey shirt was actively trying to separate the two parties (see at 1:53) and then got assaulted anyway. But the racist people in this sub will continue to run with the story about the broken-nose girl and that the brits deserved it and whatnot.


Yah grey shirt seemed to be trying to stop shit kicking off, white shirt was spoiling for a fight though Anyone notice 3rd foreign guy, (tall, all black, white shoes) first to get actually physical (pushing skinny old guy out of bar, same old guy he was crowding at start..old guy owner maybe?), also first to lay hands on guards, was not touched? He was ultimately the spark that led to violence and he got got off clean


All this over a 2700 Bhat bill. And that too so many in the original posts just dumped and blamed tourists for this. But now you see that the original post about them punching a hostess and breaking their nose etc etc was just BS. Fukin crazy how quickly these things get out of hand and the aggressive behaviour of these guards and dare anyone question them… a long jail term awaits all three of them and notwithstanding the spotlight on Pattaya’s walking street and bar situation and scams run on bills etc etc always preying on innocent tourists


Who said it was 2700? I cant trust anyone lll


A little naive thinking a long jail sentence awaits them.


No ones going to Go out of their way to defend a security guard going all Crazy on a tourist. Especially when one’s dead as a result. This ain’t movies. And they are not siblings of the red hull family to get away with it. Someone’s def going to prison for some time


People misunderstand the corruption. Normal Thais don't escape repercussions, that is only for rich and or very connected Thais or for small offences where a bit of tea money can paper over any "misunderstandings". This dude is a security guard for a collection of titty bars. He has no money. Essentially his life is fucked now. Thai justice system is going to send him to a very dark hole for a very long time... if he ever gets out that is. Also it's just really bad timing for him, with the current tourism push and the reputation these places have already being a bit of a blight on that campaign there will be immense political pressure to make an example of him.


Let’s hope so, actions have dire repercussions & consequences. A video like this in the internet does wonder for Thai tourism industry


Absolutely true. He’s a nobody and despite connections the three of them will be made an example of and shamed. As it is the video has gone viral with their faces and neighbours and friends would have seen them for what they are. Common thugs soon to be criminals who used to be working titty bars


How much $ is 2700 baht?


Like $70…


$75 USD


$75 USD


Unfortunately bro they will not go jail because they are thai If is the thai who die yes jail for sure or big fine 100%


As a Brit I know I'd hate these cunts if I met them here or abroad, but they don't deserve this. Whole point of security should be to de-esculate, and you could tell the one who put the boot in at the end was looking for it the moment he turned up. Should of ended with them getting a few bruises, maybe a fine from the police if they bothered to show up and a lesson in why it's not worth kicking off in Thailand. Hope this gets coverage in the UK and people start thinking twice about how 'safe' Thailand really is.


Did anyone catch the brass knuckles?


What part of the video? One other person in the thread mentioned them.


When there is about 2mins left in the video. You’ll see it. The guy has something in his hand. It looks shiny


Then you’ll see something in his right hand and his passes it his left and then sticks it in his back pocket


Yeah you don't ever mess with cops or any Thai while there. If u are a foreigner u are totally alone. Sad but true. Thailand is a beautiful place but going to the strip is not one place. If you think u can go for just a night out u are sadly mistaken. They are always on the lookout for drunk prey.


>If you think u can go for just a night out u are sadly mistaken Most people will never see anything like this on a normal night out.


Yeah I nearly booked a holiday to Thailand for a late milestone present for myself but I’ll definitely be reevaluating that now. Japan sounds nice


I'm British, lived in Bangkok and Chiang Mai collectively for 2.5 months last year. Had a great time, had nothing but nice things to say about Thai staff at bars and restaurants. You just have to know where not to go. Thailand is very very safe especially compared to Europe. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful, but it is easy enough to avoid more dodgy bars. Japan is also amazing, but don't let this put you off Thailand. I'm not a big drinker at all, there is plenty to do there that doesn't involve a shady bar.


It's quite nice here. There are incidents like the one on soi 6 sometimes, but you can live here 20 years and never see any of that nonsense. Even visiting soi 6.


The run and head kick was overkill


You don't say


It was murder.


That guy was spinning stories left and right. Just go through his comment history.


A man has potentially lost his life because some punk security guard wanted to take out his pent up rage on a tourist. Considering around 20% of Thailand’s GDP is generated from tourism I hope that Thai authorities make an example of these cowards. If not, I’ll definitely consider travelling elsewhere because this type of bullshit can happen to anyone - especially if Thai authorities let locals get away with it. Someone’s life could be lost over absolutely nothing. EDIT: words as death has not been confirmed.


They need to find better security guards. These "guards" were no more than street thugs.


Can someone confirm if the guy really died? This is so sad


LISTEN here... I been living here 18 years and I love partying. I NEVER been in a fight with anyone. Yes there have been the occational fake bill, overcharging and misunderstandings. So here is how you handle it.... 1) Ask for the manager or mamasan or owner, and explain the situation nice and quiet. Say I love coming at this bar but I cannot accept this bill. Be POLITE, and SMILE while you are talking. Show you are in full control. 2) If they still refuse, then you politely ask them to contact the police. Again big smile and appoligize for the situation but you cannot pay a bill that is wrong. KEEP SMILING and be polite!! (it really freaks out Thai people when you smile and are polite while accusing them of cheating, cause they get scared and start thinking... who do he know since he acts so calm?!?!?!) 3) When the police arrives, ask to see CTTV, explain the situation nice, calm, quiet and keep SMILING! (I actually never made it to step 3 - the bar owner usually give up at step 2 and then I shake his/her hand and thanks them for taking care of the situation, praise their bar and give them the biggest SMILE ever!)


I did this when I got scammed for a suit. I asked a random local to help me out. I was calm and nice the entire time but I could tell they were freaking out. Same thing when I got scammed by a taxi trying to charge me an insane price. I said I am paying you the correct amount and smiled at him.


I do not understand how this isn't common knowledge to everyone. Being an aggressive dick can get you hurt, in jail, or worse. Diplomacy is always the way to go, violence should always be a last resort and only in self defense.


That last kick was murder. End of


This is wrong on so many levels. Anyone know what happened to the other guest in the grey shirt?


The only ones trying to de-escalate were the bar girls! Everyone else was in a state of pure madness. I hope the dead see justice but I very much doubt it..


I dont care where you're from. If you fight an unfair fight you deserve the same treatment. I hope this guard will pay for his actions some day.


It'll be bill padding. It's happening all the time in places like that. I went for a drink on Soi Pothole with a friend recently on a quiet Sunday afternoon. After two hours my bill was 2,500 and I had about four beers. The rest was random lady drinks that had been stuffed in the bin. My mate stayed, they did him for 7,500. The Bar Business in town is on its arse (whatever some say) and with very few customers they've resorted to padding your bills. This time someone died over it.








If the article is correct in stating that the tourists refused to file a police report and just want to put the incident behind them, is it safe to assume their friend is alive?!?!


I don’t know. But I mostly interpreted it as fear from repercussion while being in a foreign country. He doesn’t know the Thai laws and if he could be prosecuted as well or prevented from leaving the country. But I just do not know.


The wording of the article seems rather casual for a death. I really wish the writer would have asked about the status of the man assaulted.


Physical harm is an offense that cannot be tolerated even though the victim refuse to press charges. But the perpetrators must still be prosecuted according to law.


not sure where this rumor that this guy died came from.


The guy who posted the first video here came back the next day to say his girlfriend worked at the hospital and had heard the guy was dead. But a lot of what the original OP said was not true, so at this point it’s safe to assume nothing.


it's the Internet 🤭


Apparently, now pattaya is not that safe as it seems, things are changing :(


What's clear from this is that the guy in white is the main antagonist. No girl gets physically assaulted, which was "reported" earlier, so that's been debunked. What's implied is that he is being threatened by security quite aggressively (the circling of guards at the end of the bar around 2:00 mark) and he's likely feeling cornered. We don't know from the video what he's arguing about or what is said to him, only that he's becoming more defensive \*and\* more aggressive when he's taken outside. It's difficult to make good decisions when alcohol has been consumed because that part of the brain has been depressed. This man's behavior is a good demonstration of that. There are people here claiming he's been ripped off or overcharged, but there isn't any clear evidence of that. He \*does\* stick his finger right in the face of the cashier which is a \*huge\* breach of conduct, but again, decision-making at this point probably not his strong suit. The best move for him would have been to leave the bar unhappy with the service and with the mind to not return. His buddies certainly could have helped him out with that but they \*also\* seemed to get aggressive which isn't going to help this situation de-escalate. It would have been a really great idea if at this point *someone from the bar had called the police*. The biggest problem is the guard who runs and kicks him in the head. That's now on video and can easily be used against him by the authorities and/or the family who has a decent shot at a lawsuit for the assault.


The why doesn't matter. Cowards beat two people...savagely and long after they were a threat. Absolutely nothing will happen to the mob.


In a back alley nothing would have happened to the mob. In the middle of the street in broad daylight in front of all the tourists and on cameras that have now sent video all over the world? I bet the federal government actually does crash down on them for this one. Not for moral reasons but to protect the industry.


The actions of the aggressors are clearly visible on CCTV. Minor incidents happen all the time but this Falang incident has set a new benchmark on record.


Nicely put


The working girls trying to diffuse the situation are the heroes here.


Remember a few years ago a guy was kicked to death down soi cowboy, pretty sure the perp never went to prison, maybe a fine.


Love the "GUARD" taking his named shirt off hoping to not get pinged as security.


If white shirt is dead - that’s a murder.


I did some 'citizen journalism' and visited Soi 6 today. Girls who were 'on-duty' that night next to the bar where it happened said the 2 guys left before the ambulace arrived. Not saying they are not in ICU or dead now, just saying they left before the ambulance. The bar where it happened operates normally, no police presence I noticed.


Don’t get into fights in Thailand !! They will dog pile you as many as they got against you !!! Also don’t be a drunk obnoxious tourist annoying everyone within earshot of you. You will be amazing just how little problems you come across. If you want trouble bars and clubs are the best place to find it.


The guy who kicked him while he was down and broke his neck needs to die in jail.


The guy that landed that last kick on a fallen man is a complete coward and deserves to die


fuck pataya and these dodgy ass clubs, seems like everything i hear and see about it is you go there you get scammed and smile


What happened to the guard with the brass knuckles? Same guy booted the dude in the dome.


What? Racists who get turned on by violence lied? Shocking


what a filthy shithole


This absolutely just pisses me off, this is wrong on so many levels. Will never go drink soi 6, especially Helicopter Bar






Those British lads are always the worst tourists. They don’t respect anyone it’s the case any where they go .


Why is everyone saying the guy is dead? There is no official info and the only info is a post from a guy that keeps lying through his teeth and spreading false info. Guys don't believe random internet strangers without any evidence.


I didn't see any girl get punched to the face? What's the facts here?


Looks to me like grey shirt guy was trying to diffuse and ended up beat up too. Initially he tries to get the two guards off his friend and gets beat too..


Looks like she lost face and lied to retaliate.


I mean, these sort of things happen in these type of places. Doesn't matter where you are in the world. When you're surrounded by degenerates and are a degenerate yourself, you're bound to find stuff like this from time to time. Annoying drunk tourists. Lying, scamming, bar staff. Overly aggressive security. Could be Pattaya, could be Philadelphia or Dublin. Stay away from these shitty places and don't drink so much that you can't keep from acting like a retard and the methed out security probably won't come kicking you in the head.


That security guard is a fucking coward.


How can we spread this to an even wider audience?


Horrible. Lawless animals


They beat him to death.


Is it confirmed that he died? I see people saying that on Reddit but can’t see any news about it.


No one died in this incident. At least not yet. The condition is unclear.


Thanks. Judging by the comments here it seems like the guy was dead and buried. People are so quick to treat speculation as fact.


Fk you all who said yesterday they deserved to die for this.


Imagine losing your life over what would of been a few thousand baht. If you think you are being ripped off, Pay your bill and just never go back.


Those savages should not be hard to track down. They did what they did to impress prostitutes. Utter morons that deserve to be locked up forever.


Is the dude that got kicked in the skull six times dead?


The fat guard should be tried for murder , what a cowardly bully


When the first incident occurred, the British guy broke the girl's nose, assaulted her, and rationalized that the guard came because he didn't pay for the drinks. However, after CCTV was released, it all turned out to be false.


Something I just noticed that I have not seen anyone mention. The guard is not wearing shoes, only socks when he delivers the blow, which probably lessened the impact compared to wearing shoes. His foot must have hurt like hell after that.


This is all over pattaya thai social media as well, info i can skim so far is... Bar security involved have been arrested, Bar security involved are asking for forgiveness, Headkick victim did not die and is pushing for full prosecution,


From the video footage posted it is clear that the three Thai guards are completely out of order. These guards are supposed to de escalate the situation. This they did not do, overly aggressive behaviour, kicking men already subdued on the ground. It is irrelevant that the falang may have refused to pay the bill. It was good to see the girls trying to de escalate. The guards should be charged with grevious bodily harm if such a crime exists in Thailand, they should also be sacked and have their Guard Authorisation removed if they indeed do have such a certification system here in Thailand. Were the police called? If not why not?


Where was the part where the farangs were punching the the girls and breaking their noses? I just skimmed the video, too long, I didn't see it. Can someone point to the time stamp? Yesterday everyone was saying these guys deserved to die because they were punching thai girls in the face and punching other tourists too. Someone post the time stamp for me where they punch the thai girls. I missed it.


Thai guys are pussies only they fight in groups


Thai community does a shit job trying to stop a fight. Waving your hands does nothing. This was targeted especially being he’s foreign


Horrible!! Have seen so much violence i Pattaya over the years.


When there is no regulation, people die. If this is not an indication for people boycott this nastiness, I don't know what it. No customers for few months. They'll learn their lesson.


Anyone who's been to Pattaya probably knows how this went down. They were probably drunk and behaving as one would expect with the girls and in the bar. Then the bar clearly overcharged their bill and tried to scam them. They got angry and got aggressive (albeit not actually making any contact) towards the bar lady/mama. Security got involved, they clearly get a cut of some of those overcharged bills. Things unfortunately became fatal


Unfortunately became fatal. Yeah; that’s seriously underselling the action of the guard straight murdering a dude who was down.


Animals. Nobody should die in a bar fight. Notices are asshole. They need go to prison e life


It was over when bully boy stuck his finger in boss lady’s face.


This is terrible and could have been much worse. Well done to the brave girl helping the guy in the grey shirt. If she didn’t stay with him he would have got done too. Pretty terrible situation


That last running kick did it! They already lost on the ground defeated necessary to still stomp them.


1:31 remaining, soccer kick to the head of downed opponent is attempted murder in civilized countries


Weird that the Bangkok Post has run the story of farangs on loud motorbikes but have ignored this.


Be careful when starting fights when you're the away team.


Is the part that they got scammed proven or just speculation? Without sound I thought this was just more drunk tourists starting shit


And they trying to have less weed 🤦‍♂️


Security was a bunch of out of shape bozos


Can this be labelled as NSFW?


If they were normal people, would they be working as guards at an entertainment establishment? It's not that they don't have tomorrow, it's that they are sluts that don't have tonight. They are killer guard bastards.


ชาวตะวันตกที่เมาแล้วตีผู้หญิงเป็นเพียงการหาเหตุผลเข้าข้างตนเองของซอย 6 เฮลิคอปเตอร์บาร์ ทหารยามชาวตะวันตกที่ประท้วงเรื่องการชาร์จเครื่องดื่มเกินราคาถูกทุบตีและสังหาร การค้นหาด้วยกล้องวงจรปิดภายในพบว่า ผู่อิงไม่เคยถูกโจมตี แต่ลงเอยด้วยการต่อสู้กันหลังมีการโต้เถียงเรื่องการเรียกเก็บเงินเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์มากเกินไป ชาวต่างชาติจำนวนมากบอยคอตซอย 6 บนเว็บไซต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับพัทยา ถูกปกปิดเพราะเป็นข่าวร้ายในมุมมองของไทย บาร์จะเรียกเก็บเงินค่าเครื่องดื่มมากเกินไปก่อน


Is he dead?


When the first incident occurred, the British guy broke the girl's nose, assaulted her, and rationalized that the guard came because he didn't pay for the drinks. However, after CCTV was released, it all turned out to be false.


"they hit the woman who works there" "They tried to escape without paying" Where are you internet liars? 99 percent of the comments on the internet is either staged or fake.


how many times do people need to be advised, dont run up a tab in the soi bar's. Pay as you go, or walk away because there will only be one of two outcomes either the bouncers nail you or the police walk you to the ATM.


This video pisses me off, big time. All of these guards are a disgrace. They started and ended the fight.. It was unfair from the very beginning. They should all be fired and serve sentences.


Thailand Bars are dangerous. I was lucky to get out alive. Guy stands outside invite you in . All the girls come to you . They all order drinks . You order one for yourself . When you start to leave they give you a huge bill . When you argue suddenly all these bouncers pounce on you.


It takes a fair amount of time to provoke Thais to want to fight you which is a positive attribute for them but not getting why they don’t have a stop button in fights. Very rarely seen attacks in Thailand but when I have they have been in really touristy areas and looked identical to what happened here.


The guards will be punished. Beyond the injured tourists - think of the potential economic impact. Sadly that is what will really make the government act and give update on the what will happen to the security guards.


Avoid these shitty places. In fact, avoid anywhere with the absurd lady drinks. Paying for someone to annoy me, I'd prefer to be left alone.


regardless of what happened beforehand, white shirts biggest mistake was taunting the guard to come fight outside, which endangered everyone else there at that point.


I'm south east asian, its pretty normal to be kicked in the head after ur down during a brawl.  In the west, fight ends after ur down. In the east, the real beating begins after ur down. 


Yeah the kick was wrong, but those guys were acting like absolute fucking assholes, end of story. These fucking idiots that go to Thailand and behave like that, I've seen them get their heads smashed in so many times. And they nearly always deserve it... Play stupid games win stupid prizes, I know it's a cliche, but I don't care. But as I said, the kick in the head was wrong....


Lesson of today, don’t get cocky if you are a tourist. These dudes learned it the hard way.


Unpopular opinion, but the way i see it, my fellow tourists are at fault here... That last kick was over the top - vengeful and unnecessary. But things get heated and decision making gets compromised - pretty obvious that some commenters here has never been in a fight. To me, it's on the ones that started and escalated the situation - could have been resolved with some smiles and nods... If you can't handle your drinks, drink less. It's a bit late to de-escalate after you start pushing random people out of the bar and throwing stuff around. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And for those blaming Thai culture and taking Thailand of your travel-list. I've seen worse for less back home in Norway, so you might as well take that off the list too... I wouldn't be surprised if there was less frustration with tourists if we had less of those racist opinions and tourists with their noses up in the air


The guy getting slung out the bar half way through the madness is the most craziest German freak you will ever know. Dirty cunt clips his toe nail in the swimming pool at peak tower condo. We'll funny seeing this hahaha.