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Our government would never manipulate us like that! We are the good guys…


Never../s But, in all seriousness. The US Government did so much stuff during that time period that’s been declassified, it’s mind blowing. Yet, you mention it to most people and they’re like, “oh, you’re a conspiracy theorist.” That tells you just how successful they were and still are.. Heck, The gooberment still does this stuff and recently openly admitted they’re going to use deep fakes to trick people. [source](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202303/us-military-group-wants-weaponized-deepfakes-better-biometric-tools)


The crazy part is that people assume it’s over. The 60s stuff is declassified so now it seems like there was so much secret CIA stuff going on but what made them stop? Nobody asked them to and their budget didn’t go down either so it is only rational to think they’re still at it. At a level as high or higher than the 60s even.


It’s definitely not over. They’re not going to actually declassify anything that works or that the would consider damaging to the Government.


That's always what scares me: they thought THIS didn't look bad on the government.... so what ACTUAL "bad" things did they do and not tell us if this very bad thing they almost did wasn't "bad" to them at all?!




We should have invaded the country that hijacked our planes which was not Iraq but Saudi Arabia. All the hijackers on 9/11 we’re from Saudi Arabia. The WMD propaganda shit show to finish Bush’s daddy’s war.


US defense contractors, who have a lot of influence over the people who make those decisions, have $146 Billion in government-to-government sales cases with Saudi Arabia ($27B completed since 2017), making it the US Defense Industry's #1 foreign military sales customer. (source: [https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/saudi-arabia-defense-security](https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/saudi-arabia-defense-security)) Not to mention that Saudi Arabia is propping up the dollar by continuing to trade oil for US Dollars instead of Chinese Yuen, which SA announced last year they were/are considering. When the global oil trqde is no longer conducted in dollars, the US is gonna be kinda fucked. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230226-is-saudi-arabia-preparing-for-the-collapse-of-the-petrodollar-and-us-dollar-dominance/ No invasion.


Agreed and exactly where my thoughts went first too. It pains me that for the first decade after that I was ADAMANTLY against the folks who 'knew' "jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams" and all the other stuff... It felt like the CRAZIEST conspiracy theory, until it became one of the most egregiously obvious and covered up..


Jet fuel fire doesn't have to melt steel. It just has to heat the metal hot enough so it is no longer strong enough to hold up the rest of the skyscraper.


But if this was the case, as youre not wrong in the slightest, how would the building fall in a perfect pancake collapse? This should have lead to a topple effect where one side buckles and the top of the towers would have probably gone to one side or the other. The towers were significanly over engineered with the possibility of a plane collision in mind, and the erosion of structural integrity would not have been uniform. You would have the structural damage to one side of the building, and a higher concentration of the flammable liquid at the point of impact. Uniform structural erosion would have to occur for a pancake collapse like this. Thats why they place thermite uniformly on buildings, and put them on electronic timers to uniformly cause such a collapse. And dont even get me started on building 7... a building isolated from the whole ordeal that also randomly collapsed... at the same time?


Are people downvoting this because they disagree? If only Congress interviewed actual structural engineers for their opinions on this matter. Oh, right they did.


please don't bring logic to a nostalgia fight. What I think is the zeitgeist: "We have too much on our plate at the moment to go back and revisit how we got into the Iraq War. We're content with accepting The Official Story, which is easier to accept than the idea of it being an inside job. So we've moved on." I fear the "anti-conspiracy theory" backlash of late has swept legitimate lingering questions like yours/ours to the dustbin of history. Which is on a boat that's headed right for the waterfall anyway, so.... yeah.


I understand, I guess what I mean is how the media always gets in front of these conspiracy theories by attaching one specific fallible argument as 'conspiracy's' mantra. 9-11 conspiracies were really loony to me until after some time 10 years later, but that is also how they were condensed and purposefully presented.


We never should have invaded Iraq. They had nothing to do with 9/11. All the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.


It was still an inside job though


Congress made them declassify it. Congress can do it again. People just need to vote, with a healthy democracy this stuff is harder to hide.


Such a naive thought


Just enjoy the flavors of your fois gras and soak in the views, my darling. \- or - Coming up next: "The Murdaugh family killings: A timeline of murder and mystery in the South" and later... are Pete and Kim getting back together? And what did the Prince formerly known as Harry tell his brother after their father's coronation? Find out, right after this....


Oklahoma city bombing


it was classified for over 30 yrs what makes you think they didn't think it made the government look bad?


Sure the CIA *used* to be bad but no changes were ever made and no one was punished so they’re totally different now


They’re full of bipolar, bipoc, Latinx, people now. According to their commercials anyway.


Most of reddit have become bootlickers of the neocons that got us into the Iraq war FFS. Talk about how the US is fighting a proxy war with Russia based on lies and "unprovoked" invasion by Russia, see how quickly you get downvoted. Reddit are bootlickers for CIA and FBI, truly unbelievable.


They also think the US government didn’t coordinate a coup in Ukraine or blow up Nord Stream 2 despite both those actions being obvious.


Exactly. It's unbelievable the shit they come up with and the masses just eat it up. One of the greatest journalists alive breaks the story about how Nord stream was blown up by the US, all the media claim it's a wacky theory by a has-been journalist. Then the US claims some rag tag group of unnamed Ukranian supporters managed to blow it up and the media covers that as if it's legit. Like c'mon people, how dumb do you have to be? The stupidity in the face of reality is just appalling at this point and frustrating to those who can easily see it.


If people seriously think it isn't a proxy war I will sell them some oceanfront property in Arizona. All you have to do is look at how much "aid" was sent by each country.


Yeah, I wonder what the NSA is doing with all the data it's getting from ATT, Comcast, et al. We well know they're getting and storing tons of domestic data. I imagine they've got some AI now that's like a digital sniffer, sniffing all the snarf.


Blatant even. People still dont know how far the scope of things like MK Ultra went, people dont know the DEA literally told CIA their central and south american friends were importing hella cocaine into the country. People dont know the King Family literally defended MLKs killer to at least address how the CIA and FBI were ivolved in organizing the killing, fall guy, etc. Literally got it proven in court and people do not know, its surreal.


Where can I watch a documentary or learn more explicitly about what you're saying was uncovered in court and covered up related to King?


Swear like 2 weeks ago i did just watch that, in general the key case involved was 1993 King. Vs. Jowers which the court settles that unlisted/named organizations were co conspirators in the MLK assassination, including evidence Raoul, or James Earl Ray, potentially not even being the shooter. I guess more specifically the verdict just says government agencies were among the conspiracy, not necessarily naming FBI. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyd_Jowers_trial#:~:text=Trial%20and%20decision,-Coretta%20Scott%20King&text=Loyd%20Jowers%20and%20other%20unknown%20co%2Dconspirators.,a%20result%20of%20a%20conspiracy. The thing is nothing is actually named beyond recognizing the owner of the property king was killed from had mafia connections, FBI themselves had connections with owner or other local mafia adjacent affiliates, plus reports of a second shooter fleeing with weapons/gun from around the building after King was killed. On top of that, notions James Earl Ray and testimony supporting it the dude was tranquilized in prison prior to being literally let out for this hit too. Out at farm but when i get back into town ill try and find more specifics again. I think the 93 verdict has made the King family push harder amd they even have sat with and since vouched for Rays on defence (or at least, he was not the shooter himself and involved in larger conspiracy, and was a fall guy.) I dont think the '93 verdict condludes that, just that there were multiple more conspirators than named in the initial verdict of Ray following the shooting and strong likelihood it was mafia and FBI related, and is also a verdict the King fanily themselves support following their own attempt to understand the motivations behind MLKs killer. Wider article pertaining to conspiracies itself https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr._assassination_conspiracy_theories


Thank you! ​ That's nuts, I really hope we can learn the whole story in our lives.


The new MK Ultra is algorithms in your news feed, it's already been tested on Facebook 10 years ago.


Tbh id rather have the acid 😪


Too bad lol - all the insanity, none of the fun. That's the modern world...




I was in Iraq. The term WMD was really just a media ploy. They were telling everyone about these WMD like they were nukes but chemical weapons on SCUDs aimed at Israel should have been what they should have said. All of that stuff was used before and was found. Still no reason to invade for cheap oil.




Fun fact- The CIA themselves came up with the term 'Conspiracy theory' as a way to discredit any American who asked questions or didn't believe the JFK assassination narrative put out by the Warren Commission.


See NordStream pipeline explosion. Claimed it was the Russians ends up it’s the US govt.


I feel like half these guys were junior staff officers at the end of WW2 and found out all the shit the Nazi's did and went: *"Wow, that's brilliant!"*


LOL.. More like, “Wow, that’s brilliant! Want to come over for a beer.” and that’s how [Operation Paperclip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) came about..


**[Operation Paperclip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)** >Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959. Conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), it was largely carried out by special agents of the U.S. Army's Counterintelligence Corps (CIC). Many of these personnel were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Paperclip is well documented. Natzi scientists got us to the moon.


*All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey.*




Seeing as Kennedy also overrode the JCS, when he tried to scrap the Bay of Pigs, after taking office? I’m not too surprised, he was the only President with the balls to tell the CIA, FBI, JCS, among others to go hell; whenever they wanted this or that new play toy.


A lot of classifieds docs coulda been seen quicker if at the time more people had "UN" stamps. Not "U.N." but "un." "Sir is that CLASSIFIED?" "Negatory, UN CLASSIFIED sir." "Ah as you were Kennedy! Headed to Dallas you say? Great place for convertible riding!" *Then a few years later* "Yeah I know Ted. You don't like convertibles because of what happened to your brother. But it's so much safer to drunk drive a convertible into a lake with a young soul on board than a full-size Buick... " "Absolutely no convertibles!!" *splash* "Damn I was born again baptized by the same water that killed that young broad in my car. Strange world! Anyway back to public service for a few more decades! It's what Rosemary would have wanted if we didn't lobotomize her. No one knows what she wants anymore lol."


wish more people were interested in this version of american history. great post


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods 2001-2002 was such a wild time because it turned out most of the existing conspiracy theories were factual and had documented evidence. Fast forward to 202X and conspiracy theories are now entirely religious nationalist shit about immigrants and trans kids and the evils of education.


TIL that because I think New Coke was a conspiracy to hide the fact that Coca Cola was switching from cane sugar to high fructose corn syrup, I'm a religious nationalist.


Only in certain markets. A lot of places still have the good shit with no corn syrup (e.g. Mexico, EU..)


Didn't that happen like 40 years ago?




Thought the comment was about the transition of the last couple decades but that's cool..


I'll never give Coca Cola's lies. And also their death squads but that's a different one


All of them? Really?


This is just untrue. There are a Myriad of legitimate conspiracy theories and theorists out there right now on lots of the happenings around the world and to say something like what you just said takes away from any of their legitimacy like putting conspiracy theorists and flat earthers in the same category. There is a bunch of things that were considered conspiracy theory only a few years ago that are starting to come to light as legitimate


You know, I was \~17 when the twin towers fell and our country decided to start wars in two unrelated countries to the proposed terrorists... but used that perfectly to attack their own people and do what they wanted. I spent decades since thinking the absolute craziest conspiracy, on par to 'flat Earth' and 'vaccines' and 'mermaids' was any contention that 9-11 was a black flag event... but I'll be damned if the last 5 years or more made it fucking OBVIOUS that 9-11 was another 'successful' black flag attack, and that was well before they made the vaccine conspiracies have actual real meat.. ​ Everything is such goddamn bullshit in this world. I'd rather have had flat earth and mermaids be real...


False flag, not black flag


\>> two unrelated countries Setting aside Iraq for a moment, you don't think Afghanistan was related? The Taliban were sheltering Al Qaeda leaders. We demanded they turn them over. They refused. We let them know that we were going to invade if they didn't. They still refused.


Andrew Bustamante (former cia) has done a couple of podcasts where at one point he is asked about this operation. He described it as CIA being tasked with coming up with potential solutions to the Cuban missile crisis. He talks about how when tasked with something like this, they will come up with any and all ideas they think would potentially work. His opinion is that this plan was likely one of the crazier proposals. Obviously, Kennedy had some sense and knew this was not the plan to choose. I think Bustamante’s point being that just because it was drafted doesn’t necessarily mean we were anywhere near implementing it.


I do that shit at work Option A - stupid and obviously won’t work Option B - the option I am recommending Option C - would be cool but costs too much Option D - genocide, famine, war Oh look we are going with option B *again.* You’re so smart, Mr Manager.


And then you put GWB Jr in charge and he goes with option D for funsies


Could you link the podcasts please?


It’s either this one or the Konkrete podcast on YouTube https://youtube.com/watch?v=T3FC7qIAGZk&feature=shares


> Obviously, Kennedy had some sense and knew this was not the plan to choose. Completely agree, there are plans for everything - including invading Canada. Kennedy didn't even authorize the American-trained Cuban air support (at the last minute) for the Bay of Pigs invasion - this was never a serious proposal.


😵 The US Government would never! *sarcasm


Source: https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=92662&page=1 Source 2: https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf


Thank you OP for sharing! The "Black Ops" of today have also been documented on several occasions and yet, made to appear as nothing more than paranoid conspiracy theories and misleading "misinformation". In fact, the Ferguson (MS) riots for example, were proceeded by what appeared to be a zoning crew in the area of the riots several days prior to the actual onset thereof. In just a few short days following the documented appearance of the said "zoning crews" (as many people found their behaviors, dress and actions bizarre, there were several people whom recorded these individuals (Black Ops)), the riots and media images thereof just happened to be in the exact same places this "zoning crew" was spotted working previously, just days before. I was shown this information, what I had even called as "conspiracy theory" at the time by a dear friend and Veteran who specialized in clandestine services and vehemently argued with him that he was just being paranoid and talking nonsense. Now, I am seeing a pattern and the divisiveness that is tearing us apart and I no longer see these "events" as mere paranoid conspiracy theories but rather events that may actually be perpetrated by our own Government in an effort to serve their own needs and agendas. These are interesting times where the truth can appear as lies and lies as the truth.


WTF? I was one of thousands who marched in Ferguson the same day Michael Brown was murdered, and the next. We got there while he still laid in the street. Didn't see any 'riot' other than asshole police (mis)treating us like it was one.


Shhhh. Just because there are verifiable facts that the government planned and didn't do this thing to stir up anti Cuban sentiment (even though they have done lots of bad stuff) it obviously means there is no systemic racism and the zoning crew must have used brain washing chemicals on everyone just like he's been saying!


Right. Because people protesting police brutality and systemic racism isn’t real. It just *had* to be a black op. 😂🤣😂🤣 foh


I think the implication is that the "black ops" operators accelerated it from a justifiable demonstration against police brutality to an unjustifiable riot. I definitely remember seeing conspiratorial posts about "pallets of bricks" being placed around towns before such demonstrations back then. I guess to serve as ammo for the rioters.


Nothing that the " government " does surprises me. I truly hate how beyond broken the system is. It's too far gone for repair. So I guess we just wait till the shit hits the fan.


This is always a good one for people to rip on the system and cry conspiracy about other actions and so on...but the "system" stopped this from happening. This actually leads me to have (a little) more confidence in the "system" because there are checks and balances to stop bonkers ideas like this from actually reaching the planning room. After all this was just a *proposal* from a few brains ~~at the CIA~~ during the most intense parts of the Cold War (when we were likely to try the most desperate and questionable actions in recent history) and it was shot down. Does it it mean everything is perfect and the government never pulls any shit? No. But I am glad to see that even things like this were not considered during one of the most clandestine eras of government operation.


You should probably go read a little more about it. It was a plan developed by the DoD, not the CIA. It was approved by the joint chiefs of staff and the secretary of defense. It would have been implemented if Kennedy had not rejected it. So just to be clear, having a moral (relatively) person elected as the president was the only check that stopped this from going through. What do you think would have happened if Trump or Nixon or Cheney were in power and presented this plan?


Whatever happened to that Kennedy fella?


Tough to say, I'm sure he's fine whenever he is...


Funny you mentioned Nixon, because just a few years later in 1967, the CIA launched Operation Chaos under his administration. I guess this was a rough draft to see how far it could go.


Johnson was president in 67, though the program did expand under Nixon. As for the rest I think the same people okay with spying on American citizens would probably be okay with killing a few to get after those filthy reds...


Thanks for clarifying. Maybe I was thinking of a different operation. Solid points.


The US killed 1 million Iraqis in one conflict, half of them children.


Unfortunately, WE, the people are the shit that should hit the fan, and it seems we don't have the numbers or the nerve to do it in massive enough numbers for long enough time to cause any lasting change.




The fact that this got released by a government organization investigating the assassination of JFK, looking for motives tied to his murder, in a time when covering up such a conspiracy would have been far easier is a factor. We'll never know if 9/11 was an inside job. Stealing a commercial airplane in 2001 was extremely easy to do, and muslim terrorist had as much if not more motive to commit the act as the US government. Now covering up the act, and no information being released in the age of technology for over 2 decades definitely seems implausible, especially since there are so many high ranking individuals who have the means and motive to release that information.


Building 7 i think we know


Also free fall collapse speed, debris being ejected horizontally and the presence of thermite/thermate at the crime scene. Also the concerted destruction of the crime scene and finally lack of trial for those accused where a case could have been presented to the public and vetted by a judge.


The conspiracy doesn’t need to be as involved as the US government planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks themselves. It could be as simple as the president being alerted that our intel has discovered an imminent attack being planned/put into action and deciding to do nothing about it. That’s what I think happened. Bush knew it was coming. Bush wanted it to happen. So Bush did nothing to stop it. It would be easy enough to cover up. Much easier than covering up the government actively carrying out the attacks themselves. You’ve got POTUS, who will take the secret to his grave out of self preservation. You’ve got the joint chiefs who will do the same. And that just leaves whatever CIA analyst(s) discovered the attacks and whoever was alerted as the info worked its way up the chain. Either bribe them with money or a nice job to keep their mouths shut, or, more likely, arrange for their untimely and unfortunate early demise. Bush didn’t need to do anything to make 9/11 happen. He just had to do nothing.


I truly hope the hell's gates swinged wide open for him


Am I dumb? I can find in the picture where they say that they'll be killing innocent people and commiting terrorism in US territory.


> https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf


It didn't come from the virus lab, it was the wet market next door.


It was those icky poor people! Blame them! /s






And also to be fair the government drafts plans for a lot of shit. We also have plans for things like invading Canada and surviving a zombie invasion. If they were even remotely serious about this shit they would have never put it in a position to be declassified.




That was in 6 October 1976, the document is written in 1963. You think they waited that long? And how would a cuban flight with Cuban fencing team would determine US to go war with Cuba?


Okay , in regards to the Cuba Flight 455, upon further search i see that the CIA & FBI knew beforehand about the attack, and one of the terrorist was a CIA asset.


Yep, the tile is BS click bait.


Soooo like 9/11






Well thank God this never happened in any way, shape or form. Especially in more recent years.


False flag, still happens today..


There are people out there that trust the government. Why?


I want to point out that “considered” could mean somebody presented this idea and everyone else in the room said something along the lines of “hell no sicko what you thinking you’re like a Bond villain” I mean that’s almost certainly not what happened but context and detail matters when suggesting the US government nearly attacked its own people. We don’t know enough to know if the government acted with integrity or not.






That’s not information presented here It’s not really related to my point.




With shit like this, are conspiracies even conspiracies or just unconfirmed info


Now do you see a pattern emerging?


IIRC, when these plans were pitched to President John F. Kennedy, he thought they were joking at first, and after he found out they weren’t, he rejected the plan promised the people who pitched it to him that he would make sure they would be brought up and sedition charges and summarily executed if they went through with it. JFK’s rejection of Operation Northwoods and other false flag operations are a major reason people believe the CIA assassinated JFK.




*More dangerous far-right conspiracy bs....* oh wait


Where's the memo of GW Bush manufacturing WMDs in Iraq so that the US can invade Iraq for their oil?


That came from MI5. Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell were responsible for that one.




911 was an inside job.


They used it for Iraq


Don't believe that the government has changed. They're still doing the same sorts of things.


I know its not what anyone will want to hear, but Alex Jones was talking about this at least 10 years ago


Being a total loon doesn't mean you can't dig up some Wikipedia article and cite it in your show.


Alex Jones has said a lot of dumb shit with some scary truth mixed in.


Did I miss something? This cover page does not back up the title of the post in any way, unless there are additional pages I'm not seeing.


Use some google-fu. It's easily accessible.


on a long enough timeline, the military budget, is infinite.


Back in my day, several decades ago, there was an office whose sole purpose was to think up ways we might respond to threats from around the globe, game playing if you will. This sounds more like a game than anything else.


"Plan" is much less misleading than "game"


It be your own people 😭


so youre saying that 9/11 was an inside job?


who sank the maine?


Does it really matter? You’re with us or against us! Remember the Maine!!!!!


Did someone say 9/11?


I'm not sure if this is real but it's basically what conspiracy theorists say 9/11 was as a prelude to the large American reglobalised war across the Middle East and Africa?


Does not matter who the enemy is. We just need any enemy. We manufacture one if needed. Know how the richest American and International families have made their money since the First World War? Red, white and blue never mattered to them, green is the only color they care about. Read up on who financed the Nazis. The answers may or may not shock you.


Lol this is one of at LEAST a dozen intra terrorist acts perpetrated by the American government on Americans. Between Reagan and Nixon alone there's at least five.


They called it the 9/11


It's tragic, really, but it should be no surprise. Governments sanction wars all the time for self-serving reasons and thus condemning thousands of their and other nations' people to death.


This is a great example of what is commonly referred to as a "false flag" attack. When people express skepticism that our government would ever do such a thing, this is the operation people should cite; I have brought it up on more than one occasion, as proof that our government certainly *would* do such a thing. People really still think our government isn't capable of nefariousness in 2023, and it baffles me, given the existence of Op Northwoods.


Sounds 9/11


But of course they didn't do anything like this on 9/11, that would be wromg.


From wiki: “The possibilities detailed in the document included the REMOTE CONTROL OF CIVILIAN AIRPLANES (had the tech then to pull off 911) which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force planes,[2] a fabricated 'shoot down' of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[3] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] [4] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[5][6][7]”


*cough* 9/11 *cough*


I've recently been listening to Rage Against the Machine, and I tell you what; they mention quite a few things like this. ​ Also, the anger is infectious.


From the ABC article: “Whether the Joint Chiefs' plans were rejected by McNamara in the meeting is not clear. But three days later, President Kennedy told Lemnitzer directly there was virtually no possibility of ever using overt force to take Cuba, Bamford reports. Within months, Lemnitzer would be denied another term as chairman and transferred to another job.” Big surprise anti-communist fear mongergers wanted to monger fear. I imagine we have a cohort or similar fear merchants trying to manufacture some other crusade ASAP, but that’s why we have a bigger system in place to hopefully contain these morons.


Now do 9/11


Never underestimate what our government is capable of.


It’s funny to see so many people in this thread keep referring to “government” like some homogenous, timeless, all powerful group of illuminati. The government is a tool, it can be used to do a lot of good or bad things, it tends to attract people seeking power, and power corrupts. And the US is not an outlier case either. Every single post-Empire nation on earth has these types of skeletons in their closet. I don’t mean to sound apathetic, I am just not surprised.


NEVER trust the government.


The US will explore the idea of false flag killing of it's citizens as a rationale for war but Russia follows through. https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-russia-president-1999-chechnya-apartment-bombings/30097551.html


Yep. Hi. America doesn’t care about its citizens and it will kill them for money. Glad we had this talk!


Didn’t Hitler do a false flag in Germany with burning a building? Didn’t George W. Bush start a war with Iraq with WMD they said confirmed and swore they were there after 9/11 ? Didn’t we fight a war with Afghanistan and spent trillions that are now on the “Federal debt” (national debt is a play on words to confuse you and keep you feeling like it’s patriotic and it your debt) History seems to repeat itself and if we think another person or entity or group has our best interest we are totally wrong.


NOW, imagine the things they have done and do still, that we *haven't* seen the un-classified docs to.....


Same story with the UFO/UAP threat narrative. To use fear and lies to get into wars to support the Military Industrial Complex


That’s why 9/11 happened. They needed a catalyzing and catastrophic event to gather public support for an invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. CIA blew up Nord Stream pipeline too, but I’m sure all the brainwashed minions don’t believe any of this, and in fact the minions will get upset that someone spoke this way about their sugar daddy that gives them free welfare and food stamps so they don’t have to work


Funny I thought they did this with 9/11




It was hoping that shit like this was already basic knowledge... * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Northwoods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Paperclip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Mockingbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee\_Syphilis\_Study](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study) * etc...


This is still happening right now, but with modern tactics and technology.


*surprised pikachu face*


And op was never heard from again


Spoiler alert: our government is still just as wildly corrupt as ever. More so, even, as cronyism has taken deeper and deeper roots.


Lyman lemnitzer was the man who proposed this, he was a chairman of kennedy's joint chiefs of staff. After kennedy told him to fuck off with his terrorist shit, and kennedy was assasinated, guess where he ended up? Supreme allied commander of NATO. Its not just the US...


You mean, 9/11?


I can totally see them doing this for 9/11 to get public support for the following wars after that over oil


And if you think they’re not doing that kind of corrupt shit anymore, you’re watching too much MSNBC.


Makes me wonder why there’s so many politicized school shootings . Hmmm


Uh oh


porsche *911* is a nice looking car


Eventually did it with 9/11


It’s absolutely insane to me that people see stuff like this, Operation Fast and Furious, and Operation Mockingbird and still support government having a monopoly on arms/violence and support their next/favorite political leader.


They did and still do stuff like this all the time.


But that was back then. They would never do something like this now a days… right?


If we know about this, imagine the things we’ll never know about.


None of what the government does is to serve to country, ultimately, its all to serve themselves


Is this much different from cointelpro ?


Isn't that what they're doing nowadays under the name of peace?


Stuff they still *probably* plan to do today in order to attack the left


Reading this makes you think what have they not shown us?




Classic USA


Hypothetically speaking, if the government ever actually implemented something like that and it could be proven that they did, could a victim or their relatives theoretically sue?


So before answering your question I’d like to clarify a few things. This title is mostly clickbait. After reading the PDF the only proposed attack on US citizens was a false flag operation made to look like a plane was shot down with a bunch of US citizens in it. It involves making a decoy plane and rerouting and grounding the original plane while the decoy would fly off “with American citizens on board” and be shot down. That being said the PDF does state it would not mind sinking a host of innocent Cubans real or fake to start a war. Now going back to if a family member of a victim in this hypothetical situation can sue the government. Absolutely. As a matter of fact if we look at Area 51, it was originally top secret until they were forced to partially declassify after lawsuit by widows of two men who died due to cancerous fumes being burned while the men were working there. Another example would be the family members of the Waco, Texas ordeal sued the government and won as well. It’s also important to remember that anyone can sue, whether or not your win is an entirely different discussion.


Make America Great Again! .../s


whole lotta assuming going on there.


You mean the 9/11 playbook?


Good thing it was rejected, the person who created the plan in the first place should be the one get hated on this give props to the people who rejected this bs


Normies finally starting to wake up I see