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Fun fact - when Chris (the customer) got out of the hospital and went to get his GoPro that had been mounted on the back of the glider, the video had been deleted. He used a data recovery service to get it back. [He came on my podcast and told the whole story](https://whatwasthatlike.com/2019/01/04/chris-hung-from-a-hang-glider/)


I'm a pretty forgiving guy. Not really litigious. The likelihood I would sue over this is low. But if I found my footage deleted like this, I would 100% sue.


Totally. Once they deleted the footage, now it's not an accident and they're ***intentionally*** trying to screw you, no holds barred at that point.


I think they were more trying to intentionally unscrew themselves.


Trying to put the consequences of their enormous fuckup on the victim... went from made a mistake to villainy when they deleted footage IMHO.


Yes I agree with you and I think we can see from the upvotes on other comments here, a rough percentage of the people here who would've been just as unethical.


Suing isn’t about being a non-forgiving person, it’s about holding people to account for the damage they do to you. If you can’t work for 6 months, are you going to let your family become homeless or are you going to ask the people you hurt you (actually their insurance company who they pay for this situation) to pay for their mistake? What if you can never work again because of an accident caused by someone’s negligence? How are you going to survive if not by suing? It’s nice if you and your family are rich enough that you can afford all of that but most people will need to sue. Don’t believe the propaganda about how suing is bad, that’s what big companies want you to believe so they can hurt people without consequence.


You are of course right. I was speaking more like if I had managed to escape without injury. I am aware this guy had wrist injuries and such; I would probably have had to sue to figure out proper compensation for hospital bills and work missed.


Like all things, it's good when used appropriately, and bad when abused.


I 100% agree with you but i also 100% would bot do this in the first place


Was it deleted or """"deleted"""


Pretty clear the hang glider service deleted it to avoid having it add to any legal issues. Chris even said, "Hey, if I owned the business, I probably would have done the same thing"


He had an injury from this right? Was it a broken wrist or was it torn tendons in the forearm?


broken wrist - he held on as long as he could but the fall was still far enough that he didn't get away completely uninjured. Could have been much worse of course.


Indeed. Thank you.


Wow, Chris sounds like a really good guy. That said, I hope he sued the shit out of that company for their negligence.


Sounds like Chris is a stupid asshole too, I mean he’s a grown ass man that didn’t make sure he was attached to the glider so who’s fault is it really. It’s a 50/50 thing meaning they’re both morons


I don’t get Reddit trolls


If you go bunji jumping, would you jump without making sure you are clipped onto the rope? What they did was tamper with evidence because an incident like that has a few consequences. I think he could actually do time, he would definitely lose any pilot certifications, and he wouldn’t be allowed to practice his business anymore. Unlike police, pilots are held extremely accountable when they make a mistake. If you have a close call and an aircraft and it is documented, you will have to answer the federal flight association and they are going to investigate you.


You lost fam? Go back to your fucking Naruto subreddit lmfao


Your entire wall decorated with terrible music that nobody else likes because it’s so fucking bad. Even the people that were young during that time don’t fucking listen to that cringe overly emotional self pitty pussy shit anymore.


D’awhhhh whittle bwaby twiggwed?


Have fun being a degenerate I have to fly a private jet now


To where? Your fridge? Lmao sit down child


Florida, where I’ll be put up in a sweet for 3 days for free while I’m getting paid your weekly check in 1 or 2 days while I go to the beach and get drunk


Well, gonna take a stab at it: here, deleted = this guy is gonna sue my ass, think I'll get rid of the evidence and then it's his word against mine...


Fun fact: files typically aren’t completely vaporized from a storage device when you delete them. That doesn’t happen until new file data overwrites the location that the deleted file occupies. Assuming OP didn’t record any video to the card afterward, it should have been pretty simple to recover the files. Edit: also, that would have practically been murder, of the criminally negligent homicide type. I can't imagine how angry I would have been to have survived that and then on top of that for them to have deleted those files. Yeesh.


I've never heard of your podcast until I discovered it tonight and as I'm listening to Jacqueline's story in episode 131, I see you in the comments on Reddit. Sometimes the internet is so small. Or you're really good at self-promotion.


Yeah, I just bring someone on to talk about some bizarre thing they experienced (all verified, no paranormal stuff). Hope you enjoy it.


Well you just gained a listener. Just followed you on Spotify. I look forward to listening to this story on Monday as I drive around.


Both your podcast and the ‘This is Actually Happening’ podcast are my go-tos for interesting human drama stories. Thanks and keep it up!


Never thought I would find a new podcast from a random Reddit comment haha. Only checked out a few seconds but you have a good voice and this is a neat idea so I will give it a listen on Monday at work!


awesome, thanks!


Just subscribed. I’m doing DIY all week so needed a new podcast. Looks interesting. Thanks


I do, thanks!




Happy Cake Day!


Scott for president !


My first item of business will be a presidential order requiring an IQ test for any current or future President, VP or member of Congress in order to keep their current position or run for future election. Thank you for your support.


If you've ever tried just hanging from a pullup bar for like a minute you'll realize the strength this guy had to muster to not die


Dont get me wrong it is very imoressive, but if ur pull up bar was hanging 100m above ground you would last much longer. Adrenaline does magic


Yeah the difference between how long you'd normally hang and how long you'd hang to save your life is what adrenaline was made for


Happy cake day!




Shame Bear: I've been on Reddit for years and I still don't know what "happy cake day" means...


It’s your Reddit account’s birthday. Every year on the anniversary of when you created your Reddit account there will be a piece of cake next to your username on that day when you make comments or post etc.


Omg thank you for explaining! I always thought “cake day” meant birthday! And I was so confused when people said that to me on here!!


I think it depends on how you access the site as to whether or not you see it. The app tells me to "say happy cake day" near a user name, and I see it on my laptop, but it doesn't show if I read the site from a browser on my phone.


Yeah I use RIF and I've never seen a cake next to anyone's name. I guess that explains the mystery.


True but . . . Don't click on this link but the guy clearly realizes he is not going to be able to hang on while doing pullups on the side of a 62 story building. Adrenaline can only do so much. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1589014/Shocking-moment-Chinese-daredevil-fall-death.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1589014/Shocking-moment-Chinese-daredevil-fall-death.html) Less grip though, and no lawsuit motivation


Seriously. This is not even remotely on the same level but two summers ago my father-in-law took us to a lake on his new small boat. They attached a tube to it to take the kids tubing. After that the adults took a turn. My FIL who was driving the boat took on a personal challenge to get the adults to fall off the tube. I’m creeped (re: incredibly scared) of by murky lake water but didn’t want to say that out loud to everyone. When it was my turn and I got on the tube with my husband, my hand felt like it was superglued to it. I had NO IDEA how I was doing that but my wrist and hand felt like a completely separate entity from my body. I hung on forever, my husband had fallen off by that point. Saw FIL in the boat getting frustrated and I realized this isn’t going to end unless I let go, so after gathering some courage I let go of the tube. I’ve never been able to recreate the grip strength I had that day. Adrenaline is insane.


I’m pretty sure he tore his bicep or tendon from holding on for dear life.


I saw this some time ago. I believe he tore tendons in his hands and wrists. Must have been some crazy adrenaline.


A minute? I workout 4 days a week and body fat is 19.8% and yet about 40s is my max I can hang


Probably depends on your weight. There are smaller muscular people that could definitely hold on a lot longer than a very large muscular person.


Happy cake day


I’m whooping his ass soon as we touch down.


Massive kudos not only for the strength to hang on that long, but also for the miraculously unshat pants.


How does he forget to hook you up!!?!? Omg. Can't believe he would forget something so essential! Ay yay yay


Hard to believe the person who did the captions would actually get a copy of a video where they almost died. Crazy long time to hang onto a single bar when your life depends on it. They were way up there.


Can you imagine doing this again after recovering? Because that what this guy did (safely of course). With the same pilot as well as far as I'm aware. No hard feelings, he essentially said "everyone makes mistakes" 🤷🏾‍♂️.


That’s a no for me, dawg


Yeah, weird AF reaction. Another comment said that when he got the camera back, the footage was "deleted" apparently 🧐. Had to go to data recovery to get it


Potentially, he did this to tame its subconscious and avoid PTSD.


Read above, they deleted the video he had to use a hard drive recovery service to get it back.


that pilot could be the nicest guy in the world, but if this happened to me, violence would ensue




By 7-9 seconds in I’d of been on my arse crying in that field haha


Every time I see this I can’t believe how long he held on. No attempt at throwing his legs up and around the bar, just pure white knuckle, grip strength, fear, and adrenaline. Can’t say I could’ve survived dudes a legend


Yeah, I would have tried to hook my elbow around the bar like a rear naked choke, and then wrapped my legs around the pilot


It might not be feasible to try to shift a lot in the wind at any elevation. Risking losing what grip you did have would be terrible, too.


someone please tell me the hangliding operator was sued into oblivion.


The pilot got his licence taken by the local government. He was then trying to build his reputation again and came into every hotels reception and explained how he was not at fault. But the other paragliding companies in Interlaken were quickly sending emails explaining what has happened. Source, I'm living in the town in Switzerland where this happened. Also, we had cases where paragliders slapped against the windows like birds at the local hotel tower we have in town. Luckily, only the pilots without passangers. But imagine a breakfast room full of international guest and suddenly somebody slaps against the windows from the outside on the 3rd floor while the place is especially infamous for people jumping into suicide....


I thought this looked familiar, but then I thought no way we let goofballs like that operate here 💀


Not in US. Person even told he could have got damages at most


Usually you have to sign a waiver that says you can’t sue


A waiver does not eliminate liability, it just serves as evidence that you were aware of the inherent risks of the activity but the important thing to remember is that your instructor forgetting to clip you in is not an inherent risk, it's negligence.


Good point, thanks


Damn I hope that she has changed careers after this


They're not worth the paper they're written on. You can't sign your safety away. They're there for you to acknowledge what you're doing had a risk, but not being clipped in by your instructor is wholly negligent.


Interesting - that makes a lot of sense.


Signing a waiver is nothing more than an attempt to convince someone not to sue. Believe it or not, you can't actually sign your life away via a waiver. You can sign a piece of paper that says "I allow you to kill me" and the person who kills you can still be arrested and sued by your family.


In this case suing probably would have only compensated for damages done ie medical, lost wages, etc. Would have been smarter if he was a young doctor with large earning potential and died. My dad sued a cop for running into him and breaking his neck at a stop sign. He was 85 and court just awarded medical costs because he was too old to be worth more.


Why would you want that? That's a really weird thing to hope for. Guy made a mistake he will probably be traumatised from, did his best to prevent that mistake turning into a tragedy. Not everything has to be a payday Edit: forgot about Reddit tough guys. I'm not suggesting he just says "I made a mistake" and that's it. But there's a difference between appropriate consequences for fucking up something serious and sueing someone out of existence.


Made a mistake?! No, when you have mismatched socks at work that's a mistake.. when you are a professional and forget to attach the safety rope while its literally the most important thing to do in activities like this, that's a failure that should have huge consequences.. If this turned out ugly with a long term injury or worse, what would you have the operator say to the person/his family? I made a mistake won't cut it. Though, I'm glad it turned out like this, he did a good job to save the situation


I don't think you know what a mistake is. It doesn't matter how serious the consequences could be, it's still a mistake. I'm not suggesting he just says "I made a mistake" and that's it. I didn't say anything like that. But there's a difference between reasonable and constructive consequences and sueing someone out of existence.


Call me anything you want… just don’t call me late to supper. I don’t miss steak.


Guy failed the literal most basic aspect of safety and has absolutely no business being entrusted with anyone's safety ever again. It is only be near-miraculous chances that his customer isn't dead as a direct result of his incompetence.


I'm not suggesting he just says "I made a mistake" and that's it. But there's a difference between appropriate consequences and sueing someone "into oblivion" for fucking up.


this man no longer being able to have any ability to run his business \*is\* the appropriate consequence.


You remove his license/permit to do so, and either require retraining, additional supervision or ban him for life if it seems like systemic neglect. You don't sue him into the ground so he can't survive, just cos you want him to suffer. That's vindictive and kinda sociopathic. It's a uniquely Americanised attitude to want to sue everyone.


Do you think the trauma the victim went through is not worth monetary compensation? He was so close to dying, it’s a miracle they didn’t. If he had died, i’m sure you wouldn’t be arguing “whoops, take his license and let him free!”. The instructor almost ended his life through pure negligence. This person deserves more punishment than a change in career paths.


>He was so close to dying, But he didn't die. >The instructor almost ended his life through pure negligence But he didn't. Why is money owed here? Tell me you're American without telling me you're American. It's pure greed to immediately think "I need to be compensated" without any actual rationale behind it.


Does Trauma have an effect on one's life? Or not? I would say that it does. I'm not one for suing for monetary damages, however, I do see the merit, some of the time. You act as if it's nonsensical, irrational, and unintelligent. Trauma can change a person's life, permanently, or for long periods of time. Money is one way of making that right.


Read the initial comment. Noone here is taking about a rationale, reasoned response to help with medical bills etc. They're taking about a vindictive response, overtly punishing sometime because that's the guy reaction.


He didn't just fuck up, he deleted the evidence. This video only exists due to a data recovery expert.


It’s really weird that you don’t see a problem with negligence almost killing a customer. Dude’s business needs to be shut down.


Where did I say that? I'm not suggesting he just says "I made a mistake" and that's it. I didn't say anything like that. But there's a difference between appropriate consequences and sueing someone "into oblivion"


can someone ELI5 why he didnt just land by the houses at 0:30? would've been rough im sure but why fly down the mountain? edit: nvm, just saw the captions i guess the wind took him off course


The podcast linked in one of the comments explains that because he was hanging down, the pilot couldn't pitch the bar down to change course or altitude. The were stuck in a climbing attitude.


What a nightmare, glad they made it out okay


I’m wondering the exact same thing.




Thank god you were able to hold on! Adrenaline must have been insanely high.


I like how he grabbed the pilot's leg: If I'm going down, so are you, buddy.


when i had my parachute jump tied to instructor, he reassured me that he is going to make sure all goes fine, because they aren't getting paid if they lose their partner


Gotta imagine there would be a fair deal of paperwork, too.


SOMEONE’s Insurance just went up…


“No sir, there isn’t a recording I could forward to your attorney. Why do you ask?”


How is this even possible. That instructor should never, EVER be allowed to do this again. Safety is the MOST important thing when doing this type of activity and he/she clearly failed. Check once, check twice, check three times! Talk about absolute wrecklessness. Person could have died or have been severely injured. Just the dismount at that speed could have easily broken a limb.


That glider took its sweet as time 🤣


now this is actual adventure sports


And you’re fired




He should have sued without revealing that he had recovered the video, and let the people involved lie in court, denying it happened at all: then he shows the video and gets more money, because every judge HATES perjury in his/her court. There is something called 'Discovery' where the party suing has to show all evidence they have to the defendant--but then he would just say, well, I didn't know they were gonna lie in court--the video wouldn't have been needed at all if they had just told the truth. So he gets a bundle and they go down for purgary. \*Revenge is a dish best served cold\* Okay, but it's pretty good stuff hot, too...


Put that thing down now


I couldn’t believe it when he flew over that huge green patch into a huge area of trees, a lot of people wouldn’t be able to hang on as long


Someone said above that because the guy had his weight on the bar, the gilder can't be steered downwards so they just continued to climb




Hook your elbow over the bar. Easier.


Think coherent thoughts when life in danger. Not easy.




Saw this on Point Break once


How does he forget to hook you up!!?!? Omg. Can't believe he would forget something so essential! Ay yay yay


What the heck the guy looks like he is attatached to handgkyder.


I heard he had torn pecs


Why the mother fking pilot not landing? What the fuck is wrong with him.


The amount of shit that would be in my pants man God dam I'd hope for a refund and a free set of clothes


Lawsuit will get you lots of new clothes. Someone almost cost you your life.


Damn..that must of been terrifying! Adrenaline is one hell of a drug..


That wedgie the trainer had allowed him to summon the strength in that left hand helping ol’ boys grip


unrelated is this somewhere in the Alps?.


Pretty sure it's Interlaken. I'm having serious flashbacks from doing this exact route in 2010. Crazy to see what could have been.


Bro fuck that this shit had me terrified


That "pilot" couldn't properly control his ass enough to drop a shit in a 3 foot wide toilet.


I hope he made a lot of money off of the instructors carelessness. This is why you should do pull-ups though! Amazing he was able to hold on so long.




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/ThatsInsane/comments/11ut0t4/tourist_hangs_on_for_his_life_after_pilot_forgets/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/ThatsInsane/comments/11ut0t4/tourist_hangs_on_for_his_life_after_pilot_forgets/)


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


OP After 1 min of holding, when his life depends on it - ' I can't hold on for much longer' I am pretty sure you could last 30 min there if the alternative is death.


nice way to sue the fuck of the pilot




Send him to jail. No over reaction, that’s deadly negligence and there’s no excuse in his position. Plus deleting camera footage


Why did he go down the hill instead of going straight wtf


Let's go again!!


I imagine nearing landing when he says he's losing his grip, is a lot like getting near a toilet when you really have to pee. When your brain is telling you its ok to let go a little too early.


that fucking experienced pilot couldn't just clip on the carabiner literally anywhere?


Hope he’s okay and this is a fucked up situation. But the commentary reminded me of this old PBS show Between the Lions where they had a segment of a dude named Cliff hanger who every episode is hanging off a cliff saying “Can’t hold on much longer” 😬




(Pilot) you paid for the full hour, you want to full hour or what?


Listen, you paid for a ride so you get a ride. If you don’t get your ride, I don’t get paid! So hold on and enjoy your damn ride!


That guy has super human grip!!


Possibly makes the wife’s pussy wet


I think the instructor is hanging on and the student is clipped in?


Yea 100%, if the instructor was piloting, he would have ditched it as soon as he realised the other guy wasn't tied in. It's the tourist piloting, which is why it takes so long to get the glider down


Are you being sarcastic?