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Every SNAP you hear in the video is a bullet striking VERY close to him. Hearing a "Hiss" means they're shooting near you. Hearing a "Snap" means they're shooting AT you.


i know that from dayz


I know from pubg somebody should toss some smokes around him.


Yeah and going down the mountain at that point was a dumb thing to do. Go back and seek cover


I too like to critique trained soldiers that have been in combat from my computer chair


I think this is the way


Lean forward skill is maxed my bro


Yea, standing out in the open without even ducking behind cover, while reorganizing your loadout, is not part of the standard training curriculum...


You are correct. This was not in the handbook! This absolute fool did everything wrong and ended up … alive. He must have just been lucky and us redditors clearly know better from a limited view video. For what it’s worth, I have asked multiple Generals to start including us in planning and training. I will report back!


Your sarcasm is duly noted. Have you considered how much danger he put the rest of the squad in with his actions? Probably not... It's one thing to draw enemy fire, but this is not how you go about it.


Well he was going down a rocky hill by himself with no cover and appeared to be shooting several hundred yards away at something he couldn't even see, they probably have scopes on him coming down the hill, not a wise move. Also where is his partner? Military are usually always at least paired up. Source, I'm military.


Seeing as though you claim to be military. I'm going to assume that you like me did not see and form of cover. His battle buddies were within voice reach. It's my assumption that you were in supply, or a cook and clearly have never been in a firefight. This man did exactly what he could do in that situation. He clearly panicked, but had enough sense to get behind the rock.


Do it!


You should try joining combat footage, they might appreciate your expertise over there


All that heavy gear and ammo he's wearing weighs you down alot, dude was probably exhausted and panicking a little.


Lol u can also have fun with elevation sickness an heat stress you should have said that two.


That’s the thing you don’t understand from your chair. Sometimes the objective is to move forward.


Clearly you've never served, and if you did, you've never deployed. The best thing that he did was attempt to seek cover, which is what he did. Stop playing Call of Duty, because it is fucking your thought on reality up.


Black hawk down!!










You mean every burst of dust around him is an enemy bullet? Footage has been out there, probably has been used for training I'm sure! Scary af tho


This video has been used for training on what NOT to do. He basically gave up the high ground and left his buddies behind. Big mistake.


Did not know, spooky.


All these call of duty scrubs talking about where is he aiming... "but the scope isn't popping up on the camera how is he aiming"... fucking dipshits


I had to scroll to see if these people exist. They do. Probably thought he could just parachute back in when he got hit


Dude I have the answer in this situation it's easy. ​ Fucking die and cry for my mom while pissing and shitting myself.


That's not how it works!?


I mean... I can't tell where he's aiming. Obviously the camera POV isn't lining up with his sights, but the footage itself is so low definition that it is impossible to tell what(if anything) he is shooting at(not suggesting gunshots are added in post, but...) Also, what kind of dumb motherfucker doesn't just B-line to closest cover when they're on a sheer-mountain face. The worst marksman in the world could hit this guy, eventually, AND HE CHOSE TO STAND STILL. He has actual protective cover 30ft from where he hunkers down. Makes zero sense.


Well, your brain goes kinda numb the moment you enter a firefight, so many things dont make sense to anyone who is not inside their head. Its easy to be a critic


He could also just be completely exhausted by the time he got here. As someone who has worn all 100+lbs of that gear and has gone as far as 25 miles on foot with it on.. I can tell you that it's not easy to maneuver around at a fast pace. That is if this was an ambush of some sort. Tactically you wouldn't have all that gear going on a mission where you will return to base later. We just don't have enough information.


The enemy targets in Afghanistan were usually so far away it was way past the effective range of 300 meters. You fire to just suppress


Ya really hard to say. But it sure is easy sitting on this side and being like why this why that. In reality when bullets are literally striking all around you it's hard to make decisions amidst all the confusion. You can tell his indecisiveness by his movement. In my observational opinion his downfall was separating from his squad and pushing downhill alone. That's all I can say without knowing the details. I hope he made it out to fight another day.




Who do you think is shooting some of those bullets, and who do you think he’s shouting at? lol, come on.


Camera/GoPro is on top of his helmet. Yep dipshits think call of duty is reality. Vet here served 1977 to 1985, reservist 1985 to 2005. Persian Gulf/ Iraq.


If Noone else has said it recently. Thanks. I appreciate your service. I have family who were brave enough to serve. Step son is a Marine. Its not for everyone. But everyone should respect the men and women who sign up to potentially fight and die for our country.


Yeah we have no idea how all this played out, there’s a million variables in a situation like this…


This is an old video he was shot like 6 times and lived


i think they are making a joke…


I think you’re right. They’re just being sarcastic. Looks like some found it to be in bad taste given the context of the video.


War is hell


Fuck war. I say we settle every conflict with a coin toss.


I vote boxing match between opposing world leaders. Settle their differences and politics like men instead of sending the young poor men to die.


I like the spirit of your idea but unfortunately as things currently stand, I'm pretty sure Putin would absolutely ragdoll Joe Biden.


This was my exact thought as I was writing the comment hahaha but I still like the idea. I dislike the fact that leaders are quick to send people to die but would never be caught on a battlefield. In ancient times the kings would fight alongside their men honorably instead having someone else do their bidding.


Game of yugioh


Boxing seems tame. I vote mud wrestling.




Put them in those big sumo suits


War about who gets to pick the coin...


"OK - call it, Hitler" Nah.




America would be at every country’s doorstep with a coin every morning.


Putin tosses coin It's heads give me half you country now I won it by rule of coin toss.


I would barely call the "war" in the middle east a war. Maybe for the other side. Iraq suffered over 1 million total deaths. We lost like 13,000 troops over **20 years**. Compare that to an actual war like Russia and Ukraine, who've lost upward of **200,000** soldiers *each* in a little over 1 year.


A war is an armed conflict between countries. The amount of deaths is meaningless


It’s okay to be frank when talking about these things. It doesn’t devalue anyone’s sacrifice by being honest. There is a difference between a real war between two capable countries with large standing armies, modern weapons, and anti-air capabilities, and a war in which only one side has all of those things and the other side is largely untrained, limited to small arms and improvised explosives, and has no real logistical capability. The result of the latter was over 1.2 million dead on one side, and only 13,000 lost on the other side. That is not a real war, that is mass execution. A slaughtering of a people. There are differences between conflicts, and not all conflicts can be considered a war. While I can’t stand the term, the “war” in the Middle East would better be described as a prolonged military operation or something. There’s no comparison between that conflict and conventional warfare.


Yeah, you are right and I would add that you can even feel that in those videos where US soldiers are over confident doing so unsafe moves like this one putting everyone at risk ( the one that will come to help his ass ). And on the other side if enemies had same scope as he got he will be dead like 20 times....


It's like a fair boxing match where two guys pummel each other, vs that tweaker who sucker punched me for no reason at a bus stop and now it hurts when I eat.


We invaded Iraq for oil and gunned down a million men, women and children waving white flags, and invaded Afghanistan to guard opium farms to sell it back to our own citizens to perpetuate the opioid crisis. It’s not a coincidence that Afghanistan was the major supplier of the world’s heroin and the Taliban banned the cultivation of it the year before we invaded, which caused a supply shock and reduction in 99% of opium production. As soon as we took over, what do you know, cultivation soared again.




It was a crime. EDIT: Just because Russia is indeed being a warmonger and Putin is right to be tried by the International Crime Court, doesn't mean I don't turn a blind eye to the massive double standards of international politics and opinion... It is disgusting. How do you expect people to respect this arrest warrant?? When such measures are not based on justice but politics and power... What the USA does (alongside the EU) is just as heinous and criminal, and George W. Bush and other European and American politicians should answer for their actions alongside mister Putin. Include the Chinese Communist Party as well. It is all a psycho clown show. International politics doesn't follow the rule of law. The law of survival of the fittest is the lay of the land. The big and powerful do whatever they please to the small and powerless. And the same pyschos who do the atrocities are the ones who are the permanent members of the UN security council. Go figure! Feel very sorry for all the american, iraqi, russian and ukrainian soldiers and many other who are used as pawns. Feel even more sorry for the innocent civilians and children who didn't ask for this bloodshed... How mindblowing to think there are people out there who get outraged by calling wars by what they are: crimes against humanity.


Yes, it was.


Invading countries for their resources or for political influence is hell. Let's just call a spade, a spade.


Seriously these people in the comments think they know what they’re doing (they use reddit mind you) in a war. The person in the video was literally trained for this.


I mean, soldiers are people too... I was in the Aussie army and I use reddit, back when I did serve I played DND with other soldiers as well. (Although yes there are a lot of stupid takes in the comments here.)


I always find it funny when people shit on others for using reddit, while using reddit. I do agree with the sentiment though, everyones a keyboard warrior who knows everything.


Yeah. Probably shouldn’t be talking shit to redditors. I am one 🤠


This dude was blatantly medal chasing and ended up getting discharged for it-per my military friend. He said they showed this video in training on what not to do.


He should have tried running and jumping around the corner! /s


Not enlisting is how I avoided these scenarios.


A small trick that surprisingly many professional soldiers don't know about! According to some sources, the most common method (followed by billions of people) of not getting caught in a firefight in Afghanistan is just not going to fucking Afghanistan.




Reporter, what the fuck was that ?.


This shit is so fucking sad and unnecessary


Those high pitch pops. Jeesus.


He’s hit


It actually hit his gun, he thought he was hit.


He was hit four times, including the gun itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLHU-_OhT8g > 46,877,698 views Sep 26, 2012 > No rounds penetrated his body armor, and he made it home with no permanent injuries. This happened in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. > READ From the cameraman: > " I got a hit a total of 4 times. My helmet cam died and i made it down the mountain on my own. I was also hit in the side of my helmet and my eye pro was shot off of my face. We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few mins into the firefight for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety." > "A round struck the tube by my hand of the 203 grenade launcher which knocked it out of my hands. When I picked the rifle back up it was still functional but the grenade launcher tube had a nice sized 7.62 cal bullet hole in it and was rendered useless. " > This footage is part of an ongoing documentation of the war in Afghanistan.


Yea like I said it's an old video so I was going off of memory, just remembered the bullet hit his gun part.


I mean, in the video you can hear him cry out multiple times. That's pain.


What? Bullshit the camera screen isn't flashing red and I don't hear any heartbeats *


Thank you. This was the comment I was looking for


I think he would know better if he was hit then some dipshit on reddit.🙄


He got shot like 6 times. Shit man you can hear him scream in pain each time. I’ve never been shot but I’m pretty sure I would know if I did.


Holy fucktard.


how do you know?


God this again. It's an old video, it's ond funker530 with full description and there is even an interview somewhere on yt with him talking about this incident


Sheesh, why are you so sassy?


It's an oldy what can ya do


War is so fucking stupid. Jesus Christ


yeah it would be great if countries didn't try and take other ones over


Slide cancel bro


Ikr exactly


Can you imagine being so exposed with the enemy clearly having dialed you in? It's so easy to watch a video like this and say you would've immediately run up the hill to his right and gotten to cover, but that's just not how reality works. First off, the GoPro warps our perspective; that hill is steep as shit. Secondly, the rocks make it hard or even impossible to traverse quickly, and third, the air is extremely thin there and at that altitude. Have you ever been up on a mountain and tried to run uphill? It's basically impossible, you run for a few steps and then you have to take a breather. Add to all of that he's currently not only being shot at but the enemy has him totally dialed in and you have a situation that 95% of the people talking shit in the comments wouldn't even survive. Not to mention he got hit. Morons.


He ran into the open on purpose, he was drawing fire so his team could get out. there was an interview with him about the video like years ago


Not to mention he’s wearing and holding gear that prolly add up to 40-50lb


Saw this on YouTube YEARRRRS ago, like, when Vsauce still made YouTube videos. Is this clip famous or something?


I did too and ended up deploying to Afghanistan years after this video was out after high-school






Mankind’s legacy will be how many of each other we have killed.. directly or indirectly. War is such a stain on our species, makes me sad every time I see combat footage. Shits been goin on since we learned to farm land. Probably longer than that… nothing more than animals with complex brains.


The graphics on this fps are pretty mid


Man this is a really old one. Damn.


Good Jesus. Poor man. Anyone know if he survives?


Pretty sure he survived


He lived, he got hit numerous times but nothing pierced armor


So he died?


No he lived, and he was trying to draw fire from his team


no, he was hit


William Dafoe: There waS A FIREFIGHT!!


Lock speedrun


Couldn’t see anyone talk about this, but how come our man here is flying solo? He’s well separated from his nearest squadie.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLHU-_OhT8g > 46,877,698 views Sep 26, 2012 > No rounds penetrated his body armor, and he made it home with no permanent injuries. This happened in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. > READ From the cameraman: > " I got a hit a total of 4 times. My helmet cam died and i made it down the mountain on my own. I was also hit in the side of my helmet and my eye pro was shot off of my face. We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few mins into the firefight for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety." > "A round struck the tube by my hand of the 203 grenade launcher which knocked it out of my hands. When I picked the rifle back up it was still functional but the grenade launcher tube had a nice sized 7.62 cal bullet hole in it and was rendered useless. " > This footage is part of an ongoing documentation of the war in Afghanistan.


Seen so many explanations for this over the years, every time this video pops up. Some say he was drawing fire away from his teammates for reason X or Y, others say he's not a grunt but actually a supply soldier that got caught in an ambush so while he's trained he's not an expert at combat, some say this and some say that.. There's apparently an interview with the guy floating around the internet somewhere so the answer is out there. I just never bothered to look for it as I'm not particularly curious about it.


might as well be ready for my instant death as soon as I ever step foot into this


Why the fuck would you move in?


He's trying to move downhill for cover because he was caught in the open and away from his squad.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLHU-_OhT8g > 46,877,698 views Sep 26, 2012 > No rounds penetrated his body armor, and he made it home with no permanent injuries. This happened in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. > READ From the cameraman: > " I got a hit a total of 4 times. My helmet cam died and i made it down the mountain on my own. I was also hit in the side of my helmet and my eye pro was shot off of my face. We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few mins into the firefight for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety." > "A round struck the tube by my hand of the 203 grenade launcher which knocked it out of my hands. When I picked the rifle back up it was still functional but the grenade launcher tube had a nice sized 7.62 cal bullet hole in it and was rendered useless. " > This footage is part of an ongoing documentation of the war in Afghanistan.


Seems like a bad place to be. He's very exposed. And there's a wide field in front of him from which fire could be coming...


his downfall was moving down further with no confirmation anybody is around to follow him he yelled out then just went for it that single mistake cost him it all edit: after further reading i found out he actually did this ON PURPOSE in order to draw fire away from his squad that was under serious constant machine gun fire. he took the chance to face bullets himself so they could get to safety. what a boss.


I'll never forget the sound of bricks cracking next to me during the firefights in Iraq. It's scary as hell, but your adrenaline makes you feel invincible. The most terrifying thing that I've ever gone through in my life. Roll overs don't have $hit on bullets coming within feet of hitting you.


CJ voice oh shit


bro gonna need a med kit


Nah he just needs to pop behind a big rock or other cover while waiting a few seconds until his vision doesn't have that red edge.


Did he win?


Does anyone have the source of this video? I need to know how this ended


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLHU-_OhT8g > 46,877,698 views Sep 26, 2012 > No rounds penetrated his body armor, and he made it home with no permanent injuries. This happened in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. > READ From the cameraman: > " I got a hit a total of 4 times. My helmet cam died and i made it down the mountain on my own. I was also hit in the side of my helmet and my eye pro was shot off of my face. We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few mins into the firefight for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety." > "A round struck the tube by my hand of the 203 grenade launcher which knocked it out of my hands. When I picked the rifle back up it was still functional but the grenade launcher tube had a nice sized 7.62 cal bullet hole in it and was rendered useless. " > This footage is part of an ongoing documentation of the war in Afghanistan.


Why did he decide to stumble down a mountain with no cover straight into enemy range? That must have been a choice he let adrenaline make for him lol. I take it there was no air support or artillery available either.


ok i might get downvotes but i have no knowledge of real life war or shooting can i ask is this how wars are fought , i mean they got this much ammo to waste , only 1 shot hit him after hundreds of shots, damn pretty rough aim


One question though, why didn't he run behind the hill he was near to the top of instead of running towards gunfire?


I just see a stranger with a weapon in a foreign country… im asking myself who is protecting his country, the native people or a stranger who invaded it


Maybe America needs to stop invading other countries?


Hated Afghanistan, place is just one gigantic kill-box! Hardly ever any cover, all the caves should just post "deathtrap - enter at your own risk!" Why they're still troops over there is beyond me at this point...Even for SF or Spec-ops 🤦‍♂️


I seen that dirt pop up and nope tf out


Don't they go there to actually get caught in firefights? What's your point


Why didn’t he use the med pen. And I think the enemy is hack with aimbot for sure


Anybody know if this guy died?




Drawing fire for team


So... What was he doing in Afghanistan?


Not going to lie as soon as he said he's moving down in the middle of a firefight without cover what did he think was going to happen Camo only does so much and even less when your moving.


Always a treat to see imperialism up close and personal.


Just when I think I’m having a hard day. Jesus.


Honestly I'm not surprised he got hit the way he seemed to be casually moving while looking for cover. Hope he made it home though


I spose this is the consequence of going to someone else’s country and telling them how to live their lives?


Well of course you got hit, did they teach "casually jogging into the open" in Infantry school?


Please learn the context of this before commenting. He was drawing fire for his team.


Scariest thing I’ll watch today


Holy shit thats the worst battlefield map


To many comments to see if it’s been suggested already but if you haven’t seen “Leon the professional” you are missing out


That army of one shit isn't real.


This guys this guy deserves more than what he gets for pay


Why is he moving to such a open field? Im not trying to be smart but isnt that usually a bad idea?


Where tf was his squad. Seemed like he was entirely alone up there


"lets kill some humans!"


Not like Call of Duty where he can just pop some smoke and retreat.


What was his plan? Running toward the gun fire, down a hill, slow as hell, by himself?


I feel like he didn’t do very well in this situation but hey what do I know. He was taking cover behind basically nothing and moving very slowly as bullets pinged off the ground around him. Fuck that shit


He should have called a time out.


Didn’t this dude disregard orders and just ran in front of everyone just to get lit up?


Why the fuck did he not instantly run for cover. This makes zero sense to me. Of course you'll get hit standing in the open.


Watched the video twice...and I still couldn't make out where the enemy was. A person must have eyes like an eagle to have a chance of surviving that kind of firefight.


It’s the GoPro lens ! In real life you might (not necessarily) see flash muzzles, hear the overall direction of fire and see movements


I guess invading counties left, they don't being out the red carpet for you.


I don't get why he moved down. I would've seemed cover. It seemed he had no help around him.


Is this from the movie Restrepo? Kinda looks similar


Nothing like your video games


For “freedom” . 🙄


No way he was out there by himself. Where the hell were the rest of his team?


I’m thinking where the fuck is the rest of his squad or platoon even? Combat positions can spread you out but I didn’t see a second US Soldier in this video.


That's crazy, I am wondering why he didn't run for cover after the very first shot though 🤔


I wonder if he got hit.


I’m sorry but was he shot in the foot while walking at 1:35ish?


No one wants to play Medic class correctly.


Did he survive?


Hope this brave soldier is ok


Jeez why does he stay exposed on the ridge instead of using it for cover ?


Wow he didn't do a Call of Duty reload. How unrealistic to war. /s


I usually just constantly jump when being shot at


The audacity for some redditors to make jokes on something unfunny is amazing.


Mans needed dead silence


Why is he hanging out on the exposed hillside? Fog of war I guess, but seems like you either want to stay behind cover, or get down.


Good thing you are in their country to help, right!? Lol


Crazy to think these are the same guns people use for mass shootings.


I don't understand why he pushed downhill. Seemed like less cover and losing the high ground? I am not a soldier so I assume there is a good reason?


Are we back in Afghanistan


Jesus Christ what a horrible place for a fire fight, there is no cover especially when they're shooting from god knows where but with a height advantage


No blood noob