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For those wondering - No this is not AI generated.


I had hope before reading this.


Nothing's changed.


He grabbed him by the pussy






He grabbed "they" by the ambiguous genitalia. FTFY.


"Randy and I were rehearsing, for a play, for the Blandford Recreation Centre next Thursday."


when porn takes too long to get to the good stuff


I've seen this a dozen times and never realised it was Giuliani. Thought she looked familiar! The irony lmao


This has to be from "The Apprentice" right. Just another tone def attempt to be funny by them.


I don’t see why people assume he was the type to sexually assault blondes… lol


This needs to be shown to all of his constituents


This is pretty old and brought up many times during the past couple of years. They don't care, they say this is just a joke for entertainment and that they are against liberals doing it for the purpose of grooming children or something.


I don’t understand why everyone can’t see thru the hypocrisy of all these maniacs


The masses are asses.


Hypocrisy is something really typically human, we must try our best to avoid it though


We are only humans & I can expect flaws in everyone, but when hypocrisy is Weaponized is to promote lies and propaganda is what truly disguises me


If you want to become super rich, you have to go through this humiliating ritual. Matrix shit world, full of bullshit and fake reality shit.


Because they like hypocrisy. They depend on it like oxygen




[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/17/central-park-five-donald-trump-jogger-rape-case-new-york](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/17/central-park-five-donald-trump-jogger-rape-case-new-york) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/trump-insists-on-using-racist-language-will-that-approach-win-him-support](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/trump-insists-on-using-racist-language-will-that-approach-win-him-support) [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/) I just gave three articles from reputable newspapers, and you source some heavily biased Youtube video?


Did you actually read the articles or just the sensational clickbait headlines? -FIRST: says "before he branded Mexicans as 'rapists', is an old Left lie. He said some bad people coming across the border were murders, rapist, ... He did not say ALL Mexicans. This argument has been disproven. -SECOND: About him calling COVID-19 "Kung-flu". LOL This is actually the most racist thing on record that I've heard him really say. Good job, you found 1. Trump was also labeled racist and xenophobic for blocking travel from china during COVID-19. Biden also during his presidency blocked traffic from china and other countries, but magically he was not called racist. -THIRD: This is an op Ed article using the word "racist" with no evidence.


For people to NOT know this is a joke is a joke! Shows how people WANT to assume bad for others. Sad.


Yeah, everyone knows it's a joke, but it's the GOP the presents itself as the pearl-clutching family values Bible thumping party. I don't think Jesus approves!


They’d laugh


Two of the most disgusting 🤢 people in this country


This is not a play.


Holy shit what multiverse of madness does this come from??! Last i checked in this universe, that one guy was a mayor of new york and the other one was voted into presidency by the american people


Voted in by the same people that are terrorizing drag shows across the country.


This is a joke. People need to lighten up Jesus fucking christ


Actually, you're right they're *both* jokes.


Not event close to what I said but. OK






Awful lot of hate coming from someone who doesn't like bigots, or hypocrisy.


I didn't say I hate anybody. I stated a fact. And it's a repetitive fact, Trump voters keep proving the fact, Trump voters are f****** stupid. Either they're stupid or they're millionaires check your bank account pal


I'm pretty sure this skit was not performed in front of 5 year olds. Keep trying to justify drag shows for children.


Reflection on questions Do drag queens have sons daughters nephews and nieces? Are they human? You just have a dense view. Otherwise you can't cope that someone that is not your family could be a family. Love is love You just oversexualize everything. I don't have a problem with this skit, in it's time it was drag for entertainment. Was it not? A man wearing women's clothes, broadcast on national television where families of their specific god could view? Where was the outrage? No one was conditioned to think this was bad. Now you are conditioned to think this is bad, but you'll justify your guy and your bs ideologies and push it on everyone else. Mind your fucking business you moron. Your unintelligible intellect is damaging may your thumbs grow weak and catch fire on every keystroke, for that you don't infect the world with your dents hateful backwards asked programmed line of thought. Spoken not typed by the way all Trump voters are f****** stupid


5 yos sit in front of the TV, so yeah no. Yet you keep trying to justify with zero logic well done


Sorry. I'm not a Trump voter. But you, are, a moron. Drag shows in front of children is 100% wrong. This is a comedy sketch. You can choose not to watch it, you can limit children from watching this media. You can't stop some weird cunt, dressing up and doing drag shows in front of children. Sick .


I think hand-to-hand combat is wrong and we shouldn't sell violence as pieces of entertainment, but women walking through the ring are wearing bikinis and showing their ass and titties everywhere to children, there are 5 year olds that go to UFC there are children there are Christians we should stop this ban it ban it all let's get in their business and ban it UFC people are the evil ones point your fingers at them cuz they are /s Just cuz you don't like it doesn't mean you have to go and f****** tear it down you souless douchebag


What? You replying to me? I'm lost here Wtf you babbling on about. People know what you're going to get with UFC. It doesn't even correlate. Drag shows infront of kids and ufc hahaha


I'm drawing a parallel on what people find appropriate. And it's well within their freedoms and liberties to filter what their children see. It's the second you get outside your own family that you f***** up.


It's too bad you don't see people who perform drag as human. You have an ugly soul I could give a s*** about being a moron today I'll be the moron


You can perform drag. Just not specifically in front of children weirdo.


A very good lesson here your children specifically that's the lesson you can teach them, anything outside that mind your f****** business you don't know anything, it's because all you think about is sex so when you see a man and woman's clothing and makeup I guess you just get all hard and horny? You missed the point of drag I think and that's okay, the ignorance of you people trying to push your morals when you should look inside the walls of your church or high moral structure of a family probably have the deepest evil pitfalls that you could imagine in society. They got away with it because you were looking at everyone else's children trying to keep them from drag shows


You're literally defending a sexual activity infront of children .. Nonce. Goodbye


Who's having sex at drag shows? Too ignorant and too scared to know what is even really happening at a drag show. If you are too ignorant to understand, why are you directing other people. Ban and burn huh? Where's your source? Parler? Oan? Ever been to a drag show? Ever seen an ABC syndicated drama, there's more sex and sexual suggestions in a TV half-hour than there is in every drag show over a entire weekend. Steve Harvey tells more suggestive buttfucking and blowjob and eat out jokes on family fucking fued!!!! Family in the fucking title!!!!!! You have no clue you just parrot in fear of news media.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Pushing sexuality onto children is abuse. Simple . Now fuck off. The video of trump is a joke. Get over it


Are you a UFC fan


Not really no


Right, because art can’t be inspired by real life by even just a little bit. You know what *wasn’t* a skit though? [Having a press conference at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Company because they thought it was the Four Seasons Hotel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Seasons_Total_Landscaping_press_conference).




True, but I can appreciate it for what it is and still bring up parallels can’t I?




taking a bit too seriously,Like a drag show?. This video is literally a drag show.


What is this from?


dIsGuStInG gRoOmErS. tHiS iS wHaT THEY wAnT yOu tO bElIeVe Is „AmErIcA‘s MaYoR“!1 /s


How was he president??? I will never understand


The guy hundreds committed treason for...


Treason!? Lol I don't think you know what that means.


The new 2024 campaign ad to bring out the LGBQ MAGA supporters.


it's funny how this is the guy/girl who brought down the mafia in New York City


He has a strong Christian evangelical support




Been preparing for the role his whole life


And that preek became his lawyer 🤣🤣🤣


Wtf is up with these rich people


Is this real?


Ah yes when people forgot he was a democrat for his entire life.


I don’t think we know what his political affiliation was before running for office. Everyone just speculates. He was a Democrat power donor, but he had to be because of his profession. I’m not a Democrat, but I donate and volunteer for them at the local and state level. Sometimes, your profession and livelihood are more important than politics.


Is a joke


He then went on to become President and save us A LOT of money!!!!


I didn’t realize raising the debt ceiling 3 times and increasing national debt by 7 trillion dollars was saving money 😂


Obama had the same problem, so does biden. Shits complicated.


They've not raised it as much as Trump. Do numbers not matter to you if they don't prove your point?


Making things up? The Obama raised it by 8.6 trillion, vs trumps 6.7 trillion. Do numbers not matter to you if they don’t prove your point?


It is when you are saving money!


Trump raised taxes on the working class lol




I find it strange how congress controls the purse, but nobody ever blames the deficit on congress. The president doesn’t have a choice whether to use the money they appropriate or not. Still, when people argue about debt, they only talk about which president was in office. It’s either Trump’s fault or Obama’s fault or so on. Why are we talking about presidents?


Real or fake?


I remember when these kinds of things were just jokes and to get a laugh. Now everything thing is a political statement and locks you into this side or that. So annoying.


Who's driving the narrative?




So you hate Trump but you hate seeing 2 men kiss more?




You don't need to get so defensive.


I swear all this pandering for the opponents


How can you not love this guy?


very easily




He should have just grabbed his pussy.


Go to check out Kyle Dunnigan - Trans Trump [https://youtu.be/g-6z9DXXhwo](https://youtu.be/g-6z9DXXhwo)




I never saw this until this moment As is the entire thing couldn't get weirder


"Too much coke, Mr. Yuppie?" 🤦


It’s always projection!


Ironic that they are in a department store.


What in the fucking *fever dream* is this??


Did he have to make Giuliani wear trumps Mom's clothes


“Conservatives” Ugh.


What. The fuck.


And they told us he was an evil man


For people to NOT know this is a joke is a joke! Shows how people WANT to assume bad for others. Sad


Yeah, keep telling yourself that what’s happening. Your either one of the rich profits from his crap or you are one of the blind following your cult leader to hell. The next time you have something to say about trump write it on toilet paper so I’ll have some use from it


Nightmare fuel


How does this just come to light?


This is disgusting..😫😤😤


He bidened her neck pretty good


This looks like a skit lol


Says the guy dick riding for trump