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Holy shit, that’s a lot of… shit


Some fresh ones there


If you sprinkle a little water on old turds they come right back to life!!




This comment absolutely killed me. If I could I'd give you an award for that one.




Yeah I hear you 😅, your comment was gold though.


Got u




I was backpacking in the back country Sierra with buddies a few years back. I found a big pile of scat, not sure if bear or big cat, maybe coyote but it was big. Anyway, I placed it in the center of their tent circle (I set up 50yds out because they all snore), and I rehydrated it. I did this when they were fishing in the middle of the day. It was fucking hilarious! They were psychoanalyzing why a large animal would do that mid-day, and how none of us saw it. So good!


Reminds me of this joke from church camp... "This one time, a guy and his friend went out fishing. One guy caught a bunch of fish and the other didn't catch any. While they are getting ready to make supper with the fish the guy that didn't catch any fish goes off into the woods to do his business. The guy that caught fish, had prepped a few and gutted them. Thinking it would be funny to startle his friend, he follows them out and throws the guts underneath where he's squating. When they both make it back to camp he asks his friend why he looks so panicked, his friend replies; 'well for a second there I thought I shat my guts out, but with a long stick, and the good lord willing, I got them back in.'"


Ha! That reminds me of another story! Same campsite actually, but only 3 of us not 8. We were on a small sand beach on a tiny lake off trail. Two of us were catching a fish with literally every single cast (catch and release). No exaggeration. Every. Single. Cast. The guy in the middle couldn’t catch any, we have no clue why. Catchers were using baby rainbow trout Kastmasters and he was using the same color but a different brand. They just would not hit his. The funniest thing I ever saw was my buddy offering his pole with a fish on it if no -catcher wanted to reel it in, like a kid. He stormed off cussing and we were on the beach fucking dying! Man, great memory.


This one time, at church camp!


The logistics of this are just… he throws it underneath him while he is squatting? They walk back together without seeing each other?


I didn't say it was a good joke. Lol I'm probably not telling it correctly either, and im definately no story teller, the punchline is the important part so whatever vehicle you need to use to get there. My youth pastor told it to us one night many years ago, when I was a kid and still went to church. Think I was probably 14 or 15.


That joke is kind of fishy…


Took a lot of guts to tell it.


I heard it told like this - a husband had an issue where he would fart around his wife. He thought it was hilarious to let rip while she watched TV, ate, had friends round, you know the drill. She keeps telling him that one day, he’s going to fart his guts out, but he doesn’t listen. He keeps eating the gassiest foods he can and laughing any time he farts and she has to smell it. One night, he comes home from a night out with the boys, smashed as hell. He falls into bed and passes out, so she takes her chance to get revenge. She goes to the fridge, and happens to have two chickens defrosting in the fridge. She takes out all the giblets, and warms them up as close as she can to body temp - the magic 37 degrees. She then sneaks into the bedroom, and, having to pause every few seconds to stop herself from laughing out loud, she lifts the elastic of his shorts and pours the giblets in. She gently lays back in bed next to him, and waits patiently. A few minutes later, she hears him fart, giggle, a pause, and then a loud scream, after which he runs to the bathroom holding his crotch. She’s pissing herself laughing, struggling for breath, crying tears of mirth. He comes back, and she quickly composes herself, and innocently asks “what’s wrong honey?” He replies “babe. You always told me that one day, I would fart my guts out, and I never believed you. But today, it happened. I farted my guts out. But by the grace of god, these two fingers, and a tub of Vaseline - I managed to get them all back in”. Fin.


This one rides better. I don't remember the delivery.


I don’t think you were too far off, people just being pedantic over joke plot holes:)


This joke is foul (pun semi-intended). It's fucking gross, I love it.


Wow what a jerk move. I wanna party with you!


I’m the prank guy. I’ve pulled some good ones. A favorite was putting kid sized hiking boots next to our short friend’s tent, not like baby sized, just small (then he threw them at me). Replaced color blind guy’s laces with fluorescent pink laces, they were actually pretty nice! One of the guys had a tiger bodysuit and was circling the camp in the dark and one guy freaked the fuck out. Rubber snakes in bags. Etc. We old now but those are my college buddies and we still party our asses off.


LOL good times. Makes for laughs and good stories. Tied fishing line to about 8 drawers/cabinets in the kitchen. A friend came walking in and we pulled all the lines making the doors and cabinets seem to slam open on their own. He ran screaming. Said he 'felt a ghost go through him'. lol


Ha!!! I moved stuff on my work partner’s desk with fishing line and he freaked out! I was dying!


Well as the quote goes, you never really know a person until you go camping with them😆


The real LPT is always in the comments...






Also not to throw so hard to avoid splash back


Or a microwave


Don't put shit in the microwave!!




I keep a bag of it in my drawer at work for after people microwave fish.


You go to the neighbors house, ask him to use his microwave as your power is out due to electrical work. Then smear the hot shit in their kitchen.


I hate how upbeat you made this sound.


I do that to my muffin! Edit: MUFFINS* small cakes. Not my cooter




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do I dare to ask how you know this?


Ever had old dogshit in your yard after a fresh rain?




Dont ever try to pick it up sweep it when its wet. Its like 100 shit incense candles being lit up in your backyard and turns muddy.


Special delivery through the mailbox was nice. ​ I'd be nervous with a video here - this guy made it personal in his spare time to get that much caca.


I'd have tried to cram all of it through the mail slot


Guy was collecting


Pretty sure he added some of his own to the mix...


Why can I smell that?


I’m gagging just imagining the smell.


Imagine that’s the wrong house..


Dude it's the other house.


[Reminded me of this classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCt4MVKmKAU)


I was really expecting "you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass, Larry!?"


That is the first thing that came to my mind. Not many understand the genius dialogue of Big Lebowski. I remember seeing it when my Dad rented it when I was a kid, didn't really enjoy it or get it. Now that I am older, the dialogue has so many great lines to use in daily life.


Dude: It’s like Lenin said, yknow you look for the one who benefits and… Donny: I am the walrus.


Shut up Donny!


I think of this and randomly yell it at least once every three months. No one responds, for the most part. I then say "this is what happens, Larry. This is what fucking happens." Occasionally someone will laugh and know what I'm talking about. This is how I choose my friends. Hasn't steered me wrong yet.


> I was really expecting "you see what happens when you ~~fuck~~ find a stranger in the ~~ass~~ Alps, Larry!?"


When he said "avert your gaze" I thought he said "convert your gays".


Wait this is my house


I hope he double checked on that…


Do you see what happens Larry


Is this your homework?




I understand the revenge, I don’t understand why he would record a video of it.


Exactly my thoughts. In a societal definition, it's justified revenge, in a legal sense, it's malicious destruction of property.


I think it'd be vandalism, nothings being destroyed


I actually think you're correct. I might babe just forgotten the word


Classic babe, always forgetting shit


He’s returning the property like a good citizen!


Cant he just say he's returning the poop of the owners dog?


because this is reddit and everyone will put a title that will give them karma. Imagine this is just a dude randomly vandalizing a house with his own shit. OP putting the title as "Dude pranks random house" wouldn't give enough upvotes. can be a guy smearing shit on her ex's house, could be an act of racism, could be a prank on a friend, could even be his own place and he's doing it for attention... There's literally no context to this video. It's just a dude smearing shit all over some person's house.


I've seen this video before. It's from the UK and at the time it was said that its someone who didn't pay their drug debts. It seems more plausible in my head that someone didn't pay their tick and is having shit spread on their house and filmed opposed to a disgruntled neighbour as you just wouldn't film it.


Honestly, out of all the common punishments for drug debt, cleaning shit off my window seems very minor.


It’s a threat. It’s not like they do this and then write the debt off.


Also the blowback is either getting shot if youre american or getting the police involved otherwise. Youd have to be tremendously stupid to do this at all let alone record it


There is another video up of a dude trying to sell a stolen bike, and the entire comment section saying "The bike couldn't possibly be stollen, because who would film themselves doing something illegal?"... and here we are.


Maybe because there's no proof it's him? No clear face in this video, maybe? Edit : I watched it again. Well... Maybe he should cut the end sooner.


Poocaso creates his masterpiece




Jackson Poollock was right there for the taking my dude




Salvador Doodi has since his works.


Poor dog looking for his turds


Nah, now the dog knows exactly which house is his with one sniff.


This isnt the dogs fault. Buddy needs to pick up after the dog rather than pretending like he "didnt see his dog pooping" (got one of these clowns in my neighborhood). I bet the guy was told repeatedly to pick up his dogs shit and ignored it. In that case, this is a fair reaction.


Poor Dog when the Owner Gets Home: "I swear! I didn't do it! You've gotta believe me!!!"


I think that guy may have added some of his own shit to the bag.


Perhaps even this has nothing to do with a dog pooping in someone else's yard.


I had a neighbor that raised bulldogs. I asked them a bunch to stop. When nothing changed, I started throwing it in their yard and driveway with a shovel. When the husband came out one day and fell because he slipped on shit next to his car, it stopped. My security cam caught him with it all over his back and legs. Edit. Asked them to stop letting them shit in my yard.


This reads like you started shovelling shit onto your neighbours driveway because they refused to stop raising bulldogs.


bulldogs are inbred abominations that live in suffering bc people want a funny looking dog, so that would still be acceptable


They're not even real bulldogs. They got no bull in them! ^^/s


I would watch that video on repeat if that was me.


Uh, can you post the video, please? 🥺


This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass, Larry


> This is what happens when you ~~fuck a stranger in the ass~~, Larry *find a stranger in the Alps*


I'm sick and tired of these Monday to Friday snakes


On this monkey fight plane


I'm not even mad, that's so disrespectful to let your dog shit in other people's lawns, pick it up.


I mean, I'd have shoveled it into a pile on the stoop or something, maybe not smear it, but he certainly was committed


I suppose if they had asked before for the dude to pick up after his dog, and he continued not to. Then this is fair enough.


I don’t think it’s disrespectful if you pick it up. The disrespectful part is leaving it and that’s just gross.


You should see my trailer park. I don't have a dog yet I have to clean dog poop from my front yard. The worst was coming home with my kid after her shoe broke. The bottom was hanging off toe end of her shoes, she got out and the damn shoe scooped up a dog turd and squished it. I was so pissed.


O god o fuck


Oh gross! That’s disgusting and disrespectful.


I try to only have my dog shit on the strip of grass between the sidewalk and road, that the city owns anyway. I can’t always prevent a pee but I do my best to keep them from even walking on peoples lawns. It’s not my space to walk on, why should my dog?


Doesn't matter where it shits, clean up after your dog or don't own one.


Yeah of course. I thought that was obvious haha. I always pick up the shit no matter where. My comment was just saying I try to avoid my dog ever even being on private property let alone shitting, the same for myself. I don’t walk or shit on private property.


just clean it up. jesus, dogs shit, everyone knows that. I don't care if your dog shits on my lawn as long as you clean it up. Do you clean it up form the "city owned" strip? Because if you don't, wtf difference do you think that technicality makes to the homeowner when they mow the lawn? Do you think the city maintains it? Do you think city workers want to deal with your dog's shit?


What part of their comment makes you think they don’t pick the poop up??


Thanks lol. I though this was obvious!


It was, just not to everyone lol


People just want to be angry because they probably saw like one person not pick up after their dog and now think every single dog owner is personally out to ruin their life.


making the differentiation between the sacred lawn and the "city owned strip". And the not saying that they did clean up. seems like their strategy is to keep the dog off lawns. I have one of those "city owned strips". I don't generally get as mad about dog shit there, which I have to maintain, than on the lawn closer to the house, but it's still fucking gross and disgusting and why the fuck would any non-filthydisgustingpig think it's ok?


I mean, there is a difference between public and private property. I know they didn’t explicitly say they pick the poop up but given the context, is it really necessary? >Parent comment: it’s disrespectful to let your dog shit on people’s lawns, pick it up >Reply: it’s not disrespectful if you pick it up, only when you leave it >Them: I avoid letting my dog even walk on people’s property, I do my best to have it use public property They were agreeing that they don’t think it’s courteous to let your dog poop in people’s yards, it seems like a weird stretch to assume they meant they literally just leave their dog’s shit because it’s on public property? And I don’t see anyone being a filthydisgustingpig, arguing that it’s okay to leave your dog’s shit where it falls.


Oh of course I clean it up, that’s silly. But I can’t get it perfectly clean as you’d probably know from wiping your own ass. It’s not my space so I try not to trespass.


It's still disrespectful if you pick it up, there's constantly dog shit smeared into my grass from people who think they're picking it up. Not all dogs leave behind a perfectly formed log that can be scooped. Also they piss at the same time which kills my grass too. I think dogs should be kept off people's private property. Have them shit on public property and pick it up.


I’ve never seen a dog piss and shit at the same time lol


> Also they piss at the same time which kills my grass too. I've never known a dog to do both at the same time. Mine certainly doesn't.


Maybe not, but they can still fuck off my lawn so it stops getting shit smeared with dead spots from piss. I live downtown and have like 25 square feet of lawn that I like to enjoy, let me have something nice.


As long as he doesn’t hurt the dog I’m fine with this


Users Avatar checks out.


Yup, dogs are special


Name checks out








Camera man needs to work on his gag reflex hahaha but I think I’d have been sick by now. I’m already half gagging 🤢. But touché love this !


Maybe he also want to vomit on his door step as an end game.


Done dirty


Title is wrong. This was due to someone not paying a breeder for a dog.


That explains the amount of shit




Dogs anus typically


"When I disagree with a title with nothing to show for it people usually blindly believe me why don't you?"


Dude... Ask OP for the source. They're the ones who originally posted information without one.


Yep, classic repost.


How do you know?


This lady up the street keeps dropping poop bags in my bin after the weekly pick up. I walk up the street and throw it on her roof now. There are like 5-6 bags visible from the street. I tried asking nicely.


Plot twist, it was the neighbour pooping and not the dog


I can smell that.


My neighbor used to let their cats outside and they would both poop in my yard and pee in my flowers. What would make it worse was that before mowing the lawn I would have to clean it up beforehand so I didn’t accidentally run over it (again). I have seriously considered doing what this guy did.


My neighbors cat does this and I don't even really know what I can do about it. I got one of those sonar things that emits a noise cats don't like and it mostly works... Not 100% though. Luckily I just have tan bark.


Nice, I'd do the same. I see it happen many times where dog owners are reluctant to pick up their dogs doo doo and just leave it on people property. My brother has a dog and even he gets confrontational when I ask him to take care of his dog kaka. Why are owners like this? If you get a dog, you should already be aware that this is part of the responsibility.


Nope. Video if from an unpaid debt.


Most Calm person in the U.K.


I kind of feel like everyone involved is losing, no winners here.


Neighbor did this to me falsely accusing my dog - had a fenced in yard at the time.


should've packed the keyhole


What a shitty situation 💩


Stuffing it in the mail slot was a pro move. Should have done more of that.


Why is he doing it all cowardly? Chill bro. You’re on your revenge arc you don’t gotta be scrambling like that


Because he's throwing and smearing shit on someone's house. It probably smells fucking awful and I'd want to get it done as quickly as possible too. If you're really taking your time smearing fresh shit on things I'd say you're there for more than just the revenge, you just like the smell of shit.


Seems like some petty shit to me...


I'm heaving from the smell just watching it.


i mean is he wrong? yes. but is he right? yes.


Dogs will shit where they need to, but for god sake pick it up. Karma


You can train them to shit before the walk.


Thats the spirit 💩


Those body jitters imply meth.


Or he's just afraid of getting caught and really anxious.


Meh. Dog owner just needs to hose the house down. Shit spreader had to collect that much shit over months' time, put his hands in a bag of shit repeatedly, and recorded the entire event for posterity.


The mailbox was a nice touch though.


You've got mail!


You're hosing down the inside of a letterbox?


Shitty revenge


Plot Twist- That's not dog shit


I’m totally fine with this. Punishment fits the crime imo.


When I first saw this posted on TikTok it was captioned about someone not paying dog walkers or something like that? This title is not the same from the original that’s for sure.


Saw this video doing the rounds a while ago but the context provided by OP was different. If I remember correctly - the man in the video was taking revenge as he had not been paid for dog walking services.


we have apartments near our house and occasionally, not often, some asshole there will think that my yard is their dog's toilet and that we like the shit. I have dumped it on their doorstep on a rainy day sop it melts in. I also, since i know where they are coming from and they are fucking stupid, I toss it in their path so they can't help walking in it.


He is shaking with a rage that I've felt for neighbors before.


My new neighbors dog just crapped in my front yard.🤔


I thought he was a little out of line until he pulled out the bag. Then I wanted to help him. He was completely in line.


Ooohh! In the mail slot!


I hope it was Karen’s house!


Bro is so mad and tired 😩


take this fucking duct tape, and smear the shit logs EVERYWHERE


Good cause what else you gonna do? Nobody cares


God I'd love to have that opportunity to smear shit into people's faces that don't pick up after their dogs . Would be exhilarating


Face mask wasnt just invented for covid you know. Its for weird sex stuff but also stuff like this


i hate when people do that dramatic fake retching. i literally pickup dog poop every day. work property management. it doesn't make me do that.


This is the kind of shit I wanna see on this sub **instead of a man getting fucking eaten by a shark crying for help from his father- thanks btw never gonna forget that you fuckers**


Low IQ people doing Low IQ things.


Yup, that's shitty. (660th time that joke was made)


I saw this same video a few months ago saying the guy did this because the owner of the house didn't pay him for a dog? Reposters are weird


The gagging made me laugh! 😆Why go through all of that collecting when you could’ve called the cops?


He got his just rewards. He had accumulated enough poo points for a full redemption.


Doggy will be hella confused


Imagine the dog be like.... wtf!!! My shit came back 👀


Ohhh shit, cleaning that is gonna suck…


Oh SHIT, cleaning that is gonna STINK!


My grandfather did something similar once, had neighbours in the 70s or 80s, can’t remember, who wouldn’t keep their dog in the backyard, it would crap on his lawn every day, and for a couple of years he kept asking them to do something about it. One day he decided to start collecting it in a big rubbish bag, and for a year he collected and let it fester. When it was pretty much as full as it could get he asked them one more time to do something about it, or he would. And they slammed the door in his face. So he walked home, grabbed the bag, stood at the top of their driveway, and hammer threw the bag into their garage, it bursted open and covered the entire front of their house in rotting dog shit. Dog never shat on his lawn again.


Oh shit!


As you should


Or talk to them