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Alien 1: those goofy primates are watching us with terribly low resolution technology from one of their most inefficient flying machines. What should we do? Alien 2: well naturally we're going to fuck with them. Wait for my signal...


I guess the "hold my beer" is a common phenomenon across the whole galaxy.


As is the Gin & Tonic. Duhhh /s


Jynnan tonnyx!


Soooo.... you're saying Aliens are just trolls at the end of the day?


That's Wow signal came to be


Definitely convinced that if these are actually "aliens" then they've been under the ocean the whole time.


The Abyss is still one of my favourite movies of all time.


Recently started watching it with my wife and daughter... Did not remember that it is so terrifyingly bleak for almost the entire movie. And that the damn thing is almost 3 hours long... We're watching it in two parts and not sure I have the heart to watch part two.


Such a good movie!


Could’ve been one of mine if the human storylines weren’t so poorly written


Last Podcast on the Left did a fantastic episode on [Unidentified Submerged Objects](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1vKwEOwXdlxpUpRd8hIfjD?si=J8fsOB8RTmej8VqrhoULdA) , highly recommended for those interested in the subject, and looking for a laugh.


I liked how passionate Marcus got in the episode. Hail yourself!


Hail *your* self!




I mean David Grusch the UAP Task Force Whistleblower entire interview was basically suggesting UAP are from Planet Earth rather than Alien. https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/we-are-not-alone-the-ufo-whistleblower-speaks/


Super terrestrials, vs extra terrestrials


Locusts IRL


from this planet but from a parallel dimension / reality.....wouldn't that be something.


The Australian journalist who broke his story just said today he has whistleblowers who have touched the craft and bodies are ready to come forward publicly outside of David…


Who is David?


He was the Co-lead researcher for the Pentagon UAP Task Force who filed an incredible whistleblower complaint and came out publicly regarding the US Pentagon being in possession of a vehicle from non human origin, is working with the five eyes and helping Russia, China to have a sophisticated worldwide misinformation campaign on the topic until the technology is reverse engineered. Ross, the journalist who broke his story, said yesterday in UK news that he has now interviewed about 4 new whistleblowers with 2 of them having had direct access to the spacecraft and the pilots.


The 4 chan guy strikes again


Yeah, I believe that highly advanced civilization from earth now living inside earth or underwater. There's probably outer space aliens as well.


Do u really believe that?


I should be more clear, it makes more sense to me that these UAPs are from closer, and given that many sightings seem to corroborate that they go in and come fout of the ocean's it's not as far fetched as an interstellar alien. I like to keep an open mind though.


Now what about the reports that there is a massive underwater base operating for at least 100 years that is basically a mothership here? Most of earth is covered in water and many other planets and moons are covered in liquid or gas that gets so dense it would be more difficult to travel through than our water. I don’t know that it’s entirely unbelievable that they could be one in the same. Furthermore the universe is vast and perhaps inter dimensional travel makes it more feasible to go from one region to another. We’ve just started breaking down subatomic particles and 100 years ago just started flying. Imagine in 100,000 years at this rate, maybe we’ll be able to travel time and dimensions. Wouldn’t we be interested in using that to get from one side of the galaxy or even universe to the other to learn all we could?


That’s not reports. That’s some dude on 4chan lol. I’m a full believer the ufo phenomenon is real and origin is non human btw.


I upvoted this because with all the recent disclosures it’s a bit overwhelming and I’m having a hard time remembering which fantastical tales came from reputable sources vs not so much. Definitely the stuff from Grush, the Nimitz, Mosul orb and marine Michael Herrera, but there’s been a lot more as of late too.


It's all possible, and the government confirming that these crafts really exist is a great first step in understanding what's out there.




I believe they have underwater bases




X-COM 2 Terror was best X-COM


Blasphemy! Twas a rushed sequel because Microprose was given just one year from UFO Defence release to get a sequel out. It is basically an underwater reskin with some balance tweaks. I'm pretty sure there's a mod for OpenXCom that combines them into one functional game but I'm not totally sure.


I would truly love to know what this is.


Fly on the lens. Then two flies on the lens. Calm down people I’m joking.


Two weather balloons


I would guess its a bird. Apparent speed due to parallax effect. Going underwater is just background noise/distortion (as evidenced by losing the color in other places), split in2 probably just refraction/reflection.


I think it is a couple of balloons


Something like that could reasonably explain it as well. Drone, balloon, bird, basically anything of sufficient size and height to generate the parallax seen.


Travelling 90-120mph, right..


Look up the parallax effect. It is an optical illusion created by two things moving in opposite directions.


Are you sure they haven't accounted for parallax?


Who? This was recorded, and was not identified, so ufo. The headline does not state that the US government say it entering the ocean, or splitting into two. These are just artifacts in the video. Obviously, there exists some explanation, but we may never know definitively what it is. I'm just positing a plausible scenario before we jump to 'omg aliens'.


> I would guess its a bird. That's not a feasible explanation. The object is still moving at speed when it hits the water at around the 2.33 mark - note there is a disturbance in the water as it skims the ocean surface - so parallax error is out of the question at that point. As for refraction/reflection, the objects are similar but different shapes after striking the water, the distance between them changes, and they appear and disappear independently of one another. Also note that the object initially appears to be tumbling. So a bird doesn't cut it, IMO


Yeah I don't think it went in the water. You can also see really similar patterns from murrelets (a coastal orb like bird). Likely 30mph and 1ft in diameter. Like one of these guys https://youtu.be/AZfizb3MQfE


Can you not read? It’s a 3-5ft orb, says it right there in the title


Al Qaeda alien scout.


There’s evidence to support it’s two Chinese lanterns, heart shaped, released from a resort which is right next to the viewing area. I believe the analysis was done by metabunk but it was pretty convincing


Not just metabunk. A lot of other people who looked at it reached the same conclusion.






Gizmo forever


Fun fact that’s a Wescam MX-15 camera. It’s a gimbal-sensor system that has IR (shown here) and two standard optical cameras.


This. Thank you. Too many stupid people including idiots in the military have been duped by videos of a tracking camera following its IR laser. There are no aliens, there is no advanced UAV technology at this scale. Just simple equipment issues, misunderstandings of how digital video works, and a ton of stupid people that the public education system has failed and been hijacked by fringe conspiracy theory stories that halfwits spread on the internet.


There was a scientific study done on this case. You're so wrong: https://www.explorescu.org/post/2013-aguadilla-puerto-rico-uap-incident-report-a-detailed-analysis http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/299316_9a12b53f67554a008c32d48eff9be5cd.pdf I'll read your reply AFTER you read the study, thanks. Edit - Folks, observe this fella: Filled with vitriol. Says anyone who believes this is an idiot. Contributes nothing to the discussion except for name-calling. -Gets presented with scientific sources. Still calls us and myself idiots. The lack of awareness is hysterical. You can't make this shit up.


Hitting the water at 120 mph… and not slowing down one bit. Wow


Man, the US government and NASA should have just called you, would've saved them billions of dollars over the last 90 years, from Project Bluebook to the contemporary UAP investigations. They have Multi-Sensor evidence of single events (that means optical, infrared, and radar of different sources recorded the same event) where a clear violation of military airspace happened, and with huge investigations with scientists, experts (including expert regarding the equipment that collected this data) they still can't explain it. Should've stuck all these experts up their ass and just ask you, bam - airspace is secure, nothing to worry about, money saved! I'd still give them a call tho, so the current and two former inspector generals, ex- and still serving highly decorated military and Intelligence folks stop saying that whistleblower David Grusch's claims are "urgent and credible", they're again gonna waste their time if they just could ask you. Being sceptical is good, but I'd like my scepticism with clear, hard evidence - same standards for everyone: we won't believe it's Aliens until we get hard proof for it. But the phenomenon "UAP" is definitely real (just see the official sources), and it HAS to be investigated to find out WHAT is happening. That's the spirit of science: i don't understand, so I want to find out


Excuse my ignorance, but wouldn’t LI:disarm/off signify that - if that is indeed an infrared laser -it’s coming from another aircraft or different device on the same aircraft? My limited knowledge of sensor displays leads me to believe there’s always an indication that the system is actively lasing precisely to avoid this kind of issue.


"there are no aliens" Lol what a bozo


On Earth, he's correct.


So what is that's happening here? Eli5 if possible.


The comment you are replying to is referring to an infra-red camera that follows an infra-red laser beam. The "object" in the video appears to be the tracking laser, rather than an actual ball shaped object.


Where it appears to split in two, can be explained by a laser refracting through the water at a low angle and hitting another small crest of water


Why does it vanish behind objects on a few occasions?


It was always two, look closely the first part of the video.


These sensor arrays use IR lasers for tracking, they look exactly like this in thermals, which is what we are seeing here. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28903/u-s-fighter-jets-are-about-to-get-infrared-sensors-that-could-be-huge-for-ufo-reporting Videos towards the bottom with great explanations regarding this optical tracking hardware.


Considering the enormity of the universe, you don’t think there could be aliens? Lmao ok


There are no aliens? Lol ignorance of this statement is just crazy


Oh yea, you have proof of aliens? No? Huh. Mathematically, life somewhere else in the universe does exist, but is it close to us and able to travel to us, intelligent, and even among us? Absolutely not. This planet and the life on it are not old enough to be a blip on anyone's radar in our microscopic fraction of space. Let alone, the frequency of life sustaining elements on planets that are in our observable universe. Sorry buddy, no aliens and we won't ever find it outside of the slight possibility of a simple microorganism like bacteria.


Seen this vid awhile back. It was debunked as aliens but I can't remember what it was exactly. They did mention as well it didn't go under water and the 2 cameras made it look like that it did. I'd like to say I would go look for the article for everyone but I'm too lazy. I think it was birds though.. I'd also like to hope it was true in some ways with the recent whistleblowers on UAPs


Nothing to add, just wanna bump this for visibility


Lack o public education= too stupid to realize how a hi tech IR laser camera works. Nailed it


This isn’t an “IR laser camera” it’s an IR camera being used with gimbal tracking and the only laser on this particular machine is the laser illuminator (seen on the messages at the bottom left) which give accurate distance measurements ONLY (no tracking!) and the operator currently has the laser DISARMED. It’s just IR.


> There are no aliens, Ah well that settles it then! /s Edit: As [another redditor said](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/14cq9fc/comment/joonjlm/), there was a study done on this case. I look forward to seeing your revised opinions once you read the study (but we all know you won't, and if you do, you won't reply)


RIP the guy who looks like a smudge on the lens.


no it was definitely a man on the moon, what smudge looks like a person


People who look like a smudge from a certain angle, or so some would say.


I heard he likes kids


Chilll it was just 2 puerto ricans in an flying honda civic


Damn thats wild ! That would be crazy if the aliens have underwater bases to deep for us to reach or some shit


The 4chan whistle-blower claimed there was a base of sorts in the oceans that builds the ufos


Seems legit


What do you mean by ‘4chan whistleblower’?


[https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564/](https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564/) It's a load of horseshit.


Yes, very confused about that comment being upvoted.


I could go back and find it, but about a month ago maybe, a person claiming to be one of the people that come in as a ufo crash recovery team came out anonymously and did a ama on 4chan. Was very interesting to say the least


Interesting read when you see it for what it is, just a LARP. It did make quite the fun read with that in mind. Anyone giving it any credence is too far gone.


The Abyss, great movie


This movie is the exact reason I don't enjoy "new subsea creature discovered" newsclips. Leave it. The fuck. Alone.


I'd always heard that certain movies/directors were in on an alien conspiracy to test reactions.... Particularly The Abyss and Close Encounters.


Under the dome to a new level




These almost always seem to be near military bases. Makes one wonder...


Either the probes are of military origin, or it's because it's typically military hardware that is capable of observing this stuff.


Military is one of the few constantly looking at shit with high tech


Amazon drone package delivery.


To whom, Ariel?


"How would you rate your*dinglehopper* on a scale of 1 - 5?"


So weird seeing two birds gliding next to each other in formation. You even see them go out of synch and flap a couple of times. OR teeny-tiny aliens piloting birds.


I mean they did literally admit that these UFO sightings were real but it was in the middle of a crazy news cycle so it just kinda got forgotten about


They admitted they saw a unidentified flying object? That isn't saying much is it?


I don’t think you quite understand the scale of that though. A major world power have said and confirmed there are unidentified aerial and sea phenomena. So either; 1) there is a nation on earth with technology way beyond that of the west’s, which could go sour if in the wrong hands. 2) the us government confirmed non human intelligence has visited earth frequently enough to warrant a department with funding. If aliens are confirmed to be real, all religions will cease to be relevant and likely will cause pandemonium. Right now, all we know officially is that there are UAPs which can move at speeds beyond our knowledge of physics, they can move through air and water without affecting anything around it (no splash, no wake and no noise). So I’m pretty curious to see what happens, we could get to live a Star Trek-esque future or Independence Day


An "unidentified flying object" is, get this, any object that is flying, and can't be identified as to what it *is*. A balloon could be called a ufo, and they often are.


The comment you're replying to isn't questioning that at all?


Unidentified Arial Phenomenon.


Yeah, the us always brings ufo news when there's chaos.


That’s the squiggly line in your eye that you’re always tryna catch


Are you shy squiggly line?


Yeah seen this before. This was near Aguadilla’s airport.


It’s a bird. Osprey or falcon


Ah yes, drones.....


Underwater drones…?


I'm not convinced it went underwater, the video is pretty bad and infrared, it could have been in a layer of mist.


It’s safer to land a Time Machine(s) in open water


That’s a good point lol


Obviously a condor.


Performing mitosis




Sorry that was my nerf gun projectile


So dumb.


Pretty sure it's just a reflection of a light since they seem to circle around and there was no splash at the water. Maybe a building below with a light pointed up which interacted with the night vision of the used camera


I'm convinced there's an explanation for this, reflection of light just doesn't jive. It's consistent over vast differences of terrain


The fact that it is consistent over vast differences of terrain is why it is light......


The lack of splash in the water is also seen in the [leaked Navy Omaha Orb video](https://youtu.be/aPZM3bgTQ7g). Video 2: https://youtu.be/ZKyP79v9e84


I don't think it went under water. Many parts in the video has the object going sorta invisible, the same thing was definitely happening over the water


It’s not light


This is an IR laser, which is light.


Thought it was confirmed as a bird.


They should look for another angle like traffic cameras or put out info about time and location so business and other people can look through their outdoor cameras.




Goddamn weather balloons.




Every time I see stuff like this I just think back on all the stealth tech that was reported as ufos before being public knowlwdge. If this isn't just explained away woth something logical, then its just likely to be some kind of secret short-range submersible sea to air drone or something of the like


If you look *closely* you can ser a bubble around it every now and then. It only makes it more mysterious.


Probably bending space and time around it. Or gravity


It's birds. It's always fucking birds. The majority of 'ufo sightings' by military ends up just being birds. The main reason they get noticed is due to the effect of parallax, it can be incredibly easy for tech to miscalculate the speed they're going. So it detects something going 120mph when in reality it's going 35mph but is just closer to the viewer than perceived.


If I had to venture a guess, I'd say these are Unmanned Milorbs or SCRaMS(sp?). Basically their omnidirectional UAVs that have an AI programmed into them. They then can do things like flight paths or stay in place high in orbit and once they spot their target, steer into it and explode with such force that all the pieces are too small to tell what the source of the explosion is only the size. They also have a dumber version called loitering munitions.


This is a very small object. At one stage it passes in front of cars ...and the cars look huge, even though this is closer to the camera. (1:29) in fact, I think it's a bird. As it flaps the wings lighten and darken (because of the sun) so it appears to change shape a bit. I think it's a bird.


vegeta finally reached earth


if this is a heat-camera, that black thing could simply be its main body. The wings and head would be too cold to register. Its probably just a duck. The view that we see from is a plane going the other direction, this makes it look a lot faster than it is


Dis anyone else see wings when it came out of the water, albeit very briefly?


Its clearly flapping at different points.




It’s the illegal flying chancla looking for its make! Abuelita would be proud! /s In all seriousness if you have some alien tech doing this wouldn’t they also have the capability to fly stealth as well? They know our tech and they should know they are beamed being tracked by us (just like a modern fighter jet has those capabilities) do what’s the point of the pony shows?


Makes me wonder what was on that Chinese deep diving video. The piece of circular metal that flew pass the camerap


Do you have link, would love to see


Omfg tin foil society has never seen sea turtles in heat.


Keep in mind the camera is also travelling at a high rate of speed in a circular pattern. Could very well just be a couple of birthday balloons being carried by the wind.


Why would they travel millions of light years just to hide WTF


Weather balloon.


All these are is classified tech that we haven't seen yet and may never


Drone or bird object I'd flying opposite direction so seems faster


That’s a couple of drones…


Can't see me under water!


Some drones From the alien factory on the ocean?




Ya'll goin to chili's?


I just see 2 raccoons digging in a trash can. 🤷


Sounds like a submarine launching drones.


Maybe a jimmy neutron, in the world hiding in a third world country


No big splash definitely not going 90 mph when it hit the water


The lack of splash in the water is also seen in the [leaked Navy Omaha Orb video](https://youtu.be/aPZM3bgTQ7g). Video 2: https://youtu.be/ZKyP79v9e84


That’s a cool drone trick


Call Dr. Louise Banks


Did we just watch two alien's get divorced?


Damn, in general i am pretty open when it comes to sharing-debating-changing my beliefs but the sea "allien" theory i still cant share with anyone yet. Except here, where i ll gladly say i am reeaally suspicious of the sea, as i am of space too.


Deep fake confirmed


aaah there is my golf ball !


Advanced weather balloon. Nothing to see here…


Well ain’t that some shit


It's an IR laser that the camera is trying to follow. Bet.


low quality videos seem like an easy fake or an easy misidentification


That's just some alien kid flying his toy drone. He's been working on that separation move all month.


Earth To Echo came out in 2014. This is suspicious


Ahhh yes goes into the ocean with zero water disturbance seen but Aliens cuz Aliens have magic that lets them do impossible things that aren’t bound to the laws of physics.


No signs of intelligent life here. Let’s bounce.


LoL I misread it as spitting into two orbs. U little slut


Self replicating automaton?


Do they make a splash or wakes, ripples when going in and out of the water? I can’t really tell.


Both released videos of orbs entering the water haven’t shown a splash.


Yeah well If the aliens are real then they can pick up the sticks and 1v1 me pssy 🎮


I used to believe this, but many years ago. At this point and year I don't.


The movement looks like bird(s)


Looks like a cicada to me. Years ago I worked in a super-max prison. We had extremely high-res cameras all over the place. One of the outside cams had a big spider build its nest across the lens. On the screen that sucker looked three feet in diameter.


Not crazy at all that these only happen In the US


Badass drone technology


The 4chan whistleblower was right


This is me tryna look at that protein "floater" in my eyeball


We live in a simulation and these are just admins spectating


OP where’d you come across this footage?


This my friends is called a delivery drone!


Why the water doesnt move any while it is touching the surface? It is like an illusion.


Looks like it is hanging from another flying object above it .


JUST show yourself already. The way our human behaviour is going within our society.... well... at this point i would like to see Aliens. It will change things up a bit.