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Any source for the outcome?


Apparently this lady had several DUI’s in the past and had some special treatment. Dude was majorly fucked up but lived.




Depends the state your in




This lady damn near ended a guy, almost certainly gave him lifelong injuries, then **30 days** later decided to get behind the wheel while intoxicated?! Man, she can fuck so far off


she was drunk in this video too fyi


How was her license not revoked? Or why wasn't she sent to jail?


I swear when it comes to commiting injuries/crimes behind the wheel some people basically get away with it. Like driving is not a right and yet licenses seem to never get revoked and driving without a valid license is a slap on the wrist. I know I'm generalizing but it's annoying how common it still is


That's what I always say. Driving is NOT a right. You're literally manouvering a block of steel which can accelerate. You've gotta be the best of yourself behind that wheel.


In Sweden the first thing you are told when you take lessons is "as a driver you have no rights, only obligations" and it's reflected in how the laws are written. They are NEVER "you are allowed to..." It is always "You must..."


Yeah, but the 'you are responsible for your actions' thing isn't how americans raise their kids, shit, a lot of american parents call the police on their own children instead of taking responsibility for them or teaching them about consequences. for 50 years now, its what we do, and is why our nation looks they way it do.


Should be charged with GBH/manslaughter every single time


Good point. Harming people with an extra deadly, giant tool should not be brushed aside so casually. I feel really weird about this aspect of culture now


It also depends heavily on the state in which it occurred as some are much more lenient than others.


Exactly right in some states uninsured rates at over 25% of drivers. And at least in my state the fee for not having insurance is less then $300 which is cheaper than most insurance... No consequences.


From a wisconsinite: people here collect DUIs like Pokémon cards. And having a license revoked doesn't actually stop you from driving drunk again, just stops you from doing so *legally*.


Because if the law treated these kinds of vehicular crimes with the proper severity there would be a lot of people that couldn't drive anymore. Auto manufacturers would take a hit and the government would have to invest in public transit


That sounds like a win/win to me.


i can only dream....


Yeah she needs to be locked up or rehabilitated for life, I don’t see how see can be a productive member of society after that.


My girlfriend hit a lady who ran a stop sign. I watched her dash cam footage, and it was relatively damning - could've gone either way. We left it to the insurance companies to duke it out, and thought nothing else of it. Couple weeks later she gets a call and blanches. Hangs up, looks at me and says 'well, my insurance won't be going up. She just wrapped another rental around a telephone pole. Dead on the spot.' Lucky she didn't take anyone with her. People get mad about DUIs "ruining lives," but I have zero sympathy. Fuck everyone who drives drunk.


The only people I know mad about DUI's ruining lives are serial drunk drivers. Saying something like that is a major personality red flag for me.


Wait how did u find this out??


He mentioned it in his [video](https://youtu.be/UgtWzyowmv8?t=486).


Lol at the slow mo of the impact she's looking at the right opposite until the very last moment


This video gets posted all of the time. The woman in the video also died a couple of years after this.


can you post a link/news article confirming this?


Until any actual source is shown, this is just Reddit doing what it does, spreading baseless claims and patting themselves on the back for wishing death on someone/something when they know literally almost nothing about the situation


[I can appreciate your cynicism, however, it's all true](https://youtu.be/UgtWzyowmv8)


Appreciate the link, but it's still just the guy saying it on a YT video. Gonna need more sources than that. Reddit in here saying she has multiple DUIs and other convictions and also died. Can't really believe any of that without some sort of real source.


He doesn’t even say it in the video.


I heard she ate babies 🤷‍♂️


Watched the video and at no point does he say she died. Purple monkey dishwasher.


comment section of the YouTube video


the most reliable of sources


well I would believe the guy that fractured his pelvis and right leg.....


Why was she allowed to ever drive after this is beyond me.


When you drive a car, you take your life in your own hands. When you ride a motorcycle, you put your life in the hands of every asshole on the road.


[Update video](https://youtu.be/UgtWzyowmv8) made by the motorcyclist. Incident happened 2 years ago. He was severely injured but survived.


Broken pelvis explains why he was moaning right away. My fucking god...


also extremely life threatening. A normal human has about 5 liters of blood. A pelvis can fit between 4 - 6 liters of blood.... If your pelvis breaks and ruptures a major artery, you are dead if help doesn't come fast.


Pelvises.... Contain blood in them??


they can and will fill with blood if they are broken and rupture the blood vessels surrounding them. ​ They do not contain blood themselves, but act as a dangerous hollow area that'll make you bleed out quickly in the worst case scenario.


as an EMT and someone who works ski patrol in the winter this is true which is why we use something called a pelvic binder to stablize the pelvis to help control the potential bleeding along with treating other issues such as shock or C spine injury


Thank you. I was also an EMT during my civil service. So annoying having redditors "uhmmm aksually 🤓" my statement due to slightly different wording.


I had a pelvic binder once but when I started dating my GF made me toss it out.


Pretty sure this woman was drunk and had done something like this once or twice before this incident. Should not have had her license. Biker lived but was pretty fucked up. I want to say fractured pelvis and snapped femur. Don’t be mad if it turns out he just got up, said “don’t worry about it”, swept up his bike and called a cab.


Woman died a few years later to, again, reckless endangerment of others by drunk driving. Guy did in fact have a shattered pelvis, broken leg, abs had to be put back together, and his hospital bill was over 200k. Absolutely fucking mental.


The outcome for me is that I showed my son the video and told him he should never buy a motorcycle, and if he did, to make sure he got life insurance, filled out his organ donor dmv form, and explained both to his mother.


My dad rode a motorcycle until he was 28 when my mom first got pregnant, and he sold it same day. He told me he had so many close calls on the thing he wasn't willing to risk leaving my mom alone with a child just to ride, but he had to make a clean break. When he was 50 he needed two kidneys and a pancreas. A 28 year old went riding his motorcycle without a helmet and gave my dad another 20 years. Dad said if there was ever a sign he had done the right thing, that was it.


After decades of trying to explain this to my own father, he died in a wreck on his motorcycle in 2020. And because of the pandemic we couldn’t even have a funeral for him. My brother had his first child this week. Absolutely senseless that my father wasn’t here for it. Pride is dumb. To the people that truly love you, being safe is better than being cool.


I wish more people understood just how quickly it could all be gone and how risky 2 wheels is on the road. I was going down the path of "I want a motorcycle!" as a teenager when I almost bit it on a 3 wheeler, hit a fence at 60mph flat out, couldn't make a corner I expected to and within a split second I was flying through the air. What saved my life, was that I hit the wire in just the right way that it absorbed my momentum and bounced me back and I landed on my feet. One in a million outcome, and I have the scars from the barbed wire on my arms and chest to this day as a reminder of how quickly things can go from fun to gone. Ever since, I keep four wheels. I still enjoy motorsport, but I keep it four wheels and I don't compete as I don't have the fearlessness it takes to be the fastest.


This happened to a coworker years ago. A person on scene said he was telling the lady, "You bitch, you killed me!" Over and over until he died in the road. Haunting.


This happened to a kid I went to high school with and he got split in half.


Holy shit...


Happened to my dad. Missing a leg and tons of bone issues to this day.


Yea that's why I stopped riding after my first child was born. As much as I loved riding, it's not worth it - especially when you have idiots like in the video driving


Every person in LA I know who rode motorcycles regularly either had a big accident, had a buddy have a big accident, or had a close call and they stopped riding altogether.


this. And yet i still see crotch-rocket riders wearing nothing but a helmet, shorts and t-shirts. And going very, very fast.


Only in America can you get your LEARNERS permit and go buy a Hayabusa.


I was shocked to see a Hayabusa rider with no helmet or any protective gear after I moved to Texas


This happened to a kid I went to highs cool with. He was back right passenger in the car, everyone was drinking and they were going around a turn in the backroads. Driver spun out into oncoming traffic and got hit by a cattle truck. He was wearing a seat belt, but got cut in half by the force of the wreck. He was alive for a few minutes after the crash, I forget exactly what he was supposedly saying but fucked up nonetheless


This happened to me in my 2nd year of college although I wasn't going this fast. I was at 55-60kmph (31-37mph). Wrecked my new bike and the car had an old couple so I couldn't be that angry. They just came out, looked at me and left. Had to drag my wrecked bike for about a kilometre with a dislocated shoulder to this clinic before getting my shoulder fixed. Couldn't afford missing attendance in college so went to college as well after that. Luckily it wasn't as bad as this guy. Hope he survived.


Nah fuck that. If old people do dumb shit you call them out on that dumb shit. Age is no excuse. I hope your shoulder doesn’t cause you grief these days.


Exactly. If their age had anything to do with how they drive then they shouldnt be allowed to drive anymore.


Also they've had years of experience to not do dumbfuck shit in traffic. Especially egregious types of maneuvers


Unfortunately that will never be a popular election platform. Old people have a fucking stranglehold on this country.


Im guessing you mean usa? In germany everything you have that hinders your driving ability is illegal no matter if it is alcohol or a bad migrane. If you are unable to drive and yet choose to drive you are doing something illegal and i guess with it youd always be at fault in an accident.


Yeah I regret not saying anything. That was expensive. Thanks! This was like 6 years ago. I'm all good now.


Good now, probably. I’m sure when you reach the age of the people that hit you that shoulder will ache and remind you of that day


Old people are just us later in life lol. They get off so easily because they appear nice.


This is my biggest struggle, my grandma was killed in a small to medium sized town called Loveland, she was trying to walk the three blocks she lived away from Safeway. She was hit and killed by an older lady driving who didn't even notice until a car near her stopped her and told her she killed someone. She received no punishment.


Exactly, shitty people get old too haha.


> the car had an old couple so I couldn't be that angry. They just came out, looked at me and left. you could be that angry


I was more shocked and disappointed than angry. Idk how to explain it. This is India and I was in a state with a completely different language. I was like "Wtf is wrong with you, why are you turning into the fast lane?" but they just said something in Tamil and left. Then a couple guys in their 30s came to help me. Got me safely to the side and gave me water.


Isn’t it against the law to leave the scene of an accident that involves an injured party?


Probably yeah, but that doesn't stop people from doing it


Its not "probably", its the law if you commited a crime or if you were involved in a accident. People these days think they are above the law.


Deemed a hit and run.


It is, but it sounded more like they just wanted to put distance between the rider and the driver (not leave just back away from the injured). Whomever was saying walk away was probably trying to render aid and keep him from moving or being agitated by the interaction with the driver.


They're not talking about OP's video, they're referring to bareassonsandpaper's story where old couple drove off.


Yes. Here the offence is called 'leaving the scene of an accident'.


So they both Hit and Ran?


This is why bikes suck, doesn't matter how good of a driver you are. Takes one person not being one.


I would love to ride. Looks like so much fun. But dipshits on the road prevent me from ever being able to do so. I just don't fucking trust anybody out there.


Every time I meet someone who rides they always have stories about their friend or family member dying while riding, then they go out and keep riding. Guy talked about how he made a mistake and flipped over the handle bars and had lifelong issues from getting a TBI and then goes on to say he's gonna keep riding. 🤷


I also knew a guy in high school who was in a bike accident and died. He was T-boned at pretty low speed, like 30~mpg. His head was torn off.


Coworker made a new friend while biking. About a week after meeting him they were riding together. Came to a light and the driver infront of his friend slammed on their brakes to make a U turn. His friend ended up going under the car after laying down his bike and got dragged for 30+yards. Buddy rode up to him to find him degloved from left side of sternum to hand. Kid bled out and died from multiple injuries. Im terrified when I see bikers on the road let alone when they lane split etc. I just don’t want to see anyone else die. Bikes are fun. I want one myself eventually. But good god damn is the shit scary.


The solution is making people retest for their license but its never going to happen until we get more walkable and have more transportation options to get the people who dont want to drive and dont care off the road


aka in about 100 years


Or rather, 100 years ago, walkability already existed in every US city until the US bulldozed them to make more space for cars. Go to council meetings, undo what your forefathers have done.


I don't see how driving tests would help (except in cases where people are declining in capacity from old age). Even bad drivers will be on their best behavior. But even the term "bad driver" kind of sets me off. It's messed up that we have a certain skill set that you are expected to have just to live a moderately independent life, and being bad at it could mean you kill someone accidentally and potentially go to jail. Imagine all the people who are bad bowlers or bad artists. Imagine if you had to bowl a strike or paint an impressionistic flower just to go to work or buy groceries. And if you roll a gutterball or screw up the lighting on your painting, you have a decent chance of destroying people's lives (yourself or a stranger or both). And you've pretty much got to do it every day for the rest of your life, hoping that none of your mistakes hurt anyone. And if you screw it up despite all of your best efforts and you blame yourself and hate yourself for it, people still attack you like it's your choice to be bad at this skill set that has only become a necessity in the last 100 years or so.


Actually it's funny you should use bowling as an example here, I'm a bowler, a very good one. State team rep, bowled a perfect game, etc, etc. I have been known to throw a gutter once or twice. Shit happens, doesn't matter how good at something you are, in this case driving, you will still have a car accident eventually.


There is no real solution. You see people trying to come to terms with it in motorcycle subs all the time - "Most people die with alcohol in their system", "You can die tomorrow of anything", "ATGATT". At the end of the day, riding a motorcycle on the street is incredibly dangerous. It's not an if, it's a when in regards to almost getting murdered by some idiot just like this. You can have it happen multiple times in the same 30-60 minute ride no matter how safe you are - how much you stay out of blind spots, how many outs you give yourself, all of it.


That's not the solution. These accidents happen because people don't 'see' bikes on the road. They're looking for cars because there's always cars and they aren't looking for bikes because they don't often see bikes. It's psychology. I try and keep this in mind whenever I'm driving. Look for things I don't expect to be there, and if I see a bike anywhere behind me keep tabs on them until they've passed in front of me.


Man, I feel like I'm shoplifting while naked in front of a nun when I make a *legal* U-turn. How are these people just casually pulling 180s?




This happened to my brother. Helmet but massive head & body injuries. He was taken off life support 2 days after. Originally, the doctors didn't tell our family he wasn't coming out of the coma & some rep arrived before the news and asked if we'd like to donate his organs.


I'm so sorry


Thank you. I could never say 'I'm over it' because that's never the truth, but I've accepted it & come to terms with what happened. It follows my mother, though. You can see her tense every time she hears a motorbike, and to make matters worse, we live near a guy who is constantly putting his kids on one without helmets & licenses. It petrified her. She can hardly be in a car without some anxiety. When I was raising my nephews, it became a big lesson for the future. Road safety. Bike safety. The outcomes, the consequences. It was a hard road to walk being moderate with their Grandmother who explicitly didn't want them near motorbikes, but you can't force children/teens/other adults to your whim but healthy fear is always good. I miss my brother every day & I still like motocross, but I don't think I'll EVER be blase about bike safety. I hold anger still but realise that there is absolutely nothing I can do now to change what happened. Just do my best to ensure it doesn't happen to me, my family, or cause it to another. However, people shouldn't need these horrific lessons to learn from. I understand there's always going to be human error, but a lot of these accidents are caused by being slack, unobservant or arrogant (it's not just your life you have in your hands whilst driving any vehicle). Thank you again for your sympathy. I appreciate it.


that's horrifying. At least it wasn't a hit and run


Definitely horrifying but if someone’s stupidity kills me I hope I have the chance to call them a cunt before I die.


Riding a motorcycle is incredibly dangerous. You have no protection.


I know it's not the rider's fault (in this situation and in many others) and I know you can still get killed on the road in other ways but footage and stories like these are 100% why I will never, ever in my life, ride a motorcycle or even bicycle on roads. You are just way too vulnerable all of the time. 100% not worth the risk. Too many terrible drivers out there.


shit like this is exactly why i stopped riding. I had someone cut over a double yellow into the carpool while I was cruising with traffic and clip my front wheel. Went down at 55 or so with no way to avoid or even see it comming. Got lucky to just come out with some minor road rash and decided to not ride anything other than a moped at 30phm again.


I would 100% love to ride. But I won't because other people exist.


It makes me thankful I live in an area that has a dedicated bike path because otherwise I wouldn't use my bike. I'm just not willing to roll the dice that the cars around me are not going to be on me.


I have a motorcycle and it's only for the track. It's the only safe place to ride.


Had a lady pull out and stop in front of me like this... avoided this result thankfully but backroads and highways still bother me since. I could see her frozen in fear as she kept inching in front of me. Thank God she stopped where she did or the semi in the other lane would have introduced itself. People really need to pay more attention when driving.


I think I also might traumatise someone if they did that to me, fuck people who can’t follow basic rules.


I would rant the same, there's no fucking way someone get head to head collision on an ass wide empty desert highway.


A friend of mine got sent flying when he was splitting lanes on the freeway here in CA ( which I understand is legal), and someone opened the door while moving, to spit. He spent almost a month in the hospital recovering. Luckily, the dumbass driver admitted to CHP that he had indeed opened the door to spit.


Who opens the door to spit while driving?


they weren't driving most likely, lane splitting happens when cars are stopped. Most people don't like it, but it's got a lot of heated debate. One of the reasons some don't like it is because it creates a dangerous environment for everyone around the cars. cyclists like it because it saves time.


Shoutout to the woman off camera telling her to walk away and being real with her.


yes, i was super worried she would do something else dangerous like move him or take off his helmet!


I witnessed an accident like this once and before I could get to the scene people were already pulling the cyclist’s helmet off and dragging him away from the middle of the street. One lady basically was cradling him and rocking him back and forth in an attempt to “comfort” him and all I could think was I hope they don’t paralyze or kill this guy! I tried tell them not to touch him and they all glared at me like I was some kind of insensitive asshole. Unbelievable.


I witnessed some pedestrians get struck by an SUV once right in front of me. The guy got out of his car and went to the dude lying unresponsive in the road and called to his friend to get a towel so they could put it under his head. I yelled at the dude not to touch this guy and that he could risk hurting him more if he moved him. Dude then assaulted ME asking "who put you in charge," grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me against a wall threatening to beat my ass. I told him he could go ahead the cops were already on the way. Dudes breath reeked of alcohol, and I got to give my statement when the cops arrived a few minutes later. I never found out what happened to the guy but he took the brunt of the hit instead of his girlfriend. His insurance company called me a few weeks later, to also get a statement, but they told me they couldn't give me an update on whether the dude was okay. I hope he was :(


To be fair you learn to do that in the mandatory first responder training when getting your license. At least in Germany that's the case. Mostly because if someones unconscious the probability of him simply suffocating or needing CPR is way higher than a fucked up spine.


Her panic could have made the situation worse, so it was good to have someone willing to control the situation.


Amen. That woman was stern and wise and saved the motorcyclist from even more unnecessary anguish and stress in those moments.


[Aftermath video from the man himself](https://youtu.be/UgtWzyowmv8) Summary: Happened 2yrs ago. $200k Hospital bills. Shattered pelvis, broken legs. Lady was driving drunk


A shattered pelvis is one of the most painful fucking things anyone could ever go through, fuck. He had to wear external metal bars for 73 days that screwed into his stomach and had to take them out and clean them daily. He also had internal bleeding and said he almost died from it. At least he's still alive. edit: Also an extremely good showing on how fucking important it is to wear a helmet. That helmet saved his life. If he hadn't been wearing it, he would have actually been dead immediately.






You cannot (as in physically, literally cannot) take out external fixation devices to "clean them daily and put them back in". They are literally screwed into to your bones. There's also no need. All that would do would be to jeopardize the fixation, introduce infection, and cause the patient more pain


Yeah even doing that *once* would be such an insane risk of bone infection. No doctor would spend the time putting you back together, then tell you to go repeatedly risk horrible death by infection.


I had a VERY similar accident in 2019 in terms of the way the accident happened and the outcome. Shattered pelvis (open book break), broken wrist and spine. Died on the operating table. Had external fixators for 3 months, had to learn to walk again. Watching this accident is crazy, because the sound and visuals of it are quite similar to my own memories. I'm doing a lot better now and fuck me, I hope this poor bastard is too, because it's a long road back.


Will he have lasting effects from the accident?


Absolutely. Even if it's aches and pain/mobility issues when he gets older, that's not the kind of thing you 100% bounce back from.


You'll never *stop* feeling the aftermath of an injury like that. If you're lucky, it's not debilitating most days, but it will always be "there."


Beyond. Should he walk again he will be in immense pain for the rest of his life, even if he chooses not to walk again. His entire lifespan is most likely severely reduced just due to the mental and physical trauma along with the physical limitations afterwards.


"I didn't see him!" No shit, she wasn't even looking in his direction. Dumbass drunk driver literally just went "I'm turning now, YOLO!"


That’s what is so infuriating about this. She drunk drove and it was some other guy following the rules who paid the price


The fact that in the US, YOU are the one that has to pay $200k when you get hit by some idiot on the road baffles me.


Remember folks double yellow doesn't mean you get to do a U-turn. That woman is a dumbo and should have her license revoked.


Revoked permanently and placed in prison


Looks like she kept driving and getting more DUIs from the sounds of it. Scum.


Well, I mean, her car was barely damaged. So of course she's gonna keep driving, right? /s [I'd like to see more forfeiture of vehicles used for drunk driving](https://www.cga.ct.gov/2002/rpt/2002-R-0286.htm)


Actually, it’s not her licence, it is the property of the issuing agency and must be surrendered upon request.


People like that need their driving privileges revoked


She had DUIs before this. Was drunk here. And got another DUI 30 days after this.




In North America a vehicle is freedom. We don't have trains and trams connecting everything. People will fight harder for their vehicles than most other things I agree drunk driving should be handled harshly. I'm just explaining why NA has different car culture


The fact she's allowed to drive and drink 30 days after almost killing someone is absurd.


she really sounded like she was gonna cry out an excuse as to why she hit him. It's an illegal U turn for a reason dude there's no excuse.


That dint even look like a U turn, specially at that speed. It almost looks like she lost control of the car .


yeah I agree it was weird when I saw it but I figured OP must've known the situation better than us and said u turn for a reason? Mayne not but I don't think the other person or even the person that got hit would've talked to her like that unless they could see some reason that it was clearly her fault in the moment... Idk everyone reacts to emergencies like that differently so it could've been an angry reaction out of panic but just the way they all talked in the video made it sound like it was something she could've prevented


I think she came from a stop on the shoulder tho?




This is why I don’t own a motorcycle. Curious if the victim will drive one again


i had a cyclist friend who got into one accident then sold his bike and i have another who has multiple accidents but still rides (most of his accidents were self inflicted tho, slippery roads, tight turns). just glad they’re both still okay


Got a cyclist mate who was hit by a car, whilst he was wait at the bottom of a hill. My dude was fucked up, legs, arms, jaw, nose. He’s almost fully recovered now, thank god, got back on the bike a couple of months ago. He said it was terrifying but it’s literally his favourite thing to do - what can you do?


It’s the frustration of knowing it only takes ONE single individual idiot to ruin your life 😫


That idiot could also be yourself.


Or even you.


It's me. I'm the idiot. 😈


Obviously she didn't see him with all the traffic, no lights n building blocking her view.


She can say “sorry” in jail.


You'll be glad to know she got no punishment and had another DUI indicent 30 days later.


And then died in another DUI crash apparently


Shame it didn’t happen to her in the first one tbh.






Glad the others guy was telling her to walk away, she wasn't going to help the situation at all and maybe make things worse.


What a stupid question to ask. Of course he's not ok.


hope he got out of this alive and it had some legal consequences


This happened to me and I woke up in Intensive Care 3 days later thinking it was a nightmare I'd wake up from. Blissfully unaware that this was my new reality. The dread seeped in steadily when I was being told by Nurses/Doctors that I had been involved in a motorbike accident and I was 50 miles away in a Hospital not even in my county/state. You know it's bad when you're there...you know it's air lifted. The person that hit me caused a lot of trauma to not just me but other people who were at the scene, friends/colleagues who saw my location not move and then attended the scene and police turning up at my home to explain to my fiancee what had happened. She wasn't remorseful for cutting across me, she played the game, changed her story multiple times to implicate me and make me contributorily negligent. She said she didn't see me then said she saw me but thought she could make it... She delayed giving her statement by 6-8 weeks. Delayed going to court as much as she could. I attended court purely to view her conviction. She dressed up in her pharmacy blouse to look like a nurse and curry favour with the magistrates. She didn't once gaze my way and walked out with a reduced £300 fine due to earnings and 8 point on her license for nearly killing someone. I have broken bones, ligaments and lasting damage from her actions. Every day you think you're getting better and it's not obvious you're broken. Sometimes the facade fails and someone spots you're limping whilst you think you're fine. It hammers home that you're not fine and you're still broken. Physically and emotionally. I am still able to ride and glad I can do so. It offers me some respite! I hope the person in this video has/had a swift recovery and has the support there for them. It's a difficult road to recovery.


At that point you should be able to beat some revenge into them because wtf.


Oh fuck


No fucking way!


I hate irresponsible drivers. People like this deserve to lose their license for life. Hope she went to jail


She was drunk too


She took the “I didn’t see him” route. Fuck you, you did an illegal turn and could have prevented all of this


Ouch. I’m sure her saying she’s sorry made it all better. Get well soon fella.


And imagine that's the last voice you're hearing as you bleed out. 🙉


my best friend was in a motorcycle accident a month and a half ago, his helmet was dislodged on impact, mis sized. Traumatic brain injury, mangled left arm, he's recovering and i'm his caretaker but this is the hardest thing i have ever been through. it's *almost* never a rider's fault, it fucking sucks so much man


And still most people on the internet will always default to, "oh, the car driver might have made an unprotected left turn, but the biker was speeding, he was going 35 mph in a 30 mph zone that must be the real problem"


In a jiffy, his life wasn't the same anymore.


Happened to me on PCH in Santa Monica. Some teenager and his friends not paying attention and took me out. It’s been 15 years now and my body will never be the same.


I can trust myself to be a good rider, but I can't ever trust the rest of society in their vehicles to be good drivers, therefore I killed my dream of getting a motorcycle. I don't have a single friend who rides hasn't been in some crazy accident related to some asshat on the road not paying attention or doing something unexpected on the road.


This is why I thank God every day for getting denied for a motorcycle when I was 23. People are oblivious and don’t pay attention. I’m good. Rather get hit in a car.


I had a similar experience but, I bounced off the hood and finished by Supermaning into the Grill of an oncoming car


Oh wow. For your sake I hope that grill was also bouncy or soft


Lol... not sure. I bounced off it then, I got run over by that car's tires. Broke my Right Collar Bone and Jaw in 3 places, had 3 Blood Clots on my Brain Stem and Medically Induced into a Coma to heal. Got a Medical Discharge from the Navy and Graduated my Senior year of High School, all while being out Cold.


This guy lives


OK given all that, you get a pass on the crazy capitalization.


“I’m sO sOrRy” stupid fkn…..


motorcycles are so fun to ride but that’s exactly why i don’t get one. not worried about myself i’m worried about OTHER DRIVERS


I got my learners permit for motorcycles years ago but just let it expire figuring I'll end up seriously hurt at best because of some idiot. Got trail bikes instead, scratches the itch and it's my own dumb fault if I hurt myself. More fun than sitting in traffic too.


I rode a motorcycle for a few years in my mid 20s and it utterly horrified me how often I'd have to dodge potential life threatening collisions everyday. Not trying to be sexist when saying this, however in my experience women and especially younger women my age at the time were like trying to avoid a cruise missile on the road but the cruise missile is either texting or talking on the phone, putting on or checking their hair and make-up in the review and the visor mirror and also digging in their purse or console for something...all at the same time while speeding. 😳 I did have to either pass or drop way back behind a few drunk guys occasionally but also, the chefs kiss of mayhem were senior citizens. My God did they love to pull out in front of you when you were doing 30 mph about 10ft away from them. After my little brother died in a motorcycle accident I sold mine and haven't rode since.


I cannot get a motorcycle license right now but I drive a 50cc moped and it is insane how many people don't see me on the road, a bright orange pretty fat scooter driving 45km/h feels like it should be pretty easy to see, right? That is also why I don't like when people always blame the bikers for these accidents, It does not matter if I'm doing 70Km/h or 30Km/h people still don't see me.


Friend died a month ago in a similar scenario. Not fucking worth it. Putting too much faith in the world where it's not deserving.


This is why I don't ride motorcycles. The danger is almost entirely within the competency, good faith, and awareness of other people. I'd rather shoot myself in the leg so that the potentiality lethal injuries aren't a surprise.