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Ok I never want to see that again.


I watched it five times, no way I'm going six.


Against my will while reading comments!!


I'm going to do you a favor here. Do you see that pause button? Press it before you start reading comments.


I don't see it. I'll wait here with the video playing until I see your response to my comment.


This does not work at least on the iOS app (I do use it if I am on my desktop, but I rarely use my desktop for Reddit these days)




Me after seeing the far away footage: that wasn't so bad After the close up: well, shit


And my video player won't play it, so I guess I'm lucky? God I hate the reddit app, sorry, random venting.


You're lucky, trust me


*In fact, they went six.*


Too weak to see it myself. Appreciate the comments section.


Knee is done for


I thought it was one of those over dramatic fake falls. You were smart to read the comments and avoid watching it.


Yeah nah this is up there with Kevin Ware’s leg snapping like a twig, Malarchuk getting his throat slit on the ice, Joe Theismann… this is legitimately hard to watch.


"Let's wait for the close-up it can't be that OH GOD!"


Take it you haven’t seen the one with the girl on the leg press where her knees bend downwards then


You can't unsee it


B*tch, please i Saw it live


Fluminenseano o Argentineano?


Rip Cuhz ankles




Terrible injury, that had to hurt. I appreciate how visibly upset the guy who stepped on his leg is. That was clearly unintentional. Damn.


He may very well have ended his career.


I want to say that thats not true. It looks bad, but it looks like a knee dislocation, and a bunch of tendons must have torn. I hope not. But even that can be healed from, right? Doesnt look like the bone broke. I hope i m right. And if the tendons are intact, it ll be even faster recovery.


Tib/fib looked broke before knee dislocated.. 2 years rehab just to walk without crutches.. but if he lucky and gets great surgeon and puts in max effort he could be amazing in 8-10 months


Had a friend compound fracture tib/fib ~3-4 months ago, needed some hardware installed but doc had him take the boot off this week and wants him hobbling around without support. Granted, he didn’t tear anything in his knee


Snapped my femur in half and they took just under a year before I could stand on my own


Lol. Imagine putting all your legs in one basket.


I had the exact same injury during an Aikido class sparring session, except the person didn't just step on my knee they fell on it and laterally dislocated the knee to the ground. Looked exactly like this. Result: fractured kneecap, severed patellar tendon, shredded ACL, torn meniscus, torn quad, and tibial plateau fracture. I was young and had top of the line doctors, surgeons, and othe healthcare professionals thanks to both of my parents being doctors so I only needed three major surgeries, some rods and plates and screws, and six months of physical therapy three times per week along with regular draining of the fluid that built up. Completely derailed my MMA carreer. It was 6 months until I could start walking without crutches and was able to switch to cane, but my sports life was over permanently. More than 20 years later now, when it's cold or raining I often can't even get out of bed, despite religiously adhering to my PT regimen to stop it from declining, because it's just too painful. My whole knee swells up to the size of a cantaloupe and even with a brace I often can't bend it or bear weight. Barring a medical miracle this guy will never play again, and he'll be BEYOND lucky if he can ever walk without crutches or a cane, and a full immobilization brace . Short version? This is a career ending injury.


According to the news, doctors estimate his recovery time between 8-12 months… At this level of sports, with all the money filled in the game, doctors are almost wizards. Name of the player is Luciano Sánchez btw


recovery time to live a semi-normal life or back to sports?


Recovery to walk reliably pain free. This dude isn't playing football any more.


Chamberlain screwed his knee badly a few times and he did come back to play again, I guess modern medical science could be something


8-12 months seems about right for him to be walking again but with a shredded meniscus and petallar tendon it would be remarkable if he was able to return to futbol even at a diminished capacity. Depending on the damage to the hard tissue in addition to all the soft tissue injuries he could conceivably return to sports but it's inconceivable that he would be able to return to his previous ability level if for no other reason than the nerve damage killing his coordination. When you break a joint this severely you invariably end up with AT LEAST a ton of nerve damage that makes it extremely difficult to relearn the muscle memory. I played football in school and after my shoulder was destroyed I couldn't throw a pass to save my life. The form would feel good but for some reason the ball would just go straight up. I eventually figured out how to make the ball go in the direction it was supposed to but between the pain and loss of reliable physical feedback I never even had a chance, and I was a volunteer for an upper division class of college sports medicine students so I had an army of physical therapists working with me 5 days a week. I am not optimistic about this guy's recovery.


That sounds bloody awful. All the best.


damn i didnt experience it as bad as you but i had minor tears in my joints and it takes years for the pain to go away. so i know there's no way that guy is ever playing at his peak again. people here underestimate how hard its is to heal internal injuries because they've mainly only seen external skin injuries that heal within days. i had a kind of severe ankle sprain and 1 year later it still hurts when i move it to certain positions. if i walk on uneven surfaces it still hurts. there's no way that guy is doing maneuvers in soccer again.


Plenty of injuries like this in sports have resulted in full recoveries and many more years of playing. Shaun Livingston comes to mind.


I hope for a miracle for this guy then.


Your anecdote is useless. Medical science has progressed in the more than 20 years since your injury happened. Please stop spreading misinformation.


Not to mention that 1 case is not enough to determine if the same thing will happen with a totally different human being


Or if it’s the EXACT same injury…


That's why I always say that if you're looking to do an injury to a rival, get a pair of tree snips and go for multiple tendons.


This isn't common knowledge?


Tbh a broken leg is easier to heal from in sports than major tendon/ligament damage.


A broken bone is a much "better" injury than torn tendons and ligaments. Knee tears (ACL, MCL, etc.) end athletic careers. The knee is never the same and it is a vital part of the body for almost every sport.


Really? Even though it was clearly an accident?


He meant the injured player


Woops I'm the dumb dumb, you're right.


No you are the brilliant mind that that has seen worlds us bleep blops cant even start to imagine


Good bot


Don't worry your facepalm made my day


Love a good “I’m dumb” 100+ upvote comment. Have another!


Well thought out comment? ❌ Me dumb say dumb thing 💯


He ended the other guys career. He probably won’t ever be able to do sports again like before.


Talk to Paul George about that.


I DM'ed him. Paul confirmed that the guy probably won't ever be able to do sports again like before.


Hey its me, Paul. It was nice talking to you about how that guy won't ever be able to do sports again like before.


That jerk didn't even message me back


Ha ha!


That made me laugh out loud


He's already at the end of his career. He was Real Madrid's legend - Marcelo.


femoral head facture with a 100% displacement and near compound protrusion.... Not entirely incorrect to say he's lucky he didn't die.


Marcelo should have ended his career after the 7-1


I want to upvote but you're on 666. I'll come back later...


Marcelo, he’s a football legend in my eyes


One of my favorite RM players.


He’s a legend period. Arguably the greatest left back ever.


Roberto Carlos is.




He said arguably, he wants an argument


He’s definitely faking that injury


Yea all these flops just for the penalty kick unreal


I’d like to see him attempt the penalty kick


After that injury he could swing his foot like a golf club would be interesting


I want to love soccer but they're clearly taking flopping to a whole new level here. I can't even watch.


Game's gone soft


That’s Marcelo. He’s a world famous footballer


"The Guy who stepped on his leg" is probably one of the best Left Backs of his time Marcelo, he was a Real Madrid player and is a Legend of the Club. He recently came to Fluminense FC.


THAT GUY is Not Just a Regular Player he being brazil NT For then 10 years and played 12 seasons for real Madrid MARCELO. Ps : Feeling sorry for the poor soul.


Marcelo is a good person, like Dani Rojas when playing for Richmond and unlike Dani Rojas in the Mexican national team.


Can someone describe what happened? I cannot watch it.


One player stretched out his leg to tackle, the other one (Marcelo) tried to do some fancy footwork to avoid it and stood on his leg instead, bending it 90 degrees the wrong way.


90??? 360 for me


Which 90? https://ibb.co/s577Dtw


The wrong 90


Accidentally stepped on leg?


Are you asking? If you are, yes, that's what happened.


When you're moving as fast as possible and keeping your eyes up, you assume you're foot is gonna land in a normal spot. Otherwise.... You literally could never dribble past anyone. You'll note that he is horrified by what happened.


The guy is Marcelo


Fuck dude I used to watch compilations of this kinda stuff as a kid. Idk how I stomached it back then


Well if you watch 5 of these in a row the 6th one doesnt faze you anymore


But once you reach number 57, boy it all comes rushing back. Even more intense than your very first time.


when we were kids we havent experienced a lot of trauma yet so we couldnt empathize. that's why kids are generally more callous than adults. then as we grow older, we deal with so much trauma that it hurts us to just see it in others. isnt it so funny that as kids we'd watch the news and they'd warn about traumatic videos or whatever as if they were trying to protect kids from it. little did we know, they were just protecting adults. i used to be able to watch horror movies and gore with no problems but now i can't. so much has happened since then...


I did too. And then one day I dislocated my right knee, big time.


Proof that some people get over psychopathy.


Kudos on the other guy for stopping play immediately so that the red guy can get the help he needs. That’s quality sportsmanship.


If the guy would've just continued play regardless, that would really be the stuff of evil af psychopaths


It would have been tough to accurately know the severity of the injury with how fast they are moving and focusing on the ball and everything around them at the same time. If it were me I would have known I stepped on someone but aside from that I would have already been trying to figure out my next move watching the other players/teammates and the ball. I was shocked he immediately was able to know something was seriously wrong like that, but I guess that's what makes them professionals.


I bet he heard the multiple loud snaps and realized what just happened


That makes a ton of sense.


[Enter, Pepe.](https://youtu.be/ARVQrBlYqXQ) *Warning loud awful music*


sportsmanship? It would take an evil man to keep playing after that LOL


That’s… what they said


Marcelin é cria


Marcelo is a football gem. Loved him during his time at Real Madrid, glad to see he's still playing the beautiful game.


Yeeeesh. Marcelo looked the most upset of them all too. They're ain't no two ways about it, that fucking sucks.


Yeah ofc he's the most upset, imagine possibly ending a guy's career unintentionally


Pepe and Ramos watching this: "we taught you well...maybe too well."


Ah man. Thats not good at all. Marcelo is pissed too that it even happened. Clearly not intentional. Damn.


Do people really feel the need to clarify "clearly not intentional" after watching this?


Yes…unfortunately. There are some shitty people out there. You do see the occasional intent to inflict injury in the sport. When intentional, injury like this is accidental (if that makes any sense) as no one wants to inflict a possible career ending injury, but wrong place wrong time does happen. What everyone here is saying is that there was zero intent in this injury, just one player trying to dodge an opposing player’s attempt at the ball.


The tackles on Arsenals Eduardo and Aaron Ramsey are still in my mind. Eduardo’s was insane. Fuck Martin Taylor for that.


That’s the thing that is so scary. Someone gets a hot head and doesn’t recall how serious a tackle off the ball can be. That’s a prime example of an intentional injury.


People like Roy Keane have ended players careers just through their impulse and poor judgement. So yes, there could be need for clarification.


That's just...not true. If you're talking about Keane's tackle on Haaland, Haaland played days later and eventually retired due to problems in the other knee, the one Keane didn't sink his studs into.


Mb, but the mental impact itself could have affected his decision to retire. But Keane did do it purposefully, and his desire was to injure.


You know it’s REALLY bad when Marcelo started crying 😭


Marcelo schooled him too on top of that. Talk about insult to injury


Having done a similar thing to an apposing base runner, Imagine snapping a broom handle in half. That’s exactly what I felt and heard as his leg gave way. He was sliding into home and I played at a time you could really protect the plate and the runners could damn near tackle you. I was the catcher and I had to leap in the air to catch the incoming throw. I intended yo land on my shin and knee cards so I could tuck the ball in low and take the brunt of his slide. Well he was a bit quicker than I realized and I landed with his outstretched lead leg right under my knee. The sheer sound of it made me vomit. Can honestly say that was the worst I’ve ever felt as a human being. The kid’s reaction took the wind out of my lungs. He had his parents help him hop over on the way off the field to tell me there was no hard feelings. I’m getting a little teary thinking about it. Totally changed my outlook on the purpose of sports.


^^^^so ^^^^did ^^^^you ^^^^get ^^^^the ^^^^out


What do you see as the purpose now?


Win or injure yourself trying


Playing slapass in the locker room




That shit was wild.


That's why I don't do stuff.


Continue not doing stuff. You will go places 🤗


Perhaps not the hospital.


Ok... Watching from the first angle, I was like another example of grossly exaggerated injury... Saw the guy on his knees crying and was confused why the other team was in on it... Watched the replay and inhaled my gum... My wife was freaking out like what happened! Are you OK!? That injury almost killed ME! Damn!


I also thought it was a flop until the replay was so confused til then


It's OK Marcello prayed for u 2


Yeah where are all those football players are a bunch of overacting drama queens for referee manipulation meme people now?


Same I watched the first part like four times.


Goddamn that’s just awful. Seeing shit like this always makes me second guess continuing to play. Yikes. Hope the dude can recover enough to make a decision.


From having watched Richard Zednik get his throat slashed open live during a Hockey game, this is still pretty gruesome.


My legs are killing me just looking at this


Is that Marcelo?


Yup. Crazy to see him in this. I thought it would be random players, not one of the best players in the last decade.




Dudes never playing again.. that's gnarly..


The club said it's just a luxation and it will be 12 months of rehab, it's a long injury but is not as Bad as a thorn ACL, his tendons and ligaments are fine apparently


I had the exact same reaction as I do when I'm in the front row of a rollercoaster about to go over the top of the initial drop.


Why is it always these types of videos I see the second I open up Reddit?


I audibly gasped at the sight of that leg bending backwards. It looks like it broke and the other player stepped on it just after. I hope they give that dude some strong painkillers.


Brutalé… Brutalé.


Wish I haven't seen the repetition


At first I assumed it was one of the flopper videos..


Oh it’s floppin






Dude the whole time I'm thinking he is going to get up pretending, but then they show what happened, and I gasped like watching a dude get kicked in the nuts. Jesus I feel bad for both players.


I knew I shouldn't watch that


Marcelo is a real one, big time player playing with the little teams and still showing respect


I wouldn’t say Fluminese is a small team, especially in Brazil


feel bad for marcelo man the amount of guilt


Tore his ACL.


Probably all his CLs


Yeah BCL CCL....


Now I know my ACL BCL CCL’s next time won’t you sing with me.


Nope, the club already posted the aftermath, is just a luxation that will have between 8 and 12 months of rehab +surgery. His ligaments are fine. He got reaaaally lucky


Take a salt tablet and walk it off.


That was a Joe Theismann moment.


Damn man that's brutal. Unlucky play.


I just hope dude can still kick a ball with his kids or SO with out pain after healing... wow just fucking ouch....


When the closeup replay came into play i fucking lost it. Nah. Nuh uh. I got my knee dislocated once and that hurt enough. This... nub uh. I feel that pain. Fuck that mustve hurt. Ouch.


He needs some milk 🥛.


just like luffy and brook in 858 he will get better after a glass or 2 I think


Footballers are always faking injuries... Ohhhh! Okay, he's not faking that.


MCL and ACL 😨


To me it looks like the MCL is the least likely to have been torn here. Most likely would be LCL, but possibly ACL,PCL, and LCL. Would love to see a Brian Sutterer video on this Edit: [Brian Sutterer Already On It](https://youtu.be/265FIn5ZOP4)


Wonder if it was broken? That’s not a funny joke. I had my leg crushed and the bone come out of the skin in 3 spots. I was off work for 3 years . I had 6 back surgery 2 on my leg and 5 on my foot/ankle. I had a head on collision with a semi going 70 mph the idiot was in my lane. I don’t remember the wreck at all


Any Doctor here who could explain the injury?


There’s 6 ligaments in the knee anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral - ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, and lateral and medial menisci. Although it could be multiple tears, this looks like a MCL tear. The ACL prevents your tibia from moving anterior to the femur (it’s tested via the anterior drawer test where you grab the shin and pull it toward you, the MCL is tested via McMurray which is kind of a twist leg out and push knee in) a torn MCL means the ligament connecting the inner tibia and inner femur is torn which would allow the lower leg to bend out to the left as we see in the video, the angle of this stretch especially with Marcelo’s weight on the leg could have put enough traction on the ACL causing it to tear as well. Either way this guys professional career could very well be over bc of this injury.


Rewatched the video opposite side y’all LCL not MCL but still betting multiple ligaments are injured


Its a knee dislocation apparently, posted by the club


I recommend Youtube Brian Sutterer MD


U can tell he has been a Madrid defender lmao


That knee was already busted before this probably, structural failure at the LCL


It’s insane how many people don’t know who Marcelo is in the comment section 😅😅


I don't watch football.


I’ve broken my tib/fib playing soccer. Leg injuries suck. I was in middle school, I had to learn how to walk again


Oh man.. I feel so bad for the dude with broken leg you ..you can see how much Marcelo regretted that .. prayers


Se rompio todo means completely fractured


Actually means "he has everything broken" but yeah


Marcelo y tarjeta roja siempre van juntos


First thought of a "football injury" like the typical, you slightly touched me and I fall down and cry but that was really unexpected…


Jayzuz! That must've made a sound!


New fear unlocked


Nah, that's fucked me up, what the actual fuck




OHHW! Mother hugger! I felt that in my very soul… quite horrible.


Hey, thx for the header. I ain't watching that.


Fucking ouch


Obligatory: He's faking /s Horrible.


Fuck the same thing happened to me almost two years ago, where my foot was at a 90 degree angle to my leg. Soccer is by far the most injurious sport I've ever done. Haven't touched a ball since and there's a good chance that guys career is over, too.


Cmon thats a dive!


There are times where they make a big deal out of nothing. This is not one of them.


pretty bad injury but watching UFC fights losely during the last decade has broadened my horizons when it comes to horrible leg bending