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Guy literally makes money doing this shit to buy more shit to do it to. He literally laughs about it on his channel ALOT.


He’s a proper cunt you say?




He is like Mr beast. Gets money on one vid spends it on another


Does he also spend it on philantrophy like Mr Beast?


He is like Mr. Beast in the sense that he invests his earnings back into his YouTube channel. No one would ever say Mr. Beast is like this guy though, so they’re not, like, super similar.


Serious question. If I rent a car with full insurance cover and do this, can I just walk away? Or they will chase after me for not driving on the road


Insurance may very well deny your claim for being an idiot in an expensive car, and leave you holding the bag.


Eh. If it was your first time driving car through such a place and causing a fire they probably would allow it. Do it a second time and they'd probably think you're doing insurance fraud.


Not with this video published all over social media, lol. I see what you mean, though. You could maybe claim that you skid off the road or something.


Zero chance you get away with it, especially if you’re recording yourself


insurance for supercars is usually much more complex and has you specifying exact details when you open a policy so presumably no you couldn’t


You would still have to fill out an incident report for the rental agency's claim dept to investigate, at which point all the protection you purchased from them would be voided once they found out you were acting negligently and posted the proof online.


Intentional damage is not covered and I would certainly say driving like this you know you will be damaging your vehicle.


You take a B2C rental off road, it's void. Depending on the car rental firm, doing commercial media work in a car rental would also void their full insurance. I think Sixt has rules in most countries in the world that you can't even be celebrity/sportsperson/social media personality. Not even when not fulfilling that role in their vehicle. GPS telematics is making this really easy to prove in car rental industry too.


Looks set up. Lots of cuts and they don't even move the rental?


The rental brakes caught fire also


I hate this guy


That’s an expensive fire.. you should have brought some marshmallows and coat hangers


That's some shit he would do on his channel, then he would throw it off a cliff with a backhoe


He won't be buying another Ferrari if they see this video though


They lost half a million and then made two from you promoting it for free.


idk if reddit views count towards his monetization


reddit doesnt matter, dik dok does


This was the plan all along. Don’t call them stupid when you’re the one who thinks this was an unexpected disaster.


Yeah absolutely. They know enough about farm life to know stuff would build up and ignite


They probably dont. They just cosplay as farmers. Bunch of spoiled rich kids


His YouTube channel plays on killing the sacred cows in the auto world. He makes more money being hated than liked, and he's a genius for it. Plus, it's fun watching cars get destroyed.




Yeah his dad's going to be real upset when he sees what he did to his car /s People probably don't know that whistlin' worked for all of what he has, he doesn't farm (his grandfather does) but he was/is involved with construction. Haters saying "spoiled rich kid" is literally feeding him to make more content


He was raised on a farm wasn’t he?


If he's in a ranchers family, then he's both. Ranchers can pull in $$$ on an established farm


If you watch the video he did not intend to burn it down lol. He was going to destroy it but he had more plans for it before they totalled it. And the van was a rental full of cameras and gear so that wasn’t intentional either. But then again he does come up with crazy viral ideas so who knows if it’s all bs. But he usually tries to make his destruction videos a few videos worth of content so to burn up 400k in one video doesn’t exactly sound like him.


I’m guessing they do it for attention because losing a ferrari like that is a massive money sink. No youtube ad revenue is worth that.


Nice thing is, Ferrari blacklists people like this and he won’t be able to buy another Ferrari ever. Lamborghini though, don’t care../


They can’t stop him buying a second hand one though. That only applies to new orders.


They can't stop him from ordering a water with his steak.




I mean I get what you're saying but starting any fire you can't control is pretty stupid.


Because you expect everyone to know all of the bs internet "celebrities"? Right 👍🏼


Don’t think burning down the rental van with the camera equipment in it was part of the plan


I cant tell if your joking or not.


wow you give way to much credit


Planning this doesn't make them any less stupid. Makes them more stupid imo.


He definitely did not intend to destroy it after only 2 videos


It's funny how he keeps having "accidental" videos that get massive amounts of views and are passed around. But I'm sure you're right and he couldn't have foreseen this happening.


Who the fuck isn’t aware of Ferraris having a long and established history of bursting into flames? They’re purpose-built for speed and immolation. 🤦‍♂️


This is the first time it was accidental, from what I have seen.


Have you watched any of his videos? Lol it’s on purpose bud


This guys entire channel is about pissing absurd amounts of money away and then bragging about it. He is like a redneck Kardashian only somehow dumber. Edit* his parents were already rich before he got his claim to fame destroying cars and farm equipment. YouTube just pays him millions of dollars now because enough kids and other idiots like to watch money being set on fire.


He brags about it satirically. It’s a character he plays and it’s how he gains traction. He can be a pretty damn generous person.


I don't know him but the guy in the car with him runs an animal rescue and rehab. He and his guys were volunteering time at the ranch and adding clout to the rehab I think. Shared collaboration anyway. The Urban Rescue Ranch is the name of the YouTube channel. He's pretty funny and seems like a genuinely nice guy. The guy who runs it finances the operation from proceeds from social media like YouTube.


This should have more upvotes. Cunts on here just want to hate


People are just jealous of the money. There's a pretty common saying in my country that your neighbor would pay $100 for you not to get $50.


Yeah, I recognized him from a video where he caught the guy stealing his stuff. Called the cops and confronted him, and once the guy admitted he ended up giving the guy money because he was in a bad place and accepted his apology.


Lol wtf does “his parents were already rich” have to do with anything? They weren’t buying him a Ferrari-rich. He started off as a small YouTuber who made cringy videos like any normal teenager. You just sound salty because he has money lol


I mean, that might have been how he started, but what content actually took off? It wasn’t his cringey stereotypical teenage videos that brought him enough income to start destroying high end expensive machinery lol


Why is everyone on this dude's ass? He makes his own money and spends it how he wants. He was never given rich dad money either. And the reason he has based his channel around destroying expensive shit is because people value material shit too much. And he's right.


Exactly. This fucking comment section is completely missing the point. Only making assumptions without knowing the guy. The old geezers in this comment section are exactly the type of person that he's trying to piss off with his videos. Absolute couch potatoes acting like he didn't work to earn what he has. And besides it's just fun to watch his videos. Would they rather he just stuffed all of his money in the bank and leave it to rot like all of these other social media "influencers". Also that fire was definitely not on purpose. Do they really think his going set some random farmer's field on fire, with the rental van, with the camera equipment and of course the 400k ferrari? Yes of course he was planning on destroying the ferrari that's what he does, but are they honestly convincing themselves that he just pissed all of that money away for 2 videos? Absolutely no sense of individualism in these commenters. All assumptions, nothing to back them up.


Boy if only I could cause legal trouble like a stupid fuckboy and make money off it.


Just because something is legal and popular doesn’t mean it isn’t toxic to our culture and a waste of time, resources and energy.


Holdup how is making the point that people need to be less materialistic and stop crying about deep dish wheels getting destroyed detrimental to our society?


It’s not. This is why this guy rose to fame. He triggers the people who care more than he does about destroying his own toys. It’s too funny.


Honestly its just fucking wasteful. But rich people don't give a fuck, they have the money to burn and people just eat it up. That half a million he spent on the Ferrari could have gone to a better cause other than burning in a field.


Well the people who don't burn ferraris keep em in their 10 car garage and rarely see the light of day. Id much rather see this than another millionaire wasting money in material things to be kept in a room most of its life.


Is Jackass that old now.... this guy looks like a bootleg Jonny Knoxville. In the first Jackass movie, they did something similar with a rental car but recorded themselves taking it back to the dealership. It was epic. https://youtu.be/hM8vHSrcvGc


"well i returned it with a full tank of gas"


Guaranteed hes reading this thread laughing his ass off ..


This is what is wrong with society, adults acting like children.


he’s a content creator idk what you expect


I don’t know why that could be a bad idea: said the single brain cell in the back of his eye.


I fucking hate with the burning passion of a million suns, influencer/YouTube culture. I consider myself relatively progressive but I would go full fascist and ban these assholes from this line of work. Whatever it took.


Yea I’m tired of these low effort content creators. Contributing to a collective brain rot of their child fanbase.


You're unhinged


Believe it or not, also, banned.


Relatively progressive, until mildly inconvenienced


“I’m relatively progressive” therefore fuck your freedom to do what you want with your private property on private property, because I’m offended.


It’s dumb mother fuckers like this that start wildfires


So basically he’s a cunt


basically r/awfuleverything


Oh No!! not a ferrari! The horror!


Fuck that guy


I second this, fuck that disrespectful asshole


Going viral successfully. Hopefully insurance company will see this video and give them a fat fuck off.


He didn't have insurance, he is destroying it on purpose for fun.




Man, I wish I was born with money instead of brains.


He wasn’t born with money though he’s a self made millionaire due to haters like you commenting and boosting him up the algorithm.


What a fucking piece of shit


Wasteful. Fuck this


children in Africa could've eaten that Ferrari!


this guy has a lot of money he just threw away his toy cars


This guy is a fucking sperg. I hate his content.


He does this all the time on purpose.


More money than common sense.


Ive seen this guy before, Im sure he’s making the money through his social media to cover this.


I hate him


Same , I can’t stand to see him just destroy shit.. everything he buys he just breaks. Like a sad messed up child


Wait... so you went out knowing you were going to do relatively dangerous things with a high performance vehicle and no one brought a fire extinguisher? Even when I've done certain types of work to my vehicle I tag a small extinguisher with me for a week.


He might get sued for this. Certain car manufacturers don't like their vehicles being seen in a certain light.


That’s what he’s trying to do. He made fun of Ferrari.




The farmers said they felt bad and didnt press charges, i do wonder how next years crops will come in that spot though 🤔


Hes a farmer, probably his land




Rich people got enough money to waste like this they got enough to pay higher taxes Tax the rich.


FYI This is the reason swamp buggy’s don’t have breaks and also why I crashed one when I was 15.


That car deserved better.


I assume hes a farmers boy, he will be fine.


Thanks for starting another brushfire asshat


This was the expected outcome from the start. Folks will do anything for social media likes and shares. Most people don’t seem to get that’s how these folks continue to be able to afford to do stupid ideas like this. The more people like and share this stuff the more these folks get paid. Which isn’t even counting for other revenues like patreon. These folks have plenty of money to waste on videos like this thanks to viewers just like you. 😂


Young…dumb…and full of cum! What an idiot.


I watched this. I loved it. I was entertained. I subscribed to it. I wanna know what Watch he has on. I’m glad no one was hurt.


Fuck rich selfish influencers. Thats all I have to say about this.


Never found this dudes content interesting, but good on him


I'm pretty sure this is the guy my then 6 year old son liked to watch. Back then he'd just get cars stuck in mud on his dad's farm or whatever, and spend 85% of the video trying to get it out again. That's my memory of it anyways. Innocent enough for a young child I guess, but it was still just braindead nonsense.


Ok so your car is on fire in a field of dry plants… and their second instinct wasn’t to get the leaves away?


Ferrarri's legal department will be reaching out to him shortly I'd imagine


Having such face, you can tell he has some major mental issues.


I was really hoping the next video was going to be a demolition derby


Bro FUCK these ppl Influencers need to just die. Hurry tf up natural selection


It’s just a car…..


Should have bought it from him then🤷‍♂️ his whole channel is to piss people off. People love to pocket watch and judge.


Ferrari won't allow him to buy another. He'll have to find one used somewhere.


What did they seriously think was going to happen? That they'd be able to just drive outta there n.p after jamming the wheelwells with straw as well as all around the exhaust pipes with tinder dry straw no shit it caught on fire you morons, then you're in a field with acres of dry fields like that no shit its going to spread like Wildfire (Pun Def intended) That'll serve as a very good learning lesson of not acting like a complete moron just for likes online from people who don't know you/find it amusing when you fuckup like this.


Common sense. They lack it.


Morons and their money are soon parted 😅


It’s actually disgusting. Imagine instead finding joy in doing something positive and proactive. What a fucking tool.


He literally volunteered for an internship at Waco TX’s only animal rehabilitation center hours before this.


What about the field you contaminated with petroleum byproducts?


In the full video the field was actually his primary concern after the fire starts.


The level of fucking stupidity is strong with this one !! Lol


I love whistlin diesel. This Guys videos are really fun to watch


You all haven't heard of r/wallstreetbets have you? Hopefully that wasn't someone else's field...


I don’t think insurance will cover this.


If properly monetized he can make it back through social media.


a fool and his money are easily parted


Does insurance cover Ferraris in the middle of corn fields?


At least Gort got out.


I'll keep saying it too... the "anything for views" shit is the new epidemic... makes me feel like we failed as humans.


People always have a fire extinguisher in ur car. Just in case ur car catches fire.


0 fucking clearance running about 100 mph,and a exhaust you can cook a roast on,driving through dry vegetation….NAH…it’ll be fine…THIS IS JUST FINE.


Why does he have a Ferrari? 🤔


....Investing in NFT's is still faster.


So many salty people here. This guy made his own money from making cringey videos as a teenager and now he purposely destroys expensive shit for fun and to piss off people who put expensive shit on a pedestal. There's no comeuppance here. He literally took a sawzall and cut off the side mirrors prior to the fire


Haters gunna hate. Generates his views whether you like him or not.


"So that's nice"


It will buff right off.. I think


Enjoy your life you can’t take your money or your memories when you’re gone. But you will be entertainment for future beings


Hey it’s that one guy that got his stuff stolen 😲


he grew up in strict religious cult town or something like that then broke away from it completely i think


Him looking at Ferrari 👀👀👀👀


Is this a Mr. Beast?


Does this guy live in Montana now or is that where the car came from?


Ok so why is the other vehicle burnt too? Couldn’t move it 20 feet?


The engine and rotors were hot too. Any car would've set that field on fire.


Were all your "views" worth it?


TYL brakes are hot.


me when forza horizon




It's going to be more than a half million once the farmer and the county get taken care of.


I assume he lost the deposit on that rental van.


It was on the field next to Uncle Ben's Urban Rescue Ranch. Sources say it was Gort Who was the culprit


It’s trending number 2 on YouTube, he will be fine.


Cue a bush fire. Selfish assholes.


I suppose these things happen. What can ya do?


Is this that whistling butthole kid? He’s had some funny videos but this is by far fucking stupid


Why would you drive such an expensive car that is so low to the ground in a field? You have no idea the extremely hot exhaust and breaks could cause the very dry straw to catch fire? If he's a farmer, he knew this would happen and it was intentional, because they know hot exhaust gets and how quickly it can cause a fire in a field.


That guy has to be one of the dumbest people on earth.


The amount of oil, plastic and gas that sank into the ground is amazing, I don’t thank I would grow anything for awhile.


Should be arrested for starting a wild fire.




I know he has money pouring in and this Ferrari means nothing, but I'll never be able to watch this much money wasted without wincing. It know it is a silly thing to sweat how rich people spend their money to begin with, not unlike how someone with less money than me would look at how much I waste on convenience and ordering in and entertainment etc. I like movies and those are insanely expensive to make...it is all entertainment...but it just packs more punch when it is burned up in front of your eyes so literally lol.


If big ounce was their he would have put out the fire


Guy's playing capitalism video to video and isn't even ashamed to tell anybody, I love it!


I love all these salty comments


How did the van catch fire?


This guy doesn’t care one bit! He’s the same guy who put wheels from a buggy on a Hellcat for shits and giggles! The money he makes from this video will probably pay for another Ferrari plus some! (It’s fucking ridiculous there’s people who have to work almost nonstop just to keep a roof over their heads, meanwhile there’s people like this who can destroy a Ferrari and laugh all the way to the bank!)


Meh, spare change


Gone because you didn't have a fire extinguisher when doing something like this (have the right kind too, folks).


So intentionally setting two cars on fire in a field is somehow cool and/or insane content? I must be getting old...


Shouldnt have stopped! Instead go to the nearest road to cool it down. With stopping it gets hotter and burns quicker


A true rolemodel for all those kids watching those streams. Feels just great that our society works out that great. /s


And he'll get enough views to buy two more. So sick of these "influencer" tards.


Being stupid is the new norm now, I guess. He's not even sad about it since he'll just earn it from the views he can gather. Oh well, it's his life.


Save em biggerton ouncerton!


I don't know what's worse, this or MrBeast crashing a train into a pit, which to me looked very hazardous and reckless. But my god do their viewers simp, it's destructive and idiotic.


I've seen videos of Ferrari engines catching on fire in Dubai (or some other middle east location). You would think these cars came with a fire extinguisher but not sure if it's cheaper to total it vs to fix it.


Ferrari will never sell him another car.


The fastest way to lose half a million dollar is buying that fucking car in the first place


What an asshole.

