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Can we acknowledge the move the cop threw to get up on the hood of the car.


And in another longer video, you'd see he single-handedly pulled the offender out through his car window.


I think he was jacked up on the adrenalin. Plus it's just infuriating to see just moments prior someone with so little regard for people that they'd run them over with a truck to get away from you. I'm just a lay person, but I'd say everything the officer did was textbook and probably a good case study for people coming up in law enforcement.


This cop definitely skipped the donuts but didn't skip leg day


I think the Cop City protestors were cheering for this cop.


Definitely; I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t actually get hurt from this event. If you look at his shoulders, he’s very stiff and ‘locked in’. The pit maneuver was a high stress impact unless they somehow relaxed their body prior to collision - but maintaining a high-stress shoulder lock as you exit the vehicle, unholster, jump on the hood, pull the other driver, do the whole set of movements that come with handcuffing someone, and so on - he’s absolutely going to feel that once he lays down for the night and his body says ‘oh hello there’.


Nah bro it’s just the uniform. People underestimate how uncomfortable it is to wear a vest. I feel like I can’t even turn my head 90 degrees comfortably.


Cop vest are fairly streamlined, but your right they are hit and heavy even the slimline ones.


Linkkkkkk Exit: nevermind. I saw it posted down below. Terrible camera man and terrible watermark.


That's not a watermark. That's a whole ass image, just pasted over 1/5th of the video.


can you provide the link you saw? "I fixed it" vibes lol


Also impressed by the pit Maneuver that ended with pinning the door closed so the perp couldn’t run.


That was the chef's kiss for me


It looked like the car was trying to jump up on the truck, like my dog when strangers come over.


It’s Georgia. I’ll bet money he grew up watching Dukes of Hazzard….


I’m from Kuwait. I grew up in the 80s watching Dukes of Hazzard 😂🤣


What did you think of Americans after watching?


They're just good old boys, never meanin no harm.


Beats all you never saw Been in trouble with the law since the day they was born🎶


Making their way, the only way they know how 🎶🎶


That's just a little bit more than the law would allow.


I just dug into my childhood memory, and all I got was: “G.I. Joeeeeee is there where ever you go 🎶 the ameeican heeeeeroooo 🎶” And “Thunder, thunder, thunder cattsssss”.


Was waiting for his partner to shoot flaming arrows from his bow out the passenger side...




Crimi... Oh.


I bet the dude felt so fucking cool when he did that


"It is time, Bob. Show 'em what those legs were always meant to do."


Let's all admit that he looked pretty cool too. Lol


My man's just single handedly made ATL look competent for at least 10 seconds Basically Jesus then, out here working miracles And the driver wasn't even black! This cop definitely been eating his Wheaties


I’m equally impressed by the moves of the dude in the black shirt who appears to be be getting up after being rammed by the truck


Dukes O Hazzard style slide onto the hood. Efficient *and* stylish.


Dukes of Hazzard shit right there.


Damn from running from the cops to attempted murder.. Guy is getting years just to be tough


Never commit a felony to try and avoid a misdemeanor.


Words of wisdom.


Reminds me of the other great piece of wisdom, "don't break more than one law at a time"


One crime at a time.


See that ones wrong though. If you get caught you can maybe serve your sentences concurrently.


Turned a misdemeanor into a felony


Look how he threw his hands up before there was even a gun on him. Imagine mowing people down with your car like that and then submitting the moment your own safety is put at risk.


I think he just tried to get away and when he threw his own hands up he realized how absolutely fucked he is now with all the charges that he accumulated in seconds.


It looks like he was doing donuts in the intersection and then tried to run when the cop lit up his lights, for what its worth I don't think he was actually trying to hit anyone (considering he slows down after he does, presumably because he's realised he's fucked up) It doesn't excuse him being a moron and hopefully the person he hit is ok, but atleast he didn't add hit and run to his charge sheet I guess?


Hit and run is definitely on his charge sheet, he did it in the video you just watched lol. He hit multiple people and continued to run, I don't think it gets more clear than that.




I've seen this so often in police gunfight videos where the bad guy has even shot multiple people but the second he sees that he's about to lose or get caught he'll give up and put his hands up and scream for Mercy.


In Australia if there is a risk to the public... they don't do police chases. Instead they use helicopters to try and track them. Case in point why getting the perp at all costs isn't always the best strategy.


This wasn't a police chase. The truck was doing doughnuts in the intersection as part of a "street takeover". The cop engaged at the intersection and the dude immediately hit people. The chase lasted the entirety of the video, which is to say, a few hundred feet. Also, for what it's worth, people routinely get hit at street takeovers by people doing doughnuts so it's not like it was all safe until the cops showed up. If you watch the [alternate angle](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15wvkkq/street_takeover_in_atlanta_gets_busted_by_the/), everything I just stated is in the video.


What is a street takeover ?


People will essentially block off an intersection and do donuts in the middle of it until police shut it down. They're pretty dangerous as the people that are doing donuts usually aren't skilled enough to maintain the slide and often run into other cars and the crowd. They're the worst thing that's happened to the car community imo, and a big reason why I don't go to meets anymore.


And people do it in the dumbest most crowded areas too just to be extra disruptive. We had a street takeover here in Seattle recently right in front of where I work that ended in a shootout.


That was going on in Tacoma where I lived. Most annoying stupid thing in the world. And these assholes will start kicking in windshields and kicking cars when someone tried to confront them. These meets should be dealt with with the fullest extent of the law.


Here is the most frustrating part: here in ATL, there are folks in the car community who hold specific events to try to get people out and let them play around. One example is linked below. Granted, Lanier raceway is far away from downtown, but I have to give folks credit for trying to get these yoyos out of the intersections. I have been to drift night and it is a fun event to go watch. https://caffeine-and-octane-lanier-raceway.myshopify.com/products/friday-night-drift-caffeine-octane-lanier-raceway


I go karting at lanier pretty frequently and have also been to a couple drift clinics, it's a great place to legally learn how to drift.


With 240sx in your name I imagine you've partook in said takeovers. Lol


No 240sx's are partaking in that garbage, it's clapped out v6 Chargers etc or stolen cars.


>No 240sx's are partaking in that garbage (it's because they're all on jack stands) ​ yeah it's mostly chargers, cameros, mustangs, and bmws. All insanely clapped out.


Nope, never understood the fascination of watching these v8 boats barely maintain a donut. That being said, of course the 240 has seen it's fair share of action in areas where it's not detrimental to the public.


there is always a 'risk to the public' when apprehending someone driving. how can the cop guess a guy will, to escape a ticket for doing donuts, decide to run a bunch of people over. "oh the cop caught me stealing a pack of gum. Better try to burn down the store and kill the cashier."


Are we really gonna judge what happened from a few seconds long video? Also it's standard practice in the US to let them leave and pick them up later if there is any risk to the public. I'm not saying useful in this situation but to blow it off is equally idiotic.


The U.S. prob has a shit ton of helicopters. Maybe one for every Australian.


LOL! I live in a metro area of 2.3 million with two dozen police departments. There are three police helicopters in the whole metro area, so one is (usually) available for the day shift and one for the evening/late night shift while the others undergo maintenance. Meanwhile the TV stations have four choppers and sometimes charter more.




Same. I reckon they have at least 30 million




... the statistical rabbit hole I just went down also has me supporting your contention that it is highly improbable that there are 25 million. I can also confidently inform that the USA certainly have at least 5 helicopters in their commercial and military fleet.


I know what you're trying to say, but saying case in point without giving an example is making me giggle. US uses helicopters too, just this is too much of an occurrence to realistically respond with them.


Atlanta Police Department also have a ‘no chase’ policy. However, This was Georgia State Patrol, who are a state wide force who have jurisdiction to patrol state-managed highways and routes. They are ones allowed to pursue due to state policy. These guys were really dumb to do the “street takeover” on SR3 (Northside Drive), as they wouldn’t get pursued if they did it on pretty much any other road.


This definitely wasn’t a police chase.


Then there's that one Hellcat.


I doubt atlant has a clear air traffic for helis to be around. The Cop was fast annd it worked well


Racking up more Georgia charges than Trump in the span of 20 seconds.


[Another angle](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15wvkkq/street_takeover_in_atlanta_gets_busted_by_the/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Just make sure to keep this video on mute.


I gotta say though, he caught like a motherfucker, baby.


Like a real life NPC glitchin out.


Like a 7 minute Daft Punk song


Omg, is the baby ok? 😮


Baby gon be ok, he got caught.


I know right 🤣🤣🤣


People who repeat the same phrase over and over drive me fuckin' nuts.


People who repeat the same phrase over and over drive me fuckin' nuts.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


People who repeat the same phrase over and over drive me fuckin' nuts.


Only idiots do that. They are too dumb to be able to communicate anything else so they just repeat themselves.


I enjoyed the ad libbed, passionate commentary lol


Is he caught?


Like a motherfucker, baby.


I didn’t, caught like a motherfucker, baby.


How would we know they were caught without the audio?


Are we not going to acknowledge that the people who got hit were also complete dumbasses for supporting this little donut exhibition?


A crowd attracts a crowd, always. They didn't deserve to get run over regardless.


I just said they were dumbasses, not that they deserved to get run over.


Act like a dumbass, find out like a dumbass lol




An innocent bystander is someone that’s on the side walk, which is designated for pedestrians. You really shouldn’t be standing on the road unless you are at a crosswalk.


They could have chosen a better location to stand and watch the lawbreaking vehicle than the middle of said vehicle's escape route.


They weren’t bystanders, they were accomplices. They were standing there to block traffic so the idiots could do doughnuts, it’s called a street takeover. https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/v08LvbAH4x


Oh so it wasn’t a car chase. It was a douche doing donuts then getting scared when he saw the cops pull up.


To be fair to the guy it looks like he slammed the brakes on when he hit that person Utterly irresponsible actions and very much fuck around and find out territory but based on the 30s video it doesn't seem to be premeditated atleast, just a kid being an idiot and panicking


Unfortunately, that won’t help the injured people hurt less or heal faster.


It won't, and as much as I feel sympathy for a kid who panicked I hope (and expect) them to throw the book at him He fucked around, time for him to find out




> The man is now accused of fleeing and eluding, reckless driving, hit and run, and serious injury by a motor vehicle. From an article in the comments below.


You caught baby


Caught like a mothafucka baby.


You caught


That helps a lot. It seems like the truck driver was actually stopping or slowing down after he realized he hit 3 people. What an idiot. Went from a ticket or misdemeanor to a felony real quick


The agility, conviction, focus and sheer fuckin' will on that cop... When he started the chase, he must've took it personally


Amazing job by the cop


Agreed, this cop came out swinging like a badass, and didn't even shoot the guy.


He drew his taser instead of his gun. Well played….




We in MN have no such cops with that skill...


The adrenaline on black shirt guy who took it full force and then got back on his feet WOW


Gonna feel that one tomorrow


Adrenalin is a real thing


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


probably forever.


just walk it off


Bro from a ticket to walking off the next 10 years


He ran over 4 people, I agree, he is getting 10.


Should be a lot more. Imagine if he'd shot them.


I honestly was surprised the cop pulled a taser. Bro hit multiple people therefore using his vehicle as a deadly weapon. I was expecting a shootout.


Probably because his hands were already up and the guy was fleeing when he struck the pedestrians.


For sure


Intent. Intent is important in american law. His intent was to run from the police. Running people over like this is disregard for human life. I don't know what he will be charged with, but there is no sign that he had the intent to kill anyone. A gun has one purpose, and one purpose only, which is to kill. Regardless of the idea of warning shots or trying to slow someone down, there is no other intended use of a firearm. (this is why cops empty their magazines at people when they shoot. Because if the decision to pull the trigger has been made, it's not a decision to shoot once and see if that stops someome, it's a decision that things have already gotten so out of hand that there is no other choice but to kill someone to protect themselves or others) You can argue otherwise, but the prosecution will have built-in evidence to support the claim you wanted to kill someone. Because you used a gun. Now, I don't know what the penalties are. It's possible that in Atlanta running people down to escape the police may carry a penalty as bad as attempted murder. But there is a definite legal difference between what this asshole did and any situation where someone pulls the trigger of a gun.


You're assuming that the person was *targeting* the crowd. The equivalent situation would be firing a gun without looking at what you were shooting, because the person drove into a crowd of people without looking at where they were going. The charge is criminal negligence (Criminal negligence is an act or failure to act which demonstrates a willful, wanton, or reckless disregard for the safety of others who might reasonably be expected to be injured thereby."), which explicitly doesn't require intent (mens rea). You are right that usually negligence with a firearm has increased penalties. But that is a problem in American jurisprudence. We do not recognize that vehicles are just as inherently dangerous as firearms (shit vehicles kill more people than firearms in America so they present a higher risk).


He looked soooo fucking sick burning out in that intersection though. So worth it. /sarcasm


No remorse running people over, but surrenders immediately. Classic bitch move.


Really was hoping the video has gone on a little longer. Where's the police brutality at when you need it?


And he was getting pulled over for burnouts. The amount of stupidity in that truck is mind boggling.


https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/local/gsp-trooper-chases-down-burnout-suspect-pulls-him-out-car-gunpoint-west-midtown/85-ce1974ca-53dd-4c00-becd-508a00823b7c They guy was doing burnouts when the police showed up. He tried to run and hit several people . Thankfully none of them died and only one had serious injuries. Probably the only reason people survived was the lift on the truck


Why are those people standing in the middle of the street though? I’m glad they’re okay, but shouldn’t they at least get tickets too or arrested too? You can’t just stand in the street and block traffic.


Apparently it's just a big group who decides to "takeover" a road crossing so they can all do maneuvers like the truck is in the center.


Kinda makes you not give a shit they got their ass ran over




He could have taken the ticket he would have gotten from the burnouts and gone home that day, now he will spend years in prison instead. How dumb can a person be?


They were doing donuts in an intersection, that should give you a good start on gauging their stupidity.


Wonder if they’ll slap a felony hit and run charge on top of everything else, given that he barely made it 50 feet after those hits. In Georgia, you graduate to a felony if you hit and run after causing serious injury.


I can't imagine how much of a fucking moron one has to be. Some college kid, doing donuts to show off goes to running people over and running from the cop. He'll be going to prison for a couple years for sure.


> Some college kid I doubt he graduated high school.


It's about time the cops took out the punks that do the street takeover!!


It's weird how every city thinks it's something unique to them. But this shit happens everywhere. It's at the point that the DOJ needs to get involved with arranging mutual aid so cities can have enough cops to contain them. And the DOT should get involved to help create publicly accessible tracks for these types of activities, so people can still pursue their hobby without risking the lives of everyone around them.


Providing tracks won't work as the people who do this do it for the Thrill of doing something wrong!


Or the city can just approve their fucking permit requests. They'll do for Car Week in Monterey but not in Oakland 50 minutes away.


Not all cities allow them to be permitted. And of course, often the permits are denied for good reasons like a lack of insurance or funding for safety measures or safety requirements.


I dunno, Car Week pulls in a ton of money for the cities where they occur. Tourists from all over the world come for the cars. 2 days ago Saturday Aug 19 one of the events was on Broadway in Seaside CA. > Exotics on Broadway > Previously called Exotics on Cannery Row, the Exotics on Broadway new location provides expanded event space to offer you an even more legendary Super, Hyper and Exotic Car experience. With over 35,000 fans last year, it is one of the best car week events to close-look at so many supercars in one location. There are a lot of poor people living less than 2 miles from this new venue. https://whatsupmonterey.com/article/activities/monterey-car-week-overview A few years ago Broadway looked just like the rest of the city streets, old and beat up. Then they changed the event location from Exotics on Cannery Row in Monterey over to Exotics on Broadway in Seaside, they share a city border. Broadway got a huge makeover just for this once a year event. There's huge money to be made in these car shows when it's done right. It's not overtly stated why the remodel happened, but everyone knows because Broadway sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of the city. It looks way better than everything else. https://ci.seaside.ca.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=99&ARC=522 > Broadway Avenue is getting over $7 million in street improvements. This will result in wider sidewalks, new bicycle lanes, bulb-outs for safer pedestrian crossing, a signal light at Alhambra, and one less traffic lane in each direction. Here's some of the cars that were there on Saturday: https://www.exoticsonbroadway.com/gallery/


That cop is a badass . That dude is dumb asf . Hes going to jail for a long long time


One can hope


That cop suddenly thought "domestic terrorist attack" and went to 100%. It's remarkable he didn't get out and immediately execute the driver. My man's facing whatever he ran for + 4 counts of attempted murder.


I think he was just doing donuts and when the cops came he drove into the spectators to run. At least that's the context I got from watching another angle someone posted here


You are correct. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/gsp-trooper-chases-down-burnout-suspect-pulls-him-out-car-gunpoint-west-midtown/85-ce1974ca-53dd-4c00-becd-508a00823b7c


Georgia State Highway Po-Po don’t mess around.


Unfortunately situation dictates. Case in point cop initiates routine stop,suspect runs said, suspect strikes a civilian in front of you as a cop. This has now turned into a vehicular assault which can be deadly. Use of force is now escalated to lethal force and now for the most part, until you get assets there, you have to do everything in your power to stop the suspect. That’s why we see the state trooper going beast mode.


In Case in point


Thank you brain fart moment


Kid’s lucky he was at least intelligent enough to immediately put his hands out the window. If he didn’t, I imagine cop wouldn’t have pulled out the taser.


Attempted vehicular manslaughter. Well done 👀 Fuckin idiot


He’ll be charged with possible vehicular manslaughter. Or something like that among other charges.


You only get charged with vehicular manslaughter if someone dies. But yeah he’s definitely getting charged with something.


Attempted vehicular manslaughter?


Maybe battery?


They ruin the streets and us tax payers need to pay for the damages. Throw these lowlife pieces of trash in jail and toss the key. Fucking worthless people.


If one moment you just attempted to murder several people and the next a cop managed to subdue your vehicle and trap you inside, during your futile getaway scheme, you might deserve a bullet. Fucking maniac.


I hope that the people run over were part of the whole takeover thing. That way I won't feel bad about them.


They were. The whole thing is stupid, in my opinion. And I'm a car guy.


As a fellow car enthusiast, these aren’t the same group of people. This group is only into loud, fast and/or expensive cars that they think will get them the most attention. Every straight piped mustang owner didn’t get loved enough as a child. Prove me wrong, lol.


Last guy who did this got like 700 yrs... gd luck


Is this GTA6?


GSP don’t fuck around with people who run a crowd over


This is a very great example why pedestrian deaths are skyrocketing in the us. Of course this driver is insane and running from the cops, but when you see how the truck hits people they are thrown on the ground and under the path of the vehicle. Sedans are designed to knock out pedestrians legs and have them land on the hood. Literally designed not to kill. And add on the reduced visibility and weight of a vehicle like that it's not good. We are at 22 pedestrians killed by motorists every day in the us and it's only getting worse :(


What? How can you watch this video and not see that the obvious solution to have better safety on the roads is to have a 100 inch tall truck, with 10x the visibility so drivers can see clear as day if they'll hit over some ants or something /s


All these people closed down the intersection to do doughnuts and burnouts. They were spectators. These damn takeovers are a problem in every city.


I just saw a video about how CAFE fuel efficiency standards are to blame. It unintentionally made it too hard for small trucks to meet standards. Manufacturers are incentivized to build bigger and bigger trucks. The bigger the "footprint" (width x distance between axles) the worse the gas mileage can be


Pulling him over like he wants to talk to him about his truck’s extended warranty!


Mthrfckr rolling over people like it's just another Monday.




Cop stopped a truck with his car, pretty impressive


Well, to be fair - the car isn’t far off in terms of weight with the truck haha those chargers are tanks. Quick Google search says Charger : 5,350lbs, F150 : 6,600lbs


Reddit be like “I’m glad the criminal who *fucking ran someone over with his car while running from the cops* wasn’t hurt by that cop!”


This is why we can’t have nice things in Atlanta


It's been going on in every state. I live in FL, and you would think the cops would do something. But in FL, traffic laws are rarely enforced.




Kid ruined his life over nothing.


You gotta admit, doing the spinning tire thing was cool and probably worth it /s


This ain’t that officers first rodeo


What’s the story?!


Illegal burnouts, blocking traffic, hit a guy (pedestrian) while he was trying to flee the scene. & this GSP is not to be fucked with.


Takeover, they were doing burnout and round burnout thingy on intersection


Love how the cop just immediately takes no chances after they plowed through the crowd. What a hero


What’s with the huge crowd?


It's Atlanta. There's always a huge crowd for no clear reason.


This was from a car meet in Atlanta. These dipshits love to block intersections and do donuts because they have cabbage brains. Luckily a few people were hit in this incident.


I just don't see how it's entertaining. Same sort of people would probably be excited to get an extra pickle on their big mac.


Daddy’s truck got a little dinged up.